MarlinTPC  1.2.0
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marlintpc::SimpleHelixGeneralBrokenLineInterfaceProcessor Class Reference

Using GBL with a simple helix. More...

#include <SimpleHelixGeneralBrokenLineInterfaceProcessor.h>

Inheritance diagram for marlintpc::SimpleHelixGeneralBrokenLineInterfaceProcessor:

Public Member Functions

virtual Processor * newProcessor ()
virtual void init ()
virtual void processRunHeader (EVENT::LCRunHeader *run)
virtual void processEvent (EVENT::LCEvent *evt)
virtual void check (EVENT::LCEvent *evt)
virtual void end ()

Protected Attributes

std::string _inputCollectionName
 Name of the input collection – track seeds.
std::string _outputTrackCollectionName
 Name of the output track collection.
double _bfieldScaleFactor
 scale factor for magnetic field (default: 1.0)
bool _outputIsPersistent
 whether the output is to be stored or not (default: true)
std::string _fitOptions
 list of iterations with 'h' Huber, 't' Tukey or 'c' Cauchy down-weighting
bool _writeMillepedeOut
 selects output to Millepede-II binary file
int _milleCalcMethod
 defines which parameter should be calculated for Millepede-II binary file
int _milleMinHits
 defines minimum number of hits on track for output to Millepede binary file
std::string _fileNameMillepedeFile
 name of Millepede-II binary file
bool _encodedModuleID
 Module ID is encoded in CellID0.
double _x0PerUnitLength
 X0 per unit length (TPC gas as homogeneous scatterer) (default: 0.)
bool _thickScatterer
 selects thick (otherwise thin) scatterers for multiple scattering (default: false)
double _defaultMomentum
 default momentum for multiple scattering (for Bfield off, GeV) (default: 10.)

Detailed Description

Using GBL with a simple helix.

Processor interface to simple helix (or line) fitting with General Broken Lines, written by Claus Kleinwort

Ch. Rosemann, DESY (straight line), C. Kleinwort, DESY (extention to helix)

This processor interfaces the re-fitting functionality of the general broken line package by Claus Kleinwort. For information on the General Broken Lines, please refer to the publication and/or the wiki pages:

The standard behaviour is that a single, straightforward fit without any outlier rejection is performed. For multiple turns, including some outlier rejection; extend the fit options in the according steering parameter. The calculation of the measurement (pad) direction in XY uses "module.getLocalPadLayout().getCoordinateType()" to select polar or cartesian pad row geometry.

Inputs and requirements


"InputSeedTracks":stringThe name of the input collection of track candidates (default: "TPCSeedTracks")
"OutputTracks":stringThe name of the output collection with the fitted tracks(default: "TPCTracks")
"WriteOutputToStorage":boolTo set whether the output should be written to storage
"BFieldScaleFactor":doubleOptional parameter, scales magnetic field (map), use 1.0 (default) for field ON or 0.0 for field OFF
"FitOptions":stringOptional parameter, defines if multiple passes with "h" huber, "t" tukey or "c" cauchy downweighting should be performed
"WriteMillepedeBinary":boolOptional parameter, set to "true" if you want a Millepede binary file (default:"false")
"MillepedeFilename":stringOptional parameter to set the name of the Millepede binary file (default:"")
"MillePedeCalcMethod":intOptional parameter to define set of (global) parameters (default:0 = module alignment)
"MillePedeMinHits":intOptional parameter to define the minimum number of hits on track for output to Millepede binary file (default: 42)
"EncodedModuleID":boolOptional parameter, flag for encoding of module ID in CellID0 (default true)
"X0PerUnitLength":doubleOptional parameter, X0 per unit length (TPC gas as homogeneous scatterer) (default: 0.)
"ThickScatterer":boolOptional parameter, selects thick (otherwise thin) scatterers for multiple scattering (default: false)
"DefaultMomentum":doubleOptional parameter, default momentum for multiple scattering (for Bfield off, GeV) (default: 10.)

WORK IN PROGRESS: currently only works for modules with concentric pad rows (using center from GEAR)

  • implement additional output of pull distributions, residuals, track paramters for each measurement point

A detailed description is available as lcnote LC-TOOL-2014-008. Changes with respect to this note:

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