MarlinTPC  1.2.0
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marlintpc::MMAdvancedCalibrationProcessor Class Reference

Basic overview: More...

#include <MMAdvancedCalibrationProcessor.h>

Inheritance diagram for marlintpc::MMAdvancedCalibrationProcessor:

Public Member Functions

virtual Processor * newProcessor ()
virtual void init ()
virtual void processRunHeader (EVENT::LCRunHeader *run)
virtual void processEvent (EVENT::LCEvent *evt)
virtual void check (EVENT::LCEvent *evt)
virtual void end ()

Protected Attributes

lcio::StringVec _inputColNames
std::string _output_path
std::string _source
std::string _type
std::string _prfType
int _trackType
std::vector< float > _stepVec
std::vector< float > _minVec
std::vector< float > _maxVec
std::vector< float > _startVec
double _tolerance
int _iter
int _fcn
int _normType
bool _fitOutput
bool _rowDep
bool _fitTrack
bool _padHits
std::vector< int > _moduleList
int _curEvt
int _nPar
bool _moduleDep
AIDA::ITuple * _fitData
AIDA::ITuple * _hitData
TTree * _tree
std::vector< TH1F * > _histogramPar
std::vector< std::vector< TH2F * > > _histogramCorrPar
ROOT::Math::Minimizer * min

Detailed Description

Basic overview:

This processor takes in a collection of tracks. Filters are applied to screen unwanted tracks (trackangle, number of tracks, etc.) The consitutent pulses are then given to an MMRefitTool object, which is then minimized by minuit on an event-by-event basis. The MMRefitTool will return a chi2 value for a given set of PRF parameters and hit x0 values.


InputTrackCollections = A list of track collections to be used [StringVec] ParamStart = Starting values for each PRF parameter [FloatVec] ParamSteps = Minuit step values for each PRF parameter [FloatVec] ParamMin = Minimum value for each PRF parameter [FloatVec] ParamMax = Maximum value for each PRF parameter [FloatVec] FitterSource = Source for the Root minimizer object (Minuit2 or GSL) [string] FitterType = Type of minimizer object to use (see Root documentation) [string] TrackType = Track type (straight or helix) [integer] PRFType = Name of the PRF to use [string] ParOutputPath = Output path for the calibrated parameters [string] Tolerance = Minimizer tolerance [double] MaxIterations = Maximum iterations of the minimizer [integer] MaxFcn = Maximum function calls of the minimizer [integer] FitOutput = Whether or not to fit the calibrated parameter distributions with gaussians [boolean] RowDep = Set whether or not the PRF has a row dependency (as defined in MMHitFinderProcessor) [boolean] FitTrack = Whether or not the track should be fit in the calibration [boolean] PadHits = Whether or not the hits should be padded with empty pulses [boolean] NormType = The type of PRF normalization to be used (0 = sum Amp / sum PRF; 1 = sum Amp; 2 = gaussian amp) [integer] ModuleList = A list of modules to be used in the calibration [IntVec]

Author: P. Hayman, Carleton University

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