MarlinTPC  1.2.0
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marlintpc::HitAndTrackCounterProcessor Class Reference

Count hits in events and tracks, and tracks per event. More...

#include <HitAndTrackCounterProcessor.h>

Inheritance diagram for marlintpc::HitAndTrackCounterProcessor:

Public Member Functions

virtual Processor * newProcessor ()
 The newProcessor() function does not make sense for this template class, so it throws an lcio::Exception.
virtual void init ()
 Register the AIDA histograms at the AIDAProcessor.
virtual void processRunHeader (lcio::LCRunHeader *run)
virtual void processEvent (lcio::LCEvent *evt)

Static Public Member Functions

static bool compareHit (const std::pair< TrackerHit *, double > &pair1, const std::pair< TrackerHit *, double > &pair2)

Protected Attributes

std::string _tracksColName
 the name of the input tracks collection
std::string _hitsColName
 the name of the input hits collection
const std::string _hitsPerTrackHistosName
const std::string _hitsPerEventHistosName
const std::string _tracksPerEventHistosName
const std::string _hitsPerTrackLengthHistosName
AIDA::IHistogram1D * _hitsPerEventHisto
 For the following histograms a z binning does not make sense. More...
AIDA::IHistogram1D * _tracksPerEventHisto
 number of tracks per event
double _maxHitsPerTrack
 Maximum value in HitsPerTrack histogram.
double _maxHitsPerEvent
 Maximum value in HitsPerEvent histogram.
double _maxTracksPerEvent
 Maximum value in TracksPerEvent histogram.
double _maxHitsPerTrackLength
 Maximum value in TracksPerEvent histogram.
- Protected Attributes inherited from marlintpc::ZBinTemplateProcessor< N_1D_HISTOS_HIT_TRACK_COUNTER_PROCESSOR, N_2D_HISTOS_HIT_TRACK_COUNTER_PROCESSOR >
std::vector< std::vector
< AIDA::IHistogram1D * > > 
 Vector of 1D histogram vectors.
std::vector< std::vector
< AIDA::IHistogram2D * > > 
 Vector of 2D histogram vectors.
std::vector< std::string > _histo1DBaseNames
 Vector of base names for the 1D histograms. More...
std::vector< std::string > _histo2DBaseNames
 Vector of base names for the 2D histograms. More...
std::vector< std::string > _histo1DTitles
 Vector of titles for the 1D histograms. More...
std::vector< std::string > _histo2DTitles
 Vector of titles for the 2D histograms. More...
std::vector< HistoRange > _histoRanges1D
 Vector of ranges for the 1D histograms.
std::vector< HistoRange2D > _histoRanges2D
 Vector of ranges for the 2D histograms.
std::vector< int > _nBins1D
 Vector with number of bins for the 1D histograms.
std::vector< HistoNBins2D > _nBins2D
 Vector with number of bins for the 1D histograms.
float _minZ
 Minimum z value of lowest bin.
float _maxZ
 Maximum z value of highest bin.
int _nZBins
 Number of z bins.
float _zBinWidth
 Width of a bin, calculated as (_maxZ-_minZ)/_nZBins;.

Static Protected Attributes

static const unsigned int _hitsPerTrackHistosIndex = 0
 The index of the template parameter for the hitsPerTrack histos We want to have these values divided into z bins.
static const unsigned int _hitsPerTrackLengthHistosIndex = 1

Additional Inherited Members

- Protected Member Functions inherited from marlintpc::ZBinTemplateProcessor< N_1D_HISTOS_HIT_TRACK_COUNTER_PROCESSOR, N_2D_HISTOS_HIT_TRACK_COUNTER_PROCESSOR >
 ZBinTemplateProcessor (const std::string &typeName)
void fillHistogram (unsigned int histoIndex, float x, float z)
 Fill value x into the histogram set histoIndex. More...
void fillHistogram (unsigned int histoIndex, float x, float y, float z)
 Fill the x and y value pair into the 2D histogram set histoIndex. More...

Detailed Description

Count hits in events and tracks, and tracks per event.

Fill the reults into AIDA histograms.

This Processor is derrived from ZBinTemplateProcessor to have the number of hits per track binned in z. See also processor parameters of ZBinTemplateProcessor.

Input - Prerequisites


InputTracksName of input Tracks collection (default: TPCTracks)
InputHitsName of input TrackerHits collection (default: TPCHits)
MaxHitsPerTrackMaximum value in HitsPerTrack histogram (default: 20 )
MaxHitsPerEventMaximum value in HitsPerEvent histogram (default: 50 )
MaxTracksPerEventMaximum value in TracksPerEvent histogram (default: 10 )
Martin Killenberg, University of Bonn

Member Data Documentation

AIDA::IHistogram1D* marlintpc::HitAndTrackCounterProcessor::_hitsPerEventHisto

For the following histograms a z binning does not make sense.

They are handled in the usual way without using the ZBinTemplateProcessor.number of hits per event

Referenced by init().

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