marlintpc::ADCPulse | A base class interface which holds the raw data of the pulse and represents the ADC and its shaping amplifier |
  marlintpc::ALTROADCPulse | Implementation of the ALTRO electronics shaping and ADC |
  marlintpc::GaussianADCPulse | A simple Gaussian shaping |
 marlintpc::TimePixEventHistoProcessor::AIDAHistogram | A helper class to store AIDA histograms in a map |
 BField | |
  marlintpc::Cylindrical2DMagneticFieldMap | Cylindrical2DMagneticFieldMap : A magnetic field from a cylindrical 2d field map (r and z) |
 marlintpc::PulseFinderTester::CandidateProperties | A reference consists of a vector of IteratorProperties structs and the corresponding begin and end iterators of the data vectors |
 marlintpc::PedestalCalculator::ChannelPedestal | Structure to store the pedestal of a channel and other needed informations during internal calculations |
 marlintpc::ElectronCloudChargeDepositProcessor::ChargeSignalTag | Used to uniquely identify a charge deposited by a track (important for overlaying tracks) |
 Circle | |
  Helix | |
 marlintpc::ColorMap | |
 marlintpc::CompareByCharge | |
 curlerGenerator | |
 DataSourceProcessor | |
  marlin::OctoboardReaderProcessor | Reads TimePix raw data: matrix of 256 x 256 values stored in a .dat file
Writes data to TrackerRawDataCollection named TimePixRawData Currelty only work for one chip |
  marlin::TimePixCalibParamReaderProcessor | Reads TimePix calibration parameters stored in a .txt file
Writes data to TrackerDataCollection named CalibrationParameters |
  marlin::TimePixDistrDelayCorrectionMapReaderProcessor | Reads TimePix calibration data: matrix of 256 x 256 values stored in a .txt file
Writes data to LCGenericObject Collection named CalibrationData |
  marlin::TimePixMaskCreaterProcessor | Creates an lcio file containing the masking of dead and noisy pixel |
  marlin::TimePixModeMapCreaterProcessor | Creates a mode map for a TimePix - there are four possible maps: MM1, MM2, TOT, TIME |
  marlin::TimePixReaderProcessor | Reads TimePix raw data: matrix of 256 x 256 values stored in a .dat file
Writes data to TrackerRawDataCollection named TimePixRawData Currelty only work for one chip |
  marlin::TimePixSimpleAlternativeReaderProcessor | Reads TimePix data stored in format x y value Writes data to TrackerRawDataCollection named TimePixRawData Does NOT make use of the zero suppressed input files, so output data is NOT zero suppressed! Currently only works for one chip |
  marlin::TimePixXYReaderProcessor | Writes data to TrackerRawDataCollection named TimePixRawData |
 marlintpc::SignalCombinerProcessor::DataTag | Helper class for managing signals |
 marlintpc::HitSplitter::Distance | A nested helper struct to contain two pulses and the distance between them, and sort according to the distance |
 marlintpc::ElectronCloudDrifterProcessor::driftInfo | Detailed information about the drift path |
 marlintpc::ElectronCloudDrifterProcessor::DriftParameters | |
 marlintpc::Element2D | |
 exception | |
  marlintpc::IntersectionCalculator::NoIntersectionException | A nested exception which is thrown in case there is no intersection |
  tpcconddata::Exception | Exception class for MarlinTPC conditions |
   tpcconddata::ConditionsObjectException | ConditionObjectException used for errors accessing the event data |
    tpcconddata::CondDataNotAvailableException | ConditionsObjectException used for data not available |
    tpcconddata::CondDataWrongObjectException | ConditionsObjectException used for wrong object |
   tpcconddata::InvalidDataException | Base exception for error involving some data having an invalid value |
 Exception | |
  marlintpc::TrackFitterFactory::FitterTypeException | Define a new exception class for unkonwn fitter types |
 tpcconddata::ExtendedAltroParameters::ExtendedAltroData | |
 FCNBase | |
  marlintpc::excentricity | |
  marlintpc::MMPadResponseFunction | |
  marlintpc::MMRefitTool | |
  marlintpc::PhotodotLikelihood | This helper class is used to calculate the likelihood function while fitting photodots |
  marlintpc::SimpleChiSquareResidualsFunction | The Minuit2 fitter function to calculate the of the residuals |
  marlintpc::SimpleMinimizerResidualsFunction | The Minuit2 fitter function to calculate the squared sum of the residuals |
  marlintpc::TrackFitterLikelihoodProcessor | TrackFitterLikelihoodProcessor : This class takes post-amplified data from a readout pad and reconstructs the track based on the location of each signal |
 marlintpc::Field | Field : A base interface to an electric or magnetic field |
  marlintpc::CGAElectricField | GEARElectricField : An electric field which gets it's values from Mokka through CGA (Common Geometry Access) |
