| TrackParticleFitObject (const EVENT::Track *trk, double m) |
| TrackParticleFitObject (const EVENT::TrackState *trk, double m) |
| TrackParticleFitObject (const double *_ppars, const double *_cov, double m, const double *refPt_=0) |
| TrackParticleFitObject (const TrackParticleFitObject &rhs) |
TrackParticleFitObject & | operator= (const TrackParticleFitObject &rhs) |
virtual TrackParticleFitObject * | copy () const |
| Return a new copy of itself.
virtual TrackParticleFitObject & | assign (const BaseFitObject &source) |
| Assign from anther object, if of same type. More...
virtual const char * | getParamName (int ilocal) const |
| Get name of parameter ilocal. More...
virtual bool | updateParams (double p[], int idim) |
| Read values from global vector, readjust vector; return: significant change. More...
virtual double | getDPx (int ilocal) const |
| Return d p_x / d par_ilocal (derivative of px w.r.t. local parameter ilocal)
virtual double | getDPy (int ilocal) const |
| Return d p_y / d par_ilocal (derivative of py w.r.t. local parameter ilocal)
virtual double | getDPz (int ilocal) const |
| Return d p_z / d par_ilocal (derivative of pz w.r.t. local parameter ilocal)
virtual double | getDE (int ilocal) const |
| Return d E / d par_ilocal (derivative of E w.r.t. local parameter ilocal)
virtual double | getFirstDerivative_Meta_Local (int iMeta, int ilocal, int metaSet) const |
virtual double | getSecondDerivative_Meta_Local (int iMeta, int ilocal, int jlocal, int metaSet) const |
virtual double | getChi2 () const |
| Get chi squared from measured and fitted parameters.
virtual int | getNPar () const |
| Get total number of parameters of this FitObject.
virtual ThreeVector | getTrackPlaneNormal () const |
virtual ThreeVector | getTrackPcaVector () const |
virtual int | getCharge () const |
virtual ThreeVector | getVertex (int ivertex) const |
| Get start (i=0) or stop (i=1) vertex.
virtual void | setVertex (int ivertex, const TwoVector &v) |
| Set start (i=0) or stop (i=1) vertex to a point as close as possible to given point. More...
virtual FourVector | getMomentum (int ivertex) const |
| Get momentum at vertex.
virtual bool | setParameters (int ivertex, const ThreeVector &vertex, const FourVector &momentum, double charge_) |
| Set parameters such that track passes through a vertex with a given 4-momentum; return=success. More...
virtual bool | fixVertexParam (int ivertex, bool fix=true) |
| Get helix that is tangential at a certain arc length s. More...
virtual bool | releaseVertexParam (int ivertex) |
| Release parameter(s) pertaining to a vertex. More...
virtual ThreeVector | getVertexDerivative (int ivertex, int ilocal) const |
| Get derivative of vertex w.r.t. parameter ilocal. More...
virtual JBLHelix | getJBLHelix () |
| Get JBLhelix.
virtual JBLHelix | getJBLHelix (const ThreeVector &newRefPoint) |
Public Member Functions inherited from ParticleFitObject |
| ParticleFitObject () |
| Default constructor.
| ParticleFitObject (const ParticleFitObject &rhs) |
| Copy constructor. More...
ParticleFitObject & | operator= (const ParticleFitObject &rhs) |
| Assignment. More...
virtual | ~ParticleFitObject () |
| Virtual destructor.
virtual bool | setMass (double mass_) |
| Set mass of particle; return=success.
virtual double | getMass () const |
| Get mass of particle.
virtual std::ostream & | print4Vector (std::ostream &os) const |
| print the four-momentum (E, px, py, pz) More...
virtual FourVector | getFourMomentum () const |
virtual double | getE () const |
| Return E.
virtual double | getPx () const |
| Return px.
virtual double | getPy () const |
| Return py.
virtual double | getPz () const |
| Return pz.
