MarlinTPC  1.2.0
Class Hierarchy
This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 1234]
oCmarlintpc::ADCPulseA base class interface which holds the raw data of the pulse and represents the ADC and its shaping amplifier
oCmarlintpc::TimePixEventHistoProcessor::AIDAHistogramA helper class to store AIDA histograms in a map
oCmarlintpc::PulseFinderTester::CandidatePropertiesA reference consists of a vector of IteratorProperties structs and the corresponding begin and end iterators of the data vectors
oCmarlintpc::PedestalCalculator::ChannelPedestalStructure to store the pedestal of a channel and other needed informations during internal calculations
oCmarlintpc::ElectronCloudChargeDepositProcessor::ChargeSignalTagUsed to uniquely identify a charge deposited by a track (important for overlaying tracks)
oCmarlintpc::SignalCombinerProcessor::DataTagHelper class for managing signals
oCmarlintpc::HitSplitter::DistanceA nested helper struct to contain two pulses and the distance between them, and sort according to the distance
oCmarlintpc::ElectronCloudDrifterProcessor::driftInfoDetailed information about the drift path
oCmarlintpc::FieldField : A base interface to an electric or magnetic field
oCmarlintpc::FieldMapReaderFieldReader : A reader for field maps
oCmarlintpc::TrackFitterBase::FitterTypesDefines constants to determine which fitter type was used to perform the fit and calculate the residuals
oCmarlintpc::gblHelperHitHelper hit
oCmarlintpc::HistogramWidthExtractionToolsA collection of tools to evaluate the width of a distribution in a histogram
oCmarlintpc::ZBinTemplateProcessor< N1DHISTOS, N2DHISTOS >::HistoNBins2DA nested convenience struct which contains the number of bins for both directions of a 2D histogram
oCmarlintpc::ZBinTemplateProcessor< N1DHISTOS, N2DHISTOS >::HistoRangeA nested convenience struct which contains the minimal and maximal value of a (1D) histogram rage
oCmarlintpc::ZBinTemplateProcessor< N1DHISTOS, N2DHISTOS >::HistoRange2DA nested convenience struct which contains two 1D HistoRange objects
oCmarlintpc::HitCandidateA helper class for hit parameter calculation
oCmarlintpc::HitSplitterThe hit splitter separates hits that are merged
oCmarlintpc::PulseFinder::InternalSplitPulseHelper class to make more sense to the splitting phase: actually keep track of the "split" flag
oCmarlintpc::KalTrackingTemplate< ContainerT >::IntersectionA struct as return value for the extrapolation into the next layer
oCmarlintpc::IntersectionCalculatorA helper class to calculate the intersections of
oCmarlintpc::PulseFinderTester::IteratorPropertiesA helper struct to store the distance to the begin iterator and the value which should be at the iterator position
oCmarlintpc::KalTrackingBaseThis is a base KalDet tracking class
oCmarlintpc::KalTrackingHelixTesterClass to test KalTrackingHelix
oClcio::LCObjectCopierLCObjectCopier is a helper class which gives a copy of a class without the readOnly flag set, which is the case if you copy a object from a file using the copy constructor
oCmarlintpc::LinearTrackRegressionHelper class to perform a linear regression on a track
oCmarlintpc::localHelixLocal Helix
oCmarlintpc::MarlinTPCHitThis is hits management class for TPC
oCmarlintpc::ModuleDistortionCalculatorClass to calculate distortions per row along the row
oCmarlintpc::ModuleRowHitStruct to hold module and row and a hit in this row
oCmarlintpc::ModuleRowHitListSorterA helper function to allow sorting of a std::list of ModuleRowHits according to their distance to a reference position
oCmarlintpc::NeighbouringPadsObjectA helper class which stores information about the neighbouring pads of a specific pad
