calculates the center of gravity of each cluster, weighted by charge information.
#include <TimePixHitCenterCalculatorProcessor.h>
virtual Processor * | newProcessor () |
virtual void | init () |
virtual void | processRunHeader (lcio::LCRunHeader *run) |
virtual void | processEvent (lcio::LCEvent *evt) |
virtual void | check (lcio::LCEvent *evt) |
virtual void | end () |
int | countNrOfNeighboringPixelsWithHit (int chipID, int pixelID, std::vector< LCObject * > DataVec) |
calculates the center of gravity of each cluster, weighted by charge information.
Input - Prerequisites
a collection of TrackerHits, position not set
Collection of TrackerHits with the position and dEdx set.
- Parameters
InputCollectionName | Name of input collection, TrackerHits without position |
OutputCollectionName | Name of output collection, TrackerHits with position |
ModeMapCollectionName | Name of mode map collection |
_max_zDiffusion_perCluster | pixels further than _max_zDiffusion_perCluster [clock cycles] away from the mean cluster time are ignored during cluster center calculation |
SetOutputTransient | If not 0 the output collection is set transient |
nColumn | number of columns on the chip |
nRow | number of rows on the chip |
pitch | pitch of the pixel |
_minNrOfPixelsToCalcTime | if there are less than _minNrOfPixelsToCalcTime with 4 or more neighbors with charge all time pixels are taken into account for mean time calculation |
_keepClusterHistoFlag | decide whether you want to keep a histo of z-Distribution for each Cluster - default is FALSE |
rmsCut | pixels further away in z than rmsCut * RMSofDistributon are ignorred for Meancalculation |
SetOutputTransient | If not 0 the output collection is set transient |
- Author
- Simone Zimmermann
double marlintpc::TimePixHitCenterCalculatorProcessor::_driftVelocity |
protected |
- drift velocity of gas in mm/us
std::string marlintpc::TimePixHitCenterCalculatorProcessor::_inputColName |
protected |
- the name of the input collection
bool marlintpc::TimePixHitCenterCalculatorProcessor::_keepClusterHistoFlag |
protected |
- true if you want to keep a histo of the z-distribution of each cluster
std::string marlintpc::TimePixHitCenterCalculatorProcessor::_modeMapColName |
protected |
- the name of the mode map collection
std::string marlintpc::TimePixHitCenterCalculatorProcessor::_modeMapCorrName |
protected |
- the name of the correction to mode map collection
bool marlintpc::TimePixHitCenterCalculatorProcessor::_multiShutter |
protected |
- true if multiple shutters are allowed during acquisition
std::string marlintpc::TimePixHitCenterCalculatorProcessor::_outputColName |
protected |
- the name of the output collection
double marlintpc::TimePixHitCenterCalculatorProcessor::_readoutFrequency |
protected |
- readout frequency of TimePix chip in MHz, optional, should come from gear
double marlintpc::TimePixHitCenterCalculatorProcessor::_shutter |
protected |
- length of shutter signal in us
AIDA::IHistogram1D* marlintpc::TimePixHitCenterCalculatorProcessor::_zclusterCenterBeforeMinusAfterCleaning |
protected |
- z shift of Clustercenter introduced by cutting on special Pixels
AIDA::IHistogram1D* marlintpc::TimePixHitCenterCalculatorProcessor::_zDistancesPixelsInClusters_afterCleaning |
protected |
- _zDistancesPixelsInClusters_afterCleaning
AIDA::IHistogram1D* marlintpc::TimePixHitCenterCalculatorProcessor::_zDistancesPixelsInClusters_beforeCleaning |
protected |
- _zDistancesPixelsInClusters_beforeCleaning
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