MarlinTPC  1.2.0
Namespaces | Classes | Typedefs | Functions | Variables
marlintpc Namespace Reference

Namespace for the MarlinTPC Package: Reconstruction, Simulation, and Analysis of TPC data. More...


 a collection of the quality flagwords that are stored in the respective LCIO classes: these are collected into three different namespaces (for pulses, hits and tracks), and equipped with "global" functions (within this namespace) to ease the usage


class  AnalysisCutSelectorProcessor
 Applies cuts on all relevant track parameters. More...
class  BiasedResidualsProcessor
 Fill the residuals of the hits into an AIDA histogram. More...
class  ChargeQualityProcessor
 A processor to calculate the mean90 of the hit charge spectrum. More...
class  CollectDelayedHitsProcessor
 This processor searches for the so called "delayed hits" on tracks It creates two output collections: one containes only tracks with delayed hits, the other only tracks with "good" hits. More...
class  CutApplicationProcessor
 Applies cuts on all relevant track and hit parameters. More...
class  CutChipProcessor
 cut chip Processor of the MarlinTPC package . More...
class  dEdxProcessor
 A processor to calculate hitcharge per length unit taking into account the track length over the measurement row of the hit to evalutae the dEdx performance. More...
class  DistortionPerformanceProcessor
 Marlin processor for distortion analysis Computes the distortion along a row for all hits on input tracks. More...
class  GeometricMeanResidualsTupleProcessor
class  HistogramWidthExtractionTools
 A collection of tools to evaluate the width of a distribution in a histogram. More...
class  HitAnaProcessor
 Short description of processor. More...
class  HitAndTrackChargeProcessor
 Fill charge per hit and per track length into AIDA histograms. More...
class  HitAndTrackCounterProcessor
 Count hits in events and tracks, and tracks per event. More...
class  HitCorrelationProcessor
 Hit Correlation calculator. More...
class  HitDistancesProcessor
 Measures distances between two hits in a event. More...
class  HitQualityProcessor
 This processor creates histograms for the number of hits in over range and with dead channel. More...
class  InterTrackDistanceProcessor
 Marlin processor which plots the minimal inter-track distance per event and row in a histogram. More...
class  LinearGeometricMeanResolutionProcessor
 Resoltuion calculator for straight lines using the gemetric mean method. More...
class  LinearThreePointResolutionProcessor
 Resoltuion calculator for straight tracks using the three point method. More...
class  NoiseHitAndPulseCounterProcessor
 This processor counts hits and pulses not included in tracks. More...
class  OctoboardHitAndTrackChargeProcessor
 Fill charge per hit and per track length into AIDA histograms. More...
class  PadResponseProcessor
 Fills residulas of hits in 2D histograms against three different values: More...
class  PerPadPulseChargeHistogrammerProcessor
 Fill charge per pulse into AIDA histograms for each channel. More...
class  PixelSpectrumProcessor
 PixelClockFinderProcessor creates a ToT or ToA spectrum of all pixels on the chip and two occupancy plots: One for all pixel above a given threshold and one for all pixel below. More...
class  PRFPerformanceProcessor
 Marlin processor for PRF analysis. More...
class  PulseAnaProcessor
 Short description of processor. More...
class  PulseCounterProcessor
 Fills number of pulses per channel into AIDA histogram. More...
class  PulsePerHitProcessor
 This processor creates histograms for the number of pulses per hit and for the charge of the pulses. More...
class  PulseShapeProcessor
 This processor creates average pulse shapes for the maximum pulse in a hit and its neighbors. More...
class  ResolutionPerformanceProcessor
 Resolution calculator. More...
class  TimePixClusterSizeProcessor
 Fill the number of pixels in a cluster and the cluster radius in a histogram. More...
class  TimePixEventDisplayCreator
 The EVENT_DISPLAY_CREATOR is a class that allows to instantiate an EVENT_DISPLAY_CREATOR object ina any processor this is able to create an event display of any marlinTPC event. More...
class  TimePixOccupancyProcessor
 Count how many times a pixel has been hit on the TimePix chip. More...
class  TimePixTOTDistributionProcessor
 Creates XY Histo with mean Charge per Pixel. More...
class  TimePixTrackEventDisplayProcessor
 TimePixTrackEventDisplayProcessor draws all TrackerHits in an event as black dots (kFullDotMedium). More...
class  TrackFinderEvaluateProcessor
 Processor to evaluate the performance of the track finding algorithm. More...
class  TrackHitEfficiencyProcessor
 A processor to calculate the hit efficiency based on hits on tracksper row. More...
class  TrackParametersDistributionProcessor
 Fill AIDA histograms with all track parameters: phi, lambda, tan(lambda), d0, z0. More...
class  TripletCalculationTool
 A collection of tools to evaluate the width of a distribution in a histogram. More...
class  TripletResolutionPerformanceProcessor
 Resolution calculator. More...
class  WriteXrayObjectsToROOTTreeProcessor
class  XrayAnalysisProcessor
class  XrayCutApplicationProcessor
class  XrayEnergyCalibrationProcessor
class  XrayEventDisplayProcessor
class  XrayGeometryAnalysisProcessor
class  XrayGeometryService
class  XrayLikelihoodProcessor
class  XYZDistributionProcessor
 Fill the x, y, and z positions of all hits into an AIDA histogram. More...
class  XYZDistributionTracksProcessor
 Fill the x, y, and z positions of the hits on tracks into an AIDA histogram. More...
class  ZBinTemplateProcessor
 A template to create processors wich create 1D or 2D distribution histograms, one histogram per z bin. More...
class  ADC2PrimaryElectronFactorCalculatorProcessor
 A processor to calculate hitcharge per length unit taking into account the track length over the measurement row ofthe hit. More...
class  MMAdvancedCalibrationProcessor
 Basic overview: More...
class  MMRefitTool
class  MMScatterProcessor
 Basic overview: More...
class  PedestalCalculator
 Calculates the pedestals out of raw data. More...
class  SimplePedestalCalculatorProcessor
 The SimpePedestalCalculatorProcessor calculates the pedestal for each channel from all events in the run. More...
class  ChannelPosMap
 Helper class that creates (is) a simple map of hardware channel to position of the pad center (x,y) from a text file. More...
class  ColorMap
class  TrackerRawViewer
 Simple event display that visualizes TrackerRawData for the LCTPC large prototype with CED. More...
class  ADCPulse
 A base class interface which holds the raw data of the pulse and represents the ADC and its shaping amplifier. More...
class  ALTROADCPulse
 Implementation of the ALTRO electronics shaping and ADC. More...
class  ChargeDistributionProcessor
 This processor takes the coordinates of the drifted electrons and the charge from amplification and smears the charge on the padplane. More...