  marlintpc::CGAMagneticField | CGAMagneticField : A magnetic field which gets it's values from Mokka through CGA (Common Geometry Access) |
  marlintpc::ConstantUnidirectionalMagneticField | ConstantUnidirectionalMagneticField : A constant magnetic field |
  marlintpc::DIDZMapMagneticField | DIDZMapMagneticField : A magnetic field from a DID map (mapped in z) |
  marlintpc::GEARMagneticField | GEARMagneticField : A magnetic field which is basically just a wrapper to accessing the global GEAR field |
  marlintpc::IdealSolenoidField | IdealSolenoidField : An ideal cylindrical solenoid field |
  marlintpc::MagneticField | MagneticField : A base interface to a magnetic field |
   marlintpc::Cylindrical2DMagneticField | Cylindrical2DMagneticField : A magnetic field from a cylindrical 2d field map (r and z) |
   marlintpc::Cylindrical3DMagneticField | Cylindrical3DMagneticField : A magnetic field from a cylindrical 3d field map (r, phi and z) |
  marlintpc::SolenoidZMapMagneticField | SolenoidZMapMagneticField : A magnetic field from a solenoid map (mapped in z) |
  marlintpc::UnitBiDirectionalElectricField | UnitBiDirectionalElectricField : An electric field which is +1Vin the +z direction when z > 0 and -1V in the -z direction when z < 0 |
 marlintpc::ConstantUnidirectionalMagneticField::FieldMapEntry | |
 marlintpc::Cylindrical2DMagneticField::FieldMapEntry | |
 marlintpc::Cylindrical3DMagneticField::FieldMapEntry | |
 marlintpc::DIDZMapMagneticField::FieldMapEntry | |
 marlintpc::SolenoidZMapMagneticField::FieldMapEntry | |
 marlintpc::FieldMapReader | FieldReader : A reader for field maps |
 marlintpc::TrackFitterBase::FitterTypes | Defines constants to determine which fitter type was used to perform the fit and calculate the residuals |
 marlintpc::gblHelperHit | Helper hit |
 GearParametersImpl | |
  marlintpc::Cylindrical2DMagneticFieldMap | Cylindrical2DMagneticFieldMap : A magnetic field from a cylindrical 2d field map (r and z) |
 GlobalPadIndex | |
  marlintpc::GlobalPadIndex | |
 HepRepXMLWriter | |
 marlintpc::HistogramWidthExtractionTools | A collection of tools to evaluate the width of a distribution in a histogram |
 marlintpc::ZBinTemplateProcessor< N1DHISTOS, N2DHISTOS >::HistoNBins2D | A nested convenience struct which contains the number of bins for both directions of a 2D histogram |
 marlintpc::ZBinTemplateProcessor< N1DHISTOS, N2DHISTOS >::HistoRange | A nested convenience struct which contains the minimal and maximal value of a (1D) histogram rage |
 marlintpc::ZBinTemplateProcessor< N1DHISTOS, N2DHISTOS >::HistoRange2D | A nested convenience struct which contains two 1D HistoRange objects |
 marlintpc::HitCandidate | A helper class for hit parameter calculation |
 marlintpc::MMHitFinderProcessor::HitCandidate | |
 marlintpc::HitDistributor | |
 marlintpc::HitSplitter | The hit splitter separates hits that are merged |
 IConditionsChangeListener | |
  marlintpc::ADCElectronicsListener | Helper Class which provides access to the parameters of ADC Electroncis |
  marlintpc::BFieldMapListener | Listener class derived from LCCD::IConditionsChangeListener accesses the bfield map object |
  marlintpc::ChannelCorrectionListener | Helper Class which provides access to the ChannelCorrections for every event |
  marlintpc::ChannelMappingListener | Helper Class which provides access to the ADCChannelMappings for every event |
  marlintpc::FieldSettingListener | Helper Class which provides access to the field settings for every event |
  marlintpc::GlobalFieldProcessor::CoilPositionNotifier | |
  marlintpc::GlobalFieldProcessor::FieldNotifier | |
  marlintpc::PedestalListener | Helper Class which provides access to the pedestals for every event |
  marlintpc::TPCConditionsListener | Helper Class which provides access to the TPC conditions for every event |
  marlintpc::TPCDistortionsMapListener | Helper Class which provides access to the distortions information produced with the photodot system |
  tpcconddata::TimePixMapListener::TimePixModeMapListener | |
  tpcconddata::TimePixMapListener::TimePixStatusMapListener | |
 marlintpc::PulseFinder::InternalSplitPulse | Helper class to make more sense to the splitting phase: actually keep track of the "split" flag |
 marlintpc::KalTrackingTemplate< ContainerT >::Intersection | A struct as return value for the extrapolation into the next layer |
 marlintpc::IntersectionCalculator | A helper class to calculate the intersections of |
 marlintpc::PulseFinderTester::IteratorProperties | A helper struct to store the distance to the begin iterator and the value which should be at the iterator position |
 marlintpc::KalTrackingBase | This is a base KalDet tracking class |
