RAIDA  1.7.0
Class Hierarchy
This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 1234]
oCAIDA::IAnalysisFactoryThe "master" factory from which other factories are obtained
|\CAIDA::IAnalysisFactoryROOTThe "master" factory from which other factories are obtained
oCAIDA::IAnnotationThe annotation holds arbitrary information represented with (key,value) pairs of strings
|\CAIDA::IAnnotationROOTThe annotation holds arbitrary information represented with (key,value) pairs of strings
oCAIDA::IAxisAn IAxis represents a binned histogram axis
|\CAIDA::IAxisROOTAn IAxis represents a binned histogram axis
oCAIDA::IBaseHistogramClass IAnnotation;
|oCAIDA::ICloudUser level interface to a Cloud
|oCAIDA::IHistogramUser level interface to Histogram
|\CAIDA::IProfileUser level interface to a Profile histogram
oCAIDA::IBaseStyleSuperclass for all styles in AIDA Plotting package
|oCAIDA::IAxisStyleStyle for the part of the scene representing the data (then histograms, functions, data point sets)
|oCAIDA::IBaseStyleROOTSuperclass for all styles in AIDA Plotting package
|oCAIDA::IBrushStyleSuperclass for anything which can be drawn in different colours and with (possibly) transparent/opaque/translucent effect
|oCAIDA::IDataStyleStyle for the part of the scene representing the data (then histograms, functions, data point sets)
|oCAIDA::IInfoStyleStyle for the part of the scene representing the info area
|oCAIDA::IPlotterStyleUser level interface to plotter style
|\CAIDA::ITitleStyleStyle for the "title scene part" of a plotting region or for the global title of a plotting page
oCAIDA::IDataPointBasic user-level interface class for holding and managing a single set of "measurements"
|\CAIDA::IDataPointROOTBasic user-level interface class for holding and managing a single set of "measurements"
oCAIDA::IDataPointSetBasic user-level interface class for holding and managing a single set of "data points"
|\CAIDA::IDataPointSetROOTBasic user-level interface class for holding and managing a single set of "data points"
oCAIDA::IDataPointSetFactoryBasic user-level interface for creating a factory of IDataPointSet
|\CAIDA::IDataPointSetFactoryROOTBasic user-level interface for creating a factory of IDataPointSet
oCAIDA::IEvaluatorUser's level interface of an IEvaluator
|\CAIDA::IEvaluatorROOTUser's level interface of an IEvaluator
oCAIDA::IFilterUser's level interface of an IFilter
|\CAIDA::IFilterROOTUser's level interface of an IFilter
|\CAIDA::IFitDataROOTDummy implementation of the Abstract representation of the fit data
oCAIDA::IFitFactoryFactory for fitter and fit data objects
|\CAIDA::IFitFactoryROOTDummy implementation of class "IFitFactory"
|\CAIDA::IFitParameterSettingsROOTDummy implementation of IFitParameterSettings
|\CAIDA::IFitResultROOTDummy implementation of the IFitResult class
oCAIDA::IFitterFitter performs fits, scans and computes contours
|\CAIDA::IFitterROOTDummy implementation of the class "IFitter"
oCAIDA::IFunctionPrincipal user-level function interface
|\CAIDA::IModelFunctionInterface of model function for fitting (for advanced users)
oCAIDA::IFunctionFactoryFunction factory
oCAIDA::IHistogramFactoryUser level interface for factory classes of Histograms (binned, unbinned, and profile) The created objects are assumed to be managed by the tree which is associated to the factory
|\CAIDA::IHistogramFactoryROOTUser level interface for factory classes of Histograms (binned, unbinned, and profile) The created objects are assumed to be managed by the tree which is associated to the factory
oCAIDA::IInfoThe info class permits to access the info area of a region
|\CAIDA::IInfoROOTThe info class permits to access the info area of a region
oCAIDA::IManagedObjectAn object which can be stored in a tree
|\CAIDA::IManagedObjectROOTAn object which can be stored in a tree
oCAIDA::IMeasurementBasic user-level interface class for holding a single "measurement" with positive and negative errors (to allow for asymmetric errors)
|\CAIDA::IMeasurementROOTBasic user-level interface class for holding a single "measurement" with positive and negative errors (to allow for asymmetric errors)
oCAIDA::IPlotterUser level interface to plotter
|\CAIDA::IPlotterROOTUser level interface to plotter
oCAIDA::IPlotterFactoryFactory for plotter and styles
|\CAIDA::IPlotterFactoryROOTFactory for plotter and styles
oCAIDA::IPlotterLayoutInterface to permit customization of the layout of scene objects
|\CAIDA::IPlotterLayoutROOTInterface to permit customization of the layout of scene objects
oCAIDA::IPlotterRegionUser level interface to a plotter region
|\CAIDA::IPlotterRegionROOTDummy implementation of thc class "IPlotterRegion"
oCAIDA::IRangeSetUser level interface to RangeSet
|\CAIDA::IRangeSetROOTUser level interface to RangeSet
oCAIDA::ITreeClass IManagedObject;
|\CAIDA::ITreeROOTClass IManagedObject;
oCAIDA::ITreeFactoryThe creator of trees
|\CAIDA::ITreeFactoryROOTThe creator of trees
oCAIDA::ITupleUser level interface to a Tuple
|\CAIDA::ITupleROOTUser level interface to a Tuple
oCAIDA::ITupleEntryStyle for the part of the scene representing the data (then histograms, functions, data point sets)
|\CAIDA::ITupleEntryROOTStyle for the part of the scene representing the data (then histograms, functions, data point sets)
oCAIDA::ITupleFactoryA factory for creating ITuples
|\CAIDA::ITupleFactoryROOTA factory for creating ITuples
oCAIDA::LeafPointThis class holds the values to be filled into a n-tuple
\CAIDA::SettingsHelper class to hold the current setting, the default setting and the possible settings for a key