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marlintpc::TrackerRawViewer Class Reference

Simple event display that visualizes TrackerRawData for the LCTPC large prototype with CED. More...

#include <TrackerRawViewer.h>

Inheritance diagram for marlintpc::TrackerRawViewer:

Public Member Functions

virtual Processor * newProcessor ()
virtual void init ()
 Called at the begin of the job before anything is read. More...
virtual void processRunHeader (lcio::LCRunHeader *run)
 Called for every run.
virtual void processEvent (lcio::LCEvent *evt)
 Called for every event - the working horse.
virtual void check (lcio::LCEvent *evt)
virtual void end ()
 Called after data processing for clean up.

Protected Member Functions

bool getPadCenter (double *padCenter, int cellID0, int cellID1)
 Computes the pad center for given hardware ID in padCenter - returns false if nothing found.

Protected Attributes

std::string _colName
 Input collection name.
std::string _hitColName
std::string _trkColName
std::string _chMapCollection
std::string _chPosTextFile
const gear::TPCParameters * _tpcParams
ChannelMap * _chMap
float _driftVelocity
int _colorScaleMaxADC
int _colorScheme
bool _waitForKeyboard
std::vector< int > _colors
int _nRun
int _nEvt
ADCMap _adcMap
ADCMap _adcMapInt

Static Protected Attributes

static const int ncol = 20
static const int nscheme = 10
static const int Red = 0
static const int Orange = 1
static const int Plum = 2
static const int Violet = 3
static const int Blue = 4
static const int LightBlue = 5
static const int Aquamarine = 6
static const int Green = 7
static const int Olive = 8
static const int Yellow = 9
static const int Dark = 10
static const int Light = 11
static const int Classic = 12

Detailed Description

Simple event display that visualizes TrackerRawData for the LCTPC large prototype with CED.

Draws all ADC channels with a color code on layer 1. Optionally, hits and tracks are displayed on layers 2 and 3. On Layer 4 a color coded map of the mean number of integrated ADC counts per pad is drawn with a color code.


A collection of TrackerRawData (and optionally collections of TrackerHits and Tracks).

CollectionNameName of the TrackerRawData collection (default: AltroRawData )
ChannelMappingCollectionName of the LCCD collection with channel mapping (default: ADCChannelMapping)
ChannelPositionTextFileOptionally use a text file for the hardware channel to position mapping - overwrites mapping from LCCD and GEAR
DriftVelocityDrift velocity in micron/ns (default: 80.)
ColorScaleMaxADCADC value used for the maximum of the color scales (default: 32)
WaitForKeyBoardtrue: display one event and wait for 'return' - false: continiously display events
ColorSchemeColor scheme - 1: hot , 2 : cold (default: 1)
HitCollectionNameName of the TrackerHit collection (optional, default: TPCTrackerHits)
TrackCollectionNameName of the Track collection (optional, default: TPCTracks)
F. Gaede, DESY; modifications by Ch. Rosemann, DESY
TrackerRawViewer.h 3394 2012-05-03 15:29:53Z gaede

Member Function Documentation

virtual void marlintpc::TrackerRawViewer::init ( )

Called at the begin of the job before anything is read.

Use to initialize the processor, e.g. book histograms.

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