  marlintpc::KalTrackingTemplate< StraightTrackParameters > | |
   marlintpc::KalTrackingStraight | This is the straight track class, which inherits from AttKalTrack |
  marlintpc::KalTrackingTemplate< TKalTrack > | |
   marlintpc::KalTrackingHelix | This is the helix track class, which inherits from KalTrackingTemplate and TKalTrack |
  marlintpc::KalTrackingTemplate< ContainerT > | This is a base KalDet tracking class |
 marlintpc::KalTrackingHelixTester | Class to test KalTrackingHelix |
 LCFixedObject | |
  marlintpc::EFieldVector | |
  marlintpc::ElectronCloud | ElectronCloud : A cloud of electrons |
  marlintpc::GridPixXrayObject | |
  marlintpc::RelativePosition | RelativePosition: An LCObject to hold a translation and two possible angles |
  marlintpc::TPCVoxel | An LCFixedObject class to store charge in voxels of a TPC |
  tpcconddata::CalibParam | Class that reads the parameters from the calibration data, for a single chip the data format should be: (1)ToT (2)THL offset (3)TimeWalk 4 ToT + 2 THL offset + 2 TimeWalk = 8 parameters |
  tpcconddata::ChannelCorrection | Class that combines information on ChannelCorrections for storage |
  tpcconddata::GenericADCElectronicsParameters | Class that combines information on parameters and settings if the read-out electronics for storage |
  tpcconddata::Pedestal | Class that combines information on pedestals for storage |
  tpcconddata::TimePixPixelMode | Class to store the mapping of the pixel modes of the TimePix a TimePixPixelMode contains three integers, the ChipID, the PixelID and the PixelMode furthermore it contains a struct called PixelKey of ChipID and PixelID as the key for the map |
  tpcconddata::TPCConditions | |
  tpcconddata::WeatherConditions | Class to store the environment of a gaseous detector (e.g |
 LCFixedObject | |
  tpcconddata::ExtendedAltroParameters | |
 LCGenericObject | |
  marlintpc::ChargeSignal | ChargeSignal : A parameterized signal on a pad |
  tpcconddata::ADCChannelMapping | Class to store the mapping pad (position) to the channel ID (electronic) also the type of the used electronic can be stored |
  tpcconddata::FieldSetting | Class to store the field setting of a TPC with GEM-based amplification system |
  tpcconddata::GasConditions | Class to store the condition of the gas in a gaseous detector (e.g |
  tpcconddata::TimePixParameters | The TimePix parameters |
  tpcconddata::TPCDistortionMeasurement | Class to store the distortions measured with the photoelectric system using a laser |
 LCIntExtension | |
  marlintpc::TrackConnection::UsedFlag | UsedFlag |
 lcio::LCObjectCopier | LCObjectCopier is a helper class which gives a copy of a class without the readOnly flag set, which is the case if you copy a object from a file using the copy constructor |
 marlintpc::LinearTrackRegression | Helper class to perform a linear regression on a track |
 marlintpc::localHelix | Local Helix |
 map | |
  marlintpc::ChannelPosMap | Helper class that creates (is) a simple map of hardware channel to position of the pad center (x,y) from a text file |
 marlintpc::MarlinTPCHit | This is hits management class for TPC |
 marlintpc::MMPulseShapeFunction | |
 marlintpc::ModuleDistortionCalculator | Class to calculate distortions per row along the row |
 marlintpc::ModuleRowHit | Struct to hold module and row and a hit in this row |
 marlintpc::ModuleRowHitListSorter | A helper function to allow sorting of a std::list of ModuleRowHits according to their distance to a reference position |
 marlintpc::NeighbouringPadHandler | |
 marlintpc::NeighbouringPadsObject | A helper class which stores information about the neighbouring pads of a specific pad |
 marlintpc::PadResponseFunctionGEM | Functionality to evaluate the pad response function for a hit |
 marlintpc::SimplePedestalCalculatorProcessor::pedestalCreator | Internal helper class to sum up the pedestals and calculate the mean value and width |
 marlintpc::Photodot | |
 marlintpc::PhotoelectricDistortionsCalculator | |
 marlintpc::PhotoelectricXMLFile | This provides some tools on handling the xml file used to store information on the Photoelectric analysis |
 marlintpc::Photoline | |
 tpcconddata::TimePixPixelMode::PixelKey | |
 marlintpc::MMScatterProcessor::PRFFcn | |
 Processor | |
  AddEmptyPedestalsProcessor | Adds a collection of empty pedestals (pedestal and width set to 0) of all pads defined by GEAR |
  HepRepOutputProcessor | HepRepOutputProcessor: This processor generates a HepRep Output file for a HepRep based event display program |
  HistogramTrackerDataProcessor | Processor to histogram the charge sum, the pulse maximum and the pulse length of TrackerData |
