This class implements the Document Object Model (DOM) interface. More...
Public Member Functions | |
Constructors and Destructor | |
XercesDOMParser (XMLValidator *const valToAdopt=0, MemoryManager *const manager=XMLPlatformUtils::fgMemoryManager, XMLGrammarPool *const gramPool=0) | |
Construct a XercesDOMParser, with an optional validator. More... | |
virtual | ~XercesDOMParser () |
Destructor. More... | |
Getter methods | |
ErrorHandler * | getErrorHandler () |
Get a pointer to the error handler. More... | |
const ErrorHandler * | getErrorHandler () const |
Get a const pointer to the error handler. More... | |
EntityResolver * | getEntityResolver () |
Get a pointer to the entity resolver. More... | |
const EntityResolver * | getEntityResolver () const |
Get a const pointer to the entity resolver. More... | |
XMLEntityResolver * | getXMLEntityResolver () |
Get a pointer to the entity resolver. More... | |
const XMLEntityResolver * | getXMLEntityResolver () const |
Get a const pointer to the entity resolver. More... | |
bool | isCachingGrammarFromParse () const |
Get the 'Grammar caching' flag. More... | |
bool | isUsingCachedGrammarInParse () const |
Get the 'Use cached grammar' flag. More... | |
Grammar * | getGrammar (const XMLCh *const nameSpaceKey) |
Retrieve the grammar that is associated with the specified namespace key. More... | |
Grammar * | getRootGrammar () |
Retrieve the grammar where the root element is declared. More... | |
const XMLCh * | getURIText (unsigned int uriId) const |
Returns the string corresponding to a URI id from the URI string pool. More... | |
XMLFilePos | getSrcOffset () const |
Returns the current src offset within the input source. More... | |
bool | getIgnoreCachedDTD () const |
Get the 'ignore cached DTD grammar' flag. More... | |
Setter methods | |
void | setErrorHandler (ErrorHandler *const handler) |
Set the error handler. More... | |
void | setEntityResolver (EntityResolver *const handler) |
Set the entity resolver. More... | |
void | setXMLEntityResolver (XMLEntityResolver *const handler) |
Set the entity resolver. More... | |
void | cacheGrammarFromParse (const bool newState) |
Set the 'Grammar caching' flag. More... | |
void | useCachedGrammarInParse (const bool newState) |
Set the 'Use cached grammar' flag. More... | |
void | setIgnoreCachedDTD (const bool newValue) |
Set the 'ignore cached DTD grammar' flag. More... | |
Utility methods | |
void | resetDocumentPool () |
Reset the documents vector pool and release all the associated memory back to the system. More... | |
Implementation of the XMLErrorReporter interface. | |
virtual void | error (const unsigned int errCode, const XMLCh *const msgDomain, const XMLErrorReporter::ErrTypes errType, const XMLCh *const errorText, const XMLCh *const systemId, const XMLCh *const publicId, const XMLFileLoc lineNum, const XMLFileLoc colNum) |
Handle errors reported from the parser. More... | |
virtual void | resetErrors () |
Reset any error data before a new parse. More... | |
Implementation of the XMLEntityHandler interface. | |
virtual void | endInputSource (const InputSource &inputSource) |
Handle an end of input source event. More... | |
virtual bool | expandSystemId (const XMLCh *const systemId, XMLBuffer &toFill) |
Expand a system id. More... | |
virtual void | resetEntities () |
Reset any entity handler information. More... | |
virtual InputSource * | resolveEntity (XMLResourceIdentifier *resourceIdentifier) |
Resolve a public/system id. More... | |
virtual void | startInputSource (const InputSource &inputSource) |
Handle a 'start input source' event. More... | |
Implementation of Grammar preparsing interface's. | |
Grammar * | loadGrammar (const InputSource &source, const Grammar::GrammarType grammarType, const bool toCache=false) |
Preparse schema grammar (XML Schema, DTD, etc.) via an input source object. More... | |
Grammar * | loadGrammar (const XMLCh *const systemId, const Grammar::GrammarType grammarType, const bool toCache=false) |
Preparse schema grammar (XML Schema, DTD, etc.) via a file path or URL. More... | |
