LCFIAIDAPlotProcessor Class - make plots of the LCFI flavour tag and vertex charge code. More...
#include <LCFIAIDAPlotProcessor.h>
Protected Member Functions | |
bool | PassesEventCuts (LCEvent *pEvent) |
bool | PassesJetCuts (ReconstructedParticle *pJet) |
void | FillInputsPlots (LCEvent *pEvent, unsigned int jetNumber) |
void | FillTagPlots (LCEvent *pEvent, unsigned int jetNumber) |
void | FillVertexChargePlots (LCEvent *pEvent, unsigned int jetNumber) |
void | FillVertexPlots (LCEvent *pEvent, unsigned int jetNumber) |
void | CalculateEfficiencyPurityPlots () |
void | CalculateAdditionalPlots () |
void | CreateFlavourTagInputPlots (LCRunHeader *pRun) |
void | CreateFlavourTagTuple () |
void | CreateTagPlots () |
void | CreateAdditionalPlots () |
float | CalculateDistance (const float *pos1, const float *pos2) |
double | CalculateDistance (const double *pos1, const double *pos2) |
int | FindTrueJetType (LCEvent *pEvent, unsigned int jetNumber) |
Finds the true flavour of a jet (uses TrueJetFlavourCollection) | |
float | FindTrueJetHadronCharge (LCEvent *pEvent, unsigned int jetNumber) |
Finds the true charge of the hadron producing a jet (uses TrueJetFlavourCollection) | |
int | FindTrueJetPDGCode (LCEvent *pEvent, unsigned int jetNumber) |
Finds the PDG code of the hadron producing a jet (uses TrueJetFlavourCollection) | |
float | FindTrueJetPartonCharge (LCEvent *pEvent, unsigned int jetNumber) |
Finds the true charge of the parton producing a jet (uses TrueJetFlavourCollection) | |
int | FindTrueJetFlavour (LCEvent *pEvent, unsigned int jetNumber) |
Finds the true flavour of the jet (uses TrueJetFlavourCollection) | |
void | FindTrueJetDecayLength (LCEvent *pEvent, unsigned int jetNumber, std::vector< double > &decaylengthvector, std::vector< double > &bjetdecaylengthvector, std::vector< double > &cjetdecaylengthvector) |
Finds the true decay length of the longest b- or c- hadron in a jet. | |
void | FindTrueJetDecayLength2 (LCEvent *pEvent, unsigned int jetNumber, double &bjetdecaylength, double &cjetdecaylength) |
int | FindNumVertex (LCEvent *pEvent, unsigned int jetNumber, unsigned int iInputsCollection) |
Finds the number of vertices in an event (from the flavour tag inputs) | |
int | FindCQVtx (LCEvent *pEvent, unsigned int jetNumber) |
Finds the vertex charge of the jet - using cuts tuned to find vertex charge for C-jets (from CVertexChargeCollection) | |
int | FindBQVtx (LCEvent *pEvent, unsigned int jetNumber) |
Finds the vertex charge of the jet - using cuts tuned to find vertex charge for B-jets (from BVertexChargeCollection) | |
void | CalculateTagEfficiency (const AIDA::IHistogram1D *pSignal, std::vector< double > &tagEfficiency, std::vector< double > &tagError) |
void | CalculateTagPurity (const AIDA::IHistogram1D *pSignal, const AIDA::IHistogram1D *pBackground, std::vector< double > &tagPurity, std::vector< double > &tagPurityError) |
void | CalculateIntegralAndBackgroundPlots () |
int | GetPDGFlavour (int code) |
void | FillZVRESTable (LCEvent *pEvent) |
void | PrintNNOutput () |
void | PrintZVRESTable () |
void | InitialiseFlavourTagInputs (LCRunHeader *pRun) |
void | InternalVectorInitialisation () |
AIDA::IDataPointSet * | CreateEfficiencyPlot (const AIDA::IHistogram1D *pSignal, AIDA::IDataPointSet *pDataPointSet) |
Makes a DataPointSet of the tag efficiency e.g number of B-jets passing a given B-tag NN cut, as a function of NN. | |
