DD4hep - The AIDA detector description toolkit for high energy physics experiments
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Class Hierarchy
This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 12345]
oCDD4hep::Conditions::AbstractMapConditions data block. Internally maps other objects to abstract data blocks
oCDD4hep::Simulation::Geant4Action::Actors< T >Actor class to manipulate action groups
oCDD4hep::Alignments::AlignmentDataDerived condition data-object definition
oCDD4hep::Alignments::AlignmentOperatorBase class for alignment functors
oCDD4hep::Alignments::AlignmentsKeyAssignHelper class to assign alignments keys based on patterms
oCDD4hep::Alignments::AlignmentsLoaderThe data class behind a alignments container handle
oCDD4hep::Alignments::AlignmentStackAlignment Stack object definition
oCDD4hep::Apply1rst< M, FCN >Generic map Functor to act on first element (key)
oCDD4hep::Apply2nd< M, FCN >Generic map Functor to act on second element (mapped type)
oCDD4hep::ApplyMemFunc< R, T >Member function call-functor with no arguments
oCDD4hep::ApplyMemFunc1< R, T, A1 >Member function call-functor with 1 argument
oCDD4hep::ApplyMemFunc2< R, T, A1, A2 >Member function call-functor with 2 arguments
oCDD4hep::ApplyMemFuncConst< R, T >Member function call-functor with no arguments (const version)
oCDD4hep::ApplyMemFuncConst1< R, T, A1 >Member function call-functor with 1 argument (const version)
oCDD4hep::ApplyMemFuncConst2< R, T, A1, A2 >Member function call-functor with 2 arguments (const version)
oCDD4hep::BasicGrammarBase class describing string evaluation to C++ objects using boost::spirit
oCDD4hep::ByName< T >Helper functor to select elements by name (using name() member method)
oCDD4hep::ByNameAttr< T >Helper functor to select elements by name (using name member variable)
oCDD4hep::CallbackDefinition of the generic callback structure for member functions
oCDD4hep::CallbackSequenceDefinition of an actor on sequences of callbacks
oCDD4hep::Conditions::ClientDataClient data addition
oCDD4hep::Simulation::Geant4HitCollection::CompareGeneric class template to compare/select hits in Geant4HitCollection objects
oCDD4hep::ComponentCastClass to perform dynamic casts using unknown pointers
oCDD4hep::Conditions::ConditionDependencyCondition dependency definition
oCDD4hep::Conditions::ConditionKeyKey definition to optimize ans simplyfy the access to conditions entities
oCDD4hep::Conditions::ConditionResolverConditionResolver class used by the derived conditions calculation mechanism
oCDD4hep::Conditions::ConditionsDependencyCollectionCollection of condition dependencies
oCDD4hep::Conditions::ConditionsIOVPoolPool of conditions satisfying one IOV type (epoch, run, fill, etc)
oCDD4hep::Conditions::ConditionsKeyAssignHelper class to assign conditions keys based on patterms
oCDD4hep::Conditions::ConditionsListenerBase class to be implemented by objects to listen on condition callbacks
oCDD4hep::Conditions::ConditionsLoaderThe data class behind a conditions container handle
oCDD4hep::Conditions::ConditionsRepositoryForward declarations
oCDD4hep::Conditions::ConditionsTextRepositoryForward declarations
oCDD4hep::Conditions::ConditionUpdateCallCallback interface
oCDD4hep::Conditions::ConditionUpdateContextConditionUpdateContext class used by the derived conditions calculation mechanism
oCDD4hep::ConstructionFactory< T >Template class with a generic constructor signature
oCDD4hep::Simulation::Geant4Action::ContextSwapFunctor to update the context of a Geant4Action object
oCDD4hep::Converter< T, ARG >Basic conversion objects for handling DD4hep XML files
oCDD4hep::InstanceCount::CounterInternal class to could object constructions and destructions
oCDD4hep::Simulation::DataExtensionGeneric user-extendible data extension class
oCDD4hep::dd4hep_file< T >DD4hep file handling extension to boost::iostreams
oCDD4hep::DD4hepUIROOT interactive UI for DD4hep applications
oCDD4hep::DDEveHitDDEve event classes: Basic hit
