MarlinTPC  1.2.0
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marlintpc::TimePixClusterProjectionSeparatorProcessor Class Reference

converts TrackerHits of a TimePix into further separated TrackerHits, by projecting them onto their own clusteraxis. More...

#include <TimePixClusterProjectionSeparatorProcessor.h>

Inheritance diagram for marlintpc::TimePixClusterProjectionSeparatorProcessor:

Public Member Functions

virtual Processor * newProcessor ()
virtual void init ()
virtual void processRunHeader (lcio::LCRunHeader *run)
virtual void processEvent (lcio::LCEvent *evt)
virtual void check (lcio::LCEvent *evt)
virtual void end ()
virtual int locMaxFinder (int startbin, AIDA::IHistogram1D *h1)
virtual int locMinFinder (int startbin, AIDA::IHistogram1D *h1)
virtual int sepBinFinder (int locmin, AIDA::IHistogram1D *h1)

Protected Attributes

std::string _inputColName
std::string _outputColName
std::string _outputTrackerDataColName
std::string _relationsColName
int _nColumn
int _nRow
int _clusterSizeToSep
int _minResultingClusterSize
bool _keep_hs_sep
int _outputIsTransient
 give the status which is set to the transient flag of the output collection it is an int instead of a boolean, because the processor parameter cannot be a boolean
bool isFirstCollection
 is true till the first output collection is writen to an event used to store parameters only in the first collection (also done, if collection is transient)
int _nRun
double a
double b
tpcconddata::TimePixMap * _timePixMap
 the actual mode map is a lccd::ConditionsMap the key is a PixelKey, specifically a struct which contains the ChipID and the PixelID the elements are TimePixPixelModes

Detailed Description

converts TrackerHits of a TimePix into further separated TrackerHits, by projecting them onto their own clusteraxis.

This projection is weighted by charge information if available, that is if the pixel was operated in TOT mode.
Conditionsdata must be stored in a seperate collection of TimePixPixelMode for every event in which the mode of operation changes.
Handling of conditions data is done by the ConditionsProcessor

Input - Prerequisites

a collection of TrackerHits containing clusters of adjacent pixels


InputCollectionNameName of the input collection with unseparated hit candidates (default "TimePixHitCandidates")
OutputCollectionNameName of the output containing with sepatated hit candidates (default "TimePixSepHitCandidates")
OutputTrackerDataCollectionNameName of the output collection with sepatated tracker data objects (default "TimePixSepData")
OutputRelationsCollectionNameName of the collection with relations between clusters and tracker data (default "TimePixRelationSepHit")
nColumnnumber of columns on the chip
nRownumber of rows on the chip
clusterSizeToSepnumber of pixels in a cluster for it to be separated (default 9)
SetOutputTransientIf not 0 the output collection is set transient
Simone Zimmermann

Member Data Documentation

int marlintpc::TimePixClusterProjectionSeparatorProcessor::_clusterSizeToSep
  • number of pixels in a cluster in order for it to be separated
std::string marlintpc::TimePixClusterProjectionSeparatorProcessor::_inputColName
  • the name of the input collection
bool marlintpc::TimePixClusterProjectionSeparatorProcessor::_keep_hs_sep
  • jsut a flag
int marlintpc::TimePixClusterProjectionSeparatorProcessor::_minResultingClusterSize
  • minimal number of pixels in a separated cluster
int marlintpc::TimePixClusterProjectionSeparatorProcessor::_nColumn
  • number of columns on the chip
int marlintpc::TimePixClusterProjectionSeparatorProcessor::_nRow
  • number of rows on the chip
int marlintpc::TimePixClusterProjectionSeparatorProcessor::_nRun
  • counts the processed runs
std::string marlintpc::TimePixClusterProjectionSeparatorProcessor::_outputColName
  • the name of the output tracker hits collection
std::string marlintpc::TimePixClusterProjectionSeparatorProcessor::_outputTrackerDataColName
  • the name of the output tracker data collection
std::string marlintpc::TimePixClusterProjectionSeparatorProcessor::_relationsColName
  • the name of the colletion with relations between hits and tracker data
double marlintpc::TimePixClusterProjectionSeparatorProcessor::a
  • parameter of axis of projection y = a*x + b
double marlintpc::TimePixClusterProjectionSeparatorProcessor::b
  • parameter of axis of projection y = a*x + b

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