Grammar * | loadGrammar (const char *const systemId, const Grammar::GrammarType grammarType, const bool toCache=false) |
Preparse schema grammar (XML Schema, DTD, etc.) via a file path or URL. More... | |
void | resetCachedGrammarPool () |
This method allows the user to reset the pool of cached grammars. More... | |
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virtual | ~AbstractDOMParser () |
Destructor. More... | |
void | reset () |
Reset the parser. More... | |
DOMDocument * | adoptDocument () |
Adopt the DOM document. More... | |
DOMDocument * | getDocument () |
Get the DOM document. More... | |
const XMLValidator & | getValidator () const |
Get a const reference to the validator. More... | |
ValSchemes | getValidationScheme () const |
This method returns an enumerated value that indicates the current validation scheme set on this parser. More... | |
bool | getDoSchema () const |
Get the 'do schema' flag. More... | |
bool | getValidationSchemaFullChecking () const |
Get the 'full schema constraint checking' flag. More... | |
bool | getIdentityConstraintChecking () const |
Get the identity constraint checking' flag. More... | |
XMLSize_t | getErrorCount () const |
Get error count from the last parse operation. More... | |
bool | getDoNamespaces () const |
Get the 'do namespaces' flag. More... | |
bool | getExitOnFirstFatalError () const |
Get the 'exit on first error' flag. More... | |
bool | getValidationConstraintFatal () const |
This method returns the state of the parser's validation-constraint-fatal flag. More... | |
bool | getCreateEntityReferenceNodes () const |
Get the 'include entity references' flag. More... | |
bool | getIncludeIgnorableWhitespace () const |
Get the 'include ignorable whitespace' flag. More... | |
XMLCh * | getExternalSchemaLocation () const |
Get the set of Namespace/SchemaLocation that is specified externally. More... | |
XMLCh * | getExternalNoNamespaceSchemaLocation () const |
Get the noNamespace SchemaLocation that is specified externally. More... | |
SecurityManager * | getSecurityManager () const |
Get the SecurityManager instance attached to this parser. More... | |
const XMLSize_t & | getLowWaterMark () const |
Get the raw buffer low water mark for this parser. More... | |
bool | getLoadExternalDTD () const |
Get the 'Loading External DTD' flag. More... | |
bool | getLoadSchema () const |
Get the 'Loading Schema' flag. More... | |
bool | getCreateCommentNodes () const |
Get the 'create comment node' flag. More... | |
bool | getCalculateSrcOfs () const |
Get the 'calculate src offset flag'. More... | |
bool | getStandardUriConformant () const |
Get the 'force standard uri flag'. More... | |
PSVIHandler * | getPSVIHandler () |
This method returns the installed PSVI handler. More... | |
const PSVIHandler * | getPSVIHandler () const |
This method returns the installed PSVI handler. More... | |
bool | getCreateSchemaInfo () const |
Get the 'associate schema info' flag. More... | |
bool | getDoXInclude () const |
Get the 'do XInclude' flag. More... | |
bool | getGenerateSyntheticAnnotations () const |
Get the 'generate synthetic annotations' flag. More... | |
bool | getValidateAnnotations () const |
Get the 'validate annotations' flag. More... | |
bool | getIgnoreAnnotations () const |
Get the 'ignore annotations' flag. More... | |
bool | getDisableDefaultEntityResolution () const |
Get the 'disable default entity resolution' flag. More... | |
bool | getSkipDTDValidation () const |
Get the 'skip DTD validation' flag. More... | |
bool | getHandleMultipleImports () const |
Get the 'handle multiple schema imports' flag. More... | |
void | setGenerateSyntheticAnnotations (const bool newValue) |
set the 'generate synthetic annotations' flag More... | |
void | setValidateAnnotations (const bool newValue) |
set the 'validlate annotations' flag More... | |
void | setDoNamespaces (const bool newState) |
Set the 'do namespaces' flag. More... | |
void | setExitOnFirstFatalError (const bool newState) |
Set the 'exit on first error' flag. More... | |
