MarlinTPC  1.2.0
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marlintpc::SimplePedestalCalculatorProcessor Class Reference

The SimpePedestalCalculatorProcessor calculates the pedestal for each channel from all events in the run. More...

#include <SimplePedestalCalculatorProcessor.h>

Inheritance diagram for marlintpc::SimplePedestalCalculatorProcessor:


class  pedestalCreator
 Internal helper class to sum up the pedestals and calculate the mean value and width. More...

Public Member Functions

virtual Processor * newProcessor ()
virtual void init ()
 Initialises the processor parameters.
virtual void processRunHeader (lcio::LCRunHeader *run)
 Nothing to do here...
virtual void processEvent (lcio::LCEvent *evt)
 Sum up all pedestals in the pedestalCreator classes.
virtual void check (lcio::LCEvent *evt)
 Nothing to check.
virtual void end ()
 The end function writes the caclulated pedestals to the lcio file.

Protected Types

typedef std::map< std::pair
< int, int >, pedestalCreator
 For better readability: define a pedestal map type.

Protected Attributes

PedestalCreatorMap_t _pedestalCreatorMap
 A map to associate a hardware ID (pair of ints for channel and readout group) to the corresponding pedestal creator object.
std::string _inputColName
std::string _outputColName
std::string _outputFileName

Detailed Description

The SimpePedestalCalculatorProcessor calculates the pedestal for each channel from all events in the run.

It just sums up all measured ADC values and calculates the mean value, so the data must not contain peaks. You need dedicated pedestal runs to record these data. The output is a simple lcio file with only one event containing the conditions data. Data base files or MySQL conditions data will not be supported.

Processor Parameters:

InputCollectionNameName of the TrackerRawData input collection (default: TPCRawData)"
OutputCollectionNameName of the output collection (default: TPCPedestals)
OutputFileNameName of the lcio output file (existing file will be overwritten). Default: TPCPedestals.slcio

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