virtual double | getP () const |
| Return p (momentum)
virtual double | getP2 () const |
| Return p (momentum) squared.
virtual double | getPt () const |
| Return pt (transverse momentum)
virtual double | getPt2 () const |
| Return pt (transverse momentum) squared.
virtual void | getDerivatives (double der[], int idim) const |
virtual void | addToGlobalChi2DerMatrixNum (double *M, int idim, double eps) |
| Add numerically determined derivatives of chi squared to global covariance matrix. More...
virtual void | addToGlobalChi2DerVectorNum (double *y, int idim, double eps) |
| Add numerically determined derivatives of chi squared to global derivative vector. More...
virtual std::ostream & | print (std::ostream &os) const |
| print object to ostream More...
void | test1stDerivatives () |
void | test2ndDerivatives () |
double | num1stDerivative (int ilocal, double eps) |
| Evaluates numerically the 1st derivative of chi2 w.r.t. a parameter. More...
double | num2ndDerivative (int ilocal1, double eps1, int ilocal2, double eps2) |
| Evaluates numerically the 2nd derivative of chi2 w.r.t. 2 parameters. More...
| BaseFitObject () |
| Default constructor.
| BaseFitObject (const BaseFitObject &rhs) |
| Copy constructor. More...
BaseFitObject & | operator= (const BaseFitObject &rhs) |
| Assignment. More...
virtual | ~BaseFitObject () |
| Virtual destructor.
virtual bool | setParam (int ilocal, double par_, bool measured_, bool fixed_=false) |
| Set value and measured flag of parameter i; return: significant change. More...
virtual bool | setParam (int ilocal, double par_) |
| Set value of parameter ilocal; return: significant change. More...
virtual bool | setMParam (int ilocal, double mpar_) |
| Set measured value of parameter ilocal; return: success. More...
virtual bool | setError (int ilocal, double err_) |
| Set error of parameter ilocal; return: success. More...
virtual bool | setCov (int ilocal, int jlocal, double cov_) |
| Set covariance of parameters ilocal and jlocal; return: success. More...
virtual bool | setGlobalParNum (int ilocal, int iglobal) |
| Set number of parameter ilocal in global list return true signals OK. More...
virtual bool | fixParam (int ilocal, bool fix=true) |
| Fix a parameter (fix=true), or release it (fix=false) More...
virtual bool | releaseParam (int ilocal) |
| Release a parameter. More...
virtual bool | isParamFixed (int ilocal) const |
| Returns whether parameter is fixed. More...
virtual double | getParam (int ilocal) const |
| Get current value of parameter ilocal. More...
virtual const char * | getName () const |
| Get object's name.
virtual void | setName (const char *name_) |
| Set object's name.
virtual double | getMParam (int ilocal) const |
| Get measured value of parameter ilocal. More...
virtual double | getError (int ilocal) const |
| Get error of parameter ilocal. More...
virtual double | getCov (int ilocal, int jlocal) const |
| Get covariance between parameters ilocal and jlocal. More...
virtual double | getRho (int ilocal, int jlocal) const |
| Get correlation coefficient between parameters ilocal and jlocal. More...
virtual bool | isParamMeasured (int ilocal) const |
| Get measured flag for parameter ilocal. More...
virtual int | getGlobalParNum (int ilocal) const |
| Get global parameter number of parameter ilocal. More...
virtual int | getNMeasured () const |
| Get number of measured parameters of this FitObject.
virtual int | getNUnmeasured () const |
| Get number of unmeasured parameters of this FitObject.
virtual int | getNFree () const |
| Get number of free parameters of this FitObject.
virtual int | getNFixed () const |
| Get number of fixed parameters of this FitObject.
virtual double | getDChi2DParam (int ilocal) const |
| Get derivative of chi squared w.r.t. parameter ilocal. More...
