Here is a list of all class members with links to the classes they belong to:
- g -
- GenericError
: XMLValid
- gEOCFakeId
: XMLContentModel
- gEpsilonFakeId
: XMLContentModel
- getAbstract()
: XSComplexTypeDefinition
, XSElementDeclaration
- getActualValue()
: XSValue
, PSVIItem
- getAnnotation()
: XSWildcard
, XSAttributeDeclaration
, XSAttributeGroupDefinition
, XSElementDeclaration
, XSFacet
, XSModelGroup
, XSModelGroupDefinition
, XSNotationDeclaration
- getAnnotations()
: XSComplexTypeDefinition
, XSIDCDefinition
, XSModel
, XSMultiValueFacet
, XSNamespaceItem
, XSSimpleTypeDefinition
- getAnnotationString()
: XSAnnotation
- getAnonymous()
: XSComplexTypeDefinition
, XSSimpleTypeDefinition
, XSTypeDefinition
- getAsync()
: DOMLSParser
- getAttDef()
: XMLAttDefList
- getAttDefCount()
: XMLAttDefList
- getAttDefList()
: XMLElementDecl
- getAttName()
: XMLAttr
- getAttrDeclaration()
: XSAttributeUse
- getAttribute()
: DOMElement
- getAttributeDeclaration()
: PSVIAttribute
, XSModel
, XSNamespaceItem
- getAttributeGroup()
: XSModel
, XSNamespaceItem
- getAttributeNameAtIndex()
: PSVIAttributeList
- getAttributeNamespaceAtIndex()
: PSVIAttributeList
- getAttributeNode()
: DOMElement
- getAttributeNodeNS()
: DOMElement
- getAttributeNS()
: DOMElement
- getAttributePSVIAtIndex()
: PSVIAttributeList
- getAttributePSVIByName()
: PSVIAttributeList
- getAttributes()
: DOMNode
, XMLSchemaDescription
- getAttributeUses()
: XSAttributeGroupDefinition
, XSComplexTypeDefinition
- getAttributeWildcard()
: XSAttributeGroupDefinition
, XSComplexTypeDefinition
- getAttTypeString()
: XMLAttDef
- getBaseName()
: XMLElementDecl
- getBaseType()
: XSComplexTypeDefinition
, XSSimpleTypeDefinition
, XSTypeDefinition
- getBaseURI()
: XMLEntityDecl
, XMLNotationDecl
, XMLResourceIdentifier
, DOMLSInput
, DOMNode
, Wrapper4InputSource
- getBlockSize()
: XMLTranscoder
- getBooleanValue()
: DOMXPathResult
- getBounded()
: XSSimpleTypeDefinition
- getBufMgr()
: XMLValidator
- getBusy()
: DOMLSParser
- getByteOffset()
: DOMLocator
- getByteStream()
: DOMLSInput
, DOMLSOutput
, Wrapper4InputSource
- getCalculateSrcOfs()
: AbstractDOMParser
, SAXParser
- getCanonicalRepresentation()
: PSVIItem
, XSValue
, Base64
, HexBin
, XMLAbstractDoubleFloat
, XMLBigDecimal
, XMLBigInteger
- getCategory()
: XSIDCDefinition
- getCharDataOpts()
: XMLElementDecl
- getChildElementCount()
: DOMElement
- getChildNodes()
: DOMNode
- getCode()
: OutOfMemoryException
, XMLException
- getCollapsed()
: DOMRange
- getColumnNumber()
: DOMLocator
, Locator
, SAXParseException
- getCommonAncestorContainer()
: DOMRange
- getComponents()
: XSModel
, XSNamespaceItem
- getComponentsByNamespace()
: XSModel
- getCompositor()
: XSModelGroup
- getConstraintType()
: XSAttributeDeclaration
, XSAttributeUse
, XSElementDeclaration
, XSWildcard
- getConstraintValue()
: XSAttributeDeclaration
, XSAttributeUse
, XSElementDeclaration
- getContentHandler()
: SAX2XMLReader
- getContentLeafNameTypeVector()
: XMLContentModel
- getContentModel()
: XMLElementDecl
- getContentSpec()