  marlintpc::ADC2PrimaryElectronFactorCalculatorProcessor | A processor to calculate hitcharge per length unit taking into account the track length over the measurement row ofthe hit |
  marlintpc::ADCPulseConverterProcessor | Convert zero-suppressed ADC raw data to pulses |
  marlintpc::ADCRawEventDisplayProcessor | This processor creates one histogram with the raw data of each channel |
  marlintpc::AidaPerEventCommitterProcessor | Aidahistogramm committer processor |
  marlintpc::AnalysisCutSelectorProcessor | Applies cuts on all relevant track parameters |
  marlintpc::BiasCalculatorProcessor | |
  marlintpc::BiasCorrectorProcessor | |
  marlintpc::BiasedResidualsProcessor | Fill the residuals of the hits into an AIDA histogram |
  marlintpc::ChannelMappingProcessor | Channel Mapping processor of the MarlinTPC package |
  marlintpc::ChargeDistributionProcessor | This processor takes the coordinates of the drifted electrons and the charge from amplification and smears the charge on the padplane |
  marlintpc::ChargeOnPadsVisualisationProcessor | This processor fills an 2D root histogram which represents the pad plane |
  marlintpc::ChargeQualityProcessor | A processor to calculate the mean90 of the hit charge spectrum |
  marlintpc::ClockSyncProcessor | This Processor shifts hits of the RCU which is out of sync |
  marlintpc::CloudToSimTrackerHitProcessor | CloudToSimTrackerHitProcessor: This processor takes as input a collection of TPCElectronClouds and returns a collection of SimTrackerHits |
  marlintpc::CollectDelayedHitsProcessor | This processor searches for the so called "delayed hits" on tracks It creates two output collections: one containes only tracks with delayed hits, the other only tracks with "good" hits |
  marlintpc::CountsToPrimaryElectronsProcessor | CountsToPrimaryElectronsProcessor: converts FADC counts into primary electrons (assumes a linear gain needing no corrections) |
  marlintpc::CutApplicationProcessor | Applies cuts on all relevant track and hit parameters |
  marlintpc::CutChipProcessor | Cut chip Processor of the MarlinTPC package |
  marlintpc::CutHitsOnTracksProcessor | CutHitsOnTracksProcessor is a Cut application Processor to be applied on reconstructed hits of a track |
  marlintpc::dEdxProcessor | A processor to calculate hitcharge per length unit taking into account the track length over the measurement row of the hit to evalutae the dEdx performance |
  marlintpc::DistortionPerformanceProcessor | Marlin processor for distortion analysis Computes the distortion along a row for all hits on input tracks |
  marlintpc::DrawMagneticFieldProcessor | |
  marlintpc::DriftProcessor | Processor to drift primary electrons according to the characteristics of the choosen gas to pad plane |
  marlintpc::DumpEventProcessor | Dumps events to shell |
  marlintpc::DumpHitsInTracksProcessor | Dump the coordinates of the hits in the tracks |
  marlintpc::DumpHitsProcessor | Dump the coordinates of all hits in the hits collection |
  marlintpc::DumpNTracksProcessor | Dump the coordinates of the hits in the tracks |
  marlintpc::DumpPadCentresProcessor | Dump the coordinates of pad centres of pads correcponding to pulses |
  marlintpc::DumpResidualsProcessor | Dump the residuals of the hits in the tracks |
  marlintpc::DumpSimTrackerHitsProcessor | Dump the coordinates of all hits in a SimTrackerHits collection |
  marlintpc::ElectronCloudChargeDepositProcessor | ElectronCloudChargeDepositProcessor : This processor takes clouds of electrons and parameterizes the charge they place on the readout electronics |
  marlintpc::ElectronCloudDrifterProcessor | ElectronCloudDrifterProcessor : This processor takes a collection of electron clouds from a previous processor and drifts them a supplied distance |
  marlintpc::ElectronCloudFinderProcessor | The ElectronCloudFinderProcessor searches for hits and groups contiguous areas to track candidates |
  marlintpc::ElectronCloudGEMAmplificationProcessor | ElectronCloudGEMAmplificationProcessor : This processor takes a cloud of electrons and passes it through a GEM simulating an electron avalanche |
  marlintpc::ElectronCloudGEMAmplificationProcessor | ElectronCloudGEMAmplificationProcessor : This processor takes a cloud of electrons and passes it through a GEM simulating an electron avalanche |
  marlintpc::GainCorrectorProcessor | GainCorrectorProcessor: Applies a gain correction to LCIO::TrackerPulse collection by dividing the stored charge values by the factor given in the ChannelCorrection conditions collection |
  marlintpc::GEMProcessor | This Processor takes drifted electrons and uses a triple GEM structure for amplification |
  marlintpc::GeometricMeanResidualsTupleProcessor | |
