file | BaseConstraint.cc |
| Implements class BaseConstraint.
file | BaseDefs.cc |
file | BaseFitObject.cc |
| Implements class BaseFitObject.
file | BaseFitter.cc |
| Implements class BaseFitter.
file | BaseHardConstraint.cc |
| Implements class BaseHardConstraint.
file | BaseSoftConstraint.cc |
| Implements class BaseSoftConstraint.
file | BaseTracer.cc |
| Implements class BaseTracer.
file | DijetEventILC.cc |
file | FourJetPairing.cc |
file | FourJetZHPairing.cc |
file | FourVector.cc |
file | ISRPhotonFitObject.cc |
| Implements class ISRPhotonFitObject.
file | IterationScanner.cc |
| Implements class IterationScanner.
file | JBLHelix.cc |
| Implements class JBLHelix.
file | JetFitObject.cc |
| Implements class JetFitObject.
file | LeptonFitObject.cc |
| Implements class LeptonFitObject LeptonFitObject works similiar to JetFitObject, but it uses a q/pt, theta, phi parametrization for the leptons, which is e.g. more appropriate for muons and other particles reconstructed from track helices. The covariance matrix differs from the common E, theta, phi parametrization. Updated so that q/pt (ptinv) includes the sign of the geometric curvature (scaled version of Omega).
file | MassConstraint.cc |
| Implements class MassConstraint.
file | MomentumConstraint.cc |
| Implements class MomentumConstraint.
file | NeutrinoFitObject.cc |
file | NewFitterGSL.cc |
| Implements class NewFitterGSL.
file | NewtonFitterGSL.cc |
| Implements class NewtonFitterGSL.
file | OPALFitterGSL.cc |
| Implements class OPALFitterGSL.
file | ParameterScanner.cc |
| Implements class ParameterScanner.
file | ParticleConstraint.cc |
| Implements class ParticleConstraint.
file | ParticleFitObject.cc |
| Implements class ParticleFitObject.
file | RootTracer.cc |
| Implements class RootTracer.
file | SimplePhotonFitObject.cc |
| Implements class SimplePhotonFitObject.
file | SoftBWMassConstraint.cc |
| Implements class SoftBWMassConstraint.
file | SoftBWParticleConstraint.cc |
| Implements class SoftBWParticleConstraint.
file | SoftGaussMassConstraint.cc |
| Implements class SoftGaussMassConstraint.
file | SoftGaussMomentumConstraint.cc |
| Implements class SoftGaussMomentumConstraint.
file | SoftGaussParticleConstraint.cc |
| Implements class SoftGaussParticleConstraint.
file | TextTracer.cc |
| Implements class TextTracer.
file | TopEventILC.cc |
file | TrackParticleFitObject.cc |
| Implements class TrackParticleFitObject TrackParticleFitObject takes an LCIO track or trackstate (parameters & covariance) as input. it knows about the 4-momentum and "decay plane" of the TrackParticleObject "decay plane" is the plane defined by the IP and the tangent to the track at PCA At present it considers the track only at the PCA: i.e. the momentum/decay plane are considered only at the PCA, not at a general position along the helix this means it's no good for fitting (significantly) displaced vertices in which the tracks have bent significantly between the PCA and vertex positions this should be improved in a future update by including extra parameters (as was done for the original Track-based classes)
file | TwoB4JPairing.cc |
file | VertexConstraint.cc |
file | VertexFitObject.cc |
| Implements class VertexFitObject.
file | ZinvisibleFitObject.cc |
| Implements clsss ZinvisibleFitObject class for Z->neutrinos with (E, theta, phi) in kinematic fit Zinvisible works similar to NeutrinoFitObject, but its mass is set to 91.1876 developed for ZHH->vvHH, ZinvisibleFO represents Z->vv in fit.