class  DriftProcessor
 Processor to drift primary electrons according to the characteristics of the choosen gas to pad plane. More...
class  EFieldVector
class  GaussianADCPulse
 A simple Gaussian shaping. More...
class  GEMProcessor
 This Processor takes drifted electrons and uses a triple GEM structure for amplification. More...
class  GlobalPadIndex
class  HitDistributor
class  InhEFieldCalculationProcessor
class  IonBackDriftProcessor
 This processor takes the charges on the pads an calculates the amount of backdrifting ions which appear at the x,y- position of the pad in the TPC. More...
class  IonsInVoxelsProcessor
 This processor takes all ions from the primary ionisation and stores there charges in voxels. More...
class  MokkaToVoxelProcessor
 The MokkaToVoxelProcessor is a fast digitisation processor. More...
class  TimePixDigitisationProcessor
 DOCU!!!!!!!!!!!!! More...
class  TPCElectronicsProcessor
 This processor applies the electronics shaping to the incoming electron signals. More...
class  TPCGas
 The TPCGas is a helper class containing a parametrisation of some gas mixtures It can be used by processors thet need to know drift velocity or diffusion properties Usage: create a gas with a name, set E and B field, then values are available through the get functions. More...
class  TPCVoxel
 An LCFixedObject class to store charge in voxels of a TPC. More...
class  VoxelTPC
 The VoxelTPC is a helper class containing a std::map of all TPCVoxels which contain charge. More...
class  ADCElectronicsListener
 Helper Class which provides access to the parameters of ADC Electroncis. More...
class  ADCPulseConverterProcessor
 Convert zero-suppressed ADC raw data to pulses. More...
class  ChannelCorrectionListener
 Helper Class which provides access to the ChannelCorrections for every event. More...
class  ChannelMappingListener
 Helper Class which provides access to the ADCChannelMappings for every event. More...
class  ChannelMappingProcessor
 Channel Mapping processor of the MarlinTPC package. More...
class  CountsToPrimaryElectronsProcessor
 CountsToPrimaryElectronsProcessor: converts FADC counts into primary electrons (assumes a linear gain needing no corrections) More...
class  FieldSettingListener
 Helper Class which provides access to the field settings for every event. More...
class  GainCorrectorProcessor
 GainCorrectorProcessor: Applies a gain correction to LCIO::TrackerPulse collection by dividing the stored charge values by the factor given in the ChannelCorrection conditions collection. More...
class  ModuleDistortionCalculator
 Class to calculate distortions per row along the row. More...
class  ModuleDistortionCalculatorProcessor
 Marlin processor for distortion analysis Takes two collections each of type track. More...
class  ModuleDistortionCorrectionProcessor
class  PedestalListener
 Helper Class which provides access to the pedestals for every event. More...
class  PedestalSubtractorProcessor
 Pedestal subtracting processor of the MarlinTPC package. More...
class  RawDataCutterProcessor
 This processor is used to select in the raw data only a part of the time spectrum, in fact shortening the time window of the data acquired. More...
class  TimeShiftCorrectorProcessor
 Processor to apply time offset correction to individual channels. More...
class  TPCConditionsListener
 Helper Class which provides access to the TPC conditions for every event. More...
class  TPCDistortionsMapListener
 Helper Class which provides access to the distortions information produced with the photodot system. More...
class  TrackerRawDataToDataConverterProcessor
 raw data converting Processor of the MarlinTPC package . More...
class  BiasCalculatorProcessor
class  BiasCorrectorProcessor
class  HitCandidate
 A helper class for hit parameter calculation. More...
class  HitSplitter
 The hit splitter separates hits that are merged. More...
class  HitSplitterProcessor
 The HitSplitterProcessor searches for minima in the pad response and splits the hit. More...
class  HitTimeRecalculationProcessor
 This processor recalculates the time of the hit based on the highest pulse in the hit according to the choosen time evaluation method. More...
class  HitTrackFinderTopoProcessor
 The HitTrackFinderTopoProcessor searches for hits and groups contiguous areas to track candidates. More...
class  MMHitFinderProcessor
class  MMHitTimeCorrectionProcessor
 Processor to calculate a more accurate time estimate for Micromegas hits. More...
class  MMPadResponseFunction
class  MMPulseShapeFunction
class  PadResponseFunctionGEM
 Functionality to evaluate the pad response function for a hit. More...
class  PedSubRawDataFilterProcessor
 Filter Processor for the Pedestal Subtracted Raw Data. More...
class  PRFHitBuilderProcessor
 A processor to improve the hit ionformation based on information from a pad response function (PRF). More...
class  PulseFilterProcessor
 Processor which removes pulses with certain properties. More...
class  PulseFinder
 The PulseFinder class is working horse of the ModularPulseFinderProcessor. More...
class  PulseFinderProcessor
 This processor creates lcio::TrackerPulse objects from lcio::TrackerData. More...
class  RowBasedHitFinderProcessor
 A hit finder for row based (pad) geometries It searches for connected pulses in a row and combines them into a hit. More...
class  RowCutApplicationProcessor
class  SignalSplitter
 The signal splitter sparates signals of overlapping pulses. More...
class  SimplePadResponseCorrectionProcessor
 a pad response correction processor simple in the sense, that no track direction is taken into account More...
class  TopoFinder
 TopoFinder contains finding algorithms for clusters of TrackerPulses. More...
class  TrackFinderHoughTrafoProcessor
 uses the hough transformation to find hits on straight tracks. More...
class  ElectronCloudFinderProcessor
 The ElectronCloudFinderProcessor searches for hits and groups contiguous areas to track candidates. More...
class  NeighbouringPadsObject
 A helper class which stores information about the neighbouring pads of a specific pad. More...
class  NeighbouringPadHandler
class  PhotodotLikelihood
 This helper class is used to calculate the likelihood function while fitting photodots. More...
struct  Element2D
class  PhotoelectricDistortionsCalculator
class  PhotoelectricLikelihoodSeederProcessor
 PhotoelectricLikelihoodSeederProcessor: prepares the photoelectric data for fitting. More...
class  PhotoelectricPulseExtractionProcessor
 PhotoelectricPulseExtractionProcessor: takes the input pulse collection, finds the ones which are most-likely to be photoelectric pulses and puts them into another collection. More...
struct  Photodot
struct  Photoline
class  PhotoelectricXMLFile
 This provides some tools on handling the xml file used to store information on the Photoelectric analysis. More...
class  CompareByCharge
class  GridPixPixelClusterProcessor
class  GridPixXrayObject