oCDD4hep::DDEveHitActorEvent data actor base class for hits. Used to extract data from concrete classes
oCDD4hep::DDEveParticleData structure to store the MC particle information
oCDD4hep::DDEveParticleActorEvent data actor base class for particles. Used to extract data from concrete classes
oCDD4hep::Alignments::DeltaClass describing an condition to re-adjust an alignment
oCDD4hep::Conditions::DependencyBuilderCondition dependency builder
oCDD4hep::DestroyFirst< M >Map Functor to delete objects from heap
oCDD4hep::DestroyHandle< T >Functor to destroy handles and delete the cached object
oCDD4hep::DestroyHandles< M >Map Functor to destroy handles and delete the cached object
oCDD4hep::DestroyObject< T >Functor to delete objects from heap and reset the pointer
oCDD4hep::DestroyObjects< M >Map Functor to delete objects from heap
oCDD4hep::Geometry::DetectorSelectorView on LCDD to select detectors according to certain criteria
oCDD4hep::DisplayConfigurationDisplayConfiguration DisplayConfiguration.h DDEve/DisplayConfiguration.h
oCDD4hep::XML::DocumentClass supporting the basic functionality of an XML document
oCDD4hep::XML::DocumentHandlerClass supporting to read and parse XML documents
oCDOMErrorHandlerXercesC internal class. Not described here
oCDD4hep::XML::ElementUser abstraction class to manipulate XML elements within a document
oCTiXmlBase::EntityTinyXML class. See http://www.grinninglizard.com/tinyxml
oCDD4hep::PluginTester::EntryDefintiion of the extension entry
oCDD4hep::ObjectExtensions::EntryDefintiion of the extension entry
oCErrorHandlerXercesC internal class. Not described here
oCXmlTools::EvaluatorEvaluator of arithmetic expressions with an extendable dictionary
oCDD4hep::EventHandlerEvent handler base class. Interface to all DDEve I/O actions
oCDD4hep::EveUserContextMenuClass EveUserContextMenu EveUserContextMenu.h DDEve/EveUserContextMenu.h
oCDD4hep::Simulation::Geant4Action::FindByNameFunctor to access elements by name
oCFindStringHelper class to manipulate strings
oCDD4hep::PluginService::FuncPointer< FUNCTION >
oCDD4hep::Callback::Wrapper< T >::FunctorUnion to store pointers to member functions in callback objects
oCDD4hep::Conditions::ConditionsDependencyCollection::FunctorFunctor base to create views
oCG4AssemblyVolumeClass of the Geant4 toolkit. See http://www-geant4.kek.jp/Reference
oCG4MagneticFieldClass of the Geant4 toolkit. See http://www-geant4.kek.jp/Reference
oCG4UImessengerClass of the Geant4 toolkit. See http://www-geant4.kek.jp/Reference
oCG4UserEventActionClass of the Geant4 toolkit. See http://www-geant4.kek.jp/Reference
oCG4UserRunActionClass of the Geant4 toolkit. See http://www-geant4.kek.jp/Reference
oCG4UserStackingActionClass of the Geant4 toolkit. See http://www-geant4.kek.jp/Reference
oCG4UserSteppingActionClass of the Geant4 toolkit. See http://www-geant4.kek.jp/Reference
oCG4UserTrackingActionClass of the Geant4 toolkit. See http://www-geant4.kek.jp/Reference
oCG4VHitClass of the Geant4 toolkit. See http://www-geant4.kek.jp/Reference
oCG4VHitsCollectionClass of the Geant4 toolkit. See http://www-geant4.kek.jp/Reference
oCG4VSDFilterClass of the Geant4 toolkit. See http://www-geant4.kek.jp/Reference
oCG4VSensitiveDetectorClass of the Geant4 toolkit. See http://www-geant4.kek.jp/Reference
oCG4VUserDetectorConstructionClass of the Geant4 toolkit. See http://www-geant4.kek.jp/Reference
oCG4VUserPrimaryGeneratorActionClass of the Geant4 toolkit. See http://www-geant4.kek.jp/Reference
oCG4VUserTrackInformationClass of the Geant4 toolkit. See http://www-geant4.kek.jp/Reference
oCDD4hep::Simulation::Geant4ActionDefault base class for all Geant 4 actions and derivates thereof
oCDD4hep::Simulation::Geant4ActionContainerClass, which allows all Geant4Action to be stored
oCDD4hep::Simulation::Geant4CallCallback interface class with argument
oCDD4hep::Simulation::Geant4CalorimeterHelper class to define structures used by the generic DDG4 calorimeter sensitive detector