  marlintpc::GlobalFieldProcessor | GlobalFieldProcessor : This processor manages the fields used in MarlinTPC |
  marlintpc::GridPixPixelClusterProcessor | |
  marlintpc::GridPixXrayObjectCalculatorProcessor | |
  marlintpc::HistogramSimTrackerHitChargeSpectrumProcessor | Histogram the charge of SimTrackerHits in units of e (hardcoded value 26 eV for Argon) |
  marlintpc::HitAnaProcessor | Short description of processor |
  marlintpc::HitAndTrackChargeProcessor | Fill charge per hit and per track length into AIDA histograms |
  marlintpc::HitCorrelationProcessor | Hit Correlation calculator |
  marlintpc::HitQualityProcessor | This processor creates histograms for the number of hits in over range and with dead channel |
  marlintpc::HitsInTracksSplitterProcessor | The HitsInTracksSplitterProcessor splits hits with the same algorithm than the HitSpliterProcessor |
  marlintpc::HitSplitterProcessor | The HitSplitterProcessor searches for minima in the pad response and splits the hit |
  marlintpc::HitTimeRecalculationProcessor | This processor recalculates the time of the hit based on the highest pulse in the hit according to the choosen time evaluation method |
  marlintpc::HitTrackFinderTopoProcessor | The HitTrackFinderTopoProcessor searches for hits and groups contiguous areas to track candidates |
  marlintpc::InGridSimpleClusterFinder | Converts tracker data objects to tracker hits by dividing every multihit into single hits |
  marlintpc::InhEFieldCalculationProcessor | |
  marlintpc::InterTrackDistanceProcessor | Marlin processor which plots the minimal inter-track distance per event and row in a histogram |
  marlintpc::IonBackDriftProcessor | This processor takes the charges on the pads an calculates the amount of backdrifting ions which appear at the x,y- position of the pad in the TPC |
  marlintpc::IonsInVoxelsProcessor | This processor takes all ions from the primary ionisation and stores there charges in voxels |
  marlintpc::LinearRegressionProcessor | LinearRegressionProcessor performs a linear regression on the hits in seed tracks |
  marlintpc::LoadDataFileProcessor | Reads in an additional lcio file and adds all available collections to the event with the same event number |
  marlintpc::LoadFieldFromConditionsDataProcessor | Processor to load the field map from conditions data into GEAR |
  marlintpc::MMAdvancedCalibrationProcessor | Basic overview: |
  marlintpc::MMHitFinderProcessor | |
  marlintpc::MMHitTimeCorrectionProcessor | Processor to calculate a more accurate time estimate for Micromegas hits |
  marlintpc::MMScatterProcessor | Basic overview: |
  marlintpc::ModuleDistortionCalculatorProcessor | Marlin processor for distortion analysis Takes two collections each of type track |
  marlintpc::ModuleDistortionCorrectionProcessor | |
  marlintpc::MokkaToVoxelProcessor | The MokkaToVoxelProcessor is a fast digitisation processor |
  marlintpc::NoiseHitAndPulseCounterProcessor | This processor counts hits and pulses not included in tracks |
  marlintpc::OctoboardHitAndTrackChargeProcessor | Fill charge per hit and per track length into AIDA histograms |
  marlintpc::PadResponseProcessor | Fills residulas of hits in 2D histograms against three different values: |
  marlintpc::PathFinderInterfaceProcessor | Short description of processor |
  marlintpc::PedestalCalculator | Calculates the pedestals out of raw data |
  marlintpc::PedestalSubtractorProcessor | Pedestal subtracting processor of the MarlinTPC package |
  marlintpc::PedSubRawDataFilterProcessor | Filter Processor for the Pedestal Subtracted Raw Data |
  marlintpc::PerPadPulseChargeHistogrammerProcessor | Fill charge per pulse into AIDA histograms for each channel |
  marlintpc::PhotoelectricLikelihoodSeederProcessor | PhotoelectricLikelihoodSeederProcessor: prepares the photoelectric data for fitting |
  marlintpc::PhotoelectricPulseExtractionProcessor | PhotoelectricPulseExtractionProcessor: takes the input pulse collection, finds the ones which are most-likely to be photoelectric pulses and puts them into another collection |
  marlintpc::PhotoelectricPulseProcessor | PhotoelectricPulseProcessor : This processor takes a file containing positions of photosensitive dots and lines and simulates them being hit by a pulse of photons |
  marlintpc::PixelSpectrumProcessor | PixelClockFinderProcessor creates a ToT or ToA spectrum of all pixels on the chip and two occupancy plots: One for all pixel above a given threshold and one for all pixel below |
  marlintpc::PRFHitBuilderProcessor | A processor to improve the hit ionformation based on information from a pad response function (PRF) |
  marlintpc::PRFPerformanceProcessor | Marlin processor for PRF analysis |
