LCFIVertex  0.7.2
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
oNnnetNeural Network Namespace
oNvertex_lcfiRoot namespace of code used by Processors in the VertexPackage
|oNnnetNeural Net namespace
|oNutilUtility classes for the vertex package
|oNZVTOPNamespace containing ZVTOP Implementation
|oCVertexDecaySignificanceCalculation of Decay Significance
|oCJointProbCalculation of the Joint probability flavour tag inputs
|oCParameterSignificanceCalculation of a series of flavour tag inputs
|oCPerEventIPFitterExample jet variable that returns the number of tracks in the jet
|oCSecVertexProbCalculation of Secondary Vertex Probability
|oCTrackAttachTrack attachment algorithm. Calculates the seed vertex and the Tracks attached to it
|oCTwoTrackPidSimple two track PID for gamma and Ks
|oCVertexChargeCalculation of the charge of the vertex
|oCVertexMassCalculation of the Pt corrected mass vertex flavour tag input
|oCVertexMomentumCalculation of Vertex Momentum
|oCVertexMultiplicityCalculation of the number of tracks in secondary vertices
|oCZVKINAlgorithm interface for decay chain construction or vertexing
|oCZVRESAlgorithm interface for decay chain construction or vertexing
|oCAlgoAlgorithm interface for decay chain construction or vertexing etc
|oCDecayChainDecay Chain
|oCJetSimple Jet Class
|oCTrackUnique Track representation
|oCTrackStateSpatial point on a Track
|oCMemoryManagerTypeBase class for all MemoryManagers
|oCMetaMemoryManagerMemoryManager Controller - see MemoryManager
|\CMemoryManagerMemory management
oCDSTPlotProcessorCreates some sample plots from the data calculated by the LCFI vertex package
oCFlavourTagInputsProcessorCalculates the Flavour tag input variables for flavour tagging
oCFlavourTagProcessorPerforms a neural net based flavour tag using data calculated by the LCFI vertex package
oCLCFIAIDAPlotProcessorLCFIAIDAPlotProcessor Class - make plots of the LCFI flavour tag and vertex charge code
oCNeuralNetTrainerProcessorTrains neural networks to be used for jet flavour tagging
oCPerEventIPFitterProcessorDetermine IP position and error from the tracks in an event by simple fit
oCPlotProcessorCreates some sample plots from the data calculated by the LCFI vertex package
oCRPCutProcessorCuts ReconstuctedParticles(RPs) from a collection (or from a list of RPs held by another RP) based on several cut criteria
oCTrueAngularJetFlavourProcessorDetermine MC Jet Flavour by angular matching of heavy quarks to jets, also determine hadronic and partonic charge of jet
oCVertexChargeProcessorCalculates the Vertex Charge
oCZVTOPZVKINProcessorFind vertices in a jet using kinematic ZVTOP-ZVKIN algorithm
\CZVTOPZVRESProcessorFind vertices in a jet using topological ZVTOP-ZVRES algorithm