: XMLElementDecl
- getContentType()
: XSComplexTypeDefinition
, BinFileInputStream
, BinInputStream
, BinMemInputStream
- getContextType()
: XMLSchemaDescription
- getCreateCommentNodes()
: AbstractDOMParser
- getCreateEntityReferenceNodes()
: AbstractDOMParser
- getCreateReason()
: XMLAttDef
, XMLElementDecl
- getCreateSchemaInfo()
: AbstractDOMParser
- getCurrentDirectory()
: XMLPlatformUtils
, XMLFileMgr
- getCurrentMillis()
: XMLPlatformUtils
- getCurrentNode()
: DOMTreeWalker
, AbstractDOMParser
- getData()
: DOMCharacterData
, DOMProcessingInstruction
- getDataLength()
: Base64
, HexBin
- getDataType()
: XSValue
- getDatatypeValidator()
: XSSimpleTypeDefinition
- getDateCanonicalRepresentation()
: XMLDateTime
- getDateTimeCanonicalRepresentation()
: XMLDateTime
- getDeclarationHandler()
: SAX2XMLReader
- getDeclaredInIntSubset()
: XMLEntityDecl
- getDefAttTypeString()
: XMLAttDef
- getDefaultType()
: XMLAttDef
- getDefinedFacets()
: XSSimpleTypeDefinition
- getDerivationMethod()
: XSComplexTypeDefinition
- getDisableDefaultEntityResolution()
: AbstractDOMParser
, SAXParser
- getDisallowedSubstitutions()
: XSElementDeclaration
- getDoctype()
: DOMDocument
- getDocument()
: AbstractDOMParser
- getDocumentElement()
: DOMDocument
- getDocumentHandler()
: SAXParser
- getDocumentLocations()
: XSNamespaceItem
- getDocumentURI()
: DOMDocument
- getDOMConfig()
: DOMDocument
- getDomConfig()
: DOMLSParser
, DOMLSSerializer
- getDOMImplementation()
: DOMImplementationRegistry
, DOMImplementationSource
- getDOMImplementationList()
: DOMImplementationRegistry
, DOMImplementationSource
- getDoNamespaces()
: AbstractDOMParser
, SAXParser
- getDoSchema()
: AbstractDOMParser
, SAXParser
- getDoXInclude()
: AbstractDOMParser
- getDTDHandler()
: SAX2XMLReader
- getElementById()
: DOMDocument
- getElementDeclaration()
: PSVIElement
, XSModel
, XSNamespaceItem
- getElementName()
: XMLElementDecl
- getElementsByTagName()
: DOMDocument
, DOMElement
- getElementsByTagNameNS()
: DOMDocument
, DOMElement
- getElementTerm()
: XSParticle
- getEnclosingCTDefinition()
: XSAttributeDeclaration
, XSElementDeclaration
- getEnclosingElementName()
: XMLSchemaDescription
- getEncoding()
: DOMLSInput
, DOMLSOutput
, Wrapper4DOMLSInput
, Wrapper4InputSource
, InputSource
- getEncodingName()
: XMLFormatter
, XMLTranscoder
- getEndContainer()
: DOMRange
- getEndOffset()
: DOMRange
- getEntities()
: DOMDocumentType
- getEntityDeclPool()
: ValidationContext
- getEntityExpansionLimit()
: SecurityManager
- getEntityResolver()
: SAXParser
, XercesDOMParser
, SAX2XMLReader
- getEnumeration()
: XMLAttDef
- getErrorCount()
: AbstractDOMParser
, SAXParser
, SAX2XMLReader
- getErrorHandler()
: SAXParser
, XercesDOMParser
, SAX2XMLReader
- getErrorType()
: XMLException
- getEscapeFlags()
: XMLFormatter
- getExceptionMemoryManager()
: MemoryManager
- getExitOnFirstFatalError()
: AbstractDOMParser
, SAXParser
, SAX2XMLReader
- getExpandEntityReferences()
: DOMNodeIterator
, DOMTreeWalker
- getExternalNoNamespaceSchemaLocation()
: AbstractDOMParser
, SAXParser
