handles information about marlin processors and their collections needed by MarlinSteerCheck More...
#include <CCProcessor.h>
Public Member Functions | |
CCProcessor (bool status, const std::string &name, const std::string &type, StringParameters *p=NULL) | |
CCProcessor (CCProcessor &p) | |
bool | hasErrors () |
Returns true if the processor has errors. | |
bool | hasParameters () |
Returns true if the processor has parameters. | |
bool | hasErrorCols () |
Returns true if the processor has collection errors. | |
bool | isInstalled () |
Returns true if the processor is installed. | |
bool | isActive () |
Returns true if the processor is active. | |
bool | hasCondition (const std::string &condition) |
Returns true if the processor is constrained by the given condition. | |
const std::string & | getName () |
Returns the Name of the processor. | |
const std::string & | getType () |
Returns the Type of the processor. | |
sSet & | getConditions () |
Returns the Conditions of the processor. | |
const std::string | getDescription () |
Returns the Description of the processor. | |
const std::string | getError () |
Returns a string with the error of the processor. | |
const std::string | getStatusDesc () |
Returns a string with the processor status ( "Active", "Inactive" ) | |
bool | isErrorCol (const std::string &type, const std::string &value) |
Returns true if the given collection is in the unavailable or duplicate list of this processor. | |
bool | isParamOptional (const std::string &key) |
Returns true if a parameter is optional (optional means the parameter will be written out as a comment) | |
StringParameters * | getParameters () |
Returns the string parameters for this processor. | |
const ssMap & | getColHeaders (const std::string &iotype) |
Returns a map with collection names and their respective types for INPUT/OUTPUT collections of this processor. | |
ColVec & | getCols (const std::string &iotype, const std::string &type_name="ALL_COLLECTIONS") |
Returns collections of a given iotype ( INPUT, OUTPUT, UNAVAILABLE, DUPLICATE ) for a given name or type If iotype == INPUT/OUTPUT then type_name is the name of the collection If iotype == UNAVAILABLE/DUPLICATE then type_name is the type of the collection. | |
sSet & | getColTypeNames (const std::string &iotype) |
Returns collection's types/names of a given iotype found in the processor If iotype == INPUT/OUTPUT then names are returned If iotype == UNAVAILABLE/DUPLICATE then types are returned. | |
void | addCol (const std::string &iotype, const std::string &name, const std::string &type, const std::string &value) |
Adds a collection of the given iotype ( INPUT / OUTPUT ) with the given name, type and value. | |
void | remCol (const std::string &iotype, const std::string &name, unsigned int index) |
Removes collection of the given iotype ( INPUT / OUTPUT ) with the given name at the given index. | |
void | addUCol (CCCollection *c) |
Adds an unavailable collection to this processor. | |
void | addDCol (CCCollection *c) |
Adds a duplicate collection to this processor. | |
void | changeStatus () |
Changes the processor status ( ACTIVE->INACTIVE or INACTIVE->ACTIVE ) | |
void | setName (const std::string &name) |
Sets the processor's name. | |
void | setConditions (const std::string &conditions) |
Sets the processor's conditions. | |
void | setError (int error) |
Activates an error flag in this processor ( NO_PARAMETERS=0, NOT_INSTALLED=1, COL_ERRORS=2 ) | |
void | clearError (int error) |
Clears an error flag in this processor ( NO_PARAMETERS=0, NOT_INSTALLED=1, COL_ERRORS=2 ) | |
void | setOptionalParam (const std::string &key, bool optional=true) |
Sets a parameter as optional (if optional=true parameter is written out as a comment) | |
void | writeToXML (std::ofstream &stream) |
Writes this processor to a stream using the XML format. | |
handles information about marlin processors and their collections needed by MarlinSteerCheck