MarlinTPC  1.2.0
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marlintpc::TimePixHitCenterCalculatorProcessor Class Reference

calculates the center of gravity of each cluster, weighted by charge information. More...

#include <TimePixHitCenterCalculatorProcessor.h>

Inheritance diagram for marlintpc::TimePixHitCenterCalculatorProcessor:

Public Member Functions

virtual Processor * newProcessor ()
virtual void init ()
virtual void processRunHeader (lcio::LCRunHeader *run)
virtual void processEvent (lcio::LCEvent *evt)
virtual void check (lcio::LCEvent *evt)
virtual void end ()

Protected Member Functions

int countNrOfNeighboringPixelsWithHit (int chipID, int pixelID, std::vector< LCObject * > DataVec)

Protected Attributes

std::string _inputColName
std::string _outputColName
std::string _modeMapColName
std::string _modeMapCorrName
int _max_zDiffusion_perCluster
double _shutter
double _readoutFrequency
double _driftVelocity
bool _multiShutter
bool _keepClusterHistoFlag
int _minNrOfPixelsToCalcTime
int _rmsCut
int _outputIsTransient
AIDA::IHistogram1D * _zDistancesPixelsInClusters_beforeCleaning
AIDA::IHistogram1D * _zDistancesPixelsInClusters_afterCleaning
AIDA::IHistogram1D * _zclusterCenterBeforeMinusAfterCleaning
TH1F * _clusterHisto
 Root histo containing z Values of Pixels in a Cluster.
tpcconddata::TimePixMap * _timePixMap

Detailed Description

calculates the center of gravity of each cluster, weighted by charge information.

Input - Prerequisites

a collection of TrackerHits, position not set


Collection of TrackerHits with the position and dEdx set.

InputCollectionNameName of input collection, TrackerHits without position
OutputCollectionNameName of output collection, TrackerHits with position
ModeMapCollectionNameName of mode map collection
_max_zDiffusion_perClusterpixels further than _max_zDiffusion_perCluster [clock cycles] away from the mean cluster time are ignored during cluster center calculation
SetOutputTransientIf not 0 the output collection is set transient
nColumnnumber of columns on the chip
nRownumber of rows on the chip
pitchpitch of the pixel
_minNrOfPixelsToCalcTimeif there are less than _minNrOfPixelsToCalcTime with 4 or more neighbors with charge all time pixels are taken into account for mean time calculation
_keepClusterHistoFlagdecide whether you want to keep a histo of z-Distribution for each Cluster - default is FALSE
rmsCutpixels further away in z than rmsCut * RMSofDistributon are ignorred for Meancalculation
SetOutputTransientIf not 0 the output collection is set transient
Simone Zimmermann

Member Data Documentation

double marlintpc::TimePixHitCenterCalculatorProcessor::_driftVelocity
  • drift velocity of gas in mm/us
std::string marlintpc::TimePixHitCenterCalculatorProcessor::_inputColName
  • the name of the input collection
bool marlintpc::TimePixHitCenterCalculatorProcessor::_keepClusterHistoFlag
  • true if you want to keep a histo of the z-distribution of each cluster
std::string marlintpc::TimePixHitCenterCalculatorProcessor::_modeMapColName
  • the name of the mode map collection
std::string marlintpc::TimePixHitCenterCalculatorProcessor::_modeMapCorrName
  • the name of the correction to mode map collection
bool marlintpc::TimePixHitCenterCalculatorProcessor::_multiShutter
  • true if multiple shutters are allowed during acquisition
std::string marlintpc::TimePixHitCenterCalculatorProcessor::_outputColName
  • the name of the output collection
double marlintpc::TimePixHitCenterCalculatorProcessor::_readoutFrequency
  • readout frequency of TimePix chip in MHz, optional, should come from gear
double marlintpc::TimePixHitCenterCalculatorProcessor::_shutter
  • length of shutter signal in us
AIDA::IHistogram1D* marlintpc::TimePixHitCenterCalculatorProcessor::_zclusterCenterBeforeMinusAfterCleaning
  • z shift of Clustercenter introduced by cutting on special Pixels
AIDA::IHistogram1D* marlintpc::TimePixHitCenterCalculatorProcessor::_zDistancesPixelsInClusters_afterCleaning
  • _zDistancesPixelsInClusters_afterCleaning
AIDA::IHistogram1D* marlintpc::TimePixHitCenterCalculatorProcessor::_zDistancesPixelsInClusters_beforeCleaning
  • _zDistancesPixelsInClusters_beforeCleaning

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