class  GridPixXrayObjectCalculatorProcessor
class  InGridSimpleClusterFinder
 Converts tracker data objects to tracker hits by dividing every multihit into single hits. More...
class  TimePixCalibrationProcessor
 Calibration data converting Processor of the MarlinTPC package . More...
class  TimePixClusterFinderProcessor
 Clusterfinding Processor of the MarlinTPC package . More...
class  TimePixClusterProjectionSeparatorProcessor
 converts TrackerHits of a TimePix into further separated TrackerHits, by projecting them onto their own clusteraxis. More...
class  TimePixHighTOTAnalyserProcessor
 Analysis Processor of MarlinTPC for TimePix Events with extraordinary high TOT values. More...
class  TimePixHitCenterCalculatorProcessor
 calculates the center of gravity of each cluster, weighted by charge information. More...
class  TimePixHitSorterProcessor
 sorts TimePixHits in y,x,z (in that order). More...
class  TimePixMapHandlerProcessor
 reads in conditionsdata objects TimePixModeMap and TimePixStatusMap and unifies them to the TimePixMap More...
class  TimePixMultiChipBoardDividerProcessor
 TimePixMultiChipBoardDividerProcessor of the MarlinTPC package . More...
class  TimePixPixelInterpolationProcessor
 Analysis Processor of MarlinTPC for TimePix Events with extraordinary high TOT values. More...
class  TimePixRemoveMaskedPixelsProcessor
 remove masked pixels Processor of the MarlinTPC package . More...
class  TimePixZeroSuppressionProcessor
 zero suppression Processor of the MarlinTPC package . More...
class  excentricity
class  CutHitsOnTracksProcessor
 CutHitsOnTracksProcessor is a Cut application Processor to be applied on reconstructed hits of a track. More...
class  gblHelperHit
 Helper hit. More...
class  trackerAlcaCalculator
 User defined class to calculate global derivatives for Millepede-II. More...
class  trackerAlcaSelector
 User defined class to select tracks for Millepede-II. More...
class  HitsInTracksSplitterProcessor
 The HitsInTracksSplitterProcessor splits hits with the same algorithm than the HitSpliterProcessor. More...
class  KalTrackingBase
 This is a base KalDet tracking class. More...
class  KalTrackingHelix
 This is the helix track class, which inherits from KalTrackingTemplate and TKalTrack. More...
class  KalTrackingStraight
 This is the straight track class, which inherits from AttKalTrack. More...
class  KalTrackingTemplate
 This is a base KalDet tracking class. More...
class  LinearRegressionProcessor
 LinearRegressionProcessor performs a linear regression on the hits in seed tracks. More...
class  LinearTrackRegression
 Helper class to perform a linear regression on a track. More...
class  PathFinderInterfaceProcessor
 Short description of processor. More...
class  RowBasedFastHoughTransformationProcessor
 Track finder based on Fast Hough Transformation. More...
class  rb_HyperPlane
 Row based hyperplane. More...
class  rb_HyperCube
 Row based hypercubes. More...
class  RowTripletBasedTrackFinderProcessor
 Track finder based on triplets of rows. More...
class  rb_Hit
 Row based hit. More...
class  rb_Doublet
 Row based doublet. More...
class  rb_Triplet
 Row based triplet. More...
class  rb_Segment
 Row based segment. More...
class  simpleEquiClasses
 Equivalence classes. More...
class  SimpleChiSquareResidualsFunction
 The Minuit2 fitter function to calculate the $\chi^2$ of the residuals. More...
class  SimpleHelixGeneralBrokenLineInterfaceProcessor
 Using GBL with a simple helix. More...
class  simpleHelix
 Simple Helix. More...
class  localHelix
 Local Helix. More...
class  simpleFitXY
 Simple fit in XY. More...
class  simpleFitZS
 Simple fit in ZS. More...
class  SimpleMinimizerResidualsFunction
 The Minuit2 fitter function to calculate the squared sum of the residuals. More...
class  SimpleTrackSeederProcessor
 SimpleTrackSeederProcessor takes the TrackerHits of each track and calculates initial track parameters to have a seed for fitting algorithms. More...
class  StepWiseHelixGeneralBrokenLineInterfaceProcessor
 Using GBL with a step-wise helix. More...
struct  StraightTrackParameters
 A helper struct to store track parameters for KalTrackingStraight. More...
class  TimePixLocalRoadSearchProcessor
 Track finder for TimePix data based on local road search. More...
class  tp_Pixel
 TimePix pixel. More...
class  tp_MacroPixel
 TimePix macro pixel. More...
class  tp_PixelBin
 TimePix (macro) pixel bin. More...
class  tp_PixelRoad
 TimePix (macro) pixel road. More...
class  tp_PixelSegment
 TimePix pixel segment. More...
class  tp_PixelChip
 TimePix pixel chip. More...
class  tp_PixelSegmentCombiner
 TimePix pixel segment combiner. More...
class  TPCHit_FixCellIDs_forTracking
 Fix in TPC TrackerHits: More...
class  TPCHit_FixErrors_forTracking
 Fix in TPC TrackerHits: More...
class  TPCHitDomain
struct  MarlinTPCHit
 This is hits management class for TPC. More...
struct  ModuleRowHit
 Struct to hold module and row and a hit in this row. More...
class  ModuleRowHitListSorter
 A helper function to allow sorting of a std::list of ModuleRowHits according to their distance to a reference position. More...
class  TPCHitMap
class  TrackConnection
class  TrackFinderRectangularProcessor
 Processor to find linear tracks using linear regression, based on a modified version of the track following algorithm. More...
class  TrackFitterBase
 The TrackFitterBase is a virtual class from which the actual track fitters are derived. More...
class  TrackFitterFactory
 The TrackFitterFactory is an interface to handle track fitters. More...
class  TrackFitterKalman
 Kalman filter track fitter. More...
class  TrackFitterKalmanProcessor
 A processor which instantiates a TrackFitterKalman and fits the tracks with it. More...
class  TrackFitterLikelihoodProcessor
 TrackFitterLikelihoodProcessor : This class takes post-amplified data from a readout pad and reconstructs the track based on the location of each signal. More...
class  TrackFitterLinearRegression
class  TrackFitterLinearRegressionProcessor
 A processor which instantiates a TrackFitterLinearRegression and fits the tracks with it. More...
class  TrackFitterSimpleChiSquare
 Simple $\chi^2$ implementation of a track fitter. More...
class  TrackFitterSimpleChiSquarePads
 $\chi^2$ fitter which takes into account the pad geometry. More...
class  TrackFitterSimpleChiSquareProcessor
 A processor which instantiates a TrackFitterSimpleChiSquare and fits the tracks with it. More...
class  TrackFitterSimpleHelix
class  TrackFitterSimpleHelixProcessor
 A processor which instantiates a TrackFitterSimpleHelix and fits the tracks with it. More...
class  TrackFitterSimpleMinimizer
 Simple $\chi^2$-like fitter which sets all errors to 1. More...
class  TrackFitterSimpleMinimizerProcessor
 A processor which instantiates a TrackFitterSimpleMinimizer and fits the tracks with it. More...
class  TrackMakingKalmanFilterProcessor
 This is processor which uses KalTrackingBase class and its derived classes(i.e. More...