- getExternalSchemaLocation()
: AbstractDOMParser
, SAXParser
- getFacetKind()
: XSFacet
, XSMultiValueFacet
- getFacets()
: XSSimpleTypeDefinition
- getFeature()
: DOMImplementation
, DOMNode
, SAX2XMLReader
- getFieldStrs()
: XSIDCDefinition
- getFilter()
: DOMLSParser
, DOMLSSerializer
, DOMNodeIterator
, DOMTreeWalker
- getFinal()
: XSTypeDefinition
- getFinite()
: XSSimpleTypeDefinition
- getFirstChild()
: DOMNode
- getFirstElementChild()
: DOMElement
- getFixedFacets()
: XSSimpleTypeDefinition
- getFormattedContentModel()
: XMLElementDecl
- getFormattedString()
: XMLAbstractDoubleFloat
, XMLBigDecimal
, XMLDateTime
, XMLNumber
- getFragment()
: XMLUri
- getFullName()
: XMLAttDef
, XMLElementDecl
- getFullPath()
: XMLPlatformUtils
, XMLFileMgr
- getGenerateSyntheticAnnotations()
: AbstractDOMParser
, SAXParser
- getGrammar()
: DOMLSParser
, XMLValidator
, SAXParser
, XercesDOMParser
, SAX2XMLReader
- getGrammarEnumerator()
: XMLGrammarPool
- getGrammarKey()
: XMLGrammarDescription
- getGrammarResolver()
: AbstractDOMParser
, SAXParser
- getGrammarType()
: XMLGrammarDescription
, XMLSchemaDescription
, XMLDTDDescription
- getHandleMultipleImports()
: AbstractDOMParser
, SAXParser
- getHashModulus()
: Hash2KeysSetOf< THasher >
- getHost()
: XMLUri
- getId()
: XMLAttDef
, XMLElementDecl
, XMLEntityDecl
, XMLNotationDecl
, XSObject
, XMLSynchronizedStringPool
, XMLTransService
, XMLNetAccessor
- getIdentityConstraintChecking()
: AbstractDOMParser
, SAXParser
- getIdentityConstraints()
: XSElementDeclaration
- getIdRefList()
: ValidationContext
- getIgnoreAnnotations()
: AbstractDOMParser
, SAXParser
- getIgnoreCachedDTD()
: SAXParser
, XercesDOMParser
- getIgnoreSerializedAnnotations()
: XMLGrammarPool
- getImplementation()
: DOMDocument
, DOMImplementation
- getIncludeIgnorableWhitespace()
: AbstractDOMParser
- getIndex()
: Attributes
- getInputEncoding()
: DOMDocument
, DOMEntity
- getIntegerValue()
: DOMXPathResult
- getInternalSubset()
: DOMDocumentType
- getIntVal()
: XMLBigDecimal
- getInvalidIteratorState()
: DOMXPathResult
- getIsElementContentWhitespace()
: DOMText
- getIsOpen()
: BinFileInputStream
- getIsParameter()
: XMLEntityDecl
- getIsSchemaSpecified()
: PSVIItem
- getIsSpecialChar()
: XMLEntityDecl
- getIssueFatalErrorIfNotFound()
: DOMLSInput
, Wrapper4DOMLSInput
, Wrapper4InputSource
, InputSource
- getItemType()
: XSSimpleTypeDefinition
- getKey()
: XMLEntityDecl
, XMLNotationDecl
- getLastChild()
: DOMNode
- getLastElementChild()
: DOMElement
- getLen()
: MemBufFormatTarget
- getLength()
: DOMCharacterData
, DOMImplementationList
, DOMNamedNodeMap
, DOMNodeList
, DOMStringList
, PSVIAttributeList
, XSNamedMap< TVal >
, AttributeList
, Attributes
- getLexicalEnumeration()
: XSSimpleTypeDefinition
- getLexicalFacetValue()
: XSFacet
, XSSimpleTypeDefinition
- getLexicalFacetValues()
: XSMultiValueFacet
- getLexicalHandler()
: SAX2XMLReader
- getLexicalPattern()
: XSSimpleTypeDefinition
- getLineCol()
: XSAnnotation
- getLineNumber()
: DOMLocator
, Locator
, SAXParseException
- getLoadExternalDTD()
