RAIDA  1.7.0
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AIDA::IFitFactory Interface Referenceabstract

Factory for fitter and fit data objects. More...

#include <IFitFactory.h>

Inheritance diagram for AIDA::IFitFactory:

Public Member Functions

virtual ~IFitFactory ()
virtual IFitDatacreateFitData ()=0
virtual IFittercreateFitter (const std::string &fitterType="Chi2", const std::string &engineType="", const std::string &options="")=0
 Create a new IFitter. More...

Detailed Description

Factory for fitter and fit data objects.

The AIDA team (

Member Function Documentation

virtual IFitter* AIDA::IFitFactory::createFitter ( const std::string &  fitterType = "Chi2",
const std::string &  engineType = "",
const std::string &  options = "" 
pure virtual

Create a new IFitter.

fitterTypeThe type of fitter. The supported types are:
  • "CHI2" or "Chi2" or "ChiSquared" for chi squared fitter (this is the default),
  • "ML" or "MaxLikelihood" for maximum likelihood fitter,
  • "LS" or "LeastSquares" for Last Squares fitter.
engineTypeThe type of optimization engine used by the fitter. The available types depend on the specific implementation in use. The default is "" (the implementation specific default).
optionsA string of options. The default is "".
The IFitter.

Implemented in AIDA::IFitFactoryROOT.

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