Fill the residuals of the hits into an AIDA histogram. More...
#include <BiasedResidualsProcessor.h>
Public Member Functions | |
virtual Processor * | newProcessor () |
virtual void | init () |
virtual void | processRunHeader (lcio::LCRunHeader *run) |
virtual void | processEvent (lcio::LCEvent *evt) |
Protected Attributes | |
std::string | _inputColName |
the name of the input collection | |
std::string | _relationsColName |
the name of the relatiobs collection to reference tracks | |
AIDA::IHistogram1D * | _residualsXYHisto |
the residuals in the xy-plane | |
AIDA::IHistogram1D * | _residualsZHisto |
the residuals in z (time) | |
AIDA::IHistogram2D * | _residualsXY_vs_xr |
the residuals in the xy-plane vs x or r | |
AIDA::IHistogram2D * | _residualsXY_vs_yphi |
the residuals in the xy-plane vs y or phi | |
AIDA::IHistogram2D * | _residualsXY_vs_z |
the residuals in the xy-plane vs z | |
AIDA::IHistogram2D * | _residualsZ_vs_xr |
the residuals in z vs x or r | |
AIDA::IHistogram2D * | _residualsZ_vs_yphi |
the residuals z vs y or phi | |
AIDA::IHistogram2D * | _residualsZ_vs_z |
the residuals z vs z | |
float | _histogramMinValueXY |
Minimum value in xy histogram. | |
float | _histogramMaxValueXY |
Maximum value in xy histogram. | |
float | _histogramMinValueZ |
Minimum value in z histogram. | |
float | _histogramMaxValueZ |
Maximum value in z histogram. | |
bool | _applyCorrectionFactor |
Multiply residual with ![]() | |
int | _dofXY |
Degrees of freedom in the XY plane. | |
float | _xrMin |
Minimal x or r for 2D histograms. | |
float | _xrMax |
Maximal x or r for 2D histograms. | |
float | _yphiMin |
Minimal y or phi for 2D histograms. | |
float | _yphiMax |
Maximal y or phi for 2D histograms. | |
bool | _forceCartesian |
Flag whether to force the histograms to cartesian values in case of polar TPC coordinates. | |
Fill the residuals of the hits into an AIDA histogram.
Remember that LCIO::TRBIT_HITS has to be set, so the hits are stored. If ApplyCorrectionFactor is set the bias is corrected by , where dof is 2 for a straight line, 3 for a helix in xy, and 2 in z for all cases.
InputTrackes | Name of input Tracks collection (default: TPCTracks) |
ReferenceTrackRelationsColName | (optional) Name of the collection with relations to reference tracks (MC truth or hodoscope) |
HistogramMinValueXY | Minimum value in xy histogram (default: -0.3 mm) |
HistogramMaxValueXY | Maximal value in xy histogram (default: 0.3 mm) |
HistogramMinValueZ | Minimum value in z histogram (default: -1.0 mm) |
HistogramMaxValueZ | Maximal value in z histogram (default: 1.0 mm) |
ApplyCorrectionFactor | Multiply residual with ![]() Attention: Turn the correction off when using reference tracks! |
DoFXY | Degrees of freedom in the XY plane (2 for straight line, 3 for helix) (default: 3) |
virtual |
most overlapping hits
References _applyCorrectionFactor, _dofXY, _forceCartesian, _inputColName, _relationsColName, _residualsXY_vs_xr, _residualsXY_vs_yphi, _residualsXY_vs_z, _residualsXYHisto, _residualsZ_vs_xr, _residualsZ_vs_yphi, _residualsZ_vs_z, _residualsZHisto, marlintpc::TrackFitterBase::calculateResiduals(), marlintpc::TrackFitterBase::getFitterTypeFromTrack(), marlintpc::TrackFitterFactory::getTrackFitter(), and marlintpc::TrackFitterBase::FitterTypes::SIMPLEMINIMIZER.