RAIDA  1.7.0
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AIDA::IProfile1D Class Referenceabstract

User level interface to a 1-dimensional profile histogram. More...

#include <IProfile1D.h>

Inheritance diagram for AIDA::IProfile1D:
AIDA::IProfile AIDA::IBaseHistogram AIDA::IProfile1DROOT

Public Member Functions

virtual ~IProfile1D ()
virtual bool fill (double x, double y, double weight=1)=0
 Fill the IProfile1D.
virtual double binMean (int index) const =0
 The weighted mean of the corresponding bin. More...
virtual int binEntries (int index) const =0
 Number of entries in the corresponding bin (ie the number of times fill was called for this bin). More...
virtual double binHeight (int index) const =0
 Total height of the corresponding bin (ie the sum of the weights in this bin). More...
virtual double binError (int index) const =0
 The error on this bin. More...
virtual double binRms (int index) const =0
 The spread (RMS) of a bin. More...
virtual double mean () const =0
 Returns the mean of the whole profile as calculated on filling-time.
virtual double rms () const =0
 Returns the rms of the whole profile as calculated on filling-time.
virtual const IAxisaxis () const =0
 Returns the X axis.
virtual int coordToIndex (double coord) const =0
 Convenience method, equivalent to axis().coordToIndex(coord). More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from AIDA::IProfile
virtual ~IProfile ()
virtual int allEntries () const =0
 Get the number or all the entries, both in range and underflow/overflow bins of the IProfile. More...
virtual int extraEntries () const =0
 Get the number of entries in the underflow and overflow bins. More...
virtual double sumBinHeights () const =0
 Get the sum of in range bin heights in the IProfile. More...
virtual double sumAllBinHeights () const =0
 Get the sum of all the bins heights (including underflow and overflow bin). More...
virtual double sumExtraBinHeights () const =0
 Get the sum of the underflow and overflow bin height. More...
virtual double minBinHeight () const =0
 Get the minimum height of the in-range bins. More...
virtual double maxBinHeight () const =0
 Get the maximum height of the in-range bins. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from AIDA::IBaseHistogram
virtual ~IBaseHistogram ()
virtual std::string title () const =0
 Get the Histogram's title. More...
virtual bool setTitle (const std::string &title)=0
 Set the histogram title. More...
virtual int dimension () const =0
 Get the IAnnotation associated with the Histogram. More...
virtual bool reset ()=0
 Reset the Histogram; as if just created. More...
virtual int entries () const =0
 Get the number of in-range entries in the Histogram. More...

Detailed Description

User level interface to a 1-dimensional profile histogram.

The AIDA team (

Member Function Documentation

virtual int AIDA::IProfile1D::binEntries ( int  index) const
pure virtual

Number of entries in the corresponding bin (ie the number of times fill was called for this bin).

indexthe bin number (0...N-1) or OVERFLOW or UNDERFLOW.

Implemented in AIDA::IProfile1DROOT.

virtual double AIDA::IProfile1D::binError ( int  index) const
pure virtual

The error on this bin.

indexthe bin number (0...N-1) or OVERFLOW or UNDERFLOW.

Implemented in AIDA::IProfile1DROOT.

virtual double AIDA::IProfile1D::binHeight ( int  index) const
pure virtual

Total height of the corresponding bin (ie the sum of the weights in this bin).

indexthe bin number (0...N-1) or OVERFLOW or UNDERFLOW.

Implemented in AIDA::IProfile1DROOT.

virtual double AIDA::IProfile1D::binMean ( int  index) const
pure virtual

The weighted mean of the corresponding bin.

indexthe bin number (0...N-1) or OVERFLOW or UNDERFLOW.
The mean of the corresponding bin along the x axis.

Implemented in AIDA::IProfile1DROOT.

virtual double AIDA::IProfile1D::binRms ( int  index) const
pure virtual

The spread (RMS) of a bin.

indexthe bin number (0...N-1) or OVERFLOW or UNDERFLOW.

Implemented in AIDA::IProfile1DROOT.

virtual int AIDA::IProfile1D::coordToIndex ( double  coord) const
pure virtual

Convenience method, equivalent to axis().coordToIndex(coord).

See Also

Implemented in AIDA::IProfile1DROOT.

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