class  TrackMergerProcessor
 This is a processor for TrackFitterKalmanProcessor for Multi Module. More...
class  TrackSeederProcessor
 TrackSeederProcessor takes the TrackerHits of each track and calculates initial track parameters to have a seed for fitting algorithms. More...
class  TimePixHoughTransformNormalProcessor
 Take an inputCollection of TrackerHits, treat those TrackerHits in groups (based on their CellID1(cihpID)) and reconstruct Tracks for each group separately. More...
class  PrimaryIonisationProcessor
 Processor to create primary ionisation from MCParticles passing the TPC. More...
class  ChargeSignal
 ChargeSignal : A parameterized signal on a pad. More...
class  CloudToSimTrackerHitProcessor
 CloudToSimTrackerHitProcessor: This processor takes as input a collection of TPCElectronClouds and returns a collection of SimTrackerHits. More...
class  ElectronCloud
 ElectronCloud : A cloud of electrons. More...
class  ElectronCloudChargeDepositProcessor
 ElectronCloudChargeDepositProcessor : This processor takes clouds of electrons and parameterizes the charge they place on the readout electronics. More...
class  ElectronCloudDrifterProcessor
 ElectronCloudDrifterProcessor : This processor takes a collection of electron clouds from a previous processor and drifts them a supplied distance. More...
class  ElectronCloudGEMAmplificationProcessor
 ElectronCloudGEMAmplificationProcessor : This processor takes a cloud of electrons and passes it through a GEM simulating an electron avalanche. More...
class  PrimaryCloudIonisationProcessor
 PrimaryCloudIonisationProcessor : This processor takes SimTrackerHits from a simulation (such as Mokka) which contain the position and energy deposits inside the TPC and creates electron clouds from those which can be drifted through the TPC. More...
class  SignalCombinerProcessor
 SignalCombinerProcessor : This processor takes the individual shaped signals (could be more than one per pad) and combines them into one signal. More...
class  SignalDigitisationProcessor
 SignalDigitisationProcessor : This processor takes TrackerData from the simulation and turns it into digital TrackerRawData. More...
class  SignalShaperGaussianProcessor
 SignalShaperGaussianProcessor : This processor takes parameterized charge signals and turns them into a gaussian shaped signal. More...
class  PhotoelectricPulseProcessor
 PhotoelectricPulseProcessor : This processor takes a file containing positions of photosensitive dots and lines and simulates them being hit by a pulse of photons. More...
class  BFieldMapListener
 listener class derived from LCCD::IConditionsChangeListener accesses the bfield map object More...
class  CGAElectricField
 GEARElectricField : An electric field which gets it's values from Mokka through CGA (Common Geometry Access). More...
class  CGAMagneticField
 CGAMagneticField : A magnetic field which gets it's values from Mokka through CGA (Common Geometry Access). More...
class  ConstantUnidirectionalMagneticField
 ConstantUnidirectionalMagneticField : A constant magnetic field. More...
class  Cylindrical2DMagneticField
 Cylindrical2DMagneticField : A magnetic field from a cylindrical 2d field map (r and z) More...
class  Cylindrical2DMagneticFieldMap
 Cylindrical2DMagneticFieldMap : A magnetic field from a cylindrical 2d field map (r and z) More...
class  Cylindrical3DMagneticField
 Cylindrical3DMagneticField : A magnetic field from a cylindrical 3d field map (r, phi and z) More...
class  DIDZMapMagneticField
 DIDZMapMagneticField : A magnetic field from a DID map (mapped in z) More...
class  Field
 Field : A base interface to an electric or magnetic field. More...
class  FieldMapReader
 FieldReader : A reader for field maps. More...
class  GEARMagneticField
 GEARMagneticField : A magnetic field which is basically just a wrapper to accessing the global GEAR field. More...
class  GlobalFieldProcessor
 GlobalFieldProcessor : This processor manages the fields used in MarlinTPC. More...
class  IdealSolenoidField
 IdealSolenoidField : An ideal cylindrical solenoid field. More...
class  MagneticField
 MagneticField : A base interface to a magnetic field. More...
class  SolenoidZMapMagneticField
 SolenoidZMapMagneticField : A magnetic field from a solenoid map (mapped in z) More...
class  UnitBiDirectionalElectricField
 UnitBiDirectionalElectricField : An electric field which is +1Vin the +z direction when z > 0 and -1V in the -z direction when z < 0. More...
class  IntersectionCalculator
 A helper class to calculate the intersections of. More...
class  RelativePosition
 RelativePosition: An LCObject to hold a translation and two possible angles. More...
class  AidaPerEventCommitterProcessor
 Aidahistogramm committer processor. More...
class  ClockSyncProcessor
 This Processor shifts hits of the RCU which is out of sync. More...
class  DrawMagneticFieldProcessor
class  LoadDataFileProcessor
 reads in an additional lcio file and adds all available collections to the event with the same event number More...
class  LoadFieldFromConditionsDataProcessor
 Processor to load the field map from conditions data into GEAR. More...
class  TestFieldSettingProcessor
 Processor to test the field setting listener. More...
class  TestTPCDistortionsMapProcessor
 Processor skeleton for MARLIN. More...
class  TPCHitToTrackerDataConverterProcessor
 TPCHit data converting Processor of the MarlinTPC package . More...
class  ADCRawEventDisplayProcessor
 This processor creates one histogram with the raw data of each channel. More...
class  ChargeOnPadsVisualisationProcessor
 This processor fills an 2D root histogram which represents the pad plane. More...
class  DumpEventProcessor
 dumps events to shell More...
class  DumpHitsInTracksProcessor
 Dump the coordinates of the hits in the tracks. More...
class  DumpHitsProcessor
 Dump the coordinates of all hits in the hits collection. More...
class  DumpNTracksProcessor
 Dump the coordinates of the hits in the tracks. More...
class  DumpPadCentresProcessor
 Dump the coordinates of pad centres of pads correcponding to pulses. More...
class  DumpResidualsProcessor
 Dump the residuals of the hits in the tracks. More...
class  DumpSimTrackerHitsProcessor
 Dump the coordinates of all hits in a SimTrackerHits collection. More...
class  HistogramSimTrackerHitChargeSpectrumProcessor
 Histogram the charge of SimTrackerHits in units of e (hardcoded value 26 eV for Argon). More...
class  PrintEventNumberProcessor
 Prints event numbers to the screen depending on the EveryNEvents variable. More...
class  SwapXYProcessor
 SwapXYProcessor swaps the x and the y coordinate of TrackerHits. More...
class  TimePixEventHistoProcessor
 Creates one aida histogram per chip and event. More...
class  KalTrackingHelixTester
 Class to test KalTrackingHelix. More...
class  PulseFinderTester
 A class which is friend of PulseFinder so it can access the protected members for testing. More...