void | setValidationConstraintFatal (const bool newState) |
This method allows users to set the parser's behaviour when it encounters a validation constraint error. More... | |
void | setCreateEntityReferenceNodes (const bool create) |
Set the 'include entity references' flag. More... | |
void | setIncludeIgnorableWhitespace (const bool include) |
Set the 'include ignorable whitespace' flag. More... | |
void | setValidationScheme (const ValSchemes newScheme) |
This method allows users to set the validation scheme to be used by this parser. More... | |
void | setDoSchema (const bool newState) |
Set the 'do schema' flag. More... | |
void | setValidationSchemaFullChecking (const bool schemaFullChecking) |
This method allows the user to turn full Schema constraint checking on/off. More... | |
void | setIdentityConstraintChecking (const bool newState) |
This method allows users to enable or disable the parser's identity constraint checks. More... | |
void | setExternalSchemaLocation (const XMLCh *const schemaLocation) |
This method allows the user to specify a list of schemas to use. More... | |
void | setExternalSchemaLocation (const char *const schemaLocation) |
This method is same as setExternalSchemaLocation(const XMLCh* const). More... | |
void | setExternalNoNamespaceSchemaLocation (const XMLCh *const noNamespaceSchemaLocation) |
This method allows the user to specify the no target namespace XML Schema Location externally. More... | |
void | setExternalNoNamespaceSchemaLocation (const char *const noNamespaceSchemaLocation) |
This method is same as setExternalNoNamespaceSchemaLocation(const XMLCh* const). More... | |
void | setSecurityManager (SecurityManager *const securityManager) |
This allows an application to set a SecurityManager on the parser; this object stores information that various components use to limit their consumption of system resources while processing documents. More... | |
void | setLowWaterMark (XMLSize_t lwm) |
Set the raw buffer low water mark for this parser. More... | |
void | setLoadExternalDTD (const bool newState) |
Set the 'Loading External DTD' flag. More... | |
void | setLoadSchema (const bool newState) |
Set the 'Loading Schema' flag. More... | |
void | setCreateCommentNodes (const bool create) |
Set the 'create comment nodes' flag. More... | |
void | setCalculateSrcOfs (const bool newState) |
Enable/disable src offset calculation. More... | |
void | setStandardUriConformant (const bool newState) |
Force standard uri. More... | |
void | useScanner (const XMLCh *const scannerName) |
Set the scanner to use when scanning the XML document. More... | |
void | useImplementation (const XMLCh *const implementationFeatures) |
Set the implementation to use when creating the document. More... | |
virtual void | setPSVIHandler (PSVIHandler *const handler) |
This method installs the user specified PSVI handler on the parser. More... | |
void | setCreateSchemaInfo (const bool newState) |
Set the 'associate schema info' flag. More... | |
void | setDoXInclude (const bool newState) |
Set the 'do XInclude' flag. More... | |
void | setIgnoreAnnotations (const bool newValue) |
Set the 'ignore annotation' flag. More... | |
void | setDisableDefaultEntityResolution (const bool newValue) |
Set the 'disable default entity resolution' flag. More... | |
void | setSkipDTDValidation (const bool newValue) |
Set the 'skip DTD validation' flag. More... | |
void | setHandleMultipleImports (const bool newValue) |
Set the 'handle multiple schema imports' flag. More... | |
void | parse (const InputSource &source) |
Parse via an input source object. More... | |
void | parse (const XMLCh *const systemId) |
Parse via a file path or URL. More... | |
void | parse (const char *const systemId) |
Parse via a file path or URL (in the local code page) More... | |
bool | parseFirst (const XMLCh *const systemId, XMLPScanToken &toFill) |
Begin a progressive parse operation. More... | |
bool | parseFirst (const char *const systemId, XMLPScanToken &toFill) |
Begin a progressive parse operation. More... | |
