MarlinTrkProcessors  2.4.1
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
| oCequal
| oCequalf
| oCgreater
| oCgreaterf
| oCless
| oClessf
| oCgreater_equal
| oCgreater_equalf
| oCless_equal
| \Cless_equalf
oCCalcTrackerHitResidualsSet the LCIO Extensions to relate SimTrackerHits to TrackerHits via a pointer
oCDDPlanarDigiProcessor======= DDPlanarDigiProcessor ==========
Creates TrackerHits from SimTrackerHits, smearing them according to the input parameters
oCDDSpacePointBuilder================= FTD Space Point Builder =================
oCFPCCDFullLDCTracking_MarlinTrk=== FPCCDFullLDCTracking_MarlinTrk Processor ===
oCFPCCDSiliconTracking_MarlinTrk=== FPCCDSiliconTracking_MarlinTrk Processor ===
This processor is based on SiliconTracking_MarlinTrk Processor (author: Steve Apline)
|oCcompare_TrackExtendedCompare tracks according to their chi2/ndf
|oCTracksWithNHitsContainerA helper class to allow good code readability by accessing tracks with N hits
oCFullLDCTracking_MarlinTrk=== FullLDCTracking_MarlinTrk Processor ===
Processor performing track finding procedure in the entire LDC detector by linking track segments found by the SiliconTracking module in the silicon detectors and by the LEPTracking module in TPC
oCMaxHitsA functor to return the quality of a track, which is the number of associated hits
oCPlanarDigiProcessor======= PlanarDigiProcessor ==========
Creates TrackerHits from SimTrackerHits, smearing them according to the input parameters
oCRefitProcessorTrack Refitter processor for marlin
oCSetTrackerHitExtensionsSet the LCIO Extensions to relate SimTrackerHits to TrackerHits via a pointer
oCSiliconTracking_MarlinTrk=== Silicon Tracking Processor ===
Processor performing stand-alone pattern recognition in the vertex detector (VTX), forward tracking disks and SIT
|oCcompare_TrackExtendedCompare tracks according to their chi2/ndf
|\CTracksWithNHitsContainerA helper class to allow good code readability by accessing tracks with N hits
oCSimpleCylinderDigiProcessor======= SimpleCylinderDigiProcessor ==========
Creates TrackerHits from SimTrackerHits, smearing them according to the input parameters
oCSimpleDiscDigiProcessor======= SimpleDiscDigiProcessor ==========
Produces a TrackerHit collection from SimTrackerHit collection
oCSimplePlanarDigiProcessor======= SimplePlanarDigiProcessor ==========
Creates TrackerHits from SimTrackerHits, smearing them according to the input parameters
oCSpacePointBuilder================= FTD Space Point Builder =================
oCSplitCollectionByLayerUtility processor that allows to split a collection of Hits into several collections based on the layer information in the cellID word
|\COutColInfoHelper struct
oCTestA functor to return the ...
oCTrackCompatibilityA functor to return whether two tracks are compatible: The criterion is if the share a TrackerHit or more
oCTrackCompatibilityShare1_MVA functor to return whether two tracks are compatible: The criterion is if they share a MiniVector or more
oCTrackFinderFTFTrack Finder using FTF processor for marlin
oCTrackQIA functor to return the quality of a track, which is the ratio chi2 over degrees of freedom, weighted with the number of associated hits
oCTrackQIChi2Prob_MVA functor to return the quality of a track, which is currently the chi2 probability
oCTrackQISpecial_MVA functor to return the quality of a track
oCTrackSubsetProcessorProcessor that takes tracks from multiple sources and outputs them (or modified versions, or a subset of them) as one track collection
oCTruthTrackerTrack creation based on MC truth