LCFIVertex  0.7.2
Namespaces | Classes | Enumerations | Functions
vertex_lcfi Namespace Reference

Root namespace of code used by Processors in the VertexPackage. More...


 Neural Net namespace.
 Utility classes for the vertex package.
 Namespace containing ZVTOP Implementation.


class  VertexDecaySignificance
 Calculation of Decay Significance. More...
class  JointProb
 Calculation of the Joint probability flavour tag inputs. More...
class  ParameterSignificance
 Calculation of a series of flavour tag inputs. More...
class  PerEventIPFitter
 Example jet variable that returns the number of tracks in the jet. More...
class  SecVertexProb
 Calculation of Secondary Vertex Probability. More...
class  TrackAttach
 Track attachment algorithm. Calculates the seed vertex and the Tracks attached to it. More...
class  TwoTrackPid
 Simple two track PID for gamma and Ks. More...
class  VertexCharge
 Calculation of the charge of the vertex. More...
class  VertexMass
 Calculation of the Pt corrected mass vertex flavour tag input. More...
class  VertexMomentum
 Calculation of Vertex Momentum. More...
class  VertexMultiplicity
 Calculation of the number of tracks in secondary vertices. More...
class  ZVKIN
 Algorithm interface for decay chain construction or vertexing. More...
class  ZVRES
 Algorithm interface for decay chain construction or vertexing. More...
class  Algo
 Algorithm interface for decay chain construction or vertexing etc. More...
class  DecayChain
 Decay Chain. More...
class  Event
 Event. More...
class  Jet
 Simple Jet Class. More...
class  ReconstructedParticleLCFI
class  ClassName
 Classname. More...
class  Track
 Unique Track representation. More...
class  TrackState
 Spatial point on a Track. More...
class  TState
class  Vertex
 Vertex. More...
class  MemoryManagerType
 Base class for all MemoryManagers. More...
class  MetaMemoryManager
 MemoryManager Controller - see MemoryManager. More...
class  MemoryManager
 Memory management. More...


enum  DecaySignificanceType { Significance, Distance, Significance, Distance }
enum  SignificanceType {
  D0SigTrack1, D0SigTrack2, Z0SigTrack1, Z0SigTrack2,
  MomentumTrack1, MomentumTrack2, D0SigTrack1, D0SigTrack2,
  Z0SigTrack1, Z0SigTrack2, MomentumTrack1, MomentumTrack2
enum  PidCutType { Gamma, KShort, Gamma, KShort }
enum  Recalculate { Recalc, Cached, Recalc, Cached }
 Recalculate a variable or use a chached answer if possible.
enum  DecaySignificanceType { Significance, Distance, Significance, Distance }
enum  SignificanceType {
  D0SigTrack1, D0SigTrack2, Z0SigTrack1, Z0SigTrack2,
  MomentumTrack1, MomentumTrack2, D0SigTrack1, D0SigTrack2,
  Z0SigTrack1, Z0SigTrack2, MomentumTrack1, MomentumTrack2
enum  PidCutType { Gamma, KShort, Gamma, KShort }
enum  Recalculate { Recalc, Cached, Recalc, Cached }
 Recalculate a variable or use a chached answer if possible.


vertex_lcfi::TracktrackFromLCIORP (Event *MyEvent, lcio::ReconstructedParticle *RP)
vertex_lcfi::JetjetFromLCIORP (Event *MyEvent, lcio::ReconstructedParticle *RP)
ReconstructedParticle * addDecayChainToLCIOEvent (LCEvent *MyLCIOEvent, DecayChain *MyDecayChain, std::string VertexCollectionName, std::string TrackRPCollectionName, bool StoreTrackChiSquareds=false)
DecayChaindecayChainFromLCIORP (Jet *MyJet, ReconstructedParticle *DecayChainRP)
lcio::Vertex * vertexFromLCFIVertex (vertex_lcfi::Vertex *MyLCFIVertex)
vertex_lcfi::VertexvertexFromLCIOVertex (lcio::Vertex *LCIOVertex, Event *MyEvent)
template<class charT , class traits >
std::basic_ostream< charT,
traits > & 
operator<< (std::basic_ostream< charT, traits > &os, const Track &ts)
template<class charT , class traits >
std::basic_ostream< charT,
traits > & 
operator<< (std::basic_ostream< charT, traits > &os, const TrackState &ts)
bool Trackd0Ascending (const Track *rpStart, const Track *rpEnd)
bool Vertexd0Ascending (const Vertex *rpStart, const Vertex *rpEnd)

Detailed Description

Root namespace of code used by Processors in the VertexPackage.

class TState TState.h include/TState.h

author Tomas Lastovicka (LCFI) date 2007-07-26