oCmarlintpc::PadResponseFunctionGEMFunctionality to evaluate the pad response function for a hit
oCmarlintpc::SimplePedestalCalculatorProcessor::pedestalCreatorInternal helper class to sum up the pedestals and calculate the mean value and width
oCmarlintpc::PhotoelectricXMLFileThis provides some tools on handling the xml file used to store information on the Photoelectric analysis
oCmarlintpc::PulseFinder::PulseChargeHelper class to store the charge and it's error
oCmarlintpc::PulseFinderWorking horse of the ModularPulseFinderProcessor
oCmarlintpc::PulseFinderTesterA class which is friend of PulseFinder so it can access the protected members for testing
oCmarlintpc::PulseFinderTester::PulsePropertiesA struct to store the pulse properties we are checking
oCmarlintpc::PulseFinder::PulseTimeHelper class to store the time and it's error
oCmarlintpc::rb_DoubletRow based doublet
oCmarlintpc::rb_HitRow based hit
oCmarlintpc::rb_HyperCubeRow based hypercubes
oCmarlintpc::rb_HyperPlaneRow based hyperplane
oCmarlintpc::rb_SegmentRow based segment
oCmarlintpc::rb_TripletRow based triplet
oCmarlintpc::SignalSplitterThe signal splitter sparates signals of overlapping pulses
oCmarlintpc::simpleEquiClassesEquivalence classes
oCmarlintpc::simpleFitXYSimple fit in XY
oCmarlintpc::simpleFitZSSimple fit in ZS
oCmarlintpc::simpleHelixSimple Helix
oCmarlintpc::HitSplitter::SortablePulseA helper class to sort pulses according to their pad index
oCmarlintpc::PedestalCalculator::StcPedestalStructure to store pedestal value and width
oCmarlintpc::LinearTrackRegression::StraightLineA nested struct which is used as return value of the regression
oCmarlintpc::StraightTrackParametersA helper struct to store track parameters for KalTrackingStraight
oCmarlintpc::TimePixEventDisplayCreatorThe EVENT_DISPLAY_CREATOR is a class that allows to instantiate an EVENT_DISPLAY_CREATOR object ina any processor this is able to create an event display of any marlinTPC event
oCmarlintpc::TopoFinderTopoFinder contains finding algorithms for clusters of TrackerPulses
oCmarlintpc::tp_MacroPixelTimePix macro pixel
oCmarlintpc::tp_PixelTimePix pixel
oCmarlintpc::tp_PixelBinTimePix (macro) pixel bin
oCmarlintpc::tp_PixelChipTimePix pixel chip
oCmarlintpc::tp_PixelRoadTimePix (macro) pixel road
oCmarlintpc::tp_PixelSegmentTimePix pixel segment
oCmarlintpc::tp_PixelSegmentCombinerTimePix pixel segment combiner
oCmarlintpc::TPCGasThe TPCGas is a helper class containing a parametrisation of some gas mixtures It can be used by processors thet need to know drift velocity or diffusion properties Usage: create a gas with a name, set E and B field, then values are available through the get functions
oCmarlintpc::trackerAlcaCalculatorUser defined class to calculate global derivatives for Millepede-II
oCmarlintpc::trackerAlcaSelectorUser defined class to select tracks for Millepede-II
oCmarlintpc::TrackFitterBaseThe TrackFitterBase is a virtual class from which the actual track fitters are derived
oCmarlintpc::TrackFitterFactoryThe TrackFitterFactory is an interface to handle track fitters
oCmarlintpc::TrackFinderHoughTrafoProcessor::TrackPropertiesNested helper class that stores the properties of a straight track
oCmarlintpc::TimePixHoughTransformNormalProcessor::TrackPropertiesNested helper class that stores the properties of a straight track
oCmarlintpc::TripletCalculationToolA collection of tools to evaluate the width of a distribution in a histogram
oCmarlintpc::VoxelTPC::VoxelIndexThis structure is for the sorting of the voxels
oCmarlintpc::VoxelTPCThe VoxelTPC is a helper class containing a std::map of all TPCVoxels which contain charge