  marlintpc::PrimaryCloudIonisationProcessor | PrimaryCloudIonisationProcessor : This processor takes SimTrackerHits from a simulation (such as Mokka) which contain the position and energy deposits inside the TPC and creates electron clouds from those which can be drifted through the TPC |
  marlintpc::PrimaryIonisationProcessor | Processor to create primary ionisation from MCParticles passing the TPC |
  marlintpc::PrintEventNumberProcessor | Prints event numbers to the screen depending on the EveryNEvents variable |
  marlintpc::PulseAnaProcessor | Short description of processor |
  marlintpc::PulseCounterProcessor | Fills number of pulses per channel into AIDA histogram |
  marlintpc::PulseFilterProcessor | Processor which removes pulses with certain properties |
  marlintpc::PulseFinderProcessor | This processor creates lcio::TrackerPulse objects from lcio::TrackerData |
  marlintpc::PulsePerHitProcessor | This processor creates histograms for the number of pulses per hit and for the charge of the pulses |
  marlintpc::PulseShapeProcessor | This processor creates average pulse shapes for the maximum pulse in a hit and its neighbors |
  marlintpc::RawDataCutterProcessor | This processor is used to select in the raw data only a part of the time spectrum, in fact shortening the time window of the data acquired |
  marlintpc::ResolutionPerformanceProcessor | Resolution calculator |
  marlintpc::RowBasedFastHoughTransformationProcessor | Track finder based on Fast Hough Transformation |
  marlintpc::RowBasedHitFinderProcessor | A hit finder for row based (pad) geometries It searches for connected pulses in a row and combines them into a hit |
  marlintpc::RowCutApplicationProcessor | |
  marlintpc::RowTripletBasedTrackFinderProcessor | Track finder based on triplets of rows |
  marlintpc::SignalCombinerProcessor | SignalCombinerProcessor : This processor takes the individual shaped signals (could be more than one per pad) and combines them into one signal |
  marlintpc::SignalDigitisationProcessor | SignalDigitisationProcessor : This processor takes TrackerData from the simulation and turns it into digital TrackerRawData |
  marlintpc::SignalShaperGaussianProcessor | SignalShaperGaussianProcessor : This processor takes parameterized charge signals and turns them into a gaussian shaped signal |
  marlintpc::SimpleHelixGeneralBrokenLineInterfaceProcessor | Using GBL with a simple helix |
  marlintpc::SimplePadResponseCorrectionProcessor | Pad response correction processor simple in the sense, that no track direction is taken into account |
  marlintpc::SimplePedestalCalculatorProcessor | The SimpePedestalCalculatorProcessor calculates the pedestal for each channel from all events in the run |
  marlintpc::SimpleTrackSeederProcessor | SimpleTrackSeederProcessor takes the TrackerHits of each track and calculates initial track parameters to have a seed for fitting algorithms |
  marlintpc::StepWiseHelixGeneralBrokenLineInterfaceProcessor | Using GBL with a step-wise helix |
  marlintpc::SwapXYProcessor | SwapXYProcessor swaps the x and the y coordinate of TrackerHits |
  marlintpc::TestFieldSettingProcessor | Processor to test the field setting listener |
  marlintpc::TestTPCDistortionsMapProcessor | Processor skeleton for MARLIN |
  marlintpc::TimePixCalibrationProcessor | Calibration data converting Processor of the MarlinTPC package |
  marlintpc::TimePixClusterFinderProcessor | Clusterfinding Processor of the MarlinTPC package |
  marlintpc::TimePixClusterProjectionSeparatorProcessor | Converts TrackerHits of a TimePix into further separated TrackerHits, by projecting them onto their own clusteraxis |
  marlintpc::TimePixClusterSizeProcessor | Fill the number of pixels in a cluster and the cluster radius in a histogram |
  marlintpc::TimePixDigitisationProcessor | DOCU!!!!!!!!!!!!! |
  marlintpc::TimePixEventHistoProcessor | Creates one aida histogram per chip and event |
  marlintpc::TimePixHighTOTAnalyserProcessor | Analysis Processor of MarlinTPC for TimePix Events with extraordinary high TOT values |
  marlintpc::TimePixHitCenterCalculatorProcessor | Calculates the center of gravity of each cluster, weighted by charge information |
  marlintpc::TimePixHitSorterProcessor | Sorts TimePixHits in y,x,z (in that order) |
  marlintpc::TimePixHoughTransformNormalProcessor | Take an inputCollection of TrackerHits, treat those TrackerHits in groups (based on their CellID1(cihpID)) and reconstruct Tracks for each group separately |
  marlintpc::TimePixLocalRoadSearchProcessor | Track finder for TimePix data based on local road search |
  marlintpc::TimePixMapHandlerProcessor | Reads in conditionsdata objects TimePixModeMap and TimePixStatusMap and unifies them to the TimePixMap |
