Track finder for TimePix data based on local road search. More...
#include <TimePixLocalRoadSearchProcessor.h>
Public Member Functions | |
virtual Processor * | newProcessor () |
TimePixLocalRoadSearchProcessor () | |
Construct processor. | |
virtual void | init () |
Initialize processor. | |
virtual void | processRunHeader (EVENT::LCRunHeader *run) |
virtual void | processEvent (EVENT::LCEvent *evt) |
Process event. More... | |
virtual void | check (EVENT::LCEvent *evt) |
virtual void | end () |
Protected Attributes | |
std::string | _inputColName |
Name of the input collection. | |
std::string | _outputColName |
Name of the output collection. | |
double | _bfieldScaleFactor |
scale factor for magnetic field (default: 1.0) | |
int | _minTrackLevel |
min. track level for output (default 1) | |
int | _mpSize |
macro pixel (bin) size (default: 32) | |
double | _minZmeas |
min. measured Z value (default 0.) | |
double | _maxZmeas |
max. measured Z value (default 600.) | |
double | _sigmaZ |
resolution in Z (default: 3.0) | |
double | _xOffset |
offset in x of (local) coordinate system (default 0.) | |
double | _yOffset |
offset in y of (local) coordinate system (default 1500.) | |
int | _maxMult |
max. multiplicity for road seeding bins (default: 3) | |
int | _minPixels |
min. number of pixels for road seeding maxro pixel (default: 3) | |
int | _minDist |
min. distance for road seeding bins (default: 2) | |
double | _maxPull2XY |
max. pull squared to road in XY (default: 15.) | |
double | _maxPull2Z |
max. pull squared to road in Z (default: 15.) | |
double | _maxChi2 |
max. Chi2/Ndf for road (default 5.) | |
double | _maxSvar |
max. relative arc-length variance for road (default: 0.15) | |
double | _maxGap |
max. (arc-length) gap for road (default: 4.0) | |
int | _octoOffset |
octoboard number offset (in module=(octo+offset)/scale) (default 8) | |
int | _octoScale |
octoboard number scale (in module=(octo+offset)/scale) (default 12) | |
double | _chi2CutChip |
max. Chi2/Ndf for chip segment matching (default: 30.) | |
double | _chi2CutOcto |
max. Chi2/Ndf for octoboard segment matching (default: 30.) | |
double | _chi2CutMod |
max. Chi2/Ndf for module segment matching (default: 50.) | |
double | _distCut |
max. relative (to track length sum) distance (of centers) for segment matching (default: 2.0) | |
bool | _refAtPCA |
Use Pca as reference point (else 1. hit) | |
Track finder for TimePix data based on local road search.
Local road search with 'macro' pixels to construct tracks from space points.
For each timepix chip the pixel space is reorganized into larger bins (e.g. of size 32*32 pixels) (to reduce the combinatorics). Each bin can contain several 'macro' pixels seperated in drift time (Z). The macro pixel position (and shape) is definded by the center of gravity (and variance) of the positions of the contributing pixels. Qualified pairs of macro pixels (cut on contents and distance) are used to define (linear) search roads. Road consistent with a track segment (in longitudinal and transverse direction) define macro pixel segments. With each found segment the road search is stopped, the corresponding macro pixels removed (marked as used) and the road search is restarted with the remaining macro pixels. In a hierarchical way (to reduce combinatorics and extrapolation) the macro pixel segment are combined into larger segments: chips to octoboards, octoboards to (mechnical) modules and finally all modules. For this equivalence classes of matching segments are used. The matching is defined by the compatibility of the track parameters of two segments at their (relative) midpoint. The (local) coordinates may be shifted by an (XY) offset into a new system. Track directions are defined relative to the origin of that system.
"InputHits":string | The name of the input collection of TPC hits (default: "TPCHits") |
"OutputTracks":string | The name of the output collection with the found tracks (default: "FHTTracks") |
"MacroPixelSize":int | Optional parameter, macro pixel (bin) size (default 32) |
"MinTrackLevel":int | Optional parameter, min. track level for output (default 1) (0: single chip segment finder, 1,2,3: chip,octoboard,module combiner) |
"MinZmeas":double | Optional parameter, min. measured Z value (default 0.0) |
"MaxZmeas":double | Optional parameter, max. measured Z value (default 600.) |
"SigmaZ":double | Optional parameter, resolution in Z (for clustering) (default 3.0) |
"Xoffset":double | Optional parameter, offset in x of (local) coordinate system (default 0.) |
"Yoffset":double | Optional parameter, offset in y of (local) coordinate system (default 1500.) |
"BFieldScaleFactor":double | Optional parameter, scales magnetic field (map), use 1.0 (default) for field ON or 0.0 for field OFF |
"MaxMult":int | Optional parameter, max. multiplicity for road seeding bins (default 3) |
"MinPixels":int | Optional parameter, min. number of pixels for road seeding maxro pixel (default 3) |
"MinDist":int | Optional parameter, min. distance for road seeding bins (default 2) |
"MaxPull2XY":double | Optional parameter, max. pull squared to road in XY (default 15.) |
"MaxPull2Z":double | Optional parameter, max. pull squared to road in Z (default 15.) |
"MaxChi2":double | Optional parameter, max. Chi2/Ndf for road (default 5.0) |
"MaxSvar":double | Optional parameter, max. relative arc-length variance for road (default 0.15) |
"MaxGap":double | Optional parameter, max. (arc-length) gap for road (default 4.0) |
"Chi2CutChip":double | Optional parameter, max. Chi2/Ndf for chip segment matching (default 30.) |
"Chi2CutOcto":double | Optional parameter, max. Chi2/Ndf for octoboard segment matching (default 30.) |
"Chi2CutMod":double | Optional parameter, max. Chi2/Ndf for module segment matching (default 50.) |
"DistCut":double | Optional parameter, max. relative (to track length sum) distance (of centers) for segment matching (default 2.0) |
"ReferencePointAtPca":bool | Optional parameter, use PCA as reference point, else 1. hit (default false) |
A detailed description is available as lcnote LC-TOOL-2016-xxx.
virtual |
Process event.
References _bfieldScaleFactor, _chi2CutChip, _chi2CutMod, _chi2CutOcto, _distCut, _inputColName, _maxChi2, _maxGap, _maxMult, _maxPull2XY, _maxPull2Z, _maxSvar, _maxZmeas, _minDist, _minPixels, _minTrackLevel, _minZmeas, _mpSize, _octoOffset, _octoScale, _outputColName, _refAtPCA, _sigmaZ, _xOffset, _yOffset, marlintpc::tp_PixelChip::findSegments(), marlintpc::tp_PixelChip::getNumBins(), and marlintpc::tp_PixelSegmentCombiner::run().