Processor to analyse Criteria of true tracks. More...
#include <TrueTrackCritAnalyser.h>
Public Member Functions | |
virtual Processor * | newProcessor () |
virtual void | init () |
Called at the begin of the job before anything is read. More... | |
virtual void | processRunHeader (LCRunHeader *run) |
Called for every run. | |
virtual void | processEvent (LCEvent *evt) |
Called for every event - the working horse. | |
virtual void | check (LCEvent *evt) |
virtual void | end () |
Called after data processing for clean up. | |
Protected Attributes | |
std::string | _FTDTrueTracks |
Input collection name. | |
int | _nRun |
int | _nEvt |
double | _Bz |
std::string | _rootFileName |
std::string | _treeName2 |
std::string | _treeName3 |
std::string | _treeName4 |
std::string | _treeNameKalman |
std::string | _treeNameHitDist |
std::string | _colNameMCTrueTracksRel |
std::vector< ICriterion * > | _crits2 |
std::vector< ICriterion * > | _crits3 |
std::vector< ICriterion * > | _crits4 |
bool | _MSOn |
bool | _ElossOn |
bool | _SmoothOn |
double | _ptMin |
double | _distToIPMax |
double | _chi2ProbCut |
int | _nHitsMin |
double | _overlappingHitsDistMax |
bool | _writeNewRootFile |
const SectorSystemFTD * | _sectorSystemFTD |
Processor to analyse Criteria of true tracks.
Criteria are classes derived from ICriterion in KiTrack. They are used by the Cellular Automaton to determine what tracksegments might belong together. (For more information on Criteria and the Cellular Automaton see the KiTrack package.)
This processor analyses the values of these criteria, that true tracks produce. The results are stored in the trees of a root file. Additional to information about the criteria, fit information and the distances of hits in a track are stored.
It is intended as a tool to finde appropriate values for the steering of the Cellular Automaton.
The true tracks to be analysed
A root file containing information on the criteria
MCTrueTrackRelCollectionName | Name of the TrueTrack MC Relation collection (default value TruthTracksMCP ) |
RootFileName | Name of the root file for saving the results (default value TrueTracksCritAnalysis.root ) |
WriteNewRootFile | What to do with older root file: true = rename it, false = leave it and append new one (default value true ) |
CutChi2Prob | Tracks with a chi2 probability below this value won't be considered (default value 0.005 ) |
CutPtMin | The minimum transversal momentum pt above which tracks are of interest in GeV (default value 0.1 ) |
CutDistToIPMax | The maximum distance from the origin of the MCP to the IP (0,0,0) (default value 100 ) |
CutNumberOfHitsMin | The minimum number of hits a track must have (default value 4 ) |
OverlappingHitsDistMax | The maximum distance of hits from overlapping petals belonging to one track (default value 4 ) |
MultipleScatteringOn | Whether to take multiple scattering into account when fitting the tracks (default value true ) |
EnergyLossOn | Whether to take energyloss into account when fitting the tracks (default value true ) |
SmoothOn | Whether to smooth all measurement sites in fit (default value false ) |
virtual |
Called at the begin of the job before anything is read.
Use to initialize the processor, e.g. book histograms.