MarlinTPC  1.2.0
Todo List
Class HepRepOutputProcessor

Color or pattern coding of the quality flags should be implemented for the pads.

not yet implemented, shall vary between a given color and "black"


not yet implemented, shall bleach a given color to "white"


not yet implemented, will be needed for some future color schemes.

not yet implemented shall become a nicer implemetation of a red blue scale.

Class marlintpc::DriftProcessor
Implement full curler handling (10 electrons per hit for low p_t and low p_z)
Class marlintpc::ElectronCloudFinderProcessor

Implement calculation of z-coordinate by drift velocity

Improve z cut. Currently it does not use topological information which can cause problems with curlers.

Handling of dead and noisy channels.

Class marlintpc::HitCandidate
FIXME: Calculation of covariance matrix is missing, currently is unity. It should be the estimated error of the coordinates, not the varianve of the charge distribution.
Member marlintpc::HitCandidate::isAtBoundary () const
FIXME: Calculation of boudary condition should be done automatically when adding a pulse
Class marlintpc::HitTrackFinderTopoProcessor

Handling of dead and noisy channels.

Improve z cut. Currently it does not use topological information which can cause problems with curlers.

Class marlintpc::LinearGeometricMeanResolutionProcessor
Currently only the histograms are filled. The resolution propper has to be calculated manually.
Class marlintpc::LinearThreePointResolutionProcessor
Currently only the histogram is filled. The resolution propper has to be calculated manually.
Member marlintpc::PulseFinderTester::runAllTests ()

: PulseFinderTester: calculate correct time error and test it

: PulseFinderTester: calculate correct charge error and test it

: PulseFinderTester: calculate expected charge fit value and test it

Class marlintpc::RowBasedFastHoughTransformationProcessor
  • (average) track direction different from X direction ?
  • hit cleaning for segment creation ?
  • replace hard coded radial row number for timepix data ?
Class marlintpc::RowBasedHitFinderProcessor

Hit quality flag (including inheritance of pulse flags)

Handling of dead and noisy channels.

Class marlintpc::RowTripletBasedTrackFinderProcessor
  • definition of module neighbourhood from POLAR module extend ?
  • better resolve equivalent (indirectly matching) overlapping segments ?
Class marlintpc::SimpleHelixGeneralBrokenLineInterfaceProcessor
  • implement additional output of pull distributions, residuals, track paramters for each measurement point
Class marlintpc::StepWiseHelixGeneralBrokenLineInterfaceProcessor
  • implement additional output of pull distributions, residuals, track paramters for each measurement point
Class marlintpc::TimePixLocalRoadSearchProcessor
  • variable octoboard to (mechanical) module mapping (from GEAR file?)
Member marlintpc::TrackFitterLikelihoodProcessor::Up () const
Comment a little bit better with links!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Idem for errorDef()
Class marlintpc::TrackFitterSimpleChiSquarePads
: Implement the fitter function.