typedef void(* colorMapFunc )(unsigned int *, float, float, float)
 This class has been obtained from under the GNU licence. More...
typedef std::vector< double > DoubleVec
typedef std::vector< int > intListType
typedef std::vector< double > doubleListType
typedef std::vector
< doubleListType > 
typedef std::vector
< rb_HyperPlane * > 
typedef std::vector< rb_Hit * > hitListType
typedef std::map< int,
hitListType > 
typedef std::map< int,
rowHitMapType > 
typedef std::vector< rb_Triplet * > trpListType
typedef std::vector< rb_Segment * > segListType
typedef std::map< int,
segListType > 
typedef std::pair< int, double > indexArcPair
typedef std::pair< double, double > arcVarPair
typedef std::vector< tp_Pixel * > pixelListType
typedef std::map< int,
pixelListType > 
typedef std::vector
< tp_MacroPixel * > 
typedef std::pair
< tp_MacroPixel
*, tp_MacroPixel * > 
typedef std::vector
< macroPixelPairType > 
typedef std::map< int,
macroPixelPairListType > 
typedef std::vector
< tp_PixelBin * > 
typedef std::vector
< tp_PixelSegment * > 
typedef std::map< int,
pixelSegmentListType > 
typedef std::vector
< tp_PixelChip * > 
typedef std::set< MarlinTPCHit >
typedef std::pair< int, int > ModuleRow
typedef std::map< ModuleRow,
std::set< MarlinTPCHit > > 


