vertex_lcfi::Algo< INTYPE, OUTTYPE > | Algorithm interface for decay chain construction or vertexing etc |
 vertex_lcfi::Algo< DecayChain *, DecayChain * > | |
  vertex_lcfi::TrackAttach | Track attachment algorithm. Calculates the seed vertex and the Tracks attached to it |
  vertex_lcfi::TrackAttach | Track attachment algorithm. Calculates the seed vertex and the Tracks attached to it |
 vertex_lcfi::Algo< DecayChain *, double > | |
  vertex_lcfi::SecVertexProb | Calculation of Secondary Vertex Probability |
  vertex_lcfi::SecVertexProb | Calculation of Secondary Vertex Probability |
  vertex_lcfi::VertexCharge | Calculation of the charge of the vertex |
  vertex_lcfi::VertexCharge | Calculation of the charge of the vertex |
  vertex_lcfi::VertexMass | Calculation of the Pt corrected mass vertex flavour tag input |
  vertex_lcfi::VertexMass | Calculation of the Pt corrected mass vertex flavour tag input |
  vertex_lcfi::VertexMomentum | Calculation of Vertex Momentum |
  vertex_lcfi::VertexMomentum | Calculation of Vertex Momentum |
 vertex_lcfi::Algo< DecayChain *, int > | |
  vertex_lcfi::VertexMultiplicity | Calculation of the number of tracks in secondary vertices |
  vertex_lcfi::VertexMultiplicity | Calculation of the number of tracks in secondary vertices |
 vertex_lcfi::Algo< DecayChain *, std::map< DecaySignificanceType, double > > | |
  vertex_lcfi::VertexDecaySignificance | Calculation of Decay Significance |
  vertex_lcfi::VertexDecaySignificance | Calculation of Decay Significance |
 vertex_lcfi::Algo< Event *, Vertex * > | |
  vertex_lcfi::PerEventIPFitter | Example jet variable that returns the number of tracks in the jet |
  vertex_lcfi::PerEventIPFitter | Example jet variable that returns the number of tracks in the jet |
 vertex_lcfi::Algo< Jet *, DecayChain * > | |
  vertex_lcfi::ZVKIN | Algorithm interface for decay chain construction or vertexing |
  vertex_lcfi::ZVKIN | Algorithm interface for decay chain construction or vertexing |
  vertex_lcfi::ZVRES | Algorithm interface for decay chain construction or vertexing |
  vertex_lcfi::ZVRES | Algorithm interface for decay chain construction or vertexing |
 vertex_lcfi::Algo< Jet *, std::map< PidCutType, std::vector< vertex_lcfi::Track * > > > | |
  vertex_lcfi::TwoTrackPid | Simple two track PID for gamma and Ks |
  vertex_lcfi::TwoTrackPid | Simple two track PID for gamma and Ks |
 vertex_lcfi::Algo< Jet *, std::map< Projection, double > > | |
  vertex_lcfi::JointProb | Calculation of the Joint probability flavour tag inputs |
  vertex_lcfi::JointProb | Calculation of the Joint probability flavour tag inputs |
 vertex_lcfi::Algo< Jet *, std::map< SignificanceType, double > > | |
  vertex_lcfi::ParameterSignificance | Calculation of a series of flavour tag inputs |
  vertex_lcfi::ParameterSignificance | Calculation of a series of flavour tag inputs |
 nnet::BackPropagationAlgorithm | |
 nnet::BackPropagationCGAlgorithm | |
 nnet::BatchBackPropagationAlgorithm | |
 vertex_lcfi::util::bin< T > | |
 bounded_matrix | |
  vertex_lcfi::util::Matrix2x2 | |
  vertex_lcfi::util::Matrix2x2 | |
