Here is a list of all documented class members with links to the class documentation for each member:
- g -
- GenericCluster()
: GenericCluster< U >
- GenericHit()
: GenericHit< T >
- getBinContent()
: PseudoHistogram
- getBz()
: HelixClass
, HelixClass_double
- getCenterOfGravity()
: ClusterShapes
, WeightedPoints3D
- getCentreOfGravity()
: ClusterShapes
, WeightedPoints3D
- getCentreOfGravityErrors()
: WeightedPoints3D
- getCharge()
: HelixClass
, HelixClass_double
- getChi2Fit3DProfileAdvanced()
: ClusterShapes
- getChi2Fit3DProfileSimple()
: ClusterShapes
- getCovarianceMatrix()
: SimpleHelix
, SimpleLine
, Trajectory
- getD0()
: HelixClass
, HelixClass_double
- getDirection()
: SimpleHelix
, SimpleLine
, Trajectory
- getDistanceToHelix()
: HelixClass
, HelixClass_double
- getDistanceToPoint()
: HelixClass
, HelixClass_double
- getEigenSytemCoordinates()
: ClusterShapes
- getEigenVal()
: WeightedPoints3D
- getEigenValErrors()
: WeightedPoints3D
- getEigenValInertia()
: ClusterShapes
- getEigenVecCartesian()
: WeightedPoints3D
- getEigenVecCartesianErrors()
: WeightedPoints3D
- getEigenVecInertia()
: ClusterShapes
- getEigenVecPolar()
: WeightedPoints3D
- getElipsoid_density()
: ClusterShapes
- getElipsoid_eccentricity()
: ClusterShapes
- getElipsoid_r1()
: ClusterShapes
- getElipsoid_r2()
: ClusterShapes
- getElipsoid_r3()
: ClusterShapes
- getElipsoid_r_ave()
: ClusterShapes
- getElipsoid_r_back()
: ClusterShapes
- getElipsoid_r_forw()
: ClusterShapes
- getElipsoid_vol()
: ClusterShapes
- getEndPoint()
: HelixClass
, HelixClass_double
- getExtrapolatedMomentum()
: HelixClass
, HelixClass_double
- getInstance()
: CEDPickingHandler
, DDCEDPickingHandler
- getIntersectionWithCylinder()
: SimpleHelix
, SimpleLine
, Trajectory
- getIntersectionWithPlane()
: SimpleHelix
, SimpleLine
, Trajectory
- getMC_Balance()
: MarlinUtil
- getMomentum()
: HelixClass
, HelixClass_double
- getNumberOfEntries()
: PseudoHistogram
- getNumberOfHits()
: ClusterShapes
- getNumberOfPoints()
: WeightedPoints3D
- getOmega()
: HelixClass
, HelixClass_double
- getPathAt()
: SimpleHelix
, SimpleLine
, Trajectory
- getPhi0()
: HelixClass
, HelixClass_double
- getPhiZ()
: HelixClass
, HelixClass_double
- getPointInXY()
: HelixClass
, HelixClass_double
- getPointInZ()
: HelixClass
, HelixClass_double
- getPointOnCircle()
: HelixClass
, HelixClass_double
- getPosition()
: SimpleHelix
, SimpleLine
, Trajectory
- getPXY()
: HelixClass
, HelixClass_double
- getRadius()
: HelixClass
, HelixClass_double
, SimpleHelix
- getReferencePoint()
: HelixClass
, HelixClass_double
- getStart()
: SimpleHelix
- getStartingPoint()
: HelixClass
, HelixClass_double
- getTanLambda()
: HelixClass
, HelixClass_double
- getTotalAmplitude()
: ClusterShapes
- getTotalQuarticWeight()
: WeightedPoints3D
- getTotalSquaredWeight()
: WeightedPoints3D
- getTotalWeight()
: WeightedPoints3D
- getWidth()
: ClusterShapes
, WeightedPoints3D
- getXC()
: HelixClass
, HelixClass_double
- getYC()
: HelixClass
, HelixClass_double
- getZ0()
: HelixClass
, HelixClass_double