std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const EFieldVector &efv)
 Operator to stream the vector information to an outstream: More...
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const TPCVoxel &tv)
 Operator to stream the voxel information to an outstream: More...
CLHEP::Hep2Vector calculateSeed (const std::set< lcio::TrackerPulse * > &pulses, const gear::TPCParameters &tpc_parameters, IMPL::TrackerHitImpl *seed_photodot=0)
 The given TrackerPulse set is used to sum up all positions with the charge of the pulse as weight. More...
bool doLikelihoodFit (const lcio::TrackerHit &seed, lcio::TrackerHitImpl *fit_result, double sigma, bool fitSigma=false)
 Perform the Likelihood fit using the PhotodotLikelihood class. More...
CLHEP::Hep2Vector calculateSeed (const std::set< lcio::TrackerPulse * > &pulses, const gear::TPCParameters &tpc_parameters, TrackerHitImpl *seed_photodot)
bool doLikelihoodFit (const TrackerHit &seed, TrackerHitImpl *fit_result, double sigma, bool fitSigma)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const GridPixXrayObject &xray)
static bool compare (pair< unsigned int, float > one, pair< unsigned int, float > two)
TMatrixD localHelixAnalyticalJacobian (double ds, double qbyp, Vector3D &t1, Vector3D &t2, Vector3D &bc)
 Get analytical helix propagator (in constant magnetic field) More...
static bool comparePixelsZ (tp_Pixel *one, tp_Pixel *two)
static bool comparePixelsS (tp_Pixel *one, tp_Pixel *two)
static bool compareSegments (tp_PixelSegment *one, tp_PixelSegment *two)
double xi (double upsilon, double sigma)
double eta_old (double b, double phi, double sigma, double height, double width)
double eta (const double a, const double del, const double sigma, const double phi)
double lambda (const double a, const double del, const double sigma, const double phi)
double lambda_taylor (const double a, const double height, const double sigma, const double phi)
Cylindrical2DMagneticField aCylindrical2DMagneticField ()