  marlintpc::TimePixMultiChipBoardDividerProcessor | TimePixMultiChipBoardDividerProcessor of the MarlinTPC package |
  marlintpc::TimePixOccupancyProcessor | Count how many times a pixel has been hit on the TimePix chip |
  marlintpc::TimePixPixelInterpolationProcessor | Analysis Processor of MarlinTPC for TimePix Events with extraordinary high TOT values |
  marlintpc::TimePixRemoveMaskedPixelsProcessor | Remove masked pixels Processor of the MarlinTPC package |
  marlintpc::TimePixTOTDistributionProcessor | Creates XY Histo with mean Charge per Pixel |
  marlintpc::TimePixTrackEventDisplayProcessor | TimePixTrackEventDisplayProcessor draws all TrackerHits in an event as black dots (kFullDotMedium) |
  marlintpc::TimePixZeroSuppressionProcessor | Zero suppression Processor of the MarlinTPC package |
  marlintpc::TimeShiftCorrectorProcessor | Processor to apply time offset correction to individual channels |
  marlintpc::TPCElectronicsProcessor | This processor applies the electronics shaping to the incoming electron signals |
  marlintpc::TPCHit_FixCellIDs_forTracking | Fix in TPC TrackerHits: |
  marlintpc::TPCHit_FixErrors_forTracking | Fix in TPC TrackerHits: |
  marlintpc::TPCHitToTrackerDataConverterProcessor | TPCHit data converting Processor of the MarlinTPC package |
  marlintpc::TrackerRawDataToDataConverterProcessor | Raw data converting Processor of the MarlinTPC package |
  marlintpc::TrackerRawViewer | Simple event display that visualizes TrackerRawData for the LCTPC large prototype with CED |
  marlintpc::TrackFinderEvaluateProcessor | Processor to evaluate the performance of the track finding algorithm |
  marlintpc::TrackFinderHoughTrafoProcessor | Uses the hough transformation to find hits on straight tracks |
  marlintpc::TrackFinderRectangularProcessor | Processor to find linear tracks using linear regression, based on a modified version of the track following algorithm |
  marlintpc::TrackFitterKalmanProcessor | A processor which instantiates a TrackFitterKalman and fits the tracks with it |
  marlintpc::TrackFitterLikelihoodProcessor | TrackFitterLikelihoodProcessor : This class takes post-amplified data from a readout pad and reconstructs the track based on the location of each signal |
  marlintpc::TrackFitterLinearRegressionProcessor | A processor which instantiates a TrackFitterLinearRegression and fits the tracks with it |
  marlintpc::TrackFitterSimpleChiSquareProcessor | A processor which instantiates a TrackFitterSimpleChiSquare and fits the tracks with it |
  marlintpc::TrackFitterSimpleHelixProcessor | A processor which instantiates a TrackFitterSimpleHelix and fits the tracks with it |
  marlintpc::TrackFitterSimpleMinimizerProcessor | A processor which instantiates a TrackFitterSimpleMinimizer and fits the tracks with it |
  marlintpc::TrackHitEfficiencyProcessor | A processor to calculate the hit efficiency based on hits on tracksper row |
  marlintpc::TrackMakingKalmanFilterProcessor | This is processor which uses KalTrackingBase class and its derived classes(i.e |
  marlintpc::TrackMergerProcessor | This is a processor for TrackFitterKalmanProcessor for Multi Module |
  marlintpc::TrackParametersDistributionProcessor | Fill AIDA histograms with all track parameters: phi, lambda, tan(lambda), d0, z0 |
  marlintpc::TrackSeederProcessor | TrackSeederProcessor takes the TrackerHits of each track and calculates initial track parameters to have a seed for fitting algorithms |
  marlintpc::TripletResolutionPerformanceProcessor | Resolution calculator |
  marlintpc::WriteXrayObjectsToROOTTreeProcessor | |
  marlintpc::XrayAnalysisProcessor | |
  marlintpc::XrayCutApplicationProcessor | |
  marlintpc::XrayEnergyCalibrationProcessor | |
  marlintpc::XrayEventDisplayProcessor | |
  marlintpc::XrayGeometryAnalysisProcessor | |
  marlintpc::XrayLikelihoodProcessor | |
  marlintpc::XYZDistributionProcessor | Fill the x, y, and z positions of all hits into an AIDA histogram |
  marlintpc::XYZDistributionTracksProcessor | Fill the x, y, and z positions of the hits on tracks into an AIDA histogram |
  marlintpc::ZBinTemplateProcessor< N1DHISTOS, N2DHISTOS > | A template to create processors wich create 1D or 2D distribution histograms, one histogram per z bin |
  PadGeometryChecker | PadGeometryCheckerProcessor: take the xml gear geometry file and print out simple stuff about the pad layout; basically completely copoied from the HepRepOutput by J |
  SelectNthEventsProcessor | Select a number n to use only every nth event by throwing a SkipEventException for all other ones |