bool | parseFirst (const InputSource &source, XMLPScanToken &toFill) |
Begin a progressive parse operation. More... | |
bool | parseNext (XMLPScanToken &token) |
Continue a progressive parse operation. More... | |
void | parseReset (XMLPScanToken &token) |
Reset the parser after a progressive parse. More... | |
virtual void | handleElementPSVI (const XMLCh *const localName, const XMLCh *const uri, PSVIElement *elementInfo) |
Receive notification of the PSVI properties of an element. More... | |
virtual void | handlePartialElementPSVI (const XMLCh *const localName, const XMLCh *const uri, PSVIElement *elementInfo) |
Receive notification of partial PSVI properties of an element. More... | |
virtual void | handleAttributesPSVI (const XMLCh *const localName, const XMLCh *const uri, PSVIAttributeList *psviAttributes) |
Enables PSVI information about attributes to be passed back to the application. More... | |
virtual void | docCharacters (const XMLCh *const chars, const XMLSize_t length, const bool cdataSection) |
Handle document character events. More... | |
virtual void | docComment (const XMLCh *const comment) |
Handle a document comment event. More... | |
virtual void | docPI (const XMLCh *const target, const XMLCh *const data) |
Handle a document PI event. More... | |
virtual void | endDocument () |
Handle the end of document event. More... | |
virtual void | endElement (const XMLElementDecl &elemDecl, const unsigned int urlId, const bool isRoot, const XMLCh *const elemPrefix) |
Handle and end of element event. More... | |
virtual void | endEntityReference (const XMLEntityDecl &entDecl) |
Handle and end of entity reference event. More... | |
virtual void | ignorableWhitespace (const XMLCh *const chars, const XMLSize_t length, const bool cdataSection) |
Handle an ignorable whitespace vent. More... | |
virtual void | resetDocument () |
Handle a document reset event. More... | |
virtual void | startDocument () |
Handle a start document event. More... | |
virtual void | startElement (const XMLElementDecl &elemDecl, const unsigned int urlId, const XMLCh *const elemPrefix, const RefVectorOf< XMLAttr > &attrList, const XMLSize_t attrCount, const bool isEmpty, const bool isRoot) |
Handle a start element event. More... | |
virtual void | startEntityReference (const XMLEntityDecl &entDecl) |
Handle a start entity reference event. More... | |
virtual void | XMLDecl (const XMLCh *const versionStr, const XMLCh *const encodingStr, const XMLCh *const standaloneStr, const XMLCh *const actualEncStr) |
Handle an XMLDecl event. More... | |
virtual void | attDef (const DTDElementDecl &elemDecl, const DTDAttDef &attDef, const bool ignoring) |
virtual void | doctypeComment (const XMLCh *const comment) |
virtual void | doctypeDecl (const DTDElementDecl &elemDecl, const XMLCh *const publicId, const XMLCh *const systemId, const bool hasIntSubset, const bool hasExtSubset=false) |
virtual void | doctypePI (const XMLCh *const target, const XMLCh *const data) |
virtual void | doctypeWhitespace (const XMLCh *const chars, const XMLSize_t length) |
virtual void | elementDecl (const DTDElementDecl &decl, const bool isIgnored) |
virtual void | endAttList (const DTDElementDecl &elemDecl) |
virtual void | endIntSubset () |
virtual void | endExtSubset () |
virtual void | entityDecl (const DTDEntityDecl &entityDecl, const bool isPEDecl, const bool isIgnored) |
virtual void | resetDocType () |
virtual void | notationDecl (const XMLNotationDecl ¬Decl, const bool isIgnored) |
virtual void | startAttList (const DTDElementDecl &elemDecl) |
virtual void | startIntSubset () |
virtual void | startExtSubset () |
virtual void | TextDecl (const XMLCh *const versionStr, const XMLCh *const encodingStr) |
![]() | |
void * | operator new (size_t size) |
This method overrides operator new. More... | |
void * | operator new (size_t size, MemoryManager *memMgr) |
This method defines a custom operator new, that will use the provided memory manager to perform the allocation. More... | |
void * | operator new (size_t size, void *ptr) |