AIDA::IDataPointSet * | CreateEfficiencyPlot2 (const AIDA::IHistogram1D *pAllEvents, const AIDA::IHistogram1D *pPassEvents, AIDA::IDataPointSet *pDataPointSet) |
Makes a DataPointSet of histogram 1 divide by histogram 2 - this is an IDataPointSet as a histrogram gives the wrong errors. | |
AIDA::IDataPointSet * | CreateIntegralPlot (const AIDA::IHistogram1D *pNN, AIDA::IDataPointSet *pIntegral) |
Makes a DataPointSet integrating a histogram from the first bin to the last bin – NOT USED. | |
AIDA::IDataPointSet * | CreatePurityPlot (const AIDA::IHistogram1D *pSignal, const AIDA::IHistogram1D *pBackground, AIDA::IDataPointSet *pDataPointSet) |
Makes a DataPointSet of the tag purity e.g. N(B-jets passing NN cut)/N(all-jets passing NN cut) for a given B-tag NN cut, as a function of NN. | |
AIDA::IDataPointSet * | CreateLeakageRatePlot (const AIDA::IHistogram1D *pBackground, AIDA::IDataPointSet *pDataPointSet) |
Makes a DataPointSet showing the tagging leakage e.g. the number of non-B-jets passing a given B-tag NN cut, as a function of NN. | |
AIDA::IDataPointSet * | CreateXYPlot (const AIDA::IDataPointSet *pDataPointSet0, const AIDA::IDataPointSet *pDataPointSet1, AIDA::IDataPointSet *xyPointSet, const int dim0=0, const int dim1=0) |
Plots two DataPointSets against each other. | |
AIDA::IHistogram1D * | CreateIntegralHistogram (const AIDA::IHistogram1D *pNN, AIDA::IHistogram1D *pIntegral) |
Makes a histogram integrating a histogram from the first bin to the last bin - THE ERRORS RETURNED ARE WRONG! | |
void | CreateVertexChargeLeakagePlot (AIDA::IDataPointSet *pBJetVtxChargeDPS, AIDA::IDataPointSet *pCJetVtxChargeDPS) |
Makes DataPointSets for the number of. | |
void | CreateVertexChargeLeakagePlot () |
Protected Attributes | |
std::vector< std::string > | _FlavourTagCollectionNames |
required input collections | |
std::vector< std::string > | _FlavourTagInputsCollectionNames |
std::string | _TrueJetFlavourColName |
std::string | _JetCollectionName |
std::string | _VertexColName |
std::string | _CVertexChargeCollection |
std::string | _BVertexChargeCollection |
std::string | _TrueTracksToMCPCollection |
std::string | _ZVRESSelectedJetsCollection |
std::string | _ZVRESDecayChainRPTracksCollection |
std::string | _ZVRESDecayChainCollection |
double | _CosThetaJetMax |
cuts on all jets | |
double | _CosThetaJetMin |
cuts on all jets | |
double | _PJetMin |
cuts on all jets | |
double | _PJetMax |
cuts on all jets | |
double | _BTagNNCut |
Cut on the NN output variables - applied in vertex charge plots. | |
double | _CTagNNCut |
Cut on the NN output variables - applied in vertex charge plots. | |
bool | _PrintTrackVertexOutput |
optional parameters to make an ntuple of the neural net inputs; and print out the tagging ouputs (useful for scripts) | |
bool | _MakeTuple |
bool | _MakePurityEfficiencyPlots |
bool | _PrintPurityEfficiencyValues |
bool | _MakeAdditionalPlots |
std::string | _PurityEfficiencyOutputFile |
std::string | _TrackVertexOutputFile |
int | _iVertexChargeTagCollection |
unsigned int | _myVertexChargeTagCollection |
std::vector< std::string > | _VertexCatNames |
std::vector< std::string > | _NumVertexCatDir |
std::vector< std::string > | _ZoomedVarNames |
std::string | _MCParticleColName |
std::vector< AIDA::IHistogram2D * > | _pBJetCharge |
std::vector< AIDA::IHistogram2D * > | _pCJetCharge |