oCDD4hep::Simulation::Geant4ContextGeneric context to extend user, run and event information
oCDD4hep::Simulation::Geant4ConversionHelperHelper class for data conversion
oCDD4hep::Simulation::Geant4DataDumpClass to dump the records of the intrinsic Geant4 event model
oCDD4hep::Simulation::Geant4DetectorConstructionContextGeant4 detector construction context definition
oCDD4hep::Simulation::Geant4EventReaderBasic geant4 event reader class. This interface/base-class must be implemented by concrete readers
oCDD4hep::Simulation::Geant4ExecMain executor steering the Geant4 execution
oCDD4hep::Simulation::Geant4FieldTrackingSetupGeneric Setup component to perform the magnetic field tracking in Geant4
oCDD4hep::Simulation::Geant4Handle< TYPE >Handle to Geant4 actions with built-in creation mechanism
oCDD4hep::Simulation::Geant4HierarchyDumpHelper to dump Geant4 volume hierarchy
oCDD4hep::Simulation::Geant4HitDataBase class for geant4 hit structures used by the default DDG4 sensitive detector implementations
oCDD4hep::Simulation::Geant4MonteCarloTruthDefault Interface class to handle monte carlo truth records
oCDD4hep::Simulation::Geant4ParticleData structure to store the MC particle information
oCDD4hep::Simulation::Geant4ParticleHandleData structure to access derived MC particle information
oCDD4hep::Simulation::Geant4ParticleMapData structure to map particles produced during the generation and the simulation
oCDD4hep::Simulation::Geant4PrimaryEventClass modelling a complete primary event with multiple interactions
oCDD4hep::Simulation::Geant4PrimaryInteractionClass modelling a single interaction with multiple primary vertices and particles
oCDD4hep::Simulation::Geant4PrimaryMapData structure to map primaries to particles
oCDD4hep::Simulation::Geant4SensDetSequencesGeant4SensDetSequences: class to access groups of sensitive actions
oCDD4hep::Simulation::Geant4StepHandlerHelper class to ease the extraction of information from a G4Step object
oCDD4hep::Simulation::Test::Geant4TestBaseCommon base class for test action
oCDD4hep::Simulation::Geant4TouchableHandlerHelper class to ease the extraction of information from a G4Touchable object
oCDD4hep::Simulation::Geant4TrackerHelper class to define structures used by the generic DDG4 tracker sensitive detector
oCDD4hep::Simulation::Geant4TrackHandlerHelper class to ease the extraction of information from a G4Track object
oCDD4hep::Simulation::Geant4VertexData structure to store the MC vertex information
oCDD4hep::Geometry::GeoHandlerTypesDefintion of the object types used by generic geometry handlers
oCDD4hep::Geometry::GeoHandlerTypes::GeometryInfoData container
oCDD4hep::Geometry::GeoScanGeometry scanner (handle object)
oCDD4hep::Alignments::GlobalAlignmentCacheClass caching all known alignment operations for one LCDD instance
oCDD4hep::Alignments::GlobalAlignmentWriterWrite aligment data to XML data file
oCDD4hep::Handle< T >Handle: a templated class like a shared pointer, which allows specialized access to tgeometry objects
oCDD4hep::Handle< AlignmentData >
oCDD4hep::Handle< AlignmentsManagerObject >
oCDD4hep::Handle< ConditionsManagerObject >
oCDD4hep::Handle< ConstantObject >
oCDD4hep::Handle< DD4hep::Conditions::ConditionsDataLoader >
oCDD4hep::Handle< DD4hep::Geometry::DetElementObject >
oCDD4hep::Handle< DD4hep::Geometry::SensitiveDetectorObject >
oCDD4hep::Handle< DD4hep::NamedObject >
oCDD4hep::Handle< DetElementObject >
oCDD4hep::Handle< Geant4GeometryInfo >
oCDD4hep::Handle< Geometry::DetElementObject >
oCDD4hep::Handle< HeaderObject >
oCDD4hep::Handle< IDDescriptorObject >
oCDD4hep::Handle< Interna::AlignmentConditionObject >
oCDD4hep::Handle< Interna::AlignmentContainer >
oCDD4hep::Handle< Interna::ConditionContainer >
oCDD4hep::Handle< Interna::ConditionObject >
oCDD4hep::Handle< LCDD >
oCDD4hep::Handle< LimitSetObject >
oCDD4hep::Handle< MyConeSeg >
oCDD4hep::Handle< NamedObject >
oCDD4hep::Handle< ReadoutObject >
oCDD4hep::Handle< RegionObject >
oCDD4hep::Handle< SegmentationObject >
oCDD4