This method overrides placement operator new. More... | |
void | operator delete (void *p) |
This method overrides operator delete. More... | |
void | operator delete (void *p, MemoryManager *memMgr) |
This method provides a matching delete for the custom operator new. More... | |
void | operator delete (void *p, void *ptr) |
This method provides a matching delete for the placement new. More... | |
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virtual | ~XMLDocumentHandler () |
![]() | |
virtual | ~XMLErrorReporter () |
Default destructor. More... | |
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virtual | ~XMLEntityHandler () |
Default destructor. More... | |
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virtual | ~PSVIHandler () |
Additional Inherited Members | |
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enum | ValSchemes { Val_Never, Val_Always, Val_Auto } |
ValScheme enum used in setValidationScheme Val_Never: Do not report validation errors. More... | |
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enum | ErrTypes { ErrType_Warning, ErrType_Error, ErrType_Fatal, ErrTypes_Unknown } |
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virtual DOMCDATASection * | createCDATASection (const XMLCh *, XMLSize_t) |
virtual DOMText * | createText (const XMLCh *, XMLSize_t) |
virtual DOMElement * | createElement (const XMLCh *name) |
virtual DOMElement * | createElementNS (const XMLCh *namespaceURI, const XMLCh *elemPrefix, const XMLCh *localName, const XMLCh *qName) |
virtual DOMAttr * | createAttr (const XMLCh *name) |
virtual DOMAttr * | createAttrNS (const XMLCh *namespaceURI, const XMLCh *elemPrefix, const XMLCh *localName, const XMLCh *qName) |
AbstractDOMParser (XMLValidator *const valToAdopt=0, MemoryManager *const manager=XMLPlatformUtils::fgMemoryManager, XMLGrammarPool *const gramPool=0) | |
Construct a AbstractDOMParser, with an optional validator. More... | |
DOMNode * | getCurrentNode () |
Get the current DOM node. More... | |
XMLScanner * | getScanner () const |
Get the XML scanner. More... | |
GrammarResolver * | getGrammarResolver () const |
Get the Grammar resolver. More... | |
bool | getParseInProgress () const |
Get the parse in progress flag. More... | |
MemoryManager * | getMemoryManager () const |
void | setCurrentNode (DOMNode *toSet) |
Set the current DOM node. More... | |
void | setDocument (DOMDocument *toSet) |
Set the document node. More... | |
void | setParseInProgress (const bool toSet) |
Set the parse in progress flag. More... | |
void | resetPool () |
bool | isDocumentAdopted () const |
Returns true if the user has adopted the document. More... | |
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XMemory () | |
Protected default constructor. More... | |
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XMLDocumentHandler () | |
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XMLErrorReporter () | |
Default constructor. More... | |
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XMLEntityHandler () | |
Protected default constructor. More... | |
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PSVIHandler () | |
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bool | fCreateEntityReferenceNodes |
bool | fIncludeIgnorableWhitespace |
bool | fWithinElement |
bool | fParseInProgress |
bool | fCreateCommentNodes |
bool | fDocumentAdoptedByUser |
bool | fCreateSchemaInfo |
bool | fDoXInclude |
XMLScanner * | fScanner |
XMLCh * | fImplementationFeatures |
DOMNode * | fCurrentParent |
DOMNode * | fCurrentNode |
DOMEntityImpl * | fCurrentEntity |
DOMDocumentImpl * | fDocument |
DOMDocumentTypeImpl * | fDocumentType |
RefVectorOf< DOMDocumentImpl > * | fDocumentVector |
GrammarResolver * | fGrammarResolver |
XMLStringPool * | fURIStringPool |
XMLValidator * | fValidator |
MemoryManager * | fMemoryManager |
XMLGrammarPool * | fGrammarPool |
XMLBufferMgr | fBufMgr |
XMLBuffer & | fInternalSubset |
PSVIHandler * | fPSVIHandler |
This class implements the Document Object Model (DOM) interface.
