FPCCDOverlayBX processor for overlaying (pair) background from many bunch crossings.
#include <FPCCDOverlayBX.h>
virtual marlin::Processor * | newProcessor () |
virtual const std::string & | name () const |
virtual void | modifyEvent (LCEvent *evt) |
virtual void | init () |
| Called at the begin of the job before anything is read. More...
virtual void | processRunHeader (LCRunHeader *run) |
| Called for every run.
virtual void | check (LCEvent *evt) |
virtual void | end () |
| Called after data processing for clean up.
typedef std::map< std::string,
std::string > | StrMap |
StringVec | _inputFileNames |
StringVec | _tmpInputFileNames |
int | _eventsPerBX |
int | _numBX |
bool | _removeVTX |
std::string | _vxdCollection |
std::string | _vtxPixelHitsCollection |
StringVec | _mergeCollections |
int | _nLayer |
int | _maxLadder |
StrMap | _colMap |
std::vector< LCReader * > | _lcReaders |
int | _maxBXs |
int | _nRun |
int | _nEvt |
std::vector< GeoData_t > | _geodata |
FPCCDOverlayBX processor for overlaying (pair) background from many bunch crossings.
Only VTXPixelHits which is output of FPCCDDigitizer are overlayed for the number of bunchcrossings that will be visible for a given physics events. Note: code assumes that background files contain exactly one bunch crossing - this is necesassary as guineapig files are ordered.
- Author
- D. Kamai Tohoku univ. (based on OverlayBX processor by F. Geade)
- Parameters
BackgroundFileNames | (StringVec) The names (with absolute or relative pathes) of the files from which the background should be read. Events are read in order from the last of strings. The Duplication will not be occured. |
NumberOfBunchCrossing | (int) The number of bunch crossings will be merged. |
MergeCollections | (StringVec) Pairs of collection names from detectors that will have one bunch crossing of beam background overlayd. The input collection (given first) will be merged into the output collection. If the output collectiondoes not exist, it will be created. |
MaxNumberOfEventsPerFile | (int) Maximum number of background events to be read from one file. Default: -1, i.e. read one file per BX. This option is essentially for testing. |
void overlay::FPCCDOverlayBX::init |
( |
| ) |
virtual |
Called at the begin of the job before anything is read.
Use to initialize the processor, e.g. book histograms.
LCEvent * overlay::FPCCDOverlayBX::readNextEvent |
( |
int |
bxNum | ) |
protected |
helper function for (randomly) reading the next event
helper function for reading the next event of BX bxNum
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