MarlinTPC  1.2.0
Functions | Variables
marlintpc::pulseflag Namespace Reference

a collection of the quality flagwords that are stored in the respective LCIO classes: these are collected into three different namespaces (for pulses, hits and tracks), and equipped with "global" functions (within this namespace) to ease the usage More...


void setMultiplePulseCandidate (int &i)
void setAnomalousShape (int &j)
void setOverflow (int &k)
void setUnderflow (int &m)
void setSplit (int &n)
void setPlateauCutoff (int &l)
bool isMultiplePulseCandidate (int i)
bool isAnomalousShape (int j)
bool isOverflow (int k)
bool isUnderflow (int m)
bool isSplit (int n)
bool isPlateauCutoff (int l)


int const ANOMALOUS_SHAPE_BIT = 1 << 1
int const OVERFLOW_BIN_BIT = 1 << 2
int const UNDERFLOW_BIN_BIT = 1 << 3
int const WAS_SPLIT_BIT = 1 << 4
int const PLATEAU_CUTOFF_BIT = 1 << 5

Detailed Description

a collection of the quality flagwords that are stored in the respective LCIO classes: these are collected into three different namespaces (for pulses, hits and tracks), and equipped with "global" functions (within this namespace) to ease the usage

the flags were discussed in the forum

example usage: EVENT::TrackerPulse* aPulse; if(isUnderflow(aPulse->getQuality()) {...}

int quality = 0; quality = setMultiplePulseCandidate(quality); quality = setOverflow(quality);