MarlinTPC  1.2.0
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marlintpc::TrackFitterSimpleChiSquare Class Reference

Simple $\chi^2$ implementation of a track fitter. More...

#include <TrackFitterSimpleChiSquare.h>

Inheritance diagram for marlintpc::TrackFitterSimpleChiSquare:
marlintpc::TrackFitterBase marlintpc::TrackFitterSimpleChiSquarePads

Public Member Functions

 TrackFitterSimpleChiSquare (double transDefocussing, double longDefocussing, double transDiffusion, double longDiffusion, double zAnode)
 Constructor for $\chi^2$ fitter, initializes the track fitter with the initial values.
virtual std::string getRevision () const
 returns the revision of this implementation and of the TrackFitterBase it is derrived from
virtual IMPL::TrackImpl * fitTrack (EVENT::Track const *seedTrack) const
 The actual fitter. Not implemented yet, thows gear::NotImplementedException. More...
virtual unsigned char getFitterType () const
 returns "SimpleChiSquare"
virtual double getTransDefocussing () const
 The transverse defocussing in the readout structure $\sigma_{0,{\mathrm trans}}$ (in mm)
virtual double getLongDefocussing () const
 The longitudinal defocussing in the readout structure $\sigma_{0,{\mathrm long}}$ (in mm)
virtual double getTransDiffusionCoef () const
 The transverse diffusion coefficient (in mm/ $\sqrt{\mathrm mm}$)
virtual double getLongDiffusionCoef () const
 The longitudinal diffusion coefficient (in mm/ $\sqrt{\mathrm mm}$)
virtual double getZAnode () const
 The z coordinate of the readout anode (termination of drift volume)
- Public Member Functions inherited from marlintpc::TrackFitterBase
 TrackFitterBase ()
 The Constructor. More...
virtual EVENT::DoubleVec calculateResiduals (EVENT::Track const *testTrack, unsigned int testHitNumber, EVENT::Track const *referenceTrack=NULL) const
 Return the distance of the hit testHitNumber of the testTrack to the point of closest approach on the referenceTrack wrt. the hit. More...
virtual EVENT::DoubleVec calculateResiduals (EVENT::TrackerHit const *testHit, EVENT::Track const *trackWithoutTestHit) const
 Return the distance of the given hit to the test track where this hit has been removed. More...
void setD0Start (double d0)
 Set a d0 start value for the fit. More...
void setPhiStart (double phi)
 Set a phi start value for the fit. More...
void setOmegaStart (double omega)
 Set a omega start value for the fit. More...
void setTanLambdaStart (double tanLambda)
 Set a tanLambda start value for the fit. More...
void setZ0Start (double z0)
 Set a z0 start value for the fit. More...
void setNoZFitFlag (bool noZFit=true)
 Switch to turn off the fitting in z. More...
bool getNoZFitFlag () const
 Get the noZFit flag.
void fixD0 (bool fix=true)
 Fix or release d0.
void fixPhi (bool fix=true)
 Fix or release phi.
void fixOmega (bool fix=true)
 Fix or release omega.
void fixTanLambda (bool fix=true)
 Fix or release tanLambda.
void fixZ0 (bool fix=true)
 Fix or release z0.

Static Public Member Functions

static TrackFitterBasegetInstance (LCParameters const *parameters)
 Well defined interface to create a new instance of the track fitter.
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from marlintpc::TrackFitterBase
static void setTrackFitterType (unsigned char type, IMPL::TrackImpl *track)
 Convenience function to set bits 16-23 to be the track type.
static unsigned char getFitterTypeFromTrack (int trackTypeWord)
 Convenicene function to get the tracker type out of the trackType word.

Protected Attributes

double _transDefocussing
 The defocussing and diffusion coefficients.
double _longDefocussing
double _transDiffusion
double _longDiffusion
double _zAnode
 The z coordinate of the readout anode.
- Protected Attributes inherited from marlintpc::TrackFitterBase
double _d0Start
 The start value for the fit and a flag whether to apply d0Start or the value from the seed track.
bool _useD0Start
double _phiStart
 The start value for the fit and a flag whether to apply phiStart or the value from the seed track.
bool _usePhiStart
double _omegaStart
 The start value for the fit and a flag whether to apply omegaStart or the value from the seed track.
bool _useOmegaStart
double _tanLambdaStart
 The start value for the fit and a flag whether to apply tanLambdaStart or the value from the seed track.
bool _useTanLambdaStart
double _z0Start
 The start value for the fit and a flag whether to apply z0Start or the value from the seed track.
bool _useZ0Start
bool _noZFit
 flag whether to perform a 2D or a 3D fit
bool _fixD0
 flags whether to fix a fit parameter
bool _fixPhi
bool _fixOmega
bool _fixTanLambda
bool _fixZ0

Additional Inherited Members

- Static Public Attributes inherited from marlintpc::TrackFitterBase
static const unsigned char FITFAILEDBIT = 30
 Bit 30 in the TrackType word is fit failed.
- Protected Member Functions inherited from marlintpc::TrackFitterBase
double distanceOnCircle (double phi1, double phi2) const
 Calculate the angular distance on a circle. More...

Detailed Description

Simple $\chi^2$ implementation of a track fitter.

It uses the getResiduals functions derrived from TrackFitterBase. The error of each hit are calculated according to
$\displaystyle \sigma_{\mathrm trans} = \sqrt{\sigma_{0,{\mathrm trans}}^2 + (D_{\mathrm trans} \sqrt{z})^2}$
$\displaystyle \sigma_{\mathrm long} = \sqrt{\sigma_{0,{\mathrm long}}^2 + (D_{\mathrm long} \sqrt{z})^2}$

The function minimised is $\displaystyle \chi^2 = \frac{res_{xy}^2}{\sigma_{\mathrm trans}} + \frac{res_{z}^2}{\sigma_{\mathrm long}}$

Member Function Documentation

IMPL::TrackImpl * marlintpc::TrackFitterSimpleChiSquare::fitTrack ( EVENT::Track const *  seedTrack) const

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