: AbstractDOMParser
, SAXParser
- getLoadSchema()
: AbstractDOMParser
, SAXParser
- getLocalName()
: DOMNode
, Attributes
- getLocalPart()
: QName
- getLocation()
: DOMError
- getLocationHints()
: XMLSchemaDescription
- getLocator()
: XMLResourceIdentifier
- getLowWaterMark()
: AbstractDOMParser
, SAXParser
- getMaxOccurs()
: XSParticle
- getMaxOccursUnbounded()
: XSParticle
- getMemberTypeDefinition()
: PSVIAttribute
, PSVIElement
, PSVIItem
- getMemberTypes()
: XSSimpleTypeDefinition
- getMemoryAllocationBlockSize()
: DOMMemoryManager
- getMemoryManager()
: XMLAbstractDoubleFloat
, XMLGrammarDescription
, XMLAttDef
, XMLAttDefList
, XMLElementDecl
, XMLEntityDecl
, XMLGrammarPool
, XMLNotationDecl
, InputSource
, AbstractDOMParser
, Hash2KeysSetOf< THasher >
, QName
, XMLTranscoder
, XMLBigDecimal
- getMessage()
: DOMException
, DOMError
, SAXException
, OutOfMemoryException
, XMLException
- getMinOccurs()
: XSParticle
- getModelGroup()
: XSModelGroupDefinition
- getModelGroupDefinition()
: XSModel
, XSNamespaceItem
- getModelGroupTerm()
: XSParticle
- getMultiValueFacets()
: XSSimpleTypeDefinition
- getName()
: XMLAttr
, XSModelGroupDefinition
, XSAttributeGroupDefinition
, DOMAttr
, DOMDocumentType
, XMLEntityDecl
, XMLNotationDecl
, XSAttributeDeclaration
, XSComplexTypeDefinition
, XSElementDeclaration
, XSIDCDefinition
, XSNotationDeclaration
, XSObject
, XSSimpleTypeDefinition
, XSTypeDefinition
, AttributeList
- getNamedItem()
: DOMNamedNodeMap
- getNamedItemNS()
: DOMNamedNodeMap
- getNamespace()
: XSSimpleTypeDefinition
, XSIDCDefinition
, XSAttributeDeclaration
, XSAttributeGroupDefinition
, XSComplexTypeDefinition
, XSElementDeclaration
, XSModelGroupDefinition
, XSNotationDeclaration
, XSObject
, XSTypeDefinition
- getNameSpace()
: XMLResourceIdentifier
- getNameSpaceId()
: XMLNotationDecl
- getNamespaceItem()
: XSObject
, XSIDCDefinition
, XSAttributeDeclaration
, XSAttributeGroupDefinition
, XSComplexTypeDefinition
, XSElementDeclaration
, XSModel
, XSModelGroupDefinition
, XSNotationDeclaration
, XSSimpleTypeDefinition
, XSTypeDefinition
- getNamespaceItems()
: XSModel
- getNamespaces()
: XSModel
- getNamespaceURI()
: DOMNode
- getNewLine()
: DOMLSSerializer
- getNext()
: XSAnnotation
- getNextElementSibling()
: DOMElement
- getNextSibling()
: DOMNode
- getNextState()
: XMLContentModel
- getNillable()
: XSElementDeclaration
- getNodeName()
: DOMNode
- getNodeType()
: DOMNode
- getNodeValue()
: DOMNode
, DOMXPathResult
- getNotationDeclaration()
: PSVIElement
, XSModel
, XSNamespaceItem
- getNotationName()
: XMLEntityDecl
, DOMEntity
- getNotations()
: DOMDocumentType
- getNsConstraintList()
: XSWildcard
- getNumberValue()
: DOMXPathResult
- getNumeric()
: XSSimpleTypeDefinition
- getNumericProperty()
- getObjectType()
: XMLElementDecl
- getOrdered()
: XSSimpleTypeDefinition
- getOwnerDocument()
: DOMNode
- getOwnerElement()
: DOMAttr
, DOMXPathNamespace
- getPanicReasonString()
: PanicHandler
- getParameter()
: DOMConfiguration
- getParameterNames()
: DOMConfiguration
- getParent()