  vertex_lcfi::util::Matrix3x3 | |
  vertex_lcfi::util::Matrix3x3 | |
  vertex_lcfi::util::Matrix5x5 | |
  vertex_lcfi::util::Matrix5x5 | |
 bounded_vector | |
  vertex_lcfi::util::Vector3 | Multi-Perpose 3 Vector |
  vertex_lcfi::util::Vector3 | Multi-Perpose 3 Vector |
 vertex_lcfi::ZVTOP::CandidateVertex | A collection of TrackState objects with a fit and vertex function maximum |
 vertex_lcfi::ClassName | Classname |
 vertex_lcfi::ZVTOP::CVVFMaxAscending | |
 vertex_lcfi::ZVTOP::CVVFMaxDescending | |
 vertex_lcfi::ZVTOP::CVVFPosAscending | |
 vertex_lcfi::ZVTOP::CVVFPosDescending | |
 vertex_lcfi::DecayChain | Decay Chain |
 vertex_lcfi::util::efficiency_purity< T > | |
 vertex_lcfi::util::efficiency_purity< double > | |
 vertex_lcfi::Event | Event |
 vertex_lcfi::ZVTOP::FunctionMaximiser< T > | |
 vertex_lcfi::ZVTOP::FunctionMinimiser< T > | |
 vertex_lcfi::ZVTOP::FunctionMinimiser< vertex_lcfi::ZVTOP::FunctionMaximiser< T > > | |
 nnet::GeneticAlgorithm | |
 nnet::Genome | |
 vertex_lcfi::ZVTOP::GhostFinderStage1 | First stage of ghost track alorithm - ghost finder |
 vertex_lcfi::util::HelixRep | Multi-Perpose 3 Vector |
 vertex_lcfi::util::histogram_data< T > | |
 vertex_lcfi::util::histogram_data< double > | |
 nnet::InputImportance | |
 nnet::InputNormaliser | |
  nnet::GaussianNormaliser | |
  nnet::PassthroughNormaliser | |
  nnet::RangeMappingNormaliser | |
 nnet::InputNormaliserBuilder | |
  nnet::GaussianNormaliserBuilder | |
  nnet::PassthroughNormaliserBuilder | |
  nnet::RangeMappingNormaliserBuilder | |
 nnet::InputNormaliserBuilderCatalogue | |
 vertex_lcfi::ZVTOP::InteractionPoint | Interaction Point representation |
 vertex_lcfi::ZVTOP::IPDistAscending | |
 vertex_lcfi::Jet | Simple Jet Class |
 matrix | |
  vertex_lcfi::util::Matrix6x6 | |
  vertex_lcfi::util::Matrix6x6 | |
 vertex_lcfi::MemoryManagerType | Base class for all MemoryManagers |
  vertex_lcfi::MemoryManager< T > | Memory management |
  vertex_lcfi::MemoryManager< T > | Memory management |
 vertex_lcfi::MetaMemoryManager | MemoryManager Controller - see MemoryManager |
 nnet::NeuralNet | |
 nnet::NeuralNetDataSet | |
 nnet::NeuralNetXMLReader | |
 nnet::Neuron | |
  nnet::LinearNeuron | |
  nnet::SigmoidNeuron | |
  nnet::TanSigmoidNeuron | |
 nnet::NeuronBuilder | |
  nnet::LinearNeuronBuilder | |
  nnet::SigmoidNeuronBuilder | |
  nnet::TanSigmoidNeuronBuilder | |
 nnet::NeuronBuilderCatalogue | |
 nnet::NeuronLayer | |
 Processor | |
  ConversionTagger | |
  DSTAIDAPlotProcessor | |
  DSTCollectionProcessor | |
  DSTPlotProcessor | Creates some sample plots from the data calculated by the LCFI vertex package |
  FlavourTagInputsProcessor | Calculates the Flavour tag input variables for flavour tagging |
  FlavourTagProcessor | Performs a neural net based flavour tag using data calculated by the LCFI vertex package |
  LCFIAIDAPlotProcessor | LCFIAIDAPlotProcessor Class - make plots of the LCFI flavour tag and vertex charge code |
  NeuralNetTrainerProcessor | Trains neural networks to be used for jet flavour tagging |
