LCFIVertex  0.7.2
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ZVTOPZVRESProcessor Class Reference

Find vertices in a jet using topological ZVTOP-ZVRES algorithm. More...

#include <ZVTOPZVRESProcessor.h>

Inheritance diagram for ZVTOPZVRESProcessor:
Inheritance graph
Collaboration diagram for ZVTOPZVRESProcessor:
Collaboration graph

Public Member Functions

virtual Processor * newProcessor ()
virtual void init ()
virtual void processRunHeader (LCRunHeader *run)
virtual void processEvent (LCEvent *evt)
virtual void check (LCEvent *evt)
virtual void end ()

Protected Attributes

std::string _JetRPCollectionName
std::string _DecayChainRPTracksCollectionName
std::string _VertexCollectionName
std::string _IPVertexCollectionName
std::string _DecayChainCollectionName
vertex_lcfi::Algo< Jet
*, DecayChain * > * 
bool _ManualPrimaryVertex
FloatVec _ManualPrimaryVertexPos
FloatVec _ManualPrimaryVertexErr
double _IPWeighting
double _JetWeightingEnergyScaling
double _TwoTrackCut
double _TrackTrimCut
double _ResolverCut
bool _OutputTrackChi2
int _nRun
int _nEvt

Detailed Description

Find vertices in a jet using topological ZVTOP-ZVRES algorithm.


Name Type Represents
JetRPCollectionName ReconstructedParticle Jets to be Vertexed (eg from SatoruJetFinderProcessor
IPVertexCollectionName Vertex Event Interaction Point (eg from PerEventIPFitterProcessor) - optional can be manually specified


Name Type Represents
DecayChainCollectionName ReconstructedParticle Decay Chains (set of found vertices)
VertexCollection Vertex Found vertices
DecayChainRPTracksCollectionName ReconstructedParticle Tracks used in Decay Chains and found vertices


This processor finds vertices in a set of LCIO ReconstructedParticles (usually a jet) using the algorithm ZVTOP(ZVRES) described in D. Jackson, NIM A388:247-253, 1997 Also see (INSERT LINK TO ZVTOP DOC) To be used each ReconstructedParticle must have an attached LCIO Track. Note it is imperative that the tracks have well formed and preferably accurate covariance matrices in d0 and z0. If the covariances are too small fake or no vertices may be found. Too large and vertices will be combined.
The algorithm also requires an interaction point in the form of an LCIO Vertex or a manually set position and covariance.
The set of vertices forming a decay chain as output as set of LCIO Vertices and LCIO ReconstructedParticles for details see the interface documentation
For more details on algorihmic parameters see the ZVTOP paper.

Ben Jeffery (
JetRPCollectionNameName of the ReconstructedParticle collection that represents jets
IPVertexCollectionNameName of the Vertex collection that contains the primary vertex (Optional)
DecayChainRPTracksCollectionNameName of the ReconstructedParticle collection that represents tracks in output decay chains
VertexCollectionName of the Vertex collection that contains found vertices
DecayChainCollectionNameName of the ReconstructedParticle collection that holds RPs representing output decay chains
ManualIPVertexIf false then the primary vertex from VertexCollection is used
ManualIPVertexPositionManually set position of the primary vertex (cm)
ManualIPVertexErrorManually set error matrix of the primary vertex (cm) (lower symmetric)
IPWeightingWeight of the IP in the Vertex Function
JetWeightingEnergyScalingScaling factor for Weight of the jet direction in the Vertex Function. Kalpha = Scaling * JetEnergy
TwoTrackCutChi Squared cut for making initial track pairs - chi squared of either track NOT sum
TrackTrimCutChi Squared cut for final trimming of tracks from vertices
ResolverCutCut to determine if two vertices are resolved
OutputTrackChi2If true the chi squared contributions of tracks to vertices is written to LCIO

Definition at line 64 of file ZVTOPZVRESProcessor.h.

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