MarlinTrkProcessors  2.4.1
Classes | Public Member Functions | Protected Member Functions | Protected Attributes | List of all members
ExtrToTracker Class Reference
Inheritance diagram for ExtrToTracker:


struct  compare_r

Public Member Functions

virtual marlin::Processor * newProcessor ()
virtual void init ()
 Called at the begin of the job before anything is read. More...
virtual void processRunHeader (lcio::LCRunHeader *run)
 Called for every run.
virtual void processEvent (lcio::LCEvent *evt)
 Called for every event - the working horse.
virtual void check (lcio::LCEvent *evt)
virtual void end ()
 Called after data processing for clean up.
int FitInit2 (Track *track, MarlinTrk::IMarlinTrack *_marlinTrk)
TrackerHitPlane * getSiHit (std::vector< TrackerHitPlane * > &hitsOnDetEl, MarlinTrk::IMarlinTrack *&marlin_trk)
TrackerHitPlane * getSiHit (std::vector< int > &vecElID, std::map< int, std::vector< TrackerHitPlane * > > &mapElHits, MarlinTrk::IMarlinTrack *&marlin_trk)
void getNeighbours (int elID, std::vector< int > &vecIDs, std::string cellIDEcoding, std::map< int, int > mapLayerNModules)
void fillMapElHits (std::vector< LCCollection * > &vecHitCol, std::vector< std::map< int, std::vector< TrackerHitPlane * > > > &vecMaps)
void fillVecSubdet (lcio::LCEvent *&evt)
void getGeoInfo ()

Protected Member Functions

lcio::LCCollection * GetCollection (lcio::LCEvent *evt, std::string colName)

Protected Attributes

std::string _input_track_col_name
 Input track collection name for refitting.
std::string _output_not_used_col_name
 output collection name for the not used hits.
std::string _output_track_col_name
 output track collection name.
std::string _output_track_rel_name
 Output track relations name for refitting.
MarlinTrk::IMarlinTrkSystem * _trksystem
 pointer to the IMarlinTrkSystem instance
bool _MSOn
bool _ElossOn
bool _SmoothOn
double _Max_Chi2_Incr
double _searchSigma
int _n_run
int _n_evt
int SITHitsFitted
int SITHitsNonFitted
int TotalSITHits
int _nHitsChi2
float _maxChi2PerHit
float _bField
bool _performFinalRefit
const DD4hep::DDRec::SurfaceMap * _map
StringVec _vecDigiHits
StringVec _vecSubdetName
std::vector< int > _vecSubdetNLayers
std::vector< int > _vecSubdetID
std::vector< LCCollection * > _vecDigiHitsCol
std::vector< std::map< int, int > > _vecMapLayerNModules
std::vector< std::map< int,
std::vector< TrackerHitPlane * > > > 

Member Function Documentation

void ExtrToTracker::init ( )

Called at the begin of the job before anything is read.

Use to initialize the processor, e.g. book histograms.

References _trksystem.

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