It should be used by applications which choose to parse and process the XML document using the DOM api's. This implementation also allows the applications to install an error and an entity handler (useful extensions to the DOM specification).
It can be used to instantiate a validating or non-validating parser, by setting a member flag.
XercesDOMParser::XercesDOMParser | ( | XMLValidator *const | valToAdopt = 0 , |
MemoryManager *const | manager = XMLPlatformUtils::fgMemoryManager , |
XMLGrammarPool *const | gramPool = 0 |
) |
Construct a XercesDOMParser, with an optional validator.
Constructor with an instance of validator class to use for validation. If you don't provide a validator, a default one will be created for you in the scanner.
gramPool | Pointer to the grammar pool instance from external application. The parser does NOT own it. |
valToAdopt | Pointer to the validator instance to use. The parser is responsible for freeing the memory. |
manager | Pointer to the memory manager to be used to allocate objects. |
virtual |
void XercesDOMParser::cacheGrammarFromParse | ( | const bool | newState | ) |
Set the 'Grammar caching' flag.
This method allows users to enable or disable caching of grammar when parsing XML documents. When set to true, the parser will cache the resulting grammar for use in subsequent parses.
If the flag is set to true, the 'Use cached grammar' flag will also be set to true.
The parser's default state is: false.
newState | The value specifying whether we should cache grammars or not. |
virtual |
Handle an end of input source event.
This method is used to indicate the end of parsing of an external entity file.
This method is a no-op for this DOM implementation.
inputSource | A const reference to the InputSource object which points to the XML file being parsed. |
Implements XMLEntityHandler.
virtual |
Handle errors reported from the parser.
This method is used to report back errors found while parsing the XML file. This method is also borrowed from the SAX specification. It calls the corresponding user installed Error Handler method: 'fatal', 'error', 'warning' depending on the severity of the error. This classification is defined by the XML specification.
errCode | An integer code for the error. |
msgDomain | A const pointer to an Unicode string representing the message domain to use. |
errType | An enumeration classifying the severity of the error. |
errorText | A const pointer to an Unicode string representing the text of the error message. |
systemId | A const pointer to an Unicode string representing the system id of the XML file where this error was discovered. |
publicId | A const pointer to an Unicode string representing the public id of the XML file where this error was discovered. |
lineNum | The line number where the error occurred. |
colNum | The column number where the error occurred. |
Implements XMLErrorReporter.
virtual |
Expand a system id.
This method allows an installed XMLEntityHandler to further process any system id's of external entities encountered in the XML file being parsed, such as redirection etc.
This method always returns 'false' for this DOM implementation.
systemId | A const pointer to an Unicode string representing the system id scanned by the parser. |
toFill | A pointer to a buffer in which the application processed system id is stored. |
Implements XMLEntityHandler.
EntityResolver * XercesDOMParser::getEntityResolver | ( | ) |
Get a pointer to the entity resolver.
This method returns the installed entity resolver. If no resolver has been installed, then it will be a zero pointer.
const EntityResolver * XercesDOMParser::getEntityResolver | ( | ) | const |
Get a const pointer to the entity resolver.
This method returns the installed entity resolver. If no resolver has been installed, then it will be a zero pointer.
ErrorHandler * XercesDOMParser::getErrorHandler | ( | ) |
Get a pointer to the error handler.
This method returns the installed error handler. If no handler has been installed, then it will be a zero pointer.
const ErrorHandler * XercesDOMParser::getErrorHandler | ( | ) | const |
Get a const pointer to the error handler.
This method returns the installed error handler. If no handler has been installed, then it will be a zero pointer.
Grammar* XercesDOMParser::getGrammar | ( | const XMLCh *const | nameSpaceKey | ) |
Retrieve the grammar that is associated with the specified namespace key.
nameSpaceKey | Namespace key |
bool XercesDOMParser::getIgnoreCachedDTD | ( | ) | const |
Get the 'ignore cached DTD grammar' flag.