: SAX2XMLFilter
- getParentNode()
: DOMNode
- getParseInProgress()
: AbstractDOMParser
- getParticle()
: XSComplexTypeDefinition
- getParticles()
: XSModelGroup
- getPassword()
- getPath()
: XMLUri
- getPort()
: XMLUri
- getPortNum()
- getPrefix()
: XMLAttr
, QName
, DOMNode
- getPreviousElementSibling()
: DOMElement
- getPreviousSibling()
: DOMNode
- getPrimitiveType()
: XSSimpleTypeDefinition
- getProcessContents()
: XSWildcard
- getProhibitedSubstitutions()
: XSComplexTypeDefinition
- getProperty()
: SAX2XMLReader
- getProtocol()
- getProtocolName()
- getPSVIAttributeToFill()
: PSVIAttributeList
- getPSVIHandler()
: SAXParser
, AbstractDOMParser
- getPublicId()
: DOMEntity
, XMLNotationDecl
, SAXParseException
, XMLEntityDecl
, Wrapper4InputSource
, DOMDocumentType
, Wrapper4DOMLSInput
, DOMLSInput
, XSNotationDeclaration
, InputSource
, Locator
, XMLResourceIdentifier
, DOMNotation
- getQName()
: XMLAttr
, Attributes
- getQuery()
- getQueryString()
: XMLUri
- getRawBuffer()
: MemBufFormatTarget
- getRawData()
: XMLBigDecimal
, XMLNumber
, XMLDateTime
, XMLAbstractDoubleFloat
, XMLBigInteger
- getRawName()
: QName
- getReaderMgr()
: XMLValidator
- getRefKey()
: XSIDCDefinition
- getRegBasedAuthority()
: XMLUri
- getRelatedData()
: DOMError
- getRelatedException()
: DOMError
- getRelatedNode()
: DOMLocator
- getRequired()
: XSAttributeUse
, XSAttributeDeclaration
- getResourceIdentifierType()
: XMLResourceIdentifier
- getResultType()
: DOMXPathResult
- getRoot()
: DOMTreeWalker
, DOMNodeIterator
- getRootGrammar()
: XercesDOMParser
, SAX2XMLReader
, SAXParser
, DOMLSParser
- getRootName()
: XMLDTDDescription
- getScale()
: XMLBigDecimal
- getScanner()
: XMLValidator
, SAXParser
, AbstractDOMParser
, XMLValidator
- getSchemaDefault()
: PSVIItem
- getSchemaInformation()
: PSVIElement
- getSchemaLocation()
: XMLResourceIdentifier
- getSchemaNamespace()
: XSNamespaceItem
- getSchemaNormalizedValue()
: PSVIItem
- getSchemaTypeInfo()
: DOMElement
, DOMAttr
- getScheme()
: XMLUri
- getScope()
: XSAttributeDeclaration
, XSElementDeclaration
- getSecurityManager()
: AbstractDOMParser
, SAXParser
- getSelectorStr()
: XSIDCDefinition
- getSeverity()
: DOMError
- getSign()
: XMLBigInteger
, XMLNumber
, XMLDateTime
, XMLAbstractDoubleFloat
, XMLBigDecimal
- getSimpleType()
: XSComplexTypeDefinition
- getSize()
: BinFileInputStream
, BinMemInputStream
- getSkipDTDValidation()
: AbstractDOMParser
, SAXParser
- getSnapshotLength()
: DOMXPathResult
- getSpecified()
: DOMAttr
, XMLAttr
- getSrcFile()
: XMLException
, OutOfMemoryException
- getSrcLine()
: OutOfMemoryException
, XMLException
- getSrcOffset()
: SAXParser
, SAX2XMLReader
, XercesDOMParser
, DOMLSParser
- getStandardUriConformant()
: SAXParser
, AbstractDOMParser
- getStartContainer()
: DOMRange
- getStartOffset()
: DOMRange
- getStrictErrorChecking()
: DOMDocument
- getStringCount()
: XMLSynchronizedStringPool
- getStringData()
: Wrapper4InputSource
, DOMLSInput
- getStringProperty()
- getStringValue()
: DOMXPathResult
- getSubstitutionGroupAffiliation()
