MarlinTPC  1.2.0
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
oNmarlintpcNamespace for the MarlinTPC Package: Reconstruction, Simulation, and Analysis of TPC data
oNtpcconddataNamespace for the TPCCondData Package: Provides TPC condition data objects for lccd
oCAddEmptyPedestalsProcessorAdds a collection of empty pedestals (pedestal and width set to 0) of all pads defined by GEAR
oCHepRepOutputProcessorHepRepOutputProcessor: This processor generates a HepRep Output file for a HepRep based event display program
oCHistogramTrackerDataProcessorProcessor to histogram the charge sum, the pulse maximum and the pulse length of TrackerData
oCPadGeometryCheckerPadGeometryCheckerProcessor: take the xml gear geometry file and print out simple stuff about the pad layout; basically completely copoied from the HepRepOutput by J
\CSelectNthEventsProcessorSelect a number n to use only every nth event by throwing a SkipEventException for all other ones