CountsToPrimaryElectronsProcessor: converts FADC counts into primary electrons (assumes a linear gain needing no corrections) More...
#include <CountsToPrimaryElectronsProcessor.h>
CountsToPrimaryElectronsProcessor: converts FADC counts into primary electrons (assumes a linear gain needing no corrections)
Collection of TrackerPulse
Collection of TrackerPulse
InputCollectionName | Name of input data collection |
OutputCollectionName | Name of output data collection (optional, if not set, input collection is overwritten) |
WriteOutputToStorage:bool | output collection will be written if set to true (which is the default) |
TPCConditionsCollectionName | Name of the collection containing the tpc conditions (default: "TPCConditions") |
AmplificationValueOverride | Amplification Value of the gas amplification and read-out electronics to convert ADC counts to primary electrons. If this parameter is set it overides condition information and no condition listener is used (optional parameter, if not set conditions data from LCCD are used). |
MissingConditionsDataOverrideTimespan | Sets the time in seconds that missing conditions data will be ignored by using the last valid conditions data collection (optional parameter, if not set, processing stops if no conditions data available for event time) |