GEAR  1.6.1
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Class Hierarchy
This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 123]
oCgear::CGAGeometryInitializerCGA Geometry Initializer class
oCgear::FTDLayerLayoutAbstract description of layers in a FTD detector
oCgear::GEARGlobal constants used in GEAR
oCgear::GearDistancePropertiesAbstract interface for a class that returns the (material) properties along a given distance between two points in in world coordinates
oCgear::GearMaterialPropertiesAbstract base class for implemenations of the GearPointPtoperties and GearDistanceProperties
oCgear::GearMaterialPropertiesFactoryFactory singleton class - plugin libraries will have to implement a concrete factory and register it on loading
oCgear::GearMgrAbstract interface for a manager class that returns the Gear classes for the relevant subdetectors
oCgear::GearParametersAbstract interface for a set of parameters that can be used to describe the geometrical properties of a specific subdetector type for reconstruction
oCgear::GearPointPropertiesAbstract interface for a class that returns the (material) properties of a given point in in world coordinates
oCgear::GearXMLImplementation of GEAR using XML
oCgear::GlobalPadIndexGlobal pad index implimentation
oCgear::ICoordinateSystemAn abstract base class for coordinate systems
oCgear::SiPlanesLayerLayoutImpl::LayerHelper class for layer properties
oCgear::FTDLayerLayoutImpl::LayerHelper class for layer properties
oCgear::ZPlanarLayerLayoutImpl::LayerHelper class for layer properties
oCgear::LayerLayoutImpl::LayerHelper class for layer properties
oCgear::LayerLayoutAbstract description of a layered layout detector - typically a a sampling calorimeter
oCgear::MaterialMapMaterial map using GearDistanceProperties
oCgear::MaterialMapFactoryFactory to create material maps using GearDistanceProperties
oCgear::MergeXMLClass to merge two xml files
oCgear::PadRowLayout2DAbstract description of a planar subdetector with pads (cells) that are positioned in rows (circular or rectangular)
oCgear::PadRowLayout2DXMLAbstract XML handler for PadRowLayout2DXML
oCgear::FixedPadSizeDiskLayout::RowInternal helper class for FixedPadSizeDiskLayout
oCgear::VersatileDiskRowLayout::RowInternal helper class for VersatileDiskRowLayout, describing one row
oCgear::RectangularPadRowLayout::RowInternal helper class for RectangularPadRowLayout
oCgear::SensorIDHelper struct for decoding a sensor ID
oCgear::SimpleMaterialAbstract interface for a simple material description tjhat hold s the following properties: A, Z, density, radiation length and interaction length
oCgear::SimpleMaterialXMLXML handler for SimpleMaterial
oCgear::SiPlanesLayerLayoutAbstract description of layers in a pixel beam telescope
oCgear::TGeoGeometryInitializerTGeo Geometry Initializer class
oCgear::TiXmlBaseTiXmlBase is a base class for every class in TinyXml
oCgear::TiXmlHandleA TiXmlHandle is a class that wraps a node pointer with null checks; this is an incredibly useful thing
oCgear::TokenizerHelper class for XMLParser
oCgear::TPCModuleXMLAbstract XML handler for TPCModuleXML
oCgear::Vector3DSimple three dimensional vector providing the components for cartesian, cylindrical and spherical coordinate systems - internal reperesentation is cartesian
oCgear::VectorND_T< N, Float_T >Trivial N-dimensional vector
oCgear::VectorND_T< 2, double >
oCgear::VectorND_T< 2, Float_T >
oCgear::VectorND_T< 3, Float_T >
oCgear::vframeAbstract description of layers in a FTD detector
oCgear::XMLHandlerInterface for XML handlers of GEAR classes
oCgear::XMLHandlerMgrManager for XML handlers of GEAR classes
\Cgear::ZPlanarLayerLayoutAbstract description of layers in a Vertex detector