MarlinTPC  1.2.0
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marlintpc::ChannelMappingProcessor Class Reference

Channel Mapping processor of the MarlinTPC package. More...

#include <ChannelMappingProcessor.h>

Inheritance diagram for marlintpc::ChannelMappingProcessor:

Public Member Functions

virtual Processor * newProcessor ()
virtual void init ()
virtual void processRunHeader (lcio::LCRunHeader *run)
virtual void processEvent (lcio::LCEvent *evt)
virtual void check (lcio::LCEvent *evt)
virtual void end ()

Protected Attributes

std::string _inputColName
 the name of the input collection
std::string _outputColName
 the name of the output collection
std::string _channelMappingColName
 the name of the ChannelMapping collection
bool _outputIsPersistent
 set the persistency flag of the output collection
int _missingConditionsDataOverrideTimespan
 The timepan in seconds for which the last valid collection will be used if no conditions data are available via LCCD.
bool _removeChannelsWithoutMapping

Detailed Description

Channel Mapping processor of the MarlinTPC package.

This processor translates the channel mapping from hardware channel and readout group to gear pad ID and module ID. Mapping is usually provided via LCCD (default: database, also simple file possible).

Input - Prerequisites

Collection of TrackerPulses (with different name).

InputCollectionNameName of input data collection (default: TPCPulses)
OutputCollectionNameName of output data collection (default: TPCPulsesMapped)
WriteOutputToStorage:booloutput collection will be written if set to true (which is the default)
ChannelMappingCollectionNameName of the collection containing the channel mapping (default: TPCChannelMapping)
RemoveChannelsWithoutMappingIf "true", found signals without mapping in the conditions data will be removed from collection, otherwise a tpcconddata::CondDataNotAvailableException exception is thrown an processing will stop
MissingConditionsDataOverrideTimespanoptional Sets the time in seconds that missing conditions data will be ignored by using the last valid conditions data collection (optional parameter, if not set, processing stops if no conditions data available for event time).
originally M. Killenberg, CERN; repackaged by R. Diener, DESY; modified by Ch. Rosemann, DESY

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