MarlinTPC  1.2.0
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marlintpc::PixelSpectrumProcessor Class Reference

PixelClockFinderProcessor creates a ToT or ToA spectrum of all pixels on the chip and two occupancy plots: One for all pixel above a given threshold and one for all pixel below. More...

#include <PixelSpectrumProcessor.h>

Inheritance diagram for marlintpc::PixelSpectrumProcessor:

Public Member Functions

virtual Processor * newProcessor ()
virtual void init ()
virtual void processRunHeader (lcio::LCRunHeader *run)
virtual void processEvent (lcio::LCEvent *evt)
virtual void check (lcio::LCEvent *evt)
virtual void end ()

Protected Attributes

std::string _inputColName
std::string _modeMapColName
std::string _modeMapCorrName
std::string _mode
std::string _logFile
 -positon of logfile
tpcconddata::TimePixMap * _timePixMap
AIDA::IHistogram1D * _mySpectrumHisto
AIDA::IHistogram2D * _myPixelAboveTH_Location2dHisto
AIDA::IHistogram2D * _myPixelBelowTH_Location2dHisto
double _shutter
double _readoutFrequency
bool _multiShutter
int _nBins
int _HighTH
int _LowTH
float _min_clock
float _max_clock
int _lowerBadCountsLimit

Detailed Description

PixelClockFinderProcessor creates a ToT or ToA spectrum of all pixels on the chip and two occupancy plots: One for all pixel above a given threshold and one for all pixel below.

The processor also creates a eventdisplay of events with bad counts (counts in a given range)

Input - Prerequisites

a collection of TrackerData objects, zeros suppreed


InputCollectionNameName of input collection, TrackerData (defualt: TimePixZeroSuppressedData)
Modemode that should be plotted (TOT, TIMEPIX, MEDIPIX, ONEHIT or ANY), (default: ANY)
MinclockMinimum z value of lowest bin in case of z binning (default: 2500)
MaxclockMaximum z value of highest bin in case of z binning (default: 4000)
nBinsNumber ob bins in z, 0 means one Histo without z cut (default: 100)
LogFilePosition of logfile
HighTHHigh threshold from wich pixel are collected in _myBadPixelLocation2dHisto (default: 1800)
LowTHLow threshold from wich pixel are collected in _myBadPixelLocation2dHisto (default: 285)
LowerBadCountsLimitMinimal Number of Pixels with Bad Counts to create Event Display (default: 0)
Martin Schultens (started the processor) & C. Brezina (changed a lot) (RFWUniversity of Bonn)

Member Data Documentation

int marlintpc::PixelSpectrumProcessor::_HighTH
  • High Threshold from which Pixels are collected in _myBadPixelLocation2dHisto
std::string marlintpc::PixelSpectrumProcessor::_inputColName
  • the name of the input collection
int marlintpc::PixelSpectrumProcessor::_LowTH
  • Low Threshold from which Pixels are collected in _myBadPixelLocation2dHisto
float marlintpc::PixelSpectrumProcessor::_max_clock
  • Maximum z value of highest bin in case of z binning
float marlintpc::PixelSpectrumProcessor::_min_clock
  • Minimum z value of lowest bin in case of z binning
std::string marlintpc::PixelSpectrumProcessor::_mode
  • the mode that should be plottet
std::string marlintpc::PixelSpectrumProcessor::_modeMapColName
  • the name of the mode map collection
std::string marlintpc::PixelSpectrumProcessor::_modeMapCorrName
  • the name of the correction to mode map collection
bool marlintpc::PixelSpectrumProcessor::_multiShutter
  • true if multiple shutters are allowed during acquisition
AIDA::IHistogram1D* marlintpc::PixelSpectrumProcessor::_mySpectrumHisto
  • Histo used to create a ToT or ToA spectrum of the chip
int marlintpc::PixelSpectrumProcessor::_nBins
  • Number of z bins
double marlintpc::PixelSpectrumProcessor::_readoutFrequency
  • readout frequency of TimePix chip in MHz, optional, should come from gear
double marlintpc::PixelSpectrumProcessor::_shutter
  • length of shutter signal in us

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