Overlay  0.16.0
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overlay::OverlayTiming Class Reference

OverlayTiming processor for overlaying background to each bunch crossing of a bunch train. More...

#include <OverlayTiming.h>

Inheritance diagram for overlay::OverlayTiming:

Public Member Functions

virtual marlin::Processor * newProcessor ()
virtual void init ()
virtual const std::string & name () const
virtual void processRunHeader (EVENT::LCRunHeader *run)
virtual void modifyEvent (EVENT::LCEvent *evt)
virtual void check (EVENT::LCEvent *evt)
virtual void end ()

Protected Types

typedef std::map< long long,
EVENT::SimCalorimeterHit * > 
typedef std::map< std::string,
DestMap > 

Protected Member Functions

float time_of_flight (float x, float y, float z) const
void define_time_windows (const std::string &Collection_name)
void crop_collection (EVENT::LCCollection *collection)
void merge_collections (EVENT::LCCollection *source_collection, EVENT::LCCollection *dest_collection, float time_offset)
long long cellID2long (int id0, int id1) const

Protected Attributes

float _T_diff
int _nBunchTrain
unsigned int _nRun
unsigned int _nEvt
StringVec _inputFileNames
int _BX_phys
float _NOverlay
unsigned int overlay_file_list
float _BeamCal_int
float _ETD_int
float _EcalBarrel_int
float _EcalBarrelPreShower_int
float _EcalEndcap_int
float _EcalEndcapPreShower_int
float _EcalEndcapRing_int
float _EcalEndcapRingPreShower_int
float _FTD_int
float _HcalBarrelReg_int
float _HcalEndCapRings_int
float _HcalEndCaps_int
float _LHcal_int
float _LumiCal_int
float _MuonBarrel_int
float _MuonEndCap_int
float _SET_int
float _SIT_int
float _VXD_int
float _EcalPlug_int
float _VXDB_int
float _VXDE_int
float _ITB_int
float _ITE_int
float _OTB_int
float _OTE_int
float _TPC_int
float _TPCSpacePoint_int
IO::LCReader * overlay_Eventfile_reader
float this_start
float this_stop
int _ranSeed
std::string _mcParticleCollectionName
std::string _mcPhysicsParticleCollectionName
std::string currentDest
bool TPC_hits
float _tpcVdrift_mm_ns
bool _randomBX
bool _Poisson
CollDestMap collDestMap

Detailed Description

OverlayTiming processor for overlaying background to each bunch crossing of a bunch train.

A physics event is placed at a random or fixed position of the bunch train. Then background events are overlayed to each bunch crossing of the train and merged into the physics event.

For the merging, integration times can be given for each collection or subdetector, respectively. Then only hits are added to the physics event's collections, which fall into the integration time window of the specific subdetector

P. Schade DESY/CERN (based on Overlay processor by F. Gaede)
BackgroundFileNames(StringVec) The names (with absolute or relative pathes) of the files from which the background should be read. It is the users responsibility to provide sufficient statistics for the signal sample under study.
Delta_t[ns] (float) - default 0.5 (0.5 ns) (CliC default) – Time difference between BXs in the BXtrain
NBunchtrain(int) - default 1 – Number of bunches in the bunch train
TPCDriftvelocity[mm/s] (float) - default 5.0e+7 (5cm/us)
PhysicsBX- default 1 – BX of the physics event. Is overwritten if Random number is chosen
NumberBackground- default 1 – Number of background events to overlay to one BX. This is either fixed (if Poisson_random_NOverlay = false) of the mean value if (if Poisson_random_NOverlay = true)
Poisson_random_NOverlay- default false – Overlay a random number of background events to each BX. If t, the number is pulled from a Poisson distribution.
RandomBx- default false – Put the physics event at a random number of the bunch train
RandomSeed(int) random seed - default 42

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