1 #ifndef PlotProcessor_h
2 #define PlotProcessor_h
7 #include "../vertex_lcfi/util/inc/util.h"
10 #include "marlin/Processor.h"
12 #include "EVENT/ReconstructedParticle.h"
65 virtual Processor* newProcessor() {
return new PlotProcessor; }
69 virtual void processRunHeader( LCRunHeader* pRun );
70 virtual void processEvent( LCEvent* pEvent );
79 std::vector<std::map<std::string,unsigned int> > _IndexOfForEachTag;
96 void _fillPlots( LCEvent* pEvent,
unsigned int jet);
102 #endif //ifndef PlotProcessor_h
std::vector< efficiency_purity< double > > _BCTagEfficiencyPurity
std::vector< efficiency_purity< double > > _CTagEfficiencyPurity
std::vector< efficiency_purity< double > > _BTagEfficiencyPurity
bool _passesJetCuts(lcio::ReconstructedParticle *pJet)
void _fillPlots(LCEvent *pEvent, unsigned int jet)
std::vector< std::string > _FlavourTagCollectionNames
std::string _TrueJetFlavourColName
std::string _OutputFilename
Creates some sample plots from the data calculated by the LCFI vertex package.
void _displayCollectionNames(lcio::LCEvent *pEvent)
histogram_data< double > _jetEnergy
std::string _JetCollectionName
bool _passesEventCuts(lcio::LCEvent *pEvent)
void _outputDataToFile(std::string filename)