Using GBL with a step-wise helix. More...
#include <StepWiseHelixGeneralBrokenLineInterfaceProcessor.h>
Protected Attributes | |
std::string | _inputCollectionName |
Name of the input collection – track seeds. | |
std::string | _outputTrackCollectionName |
Name of the output track collection. | |
double | _bfieldScaleFactor |
scale factor for magnetic field (default: 1.0) | |
bool | _outputIsPersistent |
whether the output is to be stored or not (default: true) | |
std::string | _fitOptions |
list of iterations with 'h' Huber, 't' Tukey or 'c' Cauchy down-weighting | |
bool | _writeMillepedeOut |
selects output to Millepede-II binary file | |
std::string | _fileNameMillepedeFile |
name of Millepede-II binary file | |
int | _milleCalcMethod |
defines which parameter should be calculated for Millepede-II binary file | |
int | _milleMinHits |
defines minimum number of hits on track for output to Millepede binary file | |
bool | _encodedModuleID |
Module ID is encoded in CellID0. | |
double | _maxStep |
maximal step size (default: 10.) | |
double | _x0PerUnitLength |
X0 per unit length (TPC gas as homogeneous scatterer) (default: 0.) | |
bool | _thickScatterer |
selects thick (otherwise thin) scatterers for multiple scattering (default: false) | |
double | _defaultMomentum |
default momentum for multiple scattering (for Bfield off, GeV) (default: 10.) | |
Using GBL with a step-wise helix.
Processor interface to step-wise helix (or line) fitting with General Broken Lines, written by Claus Kleinwort
This processor interfaces the re-fitting functionality of the general broken line package by Claus Kleinwort. For information on the General Broken Lines, please refer to the publication and/or the wiki pages:
The standard behaviour is that a single, straightforward fit without any outlier rejection is performed. For multiple turns, including some outlier rejection; extend the fit options in the according steering parameter. The calculation of the measurement (pad) direction in XY uses "module.getLocalPadLayout().getCoordinateType()" to select polar or cartesian pad row geometry.
output is a Millepede-II binary file, which can be inspected"InputSeedTracks":string | The name of the input collection of track candidates (default: "TPCSeedTracks") |
"OutputTracks":string | The name of the output collection with the fitted tracks(default: "TPCTracks") |
"WriteOutputToStorage":bool | To set whether the output should be written to storage |
"BFieldScaleFactor":double | Optional parameter, scales magnetic field (map), use 1.0 (default) for field ON or 0.0 for field OFF |
"FitOptions":string | Optional parameter, defines if multiple passes with "h" huber, "t" tukey or "c" cauchy downweighting should be performed |
"WriteMillepedeBinary":bool | Optional parameter, set to "true" if you want a Millepede binary file (default:"false") |
"MillepedeFilename":string | Optional parameter to set the name of the Millepede binary file (default:"") |
"MillePedeCalcMethod":int | Optional parameter to define set of (global) parameters (default:0 = module alignment) |
"MillePedeMinHits":int | Optional parameter to define the minimum number of hits on track for output to Millepede binary file (default: 42) |
"EncodedModuleID":bool | Optional parameter, flag for encoding of module ID in CellID0 (default true) |
"MaxStep":double | Optional parameter, maximal step size (with constant magnetic field) (default 10.0) |
"X0PerUnitLength":double | Optional parameter, X0 per unit length (TPC gas as homogeneous scatterer) (default: 0.) |
"ThickScatterer":bool | Optional parameter, selects thick (otherwise thin) scatterers for multiple scattering (default: false) |
"DefaultMomentum":double | Optional parameter, default momentum for multiple scattering (for Bfield off, GeV) (default: 10.) |
WORK IN PROGRESS: currently only works for modules with concentric pad rows (using center from GEAR)
A detailed description is available as lcnote LC-TOOL-2014-008. Changes with respect to this note: