MarlinTPC  1.2.0
Public Member Functions | Protected Attributes | List of all members
marlin::OctoboardReaderProcessor Class Reference

Reads TimePix raw data: matrix of 256 x 256 values stored in a .dat file
Writes data to TrackerRawDataCollection named TimePixRawData Currelty only work for one chip. More...

#include <OctoboardReaderProcessor.h>

Inheritance diagram for marlin::OctoboardReaderProcessor:

Public Member Functions

virtual OctoboardReaderProcessornewProcessor ()
virtual void readDataSource (int numEvents)
 Creates events with TrackerRawData collections from the TimePix raw data input files and calls all active processors' processEvent() and processRunHeader Method.
virtual void init ()
virtual void end ()

Protected Attributes

std::string _outputColName
bool _isFirstEvent
std::string _listName
std::ifstream _infile
int _chipID
int _runNr
int _evtNr
int _nRow
int _nColumn
int _maxRecordN
int _totTime
std::string _detName
std::string _dataDescription
std::string _subDetName
int _outputIsTransient
 give the status which is set to the transient flag of the output collection it is an int instead of a boolean, because the processor parameter cannot be a boolean

Detailed Description

Reads TimePix raw data: matrix of 256 x 256 values stored in a .dat file
Writes data to TrackerRawDataCollection named TimePixRawData Currelty only work for one chip.

Input - Prerequisites

TimePix data files.


FileListNameText file with list of input TimePix files {TimePix file names must be absolute pathes!}
OutputCollectionNameName of the output collection, defaut TimePixRawData
ModeMapCollectionNameName of the output mode map collection, default TimePixMap
DetectorNameDetector name for run header, default "TPC"
DescriptionData descripton for run header, default "no description given"
SubDetectorNameSub-detector name for run header, default "TimePix"
ChipIDInterer ID number of the chip (lcio::TrackerRawData::CellID0), should be 0 as it's only one chip in the current version
ModeOperation mode of the chip: TOT, TIME, MM1 (mixed mode with CellID0 = TIME), MM2 (mixed mode with CellID0 = TOT)
NRowNumber of rows on the chip, default 256
NColumnNumber of columns on the chip, default 256
MaxRecordNumberMaximum number of events 100000
SetOutputTransientIf not 0 the output collection is set transient
Simone Zimmermann(University of Bonn)

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