MarlinTPC  1.2.0
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marlintpc::BiasedResidualsProcessor Class Reference

Fill the residuals of the hits into an AIDA histogram. More...

#include <BiasedResidualsProcessor.h>

Inheritance diagram for marlintpc::BiasedResidualsProcessor:

Public Member Functions

virtual Processor * newProcessor ()
virtual void init ()
virtual void processRunHeader (lcio::LCRunHeader *run)
virtual void processEvent (lcio::LCEvent *evt)

Protected Attributes

std::string _inputColName
 the name of the input collection
std::string _relationsColName
 the name of the relatiobs collection to reference tracks
AIDA::IHistogram1D * _residualsXYHisto
 the residuals in the xy-plane
AIDA::IHistogram1D * _residualsZHisto
 the residuals in z (time)
AIDA::IHistogram2D * _residualsXY_vs_xr
 the residuals in the xy-plane vs x or r
AIDA::IHistogram2D * _residualsXY_vs_yphi
 the residuals in the xy-plane vs y or phi
AIDA::IHistogram2D * _residualsXY_vs_z
 the residuals in the xy-plane vs z
AIDA::IHistogram2D * _residualsZ_vs_xr
 the residuals in z vs x or r
AIDA::IHistogram2D * _residualsZ_vs_yphi
 the residuals z vs y or phi
AIDA::IHistogram2D * _residualsZ_vs_z
 the residuals z vs z
float _histogramMinValueXY
 Minimum value in xy histogram.
float _histogramMaxValueXY
 Maximum value in xy histogram.
float _histogramMinValueZ
 Minimum value in z histogram.
float _histogramMaxValueZ
 Maximum value in z histogram.
bool _applyCorrectionFactor
 Multiply residual with $sqrt{n / (n-dof)}$.
int _dofXY
 Degrees of freedom in the XY plane.
float _xrMin
 Minimal x or r for 2D histograms.
float _xrMax
 Maximal x or r for 2D histograms.
float _yphiMin
 Minimal y or phi for 2D histograms.
float _yphiMax
 Maximal y or phi for 2D histograms.
bool _forceCartesian
 Flag whether to force the histograms to cartesian values in case of polar TPC coordinates.

Detailed Description

Fill the residuals of the hits into an AIDA histogram.

Remember that LCIO::TRBIT_HITS has to be set, so the hits are stored. If ApplyCorrectionFactor is set the bias is corrected by $sqrt{n / (n-dof)}$, where dof is 2 for a straight line, 3 for a helix in xy, and 2 in z for all cases.

Input - Prerequisites


InputTrackesName of input Tracks collection (default: TPCTracks)
ReferenceTrackRelationsColName(optional) Name of the collection with relations to reference tracks (MC truth or hodoscope)
HistogramMinValueXYMinimum value in xy histogram (default: -0.3 mm)
HistogramMaxValueXYMaximal value in xy histogram (default: 0.3 mm)
HistogramMinValueZMinimum value in z histogram (default: -1.0 mm)
HistogramMaxValueZMaximal value in z histogram (default: 1.0 mm)
ApplyCorrectionFactorMultiply residual with $sqrt{n / (n-dof)}$ (default: true)
Attention: Turn the correction off when using reference tracks!
DoFXYDegrees of freedom in the XY plane (2 for straight line, 3 for helix) (default: 3)
Martin Killenberg, University of Bonn

Member Function Documentation

void marlintpc::BiasedResidualsProcessor::processEvent ( lcio::LCEvent *  evt)

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