AnalysisCutSelectorProcessor aAnalysisCutSelectorProcessor
BiasedResidualsProcessor aBiasedResidualsProcessor
ChargeQualityProcessor aChargeQualityProcessor
CollectDelayedHitsProcessor aCollectDelayedHitsProcessor
CutApplicationProcessor aCutApplicationProcessor
CutChipProcessor aCutChipProcessor
dEdxProcessor adEdxProcessor
DistortionPerformanceProcessor aDistortionPerformanceProcessor
GeometricMeanResidualsTupleProcessor aGeometricMeanResidualsTupleProcessor
HitAnaProcessor aHitAnaProcessor
HitAndTrackChargeProcessor aHitAndTrackChargeProcessor
HitAndTrackCounterProcessor aHitAndTrackCounterProcessor
HitCorrelationProcessor aHitCorrelationProcessor
int _maxRow
 maximum number of rows on the endplate
HitDistancesProcessor aHitDistancesProcessor
HitQualityProcessor aHitQualityProcessor
InterTrackDistanceProcessor aInterTrackDistanceProcessor
LinearGeometricMeanResolutionProcessor aLinearGeometricMeanResolutionProcessor
LinearThreePointResolutionProcessor aLinearThreePointResolutionProcessor
NoiseHitAndPulseCounterProcessor aNoiseHitAndPulseCounterProcessor
OctoboardHitAndTrackChargeProcessor aOctoboardHitAndTrackChargeProcessor
PadResponseProcessor aPadResponseProcessor
PerPadPulseChargeHistogrammerProcessor aPerPadPulseChargeHistogrammerProcessor
 Necessary instance of the processor.
PixelSpectrumProcessor aPixelSpectrumProcessor
PRFPerformanceProcessor aPRFPerformanceProcessor
PulseAnaProcessor aPulseAnaProcessor
PulseCounterProcessor aPulseCounterProcessor
 Necessary instance of the processor.
PulsePerHitProcessor aPulsePerHitProcessor
PulseShapeProcessor aPulseShapeProcessor
ResolutionPerformanceProcessor aResolutionPerformanceProcessor
TimePixClusterSizeProcessor aTimePixClusterSizeProcessor
TimePixOccupancyProcessor aTimePixOccupancyProcessor
TimePixTOTDistributionProcessor aTimePixTOTDistributionProcessor
TimePixTrackEventDisplayProcessor aTimePixTrackEventDisplayProcessor
TrackFinderEvaluateProcessor aTrackFinderEvaluateProcessor
TrackHitEfficiencyProcessor aTrackHitEfficiencyProcessor
TrackParametersDistributionProcessor aTrackParametersDistributionProcessor
TripletResolutionPerformanceProcessor aTripletResolutionPerformanceProcessor
WriteXrayObjectsToROOTTreeProcessor aWriteXrayObjectsToROOTTreeProcessor
XrayAnalysisProcessor aXrayAnalysisProcessor
XrayCutApplicationProcessor aXrayCutApplicationProcessor
XrayEnergyCalibrationProcessor aXrayEnergyCalibrationProcessor
XrayEventDisplayProcessor aXrayEventDisplayProcessor
XrayGeometryAnalysisProcessor aXrayGeometryAnalysisProcessor
XrayLikelihoodProcessor aXrayLikelihoodProcessor
XYZDistributionProcessor aXYZDistributionProcessor
XYZDistributionTracksProcessor aXYZDistributionTracksProcessor
ADC2PrimaryElectronFactorCalculatorProcessor aADC2PrimaryElectronFactorCalculatorProcessor
MMAdvancedCalibrationProcessor aMMAdvancedCalibrationProcessor
MMScatterProcessor aMMScatterProcessor
PedestalCalculator aPedestalCalculator
SimplePedestalCalculatorProcessor aSimplePedestalCalculatorProcessor
ChargeDistributionProcessor aChargeDistributionProcessor
DriftProcessor aDriftProcessor
GEMProcessor aGEMProcessor
InhEFieldCalculationProcessor aInhEFieldCalculationProcessor
IonBackDriftProcessor aIonBackDriftProcessor
IonsInVoxelsProcessor aIonsInVoxelsProcessor
MokkaToVoxelProcessor aMokkaToVoxelProcessor
TimePixDigitisationProcessor aTimePixDigitisationProcessor
TPCElectronicsProcessor aTPCElectronicsProcessor
ADCPulseConverterProcessor aADCPulseConverterProcessor
ChannelMappingProcessor aChannelMappingProcessor
ModuleDistortionCalculatorProcessor aModuleDistortionCalculatorProcessor
ModuleDistortionCorrectionProcessor aModuleDistortionCorrectionProcessor
PedestalSubtractorProcessor aPedestalSubtractorProcessor
RawDataCutterProcessor aRawDataCutterProcessor
TimeShiftCorrectorProcessor aTimeShiftCorrectorProcessor
TrackerRawDataToDataConverterProcessor aTrackerRawDataToDataConverterProcessor
BiasCalculatorProcessor aBiasCalculatorProcessor
BiasCorrectorProcessor aBiasCorrectorProcessor
HitSplitterProcessor aHitSplitterProcessor
HitTimeRecalculationProcessor aHitTimeRecalculationProcessor
HitTrackFinderTopoProcessor aHitTrackFinderTopoProcessor
MMHitFinderProcessor aMMHitFinderProcessor
MMHitTimeCorrectionProcessor aMMHitTimeCorrectionProcessor
PedSubRawDataFilterProcessor aPedSubRawDataFilterProcessor
PRFHitBuilderProcessor aPRFHitBuilderProcessor
PulseFilterProcessor aPulseFilterProcessor
PulseFinderProcessor aPulseFinderProcessor
RowBasedHitFinderProcessor aRowBasedHitFinderProcessor
RowCutApplicationProcessor aRowCutApplicationProcessor
SimplePadResponseCorrectionProcessor aSimplePadResponseCorrectionProcessor
TrackFinderHoughTrafoProcessor aTrackFinderHoughTrafoProcessor
ElectronCloudFinderProcessor aElectronCloudFinderProcessor
PhotodotReconstructionProcessor aPhotodotReconstructionProcessor
PhotoelectricLikelihoodSeederProcessor aPhotoelectricLikelihoodSeederProcessor
PhotoelectricProjectionFinder aPhotoelectricProjectionFinder
PhotoelectricPulseExtractionProcessor aPhotoelectricPulseExtractionProcessor
GridPixPixelClusterProcessor aGridPixPixelClusterProcessor
GridPixXrayObjectCalculatorProcessor aGridPixXrayObjectCalculatorProcessor
InGridSimpleClusterFinder aInGridSimpleClusterFinder
TimePixCalibrationProcessor aTimePixCalibrationProcessor
TimePixClusterFinderProcessor aTimePixClusterFinderProcessor
TimePixClusterProjectionSeparatorProcessor aTimePixClusterProjectionSeparatorProcessor
TimePixHighTOTAnalyserProcessor aTimePixHighTOTAnalyserProcessor
TimePixHitCenterCalculatorProcessor aTimePixHitCenterCalculatorProcessor
TimePixHitSorterProcessor aTimePixHitSorterProcessor
TimePixMapHandlerProcessor aTimePixMapHandlerProcessor
TimePixMultiChipBoardDividerProcessor aTimePixMultiChipBoardDividerProcessor
TimePixPixelInterpolationProcessor aTimePixPixelInterpolationProcessor
TimePixRemoveMaskedPixelsProcessor aTimePixRemoveMaskedPixelsProcessor
TimePixZeroSuppressionProcessor aTimePixZeroSuppressionProcessor
int nCube
 cube counter
CutHitsOnTracksProcessor aCutHitsOnTracksProcessor
HitsInTracksSplitterProcessor aHitsInTracksSplitterProcessor
LinearRegressionProcessor aLinearRegressionProcessor
RowBasedFastHoughTransformationProcessor aRowBasedFastHoughTransformationProcessor
RowTripletBasedTrackFinderProcessor aRowTripletBasedTrackFinderProcessor
SimpleTrackSeederProcessor aSimpleTrackSeederProcessor
TimePixHoughTransformNormalProcessor aTimePixHoughTransformNormalProcessor
TimePixLocalRoadSearchProcessor aTimePixLocalRoadSearchProcessor
TPCHit_FixCellIDs_forTracking aTPCHit_FixCellIDs_forTracking
TPCHit_FixErrors_forTracking aTPCHit_FixErrors_forTracking
TrackFinderRectangularProcessor aTrackFinderRectangularProcessor
TrackFitterLikelihoodProcessor aTrackFitterLikelihoodProcessor
TrackFitterLinearRegressionProcessor aTrackFitterLinearRegressionProcessor
TrackFitterSimpleChiSquareProcessor aTrackFitterSimpleChiSquareProcessor
TrackFitterSimpleHelixProcessor aTrackFitterSimpleHelixProcessor
TrackFitterSimpleMinimizerProcessor aTrackFitterSimpleMinimizerProcessor
TrackMergerProcessor aTrackMergerProcessor
TrackSeederProcessor aTrackSeederProcessor
PrimaryIonisationProcessor aPrimaryIonisationProcessor
CloudToSimTrackerHitProcessor aCloudToSimTrackerHitProcessor
ElectronCloudChargeDepositProcessor anElectronCloudChargeDepositProcessor
ElectronCloudDrifterProcessor anElectronCloudDrifterProcessor
ElectronCloudGEMAmplificationProcessor anElectronCloudGEMAmplificationProcessor
PrimaryCloudIonisationProcessor aPrimaryCloudIonisationProcessor
SignalCombinerProcessor aSignalCombinerProcessor
SignalDigitisationProcessor aSignalDigitisationProcessor
SignalShaperGaussianProcessor aSignalShaperGaussianProcessor
PhotoelectricPulseProcessor aPhotoelectricPulseProcessor
ConstantUnidirectionalMagneticField aConstantUnidirectionalMagneticField
Cylindrical3DMagneticField aCylindrical3DMagneticField
DIDZMapMagneticField aDIDZMapMagneticField
GEARMagneticField aGEARMagneticField
GlobalFieldProcessor aGlobalFieldProcessor
IdealSolenoidField anIdealSolenoidField
SolenoidZMapMagneticField aSolenoidZMapMagneticField
UnitBiDirectionalElectricField aUnitBiDirectionalElectricField
AidaPerEventCommitterProcessor aAidaPerEventCommitterProcessor
ClockSyncProcessor aClockSyncProcessor
DrawMagneticFieldProcessor aDrawMagneticFieldProcessor
LoadDataFileProcessor aLoadDataFileProcessor
LoadFieldFromConditionsDataProcessor aLoadFieldFromConditionsDataProcessor
TestFieldSettingProcessor aTestFieldSettingProcessor
TestTPCDistortionsMapProcessor aTestTPCDistortionsMapProcessor
TPCHitToTrackerDataConverterProcessor aTPCHitToTrackerDataConverterProcessor
ADCRawEventDisplayProcessor anADCRawEventDisplayProcessor
ChargeOnPadsVisualisationProcessor aChargeOnPadsVisualisationProcessor
DumpEventProcessor aDumpEventProcessor
DumpHitsInTracksProcessor aDumpHitsInTracksProcessor
DumpHitsProcessor aDumpHitsProcessor
DumpNTracksProcessor aDumpNTracksProcessor
DumpPadCentresProcessor aDumpPadCentresProcessor
DumpResidualsProcessor aDumpResidualsProcessor
DumpSimTrackerHitsProcessor aDumpSimTrackerHitsProcessor
HistogramSimTrackerHitChargeSpectrumProcessor aHistogramSimTrackerHitChargeSpectrumProcessor
PrintEventNumberProcessor aPrintEventNumberProcessor
SwapXYProcessor aSwapXYProcessor
TimePixEventHistoProcessor aTimePixEventHistoProcessor

