Description of this package's use of LCIO to store results of processors.
The processors ZVTOPZVKINProcessor and ZVTOPZVRESProcessor
both store their results in the same way. They provide information on the decay vertices found, stored in a collection of LCIO Vertices and a collection of ReconstructedParticles, representing decaying particles that give rise to these vertices, as described in Frank Gaedeās Frank Gaede's forum post
In LCIO, Vertices and ReconstructedParticles, are connected as follows:
In essence we end up with three types of objects with links between them; Vertices, Decaying ReconstructedParticles, Stable ReconstructedParticles.
Note that the information stored in the ReconstructedParticles created using ZVTOP information differs from the one of those created by the track reconstruction code. The getStartVertex and getEndVertex methods permit building up a representation of a heavy flavour decay chain. In the current ZVTOP version, this is reconstructed as follows: vertices are sorted by increasing radius from the IP, the start vertex of the accompanying ReconstructedParticle is set to point to the previous vertex in the collection in this order. Note that this is only an approximation of the decay chain in an actual physics event, which may differ or be more complex (e.g. one decay vertex may give rise to two instable particles. If correctly reconstructed, their ReconstructedParticles would point to the same start vertex. Of the corresponding ZVTOP vertices, only the one closer to the IP will point to its correct start vertex, while the further one will point to the nearer one instead.
As each RP points to its vertices, to store more than one vertexing result it is necessary to take a copy of the set of RPs that are in each vertex. Each copy points to the original unique RP through ReconstructedParticle::getParticles()[0].
A master ReconstructedParticle object is created that points to all decaying and stable ReconstructedParticles in the decay chain though ReconstructedParticle::getParticles(). The ReconstructedParticle::getStartVertex() is set to the first Vertex in the decay chain (usually the IP). This is the main object for accessing the decay chains as it allows one to iterate over all the ReconstructedParticles contained within.
These objects are then stored in three collections:
If you wanted to print out the d0 of each LCIO::Track in each Vertex of a decay chain found for the second jet in the jet collection:
If OutputTrackChi2 is set to true the vertexing processors will output the chi squared each track contributes to its vertex.
This is stored in a collection named: TrackRPCollectionName+"TrackChiSquareds" ie. The name of the first collection appended with "TrackChiSquareds"
The chi squareds are stored as a collection of LCFloatVecs in the same order as the tracks in DecayChainRPTracksCollection. Currently the LCFloatVec contains one value - the chi squared in the start vertex, but the end vertex could be supported if needed as a second value.
The lists of variables produced by the Flavour Tag and Inputs are stored in collections of LCFloatVecs, with one LCFloatVec per jet. Within the LCFloatVec, the names and order of the variables are stored in the parameter of the run header as a string vector stored under the name of the LCFloatVec collection. Note that the same LCFloatVec is used for the flavour tag inputs, the vertex charge and further additional variables.
Get the secondary vertex probability for the second jet:
Ben Jeffery - b.jef fery 1@phy sics .ox.a