Grammar* XercesDOMParser::getRootGrammar | ( | ) |
Retrieve the grammar where the root element is declared.
XMLFilePos XercesDOMParser::getSrcOffset | ( | ) | const |
Returns the current src offset within the input source.
To be used only while parsing is in progress.
const XMLCh* XercesDOMParser::getURIText | ( | unsigned int | uriId | ) | const |
Returns the string corresponding to a URI id from the URI string pool.
uriId | id of the string in the URI string pool. |
XMLEntityResolver * XercesDOMParser::getXMLEntityResolver | ( | ) |
Get a pointer to the entity resolver.
This method returns the installed entity resolver. If no resolver has been installed, then it will be a zero pointer.
const XMLEntityResolver * XercesDOMParser::getXMLEntityResolver | ( | ) | const |
Get a const pointer to the entity resolver.
This method returns the installed entity resolver. If no resolver has been installed, then it will be a zero pointer.
bool XercesDOMParser::isCachingGrammarFromParse | ( | ) | const |
Get the 'Grammar caching' flag.
This method returns the state of the parser's grammar caching when parsing an XML document.
bool XercesDOMParser::isUsingCachedGrammarInParse | ( | ) | const |
Get the 'Use cached grammar' flag.
This method returns the state of the parser's use of cached grammar when parsing an XML document.
Grammar* XercesDOMParser::loadGrammar | ( | const InputSource & | source, |
const Grammar::GrammarType | grammarType, | ||
const bool | toCache = false |
) |
Preparse schema grammar (XML Schema, DTD, etc.) via an input source object.
This method invokes the preparsing process on a schema grammar XML file specified by the SAX InputSource parameter. If the 'toCache' flag is enabled, the parser will cache the grammars for re-use. If a grammar key is found in the pool, no caching of any grammar will take place.
source | A const reference to the SAX InputSource object which points to the schema grammar file to be preparsed. |
grammarType | The grammar type (Schema or DTD). |
toCache | If true , we cache the preparsed grammar, otherwise, no caching. Default is false . |
SAXException | Any SAX exception, possibly wrapping another exception. |
XMLException | An exception from the parser or client handler code. |
DOMException | A DOM exception as per DOM spec. |
Grammar* XercesDOMParser::loadGrammar | ( | const XMLCh *const | systemId, |
const Grammar::GrammarType | grammarType, | ||
const bool | toCache = false |
) |
Preparse schema grammar (XML Schema, DTD, etc.) via a file path or URL.
This method invokes the preparsing process on a schema grammar XML file specified by the file path parameter. If the 'toCache' flag is enabled, the parser will cache the grammars for re-use. If a grammar key is found in the pool, no caching of any grammar will take place.
systemId | A const XMLCh pointer to the Unicode string which contains the path to the XML grammar file to be preparsed. |
grammarType | The grammar type (Schema or DTD). |
toCache | If true , we cache the preparsed grammar, otherwise, no caching. Default is false . |
SAXException | Any SAX exception, possibly wrapping another exception. |
XMLException | An exception from the parser or client handler code. |
DOMException | A DOM exception as per DOM spec. |
Grammar* XercesDOMParser::loadGrammar | ( | const char *const | systemId, |
const Grammar::GrammarType | grammarType, | ||
const bool | toCache = false |
) |
Preparse schema grammar (XML Schema, DTD, etc.) via a file path or URL.
This method invokes the preparsing process on a schema grammar XML file specified by the file path parameter. If the 'toCache' flag is enabled, the parser will cache the grammars for re-use. If a grammar key is found in the pool, no caching of any grammar will take place.
systemId | A const char pointer to a native string which contains the path to the XML grammar file to be preparsed. |
grammarType | The grammar type (Schema or DTD). |
toCache | If true , we cache the preparsed grammar, otherwise, no caching. Default is false . |
SAXException | Any SAX exception, possibly wrapping another exception. |
XMLException | An exception from the parser or client handler code. |
DOMException | A DOM exception as per DOM spec. |
void XercesDOMParser::resetCachedGrammarPool | ( | ) |
This method allows the user to reset the pool of cached grammars.
void XercesDOMParser::resetDocumentPool | ( | ) |
Reset the documents vector pool and release all the associated memory back to the system.