: XSElementDeclaration
- getSubstitutionGroupExclusions()
: XSElementDeclaration
- getSystemId()
: Locator
, DOMEntity
, XMLNotationDecl
, Wrapper4DOMLSInput
, DOMLSOutput
, DOMNotation
, DOMLSInput
, XMLDTDDescription
, XMLEntityDecl
, Wrapper4InputSource
, XSNotationDeclaration
, InputSource
, XSAnnotation
, DOMDocumentType
, SAXParseException
, XMLResourceIdentifier
- getTagName()
: DOMElement
- getTarget()
: DOMProcessingInstruction
- getTargetNamespace()
: XMLSchemaDescription
- getTermType()
: XSParticle
- getTextContent()
: DOMNode
- getTimeCanonicalRepresentation()
: XMLDateTime
- getTotalDigit()
: XMLBigInteger
, XMLBigDecimal
- getTranscoder()
: XMLFormatter
- getTriggeringComponent()
: XMLSchemaDescription
- getType()
: OutOfMemoryException
, XSObject
, Attributes
, AttributeList
, XMLAbstractDoubleFloat
, Attributes
, AttributeList
, XMLException
, DOMError
, XMLAttr
, Attributes
, XMLAttDef
- getTypeCategory()
: XSTypeDefinition
- getTypeDefinition()
: XSNamespaceItem
, XSModel
, PSVIItem
, XSElementDeclaration
, PSVIAttribute
, PSVIElement
, XSAttributeDeclaration
- getTypeInfo()
: DOMXPathResult
- getTypeName()
: DOMTypeInfo
- getTypeNamespace()
: DOMTypeInfo
- getUnRepFlags()
: XMLFormatter
- getURI()
: QName
, XMLElementDecl
, DOMLocator
, Attributes
- getURIForPrefix()
: ValidationContext
- getURIId()
: XMLAttr
- getURIStringPool()
: XMLGrammarPool
, XSModel
- getURIText()
: SAX2XMLReader
- getUriText()
: XMLUri
- getURIText()
: DOMLSParser
, SAXParser
, XercesDOMParser
- getURLText()
- getUser()
- getUserData()
: DOMNode
- getUserInfo()
: XMLUri
- getUtf16Offset()
: DOMLocator
- getValidateAnnotations()
: AbstractDOMParser
, SAXParser
- getValidatingMemberType()
: ValidationContext
- getValidationAttempted()
: PSVIItem
- getValidationConstraintFatal()
: SAXParser
, AbstractDOMParser
, SAX2XMLReader
- getValidationContext()
: PSVIItem
- getValidationSchemaFullChecking()
: AbstractDOMParser
, SAXParser
- getValidationScheme()
: SAXParser
, AbstractDOMParser
- getValidator()
: SAXParser
, AbstractDOMParser
, SAX2XMLReader
- getValidity()
: PSVIItem
- getValue()
: Attributes
, XMLAttr
, XMLAbstractDoubleFloat
, AttributeList
, XMLBigDecimal
, XMLEntityDecl
, Attributes
, XMLAttDef
, AttributeList
, DOMAttr
, AttributeList
, Attributes
- getValueForId()
: XMLSynchronizedStringPool
- getValueLen()
: XMLEntityDecl
- getVariety()
: XSSimpleTypeDefinition
- getWhatToShow()
: DOMLSSerializerFilter
, DOMLSParserFilter
, DOMTreeWalker
, DOMNodeIterator
- getWholeText()
: DOMText
- getWildcardTerm()
: XSParticle
- getXmlEncoding()
: DOMEntity
, DOMDocument
- getXMLEntityResolver()
: XercesDOMParser
, SAXParser
, XercesDOMParser
, SAXParser
- getXmlStandalone()
: DOMDocument
- getXmlVersion()
: DOMDocument
, DOMEntity
- getXSModel()
: XMLGrammarPool
- getXSObject()
: XSModel
- getXSObjectById()
: XSModel
- gInvalidTrans
: XMLContentModel
- gMappings
: XMLTransService
- gMappingsRecognizer
: XMLTransService
- GrammarNotFound
: XMLValid
: XMLNumber
- GroupContentError
: XMLErrs
- GroupContentRestricted
: XMLValid