Overlay  0.16.0
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
 oCFPCCDOverlayBXFPCCDOverlayBX processor for overlaying (pair) background from many bunch crossings
 oCJoinEventsJoinEvents processor allows join events (based on the run number and event number) from a different file
 oCMergerBasic utility to merge two events or collections
 oCOverlayOverlay processor allows to overlay an event with background events from additional LCIO files based on different criteria
 oCVXDLadderHelper struct for VXD ladder geometry
 oCVXDLayerHelper struct for VXD layer geometry
 oCOverlayBXHelper struct for TPC parameters
 oCOverlayEventsOverlayEvents processor allows to merge a number of events in a LCIO file into 1 event
 \COverlayTimingOverlayTiming processor for overlaying background to each bunch crossing of a bunch train