When parsing a document using a DOM parser, all memory allocated for a DOM tree is associated to the DOM document.
If you do multiple parse using the same DOM parser instance, then multiple DOM documents will be generated and saved in a vector pool. All these documents (and thus all the allocated memory) won't be deleted until the parser instance is destroyed.
If you don't need these DOM documents anymore and don't want to destroy the DOM parser instance at this moment, then you can call this method to reset the document vector pool and release all the allocated memory back to the system.
It is an error to call this method if you are in the middle of a parse (e.g. in the mid of a progressive parse).
IOException | An exception from the parser if this function is called when a parse is in progress. |
virtual |
Reset any entity handler information.
This method allows the installed XMLEntityHandler to reset itself.
This method is a no-op for this DOM implementation.
Implements XMLEntityHandler.
virtual |
Reset any error data before a new parse.
This method allows the user installed Error Handler callback to 'reset' itself.
This method is a no-op for this DOM implementation.
Implements XMLErrorReporter.
virtual |
Resolve a public/system id.
This method allows a user installed entity handler to further process any pointers to external entities. The applications can implement 'redirection' via this callback.
resourceIdentifier | An object containing the type of resource to be resolved and the associated data members corresponding to this type. |
Implements XMLEntityHandler.
void XercesDOMParser::setEntityResolver | ( | EntityResolver *const | handler | ) |
Set the entity resolver.
This method allows applications to install their own entity resolver. By installing an entity resolver, the applications can trap and potentially redirect references to external entities.
Any previously set entity resolver is merely dropped, since the parser does not own them. If both setEntityResolver and setXMLEntityResolver are called, then the last one is used.
handler | A const pointer to the user supplied entity resolver. |
void XercesDOMParser::setErrorHandler | ( | ErrorHandler *const | handler | ) |
Set the error handler.
This method allows applications to install their own error handler to trap error and warning messages.
Any previously set handler is merely dropped, since the parser does not own them.
handler | A const pointer to the user supplied error handler. |
void XercesDOMParser::setIgnoreCachedDTD | ( | const bool | newValue | ) |
Set the 'ignore cached DTD grammar' flag.
This method gives users the option to ignore a cached DTD grammar, when an XML document contains both an internal and external DTD, and the use cached grammar from parse option is enabled. Currently, we do not allow using cached DTD grammar when an internal subset is present in the document. This option will only affect the behavior of the parser when an internal and external DTD both exist in a document (i.e. no effect if document has no internal subset).
The parser's default state is false
newValue | The state to set |
void XercesDOMParser::setXMLEntityResolver | ( | XMLEntityResolver *const | handler | ) |
Set the entity resolver.
This method allows applications to install their own entity resolver. By installing an entity resolver, the applications can trap and potentially redirect references to external entities.
Any previously set entity resolver is merely dropped, since the parser does not own them. If both setEntityResolver and setXMLEntityResolver are called, then the last one set is used.
handler | A const pointer to the user supplied entity resolver. |
virtual |
Handle a 'start input source' event.
This method is used to indicate the start of parsing an external entity file.
This method is a no-op for this DOM parse implementation.
inputSource | A const reference to the InputSource object which points to the external entity being parsed. |
Implements XMLEntityHandler.
void XercesDOMParser::useCachedGrammarInParse | ( | const bool | newState | ) |
Set the 'Use cached grammar' flag.
This method allows users to enable or disable the use of cached grammars. When set to true, the parser will use the cached grammar, instead of building the grammar from scratch, to validate XML documents.
If the 'Grammar caching' flag is set to true, this method ignore the value passed in.
The parser's default state is: false.
newState | The value specifying whether we should use the cached grammar or not. |