LCFIVertex  0.7.2
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PerEventIPFitterProcessor Class Reference

Determine IP position and error from the tracks in an event by simple fit. More...

#include <PerEventIPFitter.h>

Inheritance diagram for PerEventIPFitterProcessor:
Inheritance graph
Collaboration diagram for PerEventIPFitterProcessor:
Collaboration graph

Public Member Functions

virtual Processor * newProcessor ()
virtual void init ()
virtual void processRunHeader (LCRunHeader *run)
virtual void processEvent (LCEvent *evt)
virtual void check (LCEvent *evt)
virtual void end ()

Protected Attributes

std::string _InputRPCollectionName
std::string _VertexCollectionName
vertex_lcfi::Algo< Event
*, Vertex * > * 
FloatVec _DefaultIPPos
FloatVec _DefaultIPErr
double _ProbThreshold
int _nRun
int _nEvt

Detailed Description

Determine IP position and error from the tracks in an event by simple fit.


Name Type Represents
InputRPCollectionName ReconstructedParticle Tracks to be fit


Name Type Represents
VertexCollectionName Vertex Fitted IP


This processor fits a set of LCIO ReconstructedParticles (which must have an LCIO Track attached to be used) to a common point. This is performed by iterative fitting, with removal of the track with highest chi-squared at each iteration until the fit reaches the probability threshold. If only one track remains then the default IP position and error are used. The result is stored as an LCIO Vertex.
This processor is highly unoptimised and untuned, and may take a long time to execute on a large set of tracks.
Currently uses VertexFitterLSM (from ZVTOP) to perform fitting.

InputRPCollectionName of the ReconstructedParticle collection to be fit
VertexCollectionNameName of the output Vertex collection
DefaultIPPosLength 3 Float Vector of position (x,y,z) returned (as LCIO Vertex) if no fit is found
DefaultIPErrLength 6 Float Vector of covariance (lower symmetric) returned (as LCIO Vertex) if no fit is found
ProbabilityThresholdOnce the vertex is above this probability it is returned
Ben Jeffery (

Definition at line 49 of file PerEventIPFitter.h.

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