Detailed Description

Namespace for the MarlinTPC Package: Reconstruction, Simulation, and Analysis of TPC data.

Please fill in some more detailed and sensible documentation for the namespace.

Typedef Documentation

typedef void(* marlintpc::colorMapFunc)(unsigned int *, float, float, float)

This class has been obtained from under the GNU licence.

Minor modifications by:

: S.Daraszewicz
: 28.08.08

Function Documentation

CLHEP::Hep2Vector marlintpc::calculateSeed ( const std::set< lcio::TrackerPulse * > &  pulses,
const gear::TPCParameters &  tpc_parameters,
IMPL::TrackerHitImpl *  seed_photodot = 0 

The given TrackerPulse set is used to sum up all positions with the charge of the pulse as weight.

Finally everything is divided by the total charge:

\[x_{\mathrm{seed}} = \sum^{N_{\mathrm{pulses}}}_{i=1}\frac{x_i q_i}{Q}\]


\[Q = \sum^{N_{\mathrm{pulses}}}_{i=1} q_i\]

Total charge of the cluster is stored in EDep. TrackerPulses are stored in the RawHits.

bool marlintpc::doLikelihoodFit ( const lcio::TrackerHit &  seed,
lcio::TrackerHitImpl *  fit_result,
double  sigma,
bool  fitSigma = false 

Perform the Likelihood fit using the PhotodotLikelihood class.

EDep is copied from the seed and also the RawHits are copied. The fit covariance is stored in the covariance matrix of the fit_result:

  • cov(x,x) = fit(0,0)
  • cov(y,x) = fit(0,1)
  • cov(y,y) = fit(1,1)
  • cov(z,x) = 0
  • cov(z,y) = 0
  • cov(z,z) = sigma (this is the fitted sigma of the cluster)
    seedA tracker hit with its pulses stored in order to be able to call seed->getRawHits()
    fit_resultResulting position. The position is set to (x,y,sigma). This is the same as the seed if only one pulse is inside the seed hit.
    sigmaThe expected cluster size.
    fitSigmaIf true sigma is limited in the minimization to [0,5] and also minimized. Else it is fixed to the given value.
    False if no raw data are stored in the given seed. True in case only one pulse is inside the seed. Else it is the result of the minimizer given by minimizer.IsValid().
TMatrixD marlintpc::localHelixAnalyticalJacobian ( double  ds,
double  qbyp,
Vector3D &  t1,
Vector3D &  t2,
Vector3D &  bc 

Get analytical helix propagator (in constant magnetic field)

Adapted from TRPRFN.F (GEANT3), for curvilinear track parameters (q/p,lambda,phi,x_t,y_t).

[in]ds(3D) arc length to end point
[in]qbypq/p (signed inverse momentum)
[in]t1track direction at start point
[in]t2track direction at end point
[in]bcB*c (magnetic field *c)
(5*5) propagation matrix

References localHelixAnalyticalJacobian().

Referenced by marlintpc::simpleHelix::analyticalHelixJacobian(), localHelixAnalyticalJacobian(), and marlintpc::localHelix::propagateTo().

std::ostream & marlintpc::operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
const TPCVoxel &  tv 

Operator to stream the voxel information to an outstream:

std::cout << myVoxel << std::endl;

References marlintpc::TPCVoxel::print().

std::ostream & marlintpc::operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
const EFieldVector &  efv 

Operator to stream the vector information to an outstream:

std::cout << myVector << std::endl;

References marlintpc::EFieldVector::print().