std::vector< AIDA::IHistogram1D * > | _pCDecayLengthAll |
std::vector< AIDA::IHistogram1D * > | _pBDecayLengthAll |
std::vector< AIDA::IHistogram1D * > | _pCDecayLengthTwoVertices |
std::vector< AIDA::IHistogram1D * > | _pBDecayLengthTwoVertices |
AIDA::IHistogram2D * | _pBJetCharge2D |
True B-jets - vertex charge vs true charge. | |
AIDA::IHistogram2D * | _pCJetCharge2D |
True C-jets - vertex charge vs true charge. | |
AIDA::IHistogram1D * | _pBJetLeakageRate |
True B-jets - vertex charge leakage rate. | |
AIDA::IHistogram1D * | _pCJetLeakageRate |
True C-jets - vertex charge leakage rate. | |
AIDA::IHistogram1D * | _pBJetVertexCharge |
True B-jets - vertex charge. | |
AIDA::IHistogram1D * | _pCJetVertexCharge |
True C-jets - vertex charge. | |
AIDA::IHistogram2D * | _decayLengthCJet2D |
AIDA::IHistogram2D * | _decayLengthBJet2D |
AIDA::ICloud2D * | _decayLengthCJetCloud2D |
AIDA::ICloud2D * | _decayLengthBJetCloud2D |
std::vector< std::map < std::string, unsigned int > > | _IndexOfForEachTag |
std::vector< std::map < std::string, unsigned int > > | _InputsIndex |
std::vector< std::map < std::string, unsigned int > > | _ZoomedInputsIndex |
std::map< std::string, unsigned int > | _FlavourIndex |
std::vector< std::map < std::string, AIDA::IHistogram1D * > > | _inputsHistogramsBJets |
Histograms of the neural net inputs for true B-jets. | |
std::vector< std::map < std::string, AIDA::IHistogram1D * > > | _inputsHistogramsCJets |
Histograms of the neural net inputs for true C-jets. | |
std::vector< std::map < std::string, AIDA::IHistogram1D * > > | _inputsHistogramsUDSJets |
Histograms of the neural net inputs for light B-jets. | |
std::vector< std::map < std::string, AIDA::IHistogram1D * > > | _zoomedInputsHistogramsBJets |
Zoomed-in histograms of some of the neural net inputs for true B-jets. | |
std::vector< std::map < std::string, AIDA::IHistogram1D * > > | _zoomedInputsHistogramsCJets |
Zoomed-in histograms of some of the neural net inputs for true C-jets. | |
std::vector< std::map < std::string, AIDA::IHistogram1D * > > | _zoomedInputsHistogramsUDSJets |
Zoomed-in histograms of some of the neural net inputs for true light-jets. | |
std::vector< std::map < std::string, AIDA::IHistogram1D * > > | _pLightJetBTag |
Histograms of the neural net B-tag outputs for true light-jets - seperately for different number of vertices in the jets, 1, 2, >=3, any (sum of previous) | |
std::vector< std::map < std::string, AIDA::IHistogram1D * > > | _pLightJetCTag |
Histograms of the neural net C-tag outputs for true light-jets - seperately for different number of vertices in the jets, 1, 2, >=3, any (sum of previous) | |
std::vector< std::map < std::string, AIDA::IHistogram1D * > > | _pBJetBTag |
Histograms of the neural net B-tag outputs for true B-jets - seperately for different number of vertices in the jets, 1, 2, >=3, any (sum of previous) | |
std::vector< std::map < std::string, AIDA::IHistogram1D * > > | _pBJetCTag |
Histograms of the neural net C-tag outputs for true B-jets - seperately for different number of vertices in the jets, 1, 2, >=3, any (sum of previous) | |
std::vector< std::map < std::string, AIDA::IHistogram1D * > > | _pCJetBTag |
Histograms of the neural net B-tag outputs for true C-jets - seperately for different number of vertices in the jets, 1, 2, >=3, any (sum of previous) | |