   marlintpc::LinearGeometricMeanResolutionProcessor | Resoltuion calculator for straight lines using the gemetric mean method |
   marlintpc::HitDistancesProcessor | Measures distances between two hits in a event |
   marlintpc::HitAndTrackCounterProcessor | Count hits in events and tracks, and tracks per event |
   marlintpc::LinearThreePointResolutionProcessor | Resoltuion calculator for straight tracks using the three point method |
 marlintpc::PulseFinder::PulseCharge | Helper class to store the charge and it's error |
  marlintpc::PulseFinder::Pulse | Helper class which combined PulseCharge and PulseTime |
 marlintpc::PulseFinder | Working horse of the ModularPulseFinderProcessor |
 marlintpc::PulseFinderTester | A class which is friend of PulseFinder so it can access the protected members for testing |
 marlintpc::PulseFinderTester::PulseProperties | A struct to store the pulse properties we are checking |
 marlintpc::PulseFinder::PulseTime | Helper class to store the time and it's error |
  marlintpc::PulseFinder::Pulse | Helper class which combined PulseCharge and PulseTime |
 marlintpc::rb_Doublet | Row based doublet |
 marlintpc::rb_Hit | Row based hit |
 marlintpc::rb_HyperCube | Row based hypercubes |
 marlintpc::rb_HyperPlane | Row based hyperplane |
 marlintpc::rb_Segment | Row based segment |
 marlintpc::rb_Triplet | Row based triplet |
 marlintpc::SignalSplitter | The signal splitter sparates signals of overlapping pulses |
 marlintpc::simpleEquiClasses | Equivalence classes |
 marlintpc::simpleFitXY | Simple fit in XY |
 marlintpc::simpleFitZS | Simple fit in ZS |
 marlintpc::simpleHelix | Simple Helix |
 marlintpc::HitSplitter::SortablePulse | A helper class to sort pulses according to their pad index |
 marlintpc::PedestalCalculator::StcPedestal | Structure to store pedestal value and width |
 marlintpc::LinearTrackRegression::StraightLine | A nested struct which is used as return value of the regression |
 marlintpc::StraightTrackParameters | A helper struct to store track parameters for KalTrackingStraight |
 marlintpc::TimePixEventDisplayCreator | The EVENT_DISPLAY_CREATOR is a class that allows to instantiate an EVENT_DISPLAY_CREATOR object ina any processor this is able to create an event display of any marlinTPC event |
 tpcconddata::TimePixMapListener | |
 marlintpc::TopoFinder | TopoFinder contains finding algorithms for clusters of TrackerPulses |
  marlintpc::HitTrackFinderTopoProcessor | The HitTrackFinderTopoProcessor searches for hits and groups contiguous areas to track candidates |
 marlintpc::tp_MacroPixel | TimePix macro pixel |
 marlintpc::tp_Pixel | TimePix pixel |
 marlintpc::tp_PixelBin | TimePix (macro) pixel bin |
 marlintpc::tp_PixelChip | TimePix pixel chip |
 marlintpc::tp_PixelRoad | TimePix (macro) pixel road |
 marlintpc::tp_PixelSegment | TimePix pixel segment |
 marlintpc::tp_PixelSegmentCombiner | TimePix pixel segment combiner |
 marlintpc::TPCGas | The TPCGas is a helper class containing a parametrisation of some gas mixtures It can be used by processors thet need to know drift velocity or diffusion properties Usage: create a gas with a name, set E and B field, then values are available through the get functions |
 marlintpc::TPCHitDomain | |
 marlintpc::TPCHitMap | |
 marlintpc::TrackConnection | |
 marlintpc::trackerAlcaCalculator | User defined class to calculate global derivatives for Millepede-II |
 marlintpc::trackerAlcaSelector | User defined class to select tracks for Millepede-II |
 marlintpc::TrackFitterBase | The TrackFitterBase is a virtual class from which the actual track fitters are derived |
  marlintpc::TrackFitterKalman | Kalman filter track fitter |
  marlintpc::TrackFitterLinearRegression | |
  marlintpc::TrackFitterSimpleChiSquare | Simple implementation of a track fitter |
   marlintpc::TrackFitterSimpleChiSquarePads | fitter which takes into account the pad geometry |
  marlintpc::TrackFitterSimpleHelix | |
  marlintpc::TrackFitterSimpleMinimizer | Simple -like fitter which sets all errors to 1 |
 marlintpc::TrackFitterFactory | The TrackFitterFactory is an interface to handle track fitters |
 marlintpc::TrackFinderHoughTrafoProcessor::TrackProperties | Nested helper class that stores the properties of a straight track |
 marlintpc::TimePixHoughTransformNormalProcessor::TrackProperties | Nested helper class that stores the properties of a straight track |
 marlintpc::TripletCalculationTool | A collection of tools to evaluate the width of a distribution in a histogram |
 marlintpc::VoxelTPC::VoxelIndex | This structure is for the sorting of the voxels |
 marlintpc::VoxelTPC | The VoxelTPC is a helper class containing a std::map of all TPCVoxels which contain charge |
 marlintpc::XrayGeometryService | |