Marlin  1.10.0
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Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
oNEVENTTypedefs for std::vectors of basic types used in LCIO - only needed for older versions of LCIO (pre 1.2)
oNmarlinThe main namespace in Marlin
|oCAIDAProcessorProvides access to AIDA histograms, ntuples, etc
|oCCCCollectionHandles information about LCIO collections needed by MarlinSteerCheck
|oCCCProcessorHandles information about marlin processors and their collections needed by MarlinSteerCheck
|oCCMProcessorThis singleton class contains an instance of every available marlin processor type
|oCConditionsProcessorProcessor that provides access to conditions data in a Marlin application
|oCDataSourceProcessorBase class for data source handlers that can read arbitrary non-LCIO input files and create LCIO events and run headers from that
|oCErrorOfSigmaSmall helper class that computes the lower and upper error of sigma assuming a normal distribution, i.e
|oCEventModifierTagging interface for processors that modify the LCIO event
|oCParseExceptionParseException used for parse errors, e.g
|oCSkipEventExceptionSkipEventException used to skip the current event in Processor::processEvent
|oCStopProcessingExceptionStopProcessingException used to stop the current proccessing of events and call Processor::end()
|oCRewindDataFilesExceptionRewindDataFilesException used to stop the current proccessing of events, rewind to the first event and restart the processing
|oCGlobalSimple global class for Marlin
|oCIFourVectorSmearerInterface for smearing of four vectors - based on CLHEP::HepLorentzVector
|oCIParserInterface for a parser of a steering file to be used with marlin
|oCIRecoParticleFactoryInterface for a factory class that creates a ReconstructedParticle from an MCParticle
|oCLCIOOutputProcessorDefault output processor
|oCExpressionHelper struct for LogicalExpression
|oCTokenizerHelper class for LogicalExpressions that splits the expression into subexpressions - needs to be apllied iteratively
|oCLogicalExpressionsHelper class that holds named boolean values and named conditions that are expressions of these values and computes the corresponding truth values
|oCMarlinSteerCheckThis class is a Marlin Steering File consistency check Tool
|oCParserSimple parser class for Marlin
|oCLCTokenizerHelper class for Parser
|oCProcessorBase class for Marlin processors
|oCProcessorEventSeederProcessor event seeder - provides independent pseudo-randomly generated seeds for registered processors on an event by event basis
|oCProcessorLoaderProcessor loader - loads shared libraries with marlin processors
|oCProcessorMgrProcessor manager singleton class
|oCProcessorParameterClass that holds a steering variable for a marlin processor - automatically created by Processor::registerProcessorParameter()
|oCProcessorParameter_tTemplated implementation of ProcessorParameter - automatically created by Processor::registerProcessorParameter()
|oCClusterResolutionSmall helper class to store calorimeter resolutions for a polar angle range
|oCSimpleClusterSmearerSmears the four vectors of (neutral) clusters according to dE/E = A "+" B / sqrt( E/GeV ) for a given range of the polar angle
|oCSimpleFastMCProcessorA simple smearing "Monte Carlo" processor
|oCSimpleParticleFactoryImplementation of IRecoParticleFactory that implements the default behaviour as described in SimpleFastMCProcessor, i.e
|oCTrackResolutionSmall helper class to store tracker resolutions for a polar angle range
|oCSimpleTrackSmearerSmears the four vectors of charged tracks according to dP/P = r for a given range of the polar angle
|oCStdHepReaderReads binary StdHep files
|oCStringParametersSimple parameters class for Marlin
|oCTestProcessorSimple processor for testing
|oCXMLFixCollTypesInternal helper class that creates a new xml steering file with the parameter attributes lcioInType and lcioOutType for the processors as defined by the Processor subclasses
|oCXMLParserXML parser for Marlin steering files
||\CLCTokenizerHelper class for XMLParser
oNstreamlogA general logging library that is used in Marlin
oCAProcDelegate@ class Small delegate class for changing active processor's names
oCEventSelectorSimple event selector processor
oCIProcDelegate@ class Small delegate class for changing inactive processor's names
oCStatusmonitorSimple processor for writing out a status message every n-th event
oCTiXmlAttributeAn attribute is a name-value pair
oCTiXmlBaseTiXmlBase is a base class for every class in TinyXml
oCTiXmlCommentAn XML comment
oCTiXmlDeclarationIn correct XML the declaration is the first entry in the file
oCTiXmlDocumentAlways the top level node
oCTiXmlElementThe element is a container class
oCTiXmlHandleA TiXmlHandle is a class that wraps a node pointer with null checks; this is an incredibly useful thing
oCTiXmlNodeThe parent class for everything in the Document Object Model
oCTiXmlPrinterPrint to memory functionality
oCTiXmlTextXML text
oCTiXmlUnknownAny tag that tinyXml doesn't recognize is saved as an unknown
\CTiXmlVisitorIf you call the Accept() method, it requires being passed a TiXmlVisitor class to handle callbacks