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marlin::CCProcessor Class Reference

handles information about marlin processors and their collections needed by MarlinSteerCheck More...

#include <CCProcessor.h>

Public Member Functions

 CCProcessor (bool status, const std::string &name, const std::string &type, StringParameters *p=NULL)
 CCProcessor (CCProcessor &p)
bool hasErrors ()
 Returns true if the processor has errors.
bool hasParameters ()
 Returns true if the processor has parameters.
bool hasErrorCols ()
 Returns true if the processor has collection errors.
bool isInstalled ()
 Returns true if the processor is installed.
bool isActive ()
 Returns true if the processor is active.
bool hasCondition (const std::string &condition)
 Returns true if the processor is constrained by the given condition.
const std::string & getName ()
 Returns the Name of the processor.
const std::string & getType ()
 Returns the Type of the processor.
sSet & getConditions ()
 Returns the Conditions of the processor.
const std::string getDescription ()
 Returns the Description of the processor.
const std::string getError ()
 Returns a string with the error of the processor.
const std::string getStatusDesc ()
 Returns a string with the processor status ( "Active", "Inactive" )
bool isErrorCol (const std::string &type, const std::string &value)
 Returns true if the given collection is in the unavailable or duplicate list of this processor.
bool isParamOptional (const std::string &key)
 Returns true if a parameter is optional (optional means the parameter will be written out as a comment)
StringParametersgetParameters ()
 Returns the string parameters for this processor.
const ssMap & getColHeaders (const std::string &iotype)
 Returns a map with collection names and their respective types for INPUT/OUTPUT collections of this processor.
ColVec & getCols (const std::string &iotype, const std::string &type_name="ALL_COLLECTIONS")
 Returns collections of a given iotype ( INPUT, OUTPUT, UNAVAILABLE, DUPLICATE ) for a given name or type If iotype == INPUT/OUTPUT then type_name is the name of the collection If iotype == UNAVAILABLE/DUPLICATE then type_name is the type of the collection.
sSet & getColTypeNames (const std::string &iotype)
 Returns collection's types/names of a given iotype found in the processor If iotype == INPUT/OUTPUT then names are returned If iotype == UNAVAILABLE/DUPLICATE then types are returned.
void addCol (const std::string &iotype, const std::string &name, const std::string &type, const std::string &value)
 Adds a collection of the given iotype ( INPUT / OUTPUT ) with the given name, type and value.
void remCol (const std::string &iotype, const std::string &name, unsigned int index)
 Removes collection of the given iotype ( INPUT / OUTPUT ) with the given name at the given index.
void addUCol (CCCollection *c)
 Adds an unavailable collection to this processor.
void addDCol (CCCollection *c)
 Adds a duplicate collection to this processor.
void changeStatus ()
 Changes the processor status ( ACTIVE->INACTIVE or INACTIVE->ACTIVE )
void setName (const std::string &name)
 Sets the processor's name.
void setConditions (const std::string &conditions)
 Sets the processor's conditions.
void setError (int error)
 Activates an error flag in this processor ( NO_PARAMETERS=0, NOT_INSTALLED=1, COL_ERRORS=2 )
void clearError (int error)
 Clears an error flag in this processor ( NO_PARAMETERS=0, NOT_INSTALLED=1, COL_ERRORS=2 )
void setOptionalParam (const std::string &key, bool optional=true)
 Sets a parameter as optional (if optional=true parameter is written out as a comment)
void writeToXML (std::ofstream &stream)
 Writes this processor to a stream using the XML format.

Detailed Description

handles information about marlin processors and their collections needed by MarlinSteerCheck

Jan Engels, Benjamin Eberhardt, DESY
CCProcessor.h,v 1.23 2007-01-11 16:56:37 engels Exp

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