This is the complete list of members for marlintpc::IntersectionCalculator, including all inherited members.
circle_circle(double R, double centreX, double centreY, double r) | marlintpc::IntersectionCalculator | static |
circle_straightLine(double R, double x0, double y0, double trackPhi) | marlintpc::IntersectionCalculator | static |
circle_straightLine_phi(double R, double inclination, double xAxisIntersect) | marlintpc::IntersectionCalculator | static |
circle_straightLine_xy(double R, double inclination, double xAxisIntersect) | marlintpc::IntersectionCalculator | static |
horizonalLine_circle(double Y, double centreX, double centreY, double r) | marlintpc::IntersectionCalculator | static |
horizontalLine_straightLine(double Y, double inclination, double xAxisIntersect) | marlintpc::IntersectionCalculator | static |