  PerEventIPFitterProcessor | Determine IP position and error from the tracks in an event by simple fit |
  PlotProcessor | Creates some sample plots from the data calculated by the LCFI vertex package |
  RPCutProcessor | Cuts ReconstuctedParticles(RPs) from a collection (or from a list of RPs held by another RP) based on several cut criteria |
  SignificanceFit | |
  VertexChargeProcessor | Calculates the Vertex Charge |
  ZVTOPZVKINProcessor | Find vertices in a jet using kinematic ZVTOP-ZVKIN algorithm |
  ZVTOPZVRESProcessor | Find vertices in a jet using topological ZVTOP-ZVRES algorithm |
 Processor | |
  TrueAngularJetFlavourProcessor | Determine MC Jet Flavour by angular matching of heavy quarks to jets, also determine hadronic and partonic charge of jet |
 ReconstructedParticleImpl | |
  vertex_lcfi::ReconstructedParticleLCFI | |
  vertex_lcfi::ReconstructedParticleLCFI | |
 symmetric_matrix | |
  vertex_lcfi::util::SymMatrix2x2 | |
  vertex_lcfi::util::SymMatrix2x2 | |
  vertex_lcfi::util::SymMatrix3x3 | |
  vertex_lcfi::util::SymMatrix3x3 | |
  vertex_lcfi::util::SymMatrix5x5 | |
  vertex_lcfi::util::SymMatrix5x5 | |
  vertex_lcfi::util::SymMatrix6x6 | |
  vertex_lcfi::util::SymMatrix6x6 | |
 vertex_lcfi::Track | Unique Track representation |
 vertex_lcfi::TrackState | Spatial point on a Track |
 vertex_lcfi::TState | |
 TypesafeCollection< T > | |
 vertex_lcfi::Vertex | Vertex |
 vertex_lcfi::ZVTOP::VertexFinderClassic | Vertex Finding object - classic ZVTOP |
 vertex_lcfi::ZVTOP::VertexFinderGhost | Vertex Finding object - classic ZVTOP |
 vertex_lcfi::ZVTOP::VertexFitter | Vertex Fitter Interface |
  vertex_lcfi::ZVTOP::VertexFitterKalman | |
  vertex_lcfi::ZVTOP::VertexFitterKalman | |
  vertex_lcfi::ZVTOP::VertexFitterLSM | |
  vertex_lcfi::ZVTOP::VertexFitterLSM | |
 vertex_lcfi::ZVTOP::VertexFuncMaxFinder | Vertex Function Maximum Finder Interface |
  vertex_lcfi::ZVTOP::VertexFuncMaxFinderClassicStepper | Robust VertexFuncMaxFinder |
  vertex_lcfi::ZVTOP::VertexFuncMaxFinderClassicStepper | Robust VertexFuncMaxFinder |
 vertex_lcfi::ZVTOP::VertexFunction | Vertex Function Interface |
  vertex_lcfi::ZVTOP::VertexFunctionClassic | VertexFunction as in ZVTOP paper |
  vertex_lcfi::ZVTOP::VertexFunctionClassic | VertexFunction as in ZVTOP paper |
  vertex_lcfi::ZVTOP::VertexFunctionSimple | Simplified VertexFunction |
  vertex_lcfi::ZVTOP::VertexFunctionSimple | Simplified VertexFunction |
 vertex_lcfi::ZVTOP::VertexFunctionElement | Vertex Fuction Element (Tubes, ellipse) Interface |
  vertex_lcfi::ZVTOP::GaussEllipsoid | Gaussian ellipsoid component of the vertex function |
  vertex_lcfi::ZVTOP::GaussEllipsoid | Gaussian ellipsoid component of the vertex function |
  vertex_lcfi::ZVTOP::GaussTube | Gaussian tube component of the vertex function |
  vertex_lcfi::ZVTOP::GaussTube | Gaussian tube component of the vertex function |
 vertex_lcfi::ZVTOP::VertexResolver | Vertex Resolver Interface |
  vertex_lcfi::ZVTOP::VertexResolverEqualSteps | VertexResolver as in ZVTOP paper |
  vertex_lcfi::ZVTOP::VertexResolverEqualSteps | VertexResolver as in ZVTOP paper |