virtual double | getD2Chi2DParam2 (int ilocal, int jlocal) const |
| Get second derivative of chi squared w.r.t. parameters ilocal1 and ilocal2. More...
virtual std::ostream & | printParams (std::ostream &os) const |
| print the parameters and errors More...
virtual std::ostream & | printRhoValues (std::ostream &os) const |
| print the correlation coefficients More...
virtual std::ostream & | print1stDerivatives (std::ostream &os) const |
| print the 1st derivatives wrt metaSet 0 (E, px, py, pz) More...
virtual std::ostream & | print2ndDerivatives (std::ostream &os) const |
| print the 2nd derivatives wrt metaSet 0 (E, px, py, pz) More...
virtual void | invalidateCache () const |
| invalidate any cached quantities
virtual void | addToGlobCov (double *glcov, int idim) const |
| Add covariance matrix elements to global covariance matrix of size idim x idim. More...
virtual void | addToGlobalChi2DerVector (double *y, int idim) const |
| Add derivatives of chi squared to global derivative vector. More...
virtual void | addToGlobalChi2DerMatrix (double *M, int idim) const |
| Add 2nd derivatives of chi squared to global derivative matrix. More...
virtual void | addToGlobalChi2DerVector (double *y, int idim, double lambda, double der[], int metaSet) const |
| Add derivatives of momentum vector to global derivative vector. More...
virtual void | addTo1stDerivatives (double M[], int idim, double der[], int kglobal, int metaSet) const |
virtual void | addTo2ndDerivatives (double der2[], int idim, double factor[], int metaSet) const |
virtual void | addTo2ndDerivatives (double M[], int idim, double lambda, double der[], int metaSet) const |
virtual void | initCov () |
virtual double | getError2 (double der[], int metaset) const |
virtual void | initialise (const double *_pars, const double *_cov, double m) |
void | updateCache () const |
void | updateMomentumDerivatives () const |
void | updateNormalDerivatives () const |
void | updateTrajectoryDerivatives () const |
void | resetMomentumFirstDerivatives () const |
void | resetMomentumSecondDerivatives () const |
void | resetNormalFirstDerivatives () const |
void | resetNormalSecondDerivatives () const |
void | resetTrajectoryFirstDerivatives () const |
void | resetTrajectorySecondDerivatives () const |
void | setMomentumFirstDerivatives (int iMeta, int jLocal, double x) const |
void | setMomentumSecondDerivatives (int iMeta, int jLocal, int kLocal, double x) const |
void | setNormalFirstDerivatives (int iMeta, int jLocal, double x) const |
void | setNormalSecondDerivatives (int iMeta, int jLocal, int kLocal, double x) const |
void | setTrajectoryStartFirstDerivatives (int iMeta, int jLocal, double x) const |
void | setTrajectoryStartSecondDerivatives (int iMeta, int jLocal, int kLocal, double x) const |
void | setTrajectoryEndFirstDerivatives (int iMeta, int jLocal, double x) const |
void | setTrajectoryEndSecondDerivatives (int iMeta, int jLocal, int kLocal, double x) const |
virtual double | getMomentumFirstDerivatives (int iMeta, int jLocal) const |
virtual double | getMomentumSecondDerivatives (int iMeta, int jLocal, int kLocal) const |
virtual double | getNormalFirstDerivatives (int iMeta, int jLocal) const |
virtual double | getNormalSecondDerivatives (int iMeta, int jLocal, int kLocal) const |
virtual double | getTrajectoryStartFirstDerivatives (int iMeta, int jLocal) const |
virtual double | getTrajectoryStartSecondDerivatives (int iMeta, int jLocal, int kLocal) const |
virtual double | getTrajectoryEndFirstDerivatives (int iMeta, int jLocal) const |
virtual double | getTrajectoryEndSecondDerivatives (int iMeta, int jLocal, int kLocal) const |
virtual bool | calculateCovInv () const |
| Calculate the inverse of the covariance matrix.