LCFIVertex  0.7.2
Classes | Functions
vertex_lcfi::ZVTOP Namespace Reference

Namespace containing ZVTOP Implementation. More...


class  CandidateVertex
 A collection of TrackState objects with a fit and vertex function maximum. More...
class  GaussEllipsoid
 Gaussian ellipsoid component of the vertex function. More...
class  GaussTube
 Gaussian tube component of the vertex function. More...
class  GhostFinderStage1
 First stage of ghost track alorithm - ghost finder. More...
class  InteractionPoint
 Interaction Point representation. More...
class  FunctionMinimiser
class  FunctionMaximiser
class  VertexFinderClassic
 Vertex Finding object - classic ZVTOP. More...
class  VertexFinderGhost
 Vertex Finding object - classic ZVTOP. More...
class  VertexFitter
 Vertex Fitter Interface. More...
class  VertexFitterKalman
class  VertexFitterLSM
class  VertexFuncMaxFinder
 Vertex Function Maximum Finder Interface. More...
class  VertexFuncMaxFinderClassicStepper
 Robust VertexFuncMaxFinder. More...
class  VertexFunction
 Vertex Function Interface. More...
class  VertexFunctionClassic
 VertexFunction as in ZVTOP paper. More...
class  VertexFunctionElement
 Vertex Fuction Element (Tubes, ellipse) Interface. More...
class  VertexFunctionSimple
 Simplified VertexFunction. More...
class  VertexResolver
 Vertex Resolver Interface. More...
class  VertexResolverEqualSteps
 VertexResolver as in ZVTOP paper. More...
struct  CVVFMaxAscending
struct  CVVFMaxDescending
struct  CVVFPosAscending
struct  CVVFPosDescending
struct  IPDistAscending


template<class charT , class traits >
std::basic_ostream< charT,
traits > & 
operator<< (std::basic_ostream< charT, traits > &os, const CandidateVertex &cv)
bool pDecreasing (const TState &lhs, const TState &rhs)

Detailed Description

Namespace containing ZVTOP Implementation.