std::vector< std::map < std::string, AIDA::IHistogram1D * > > | _pCJetCTag |
Histograms of the neural net C-tag outputs for true C-jets - seperately for different number of vertices in the jets, 1, 2, >=3, any (sum of previous) | |
std::vector< std::map < std::string, AIDA::IHistogram1D * > > | _pBJetBCTag |
Histograms of the neural net BC-tag outputs for true B-jets - seperately for different number of vertices in the jets, 1, 2, >=3, any (sum of previous) | |
std::vector< std::map < std::string, AIDA::IHistogram1D * > > | _pCJetBCTag |
Histograms of the neural net BC-tag outputs for true C-jets - seperately for different number of vertices in the jets, 1, 2, >=3, any (sum of previous) | |
std::vector< std::map < std::string, AIDA::IHistogram1D * > > | _pLightJetBCTag |
Histograms of the neural net BC-tag outputs for true light-jets - seperately for different number of vertices in the jets, 1, 2, >=3, any (sum of previous) | |
std::vector< std::map < std::string, AIDA::IHistogram1D * > > | _pBTagBackgroundValues |
Histograms of the neural net B-tag outputs for non B-jets - seperately for different number of vertices in the jets, 1, 2, >=3, any (sum of previous) | |
std::vector< std::map < std::string, AIDA::IHistogram1D * > > | _pCTagBackgroundValues |
Histograms of the neural net C-tag outputs for non C-jets - seperately for different number of vertices in the jets, 1, 2, >=3, any (sum of previous) | |
std::vector< std::map < std::string, AIDA::IHistogram1D * > > | _pBCTagBackgroundValues |
Histograms of the neural net BC-tag outputs for non C-jets - seperately for different number of vertices in the jets, 1, 2, >=3, any (sum of previous) | |
std::vector< std::map < std::string, AIDA::IHistogram1D * > > | _pBJetBTagIntegral |
Histograms of the neural net tags - number of events that pass a given cut: jet NN value > given NN value for the three tags - B-tag, C-tag, BC-tag. More... | |
std::vector< std::map < std::string, AIDA::IHistogram1D * > > | _pCJetBTagIntegral |
std::vector< std::map < std::string, AIDA::IHistogram1D * > > | _pLightJetBTagIntegral |
std::vector< std::map < std::string, AIDA::IHistogram1D * > > | _pBJetCTagIntegral |
std::vector< std::map < std::string, AIDA::IHistogram1D * > > | _pCJetCTagIntegral |
std::vector< std::map < std::string, AIDA::IHistogram1D * > > | _pLightJetCTagIntegral |
std::vector< std::map < std::string, AIDA::IHistogram1D * > > | _pBJetBCTagIntegral |
std::vector< std::map < std::string, AIDA::IHistogram1D * > > | _pCJetBCTagIntegral |
std::vector< std::map < std::string, AIDA::IHistogram1D * > > | _pLightJetBCTagIntegral |
int | _numberOfPoints |
Number of bins used for neural nets plots. | |
AIDA::ITuple * | _pMyTuple |
Tuple of the input variables - only filled for one input collection - selected with UseFlavourTagCollectionForVertexCharge. | |
int | _lastRunHeaderProcessed |
int | _suppressOutputForRun |
AIDA::IHistogram1D * | _pVertexDistanceFromIP |
AIDA::IHistogram1D * | _pVertexPositionX |
AIDA::IHistogram1D * | _pVertexPositionY |
AIDA::IHistogram1D * | _pVertexPositionZ |
AIDA::IHistogram1D * | _pPrimaryVertexPullX |
AIDA::IHistogram1D * | _pPrimaryVertexPullY |
AIDA::IHistogram1D * | _pPrimaryVertexPullZ |
AIDA::IHistogram1D * | _pPrimaryVertexPositionX |
AIDA::IHistogram1D * | _pPrimaryVertexPositionY |
AIDA::IHistogram1D * | _pPrimaryVertexPositionZ |
AIDA::IHistogram1D * | _reconstructedSecondaryDecayLength |
AIDA::IHistogram1D * | _reconstructedSecTerDecayLength |
AIDA::IHistogram2D * | _numberOfJetsDC |
AIDA::IHistogram1D * | _numberOfSecondaryVertices |
AIDA::IHistogram1D * | _recoDecayLengthBJet |
AIDA::IHistogram1D * | _recoDecayLengthBCJet |
AIDA::IHistogram1D * | _nVerticesBJet |
AIDA::IHistogram1D * | _recoDecayLengthCJet |
AIDA::IHistogram1D * | _nVerticesCJet |
AIDA::IHistogram1D * | _recoDecayLengthLightJet |
AIDA::IHistogram1D * | _nVerticesLightJet |
AIDA::IHistogram1D * | _decayLengthBJetTrue |
AIDA::IHistogram1D * | _decayLengthBCJetTrue |
AIDA::IHistogram1D * | _decayLengthCJetTrue |
int | _cJet_truePlus2 |
numbers of true C-jets with true charge ++ | |
int | _cJet_truePlus |
numbers of true C-jets with true charge + | |
int | _cJet_trueNeut |
numbers of true C-jets with true charge 0 | |
int | _cJet_trueMinus |
numbers of true C-jets with true charge - | |
int | _cJet_trueMinus2 |
numbers of true C-jets with true charge – | |
int | _cJet_truePlus2_recoPlus |
numbers of true C-jets with true charge ++; reconstructed vertex charge >0 | |
int | _cJet_truePlus2_recoNeut |
numbers of true C-jets with true charge ++; reconstructed vertex charge =0 | |
int | _cJet_truePlus2_recoMinus |
numbers of true C-jets with true charge ++; reconstructed vertex charge <0 | |
int | _cJet_truePlus_recoPlus |
numbers of true C-jets with true charge +; reconstructed vertex charge >0 | |
int | _cJet_truePlus_recoNeut |
numbers of true C-jets with true charge +; reconstructed vertex charge =0 | |
int | _cJet_truePlus_recoMinus |
numbers of true C-jets with true charge +; reconstructed vertex charge <0 | |
int | _cJet_trueNeut_recoPlus |
numbers of true C-jets with true charge 0; reconstructed vertex charge >0 | |
int | _cJet_trueNeut_recoNeut |
numbers of true C-jets with true charge 0; reconstructed vertex charge =0 | |
int | _cJet_trueNeut_recoMinus |
numbers of true C-jets with true charge 0; reconstructed vertex charge <0 | |
int | _cJet_trueMinus_recoPlus |
numbers of true C-jets with true charge -; reconstructed vertex charge >0 | |
int | _cJet_trueMinus_recoNeut |
numbers of true C-jets with true charge -; reconstructed vertex charge =0 | |
int | _cJet_trueMinus_recoMinus |
numbers of true C-jets with true charge -; reconstructed vertex charge <0 | |
int | _cJet_trueMinus2_recoPlus |
numbers of true C-jets with true charge –; reconstructed vertex charge >0 | |
int | _cJet_trueMinus2_recoNeut |
numbers of true C-jets with true charge –; reconstructed vertex charge =0 | |
int | _cJet_trueMinus2_recoMinus |
numbers of true C-jets with true charge –; reconstructed vertex charge <0 | |
int | _bJet_truePlus2 |
numbers of true B-jets with true charge ++ | |
int | _bJet_truePlus |
numbers of true B-jets with true charge + | |
int | _bJet_trueNeut |
numbers of true B-jets with true charge 0 | |
int | _bJet_trueMinus |
numbers of true B-jets with true charge - | |
int | _bJet_trueMinus2 |
numbers of true B-jets with true charge – | |
int | _bJet_truePlus2_recoPlus |
numbers of true B-jets with true charge ++; reconstructed vertex charge >0 | |
int | _bJet_truePlus2_recoNeut |
numbers of true B-jets with true charge ++; reconstructed vertex charge =0 | |
int | _bJet_truePlus2_recoMinus |
numbers of true B-jets with true charge ++; reconstructed vertex charge <0 | |
int | _bJet_truePlus_recoPlus |
numbers of true B-jets with true charge +; reconstructed vertex charge >0 | |
int | _bJet_truePlus_recoNeut |
numbers of true B-jets with true charge +; reconstructed vertex charge =0 | |
int | _bJet_truePlus_recoMinus |
numbers of true B-jets with true charge +; reconstructed vertex charge <0 | |
int | _bJet_trueNeut_recoPlus |
numbers of true B-jets with true charge 0; reconstructed vertex charge >0 | |
int | _bJet_trueNeut_recoNeut |
numbers of true B-jets with true charge 0; reconstructed vertex charge =0 | |
int | _bJet_trueNeut_recoMinus |
numbers of true B-jets with true charge 0; reconstructed vertex charge <0 | |
int | _bJet_trueMinus_recoPlus |
numbers of true B-jets with true charge -; reconstructed vertex charge >0 | |
int | _bJet_trueMinus_recoNeut |
numbers of true B-jets with true charge -; reconstructed vertex charge =0 | |
int | _bJet_trueMinus_recoMinus |
numbers of true B-jets with true charge -; reconstructed vertex charge <0 | |
int | _bJet_trueMinus2_recoPlus |
numbers of true B-jets with true charge –; reconstructed vertex charge >0 | |
int | _bJet_trueMinus2_recoNeut |
numbers of true B-jets with true charge –; reconstructed vertex charge =0 | |
int | _bJet_trueMinus2_recoMinus |
numbers of true B-jets with true charge –; reconstructed vertex charge <0 | |
std::vector< unsigned int > | _cJet_truePlus2_angle |
Vector of numbers of true C-jets with true charge ++ See above for details. | |
std::vector< unsigned int > | _cJet_truePlus_angle |
std::vector< unsigned int > | _cJet_trueNeut_angle |
std::vector< unsigned int > | _cJet_trueMinus_angle |
std::vector< unsigned int > | _cJet_trueMinus2_angle |
std::vector< unsigned int > | _cJet_truePlus2_recoPlus_angle |
std::vector< unsigned int > | _cJet_truePlus2_recoNeut_angle |
std::vector< unsigned int > | _cJet_truePlus2_recoMinus_angle |
std::vector< unsigned int > | _cJet_truePlus_recoPlus_angle |
std::vector< unsigned int > | _cJet_truePlus_recoNeut_angle |
std::vector< unsigned int > | _cJet_truePlus_recoMinus_angle |
std::vector< unsigned int > | _cJet_trueNeut_recoPlus_angle |
std::vector< unsigned int > | _cJet_trueNeut_recoNeut_angle |
std::vector< unsigned int > | _cJet_trueNeut_recoMinus_angle |
std::vector< unsigned int > | _cJet_trueMinus_recoPlus_angle |
std::vector< unsigned int > | _cJet_trueMinus_recoNeut_angle |
std::vector< unsigned int > | _cJet_trueMinus_recoMinus_angle |
std::vector< unsigned int > | _cJet_trueMinus2_recoPlus_angle |
std::vector< unsigned int > | _cJet_trueMinus2_recoNeut_angle |
std::vector< unsigned int > | _cJet_trueMinus2_recoMinus_angle |
std::vector< unsigned int > | _bJet_truePlus2_angle |
std::vector< unsigned int > | _bJet_truePlus_angle |
std::vector< unsigned int > | _bJet_trueNeut_angle |
std::vector< unsigned int > | _bJet_trueMinus_angle |
std::vector< unsigned int > | _bJet_trueMinus2_angle |
std::vector< unsigned int > | _bJet_truePlus2_recoPlus_angle |
std::vector< unsigned int > | _bJet_truePlus2_recoNeut_angle |
std::vector< unsigned int > | _bJet_truePlus2_recoMinus_angle |
std::vector< unsigned int > | _bJet_truePlus_recoPlus_angle |
std::vector< unsigned int > | _bJet_truePlus_recoNeut_angle |
std::vector< unsigned int > | _bJet_truePlus_recoMinus_angle |
std::vector< unsigned int > | _bJet_trueNeut_recoPlus_angle |
std::vector< unsigned int > | _bJet_trueNeut_recoNeut_angle |
std::vector< unsigned int > | _bJet_trueNeut_recoMinus_angle |
std::vector< unsigned int > | _bJet_trueMinus_recoPlus_angle |
std::vector< unsigned int > | _bJet_trueMinus_recoNeut_angle |
std::vector< unsigned int > | _bJet_trueMinus_recoMinus_angle |
std::vector< unsigned int > | _bJet_trueMinus2_recoPlus_angle |
std::vector< unsigned int > | _bJet_trueMinus2_recoNeut_angle |
std::vector< unsigned int > | _bJet_trueMinus2_recoMinus_angle |
int | _nb_twoVertex_bTrack_Primary |
Numbers for purity if reconstructed track-vertex association. | |
int | _nb_twoVertex_bTrack_Secondary |
int | _nb_twoVertex_bTrack_Tertiary |
int | _nb_twoVertex_bTrack_Isolated |
int | _nb_twoVertex_cTrack_Primary |
int | _nb_twoVertex_cTrack_Secondary |
int | _nb_twoVertex_cTrack_Tertiary |
int | _nb_twoVertex_cTrack_Isolated |
int | _nb_twoVertex_lTrack_Primary |
int | _nb_twoVertex_lTrack_Secondary |
int | _nb_twoVertex_lTrack_Tertiary |
int | _nb_twoVertex_lTrack_Isolated |
int | _nb_threeVertex_bTrack_Primary |
int | _nb_threeVertex_bTrack_Secondary |
int | _nb_threeVertex_bTrack_Tertiary |
int | _nb_threeVertex_bTrack_Isolated |
int | _nb_threeVertex_cTrack_Primary |
int | _nb_threeVertex_cTrack_Secondary |
int | _nb_threeVertex_cTrack_Tertiary |
int | _nb_threeVertex_cTrack_Isolated |
int | _nb_threeVertex_lTrack_Primary |
int | _nb_threeVertex_lTrack_Secondary |
int | _nb_threeVertex_lTrack_Tertiary |
int | _nb_threeVertex_lTrack_Isolated |
int | _nb_threeVertex_Primary_noMCP |
int | _nb_threeVertex_Secondary_noMCP |
int | _nb_threeVertex_Tertiary_noMCP |
int | _nb_threeVertex_Isolated_noMCP |
int | _nb_twoVertex_Primary_noMCP |
int | _nb_twoVertex_Secondary_noMCP |
int | _nb_twoVertex_Tertiary_noMCP |
int | _nb_twoVertex_Isolated_noMCP |
int | _nc_twoVertex_bTrack_Primary |
int | _nc_twoVertex_bTrack_Secondary |
int | _nc_twoVertex_bTrack_Tertiary |
int | _nc_twoVertex_bTrack_Isolated |
int | _nc_twoVertex_cTrack_Primary |
int | _nc_twoVertex_cTrack_Secondary |
int | _nc_twoVertex_cTrack_Tertiary |
int | _nc_twoVertex_cTrack_Isolated |
int | _nc_twoVertex_lTrack_Primary |
int | _nc_twoVertex_lTrack_Secondary |
int | _nc_twoVertex_lTrack_Tertiary |
int | _nc_twoVertex_lTrack_Isolated |
int | _nc_threeVertex_bTrack_Primary |
int | _nc_threeVertex_bTrack_Secondary |
int | _nc_threeVertex_bTrack_Tertiary |
int | _nc_threeVertex_bTrack_Isolated |
int | _nc_threeVertex_cTrack_Primary |
int | _nc_threeVertex_cTrack_Secondary |
int | _nc_threeVertex_cTrack_Tertiary |
int | _nc_threeVertex_cTrack_Isolated |
int | _nc_threeVertex_lTrack_Primary |
int | _nc_threeVertex_lTrack_Secondary |
int | _nc_threeVertex_lTrack_Tertiary |
int | _nc_threeVertex_lTrack_Isolated |
int | _nc_threeVertex_Primary_noMCP |
int | _nc_threeVertex_Secondary_noMCP |
int | _nc_threeVertex_Tertiary_noMCP |
int | _nc_threeVertex_Isolated_noMCP |
int | _nc_twoVertex_Primary_noMCP |
int | _nc_twoVertex_Secondary_noMCP |
int | _nc_twoVertex_Tertiary_noMCP |
int | _nc_twoVertex_Isolated_noMCP |
Static Protected Attributes | |
static const unsigned int | N_VERTEX_CATEGORIES =3 |
number of different vertex categories we want to look at: 1 vertex, 2 vertices, >=3 vertices | |
static const int | B_JET =5 |
static const int | C_JET =4 |
static const int | N_JETANGLE_BINS =10 |
number of bins used in vertex charge leakage plots | |
LCFIAIDAPlotProcessor Class - make plots of the LCFI flavour tag and vertex charge code.
Please note that LCFIAIDAPlotProcessor will not compile with RAIDA v01-03 To use LCFIAIDAPlotProcessor please use AIDAJNI for the implementation of AIDA run "cmake -DBUILD_WITH="ROOT;AIDAJNI" -DAIDAJNI_HOME=${AIDAJNI_HOME}"
This sorry states of affairs comes about becayse not all AIDA functions are defined in RAIDA v01-03
In order to make a histogram file, LCFIAIDAPlotProcessor must be run with AIDAProcessor.
LCFIAIDAPlotProcessor reads in one (or more) FlavourTagCollections, e.g. from FlavourTag and one (or more) TagInputCollections. Histograms/plots are made of the neural net outputs, the purity and leakage rate of the flavour tag. These are split into sub-samples based on the number of vertices found in the jets. Plots are also made of the inputs to the FlavourTagCollections - split into sub-samples based on the true (MC) flavour of the jet.
Options are given to make a tuple of the flavour tag inputs and to print out a text file of the different flavour tag neural net outputs.
(When providing more than one FlavourTagCollection and/or TagInputCollection plots for each collection will be made in different directories.)
In addition LCFIAIDAPlotProcessor also requires a jet collection, and the following collections, which should refer to the same jet collection.
BVertexChargeCollection – calculated in VertexChargeProcessor
CVertexChargeCollection – calculated in VertexChargeProcessor
TrueJetFlavourCollection – calculated in TrueAngularJetFlavourProcessor
The following collections must be available:
FlavourTagCollections | StringVec of LCFloatVec names representing the flavour tag inputs collections - may be more than one collection. |
TagInputsCollections | StringVec of LCFloatVec names the flavour tag input collections - may be more than one collection. |
JetCollectionName | Name of ReconstructedParticleCollection representing the jets. |
VertexCollectionName | Name of VertexCollection representing the Vertex collection of the jets. |
BVertexChargeCollection | Name of LCFloatVector of the vertex charge of the jet collection, assuming the jets are b-jets (calculated in VertexChargeProcessor) |
CVertexChargeCollection | Name of LCFloatVector of the vertex charge of the jet collection, assuming the jets are c-jets (calculated in VertexChargeProcessor) |
TrueJetFlavourCollection | Name of LCFloatVector of the true (MC) flavour of the jets (calculated in TrueAngularJetFlavourProcessor) |
VertexCollectionName | Name of VertexCollection representing the vertices. |
BTagNNCut | Double reprsenting the lower cut on the b-tag NN value for some of the plots. |
CTagNNCut | Double reprsenting the lower cut on the c-tag NN value for some of the plots. |
CosThetaJetMax | Double representing upper cut on cos(theta) of the jets for the plots. |
CosThetaJetMin | Double representing lower cut on cos(theta) of the jets for the plots. |
PJetMax | Double representing upper cut on momentum of the jet for the plots. |
PJetMin | Double representing lower cut on momentum of the jet for the plots. |
MakeTuple | Bool set true if you want to make a tuple of the TagInputCollection variables. |
NeuralNetOutputFile | String representing name of text file of neural net values to. Only used if PrintNeuralNetOutput parameter is true. If left blank, output will be directed to standard out |
PrintNeuralNetOutput | Bool set true if you want to make a text file of the neural net values (useful for some scripts). |
UseFlavourTagCollectionForVertexCharge | For vertex charge plots we demand the cTag>CTagNNCut and bTag>BTagNNCut. This integer is used if there is more than one tag collection, to determine which of the collections should be used to apply this cut. |
Definition at line 91 of file LCFIAIDAPlotProcessor.h.
protected |
Histograms of the neural net tags - number of events that pass a given cut: jet NN value > given NN value for the three tags - B-tag, C-tag, BC-tag.
Definition at line 236 of file LCFIAIDAPlotProcessor.h.