ForwardTracking  1.10.0
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12]
|oCEndcapHit01A class for hits in the VXD (the 01 is just for historical reasons and may be renamed)
|oCEndcapHitSimpleA hit
|oCEndcapSectorConnectorUsed to connect two sectors on the VXD
|oCEndcapTrackA class for ITracks containing an lcio::Track at core
|oCIEndcapHitAn interface for a hit for the ILD using an lcio TrackerHit as basis
|\CSectorSystemEndcapA Sector System class for the Forward Tracking Disks FTD in the ILD
oCDDForwardTrackingStandallone Forward Tracking Processor for Marlin
oCEndcapHelixFitterA class to make it quick to fit a track or hits and get back the chi2 and Ndf values and also bundle the code used for that, so it doesn't have to be copied all over the places
oCForwardTrackingStandallone Forward Tracking Processor for Marlin
oCFTDBackgroundProcessorGenerates background hits in the FTD detector
oCOverlapCheckerProcessor to check if tracks are overlapping
oCRecoTrackA class to make linking reconstructed tracks and true tracks easier
oCStepAnalyserProcessor to analyse the steps a true track made on its way through the FTD
oCTrackCompatibilityShare1SPA functor to return whether two tracks are compatible: The criterion is if they share a Hit or more
oCTrackingFeedbackProcessorFeedback for the efficiency and the ghostrate of the tracking
oCTrackPickProcessorProcessor to pick single or more tracks from those the track cheater finds
oCTrackQIChi2ProbA functor to return the quality of a track, which is currently the chi2 probability
oCTrackQIChi2ProbSpecialA functor to return the quality of a track
oCTrueTrackA class to make linking reconstructed tracks and true tracks easier
\CTrueTrackCritAnalyserProcessor to analyse Criteria of true tracks