converts TrackerHits of a TimePix into further separated TrackerHits, by projecting them onto their own clusteraxis.
#include <TimePixClusterProjectionSeparatorProcessor.h>
virtual Processor * | newProcessor () |
virtual void | init () |
virtual void | processRunHeader (lcio::LCRunHeader *run) |
virtual void | processEvent (lcio::LCEvent *evt) |
virtual void | check (lcio::LCEvent *evt) |
virtual void | end () |
virtual int | locMaxFinder (int startbin, AIDA::IHistogram1D *h1) |
virtual int | locMinFinder (int startbin, AIDA::IHistogram1D *h1) |
virtual int | sepBinFinder (int locmin, AIDA::IHistogram1D *h1) |
converts TrackerHits of a TimePix into further separated TrackerHits, by projecting them onto their own clusteraxis.
This projection is weighted by charge information if available, that is if the pixel was operated in TOT mode.
Conditionsdata must be stored in a seperate collection of TimePixPixelMode for every event in which the mode of operation changes.
Handling of conditions data is done by the ConditionsProcessor
Input - Prerequisites
a collection of TrackerHits containing clusters of adjacent pixels
- Collection containing TrackerHits of further separated clusters, separation by projection along cluster axis.
- Collection of tracker data objects which has been split because it belonged to several clusters
- Parameters
InputCollectionName | Name of the input collection with unseparated hit candidates (default "TimePixHitCandidates") |
OutputCollectionName | Name of the output containing with sepatated hit candidates (default "TimePixSepHitCandidates") |
OutputTrackerDataCollectionName | Name of the output collection with sepatated tracker data objects (default "TimePixSepData") |
OutputRelationsCollectionName | Name of the collection with relations between clusters and tracker data (default "TimePixRelationSepHit") |
nColumn | number of columns on the chip |
nRow | number of rows on the chip |
clusterSizeToSep | number of pixels in a cluster for it to be separated (default 9) |
SetOutputTransient | If not 0 the output collection is set transient |
- Author
- Simone Zimmermann
int marlintpc::TimePixClusterProjectionSeparatorProcessor::_clusterSizeToSep |
protected |
- number of pixels in a cluster in order for it to be separated
std::string marlintpc::TimePixClusterProjectionSeparatorProcessor::_inputColName |
protected |
- the name of the input collection
bool marlintpc::TimePixClusterProjectionSeparatorProcessor::_keep_hs_sep |
protected |
int marlintpc::TimePixClusterProjectionSeparatorProcessor::_minResultingClusterSize |
protected |
- minimal number of pixels in a separated cluster
int marlintpc::TimePixClusterProjectionSeparatorProcessor::_nColumn |
protected |
- number of columns on the chip
int marlintpc::TimePixClusterProjectionSeparatorProcessor::_nRow |
protected |
- number of rows on the chip
int marlintpc::TimePixClusterProjectionSeparatorProcessor::_nRun |
protected |
- counts the processed runs
std::string marlintpc::TimePixClusterProjectionSeparatorProcessor::_outputColName |
protected |
- the name of the output tracker hits collection
std::string marlintpc::TimePixClusterProjectionSeparatorProcessor::_outputTrackerDataColName |
protected |
- the name of the output tracker data collection
std::string marlintpc::TimePixClusterProjectionSeparatorProcessor::_relationsColName |
protected |
- the name of the colletion with relations between hits and tracker data
double marlintpc::TimePixClusterProjectionSeparatorProcessor::a |
protected |
- parameter of axis of projection y = a*x + b
double marlintpc::TimePixClusterProjectionSeparatorProcessor::b |
protected |
- parameter of axis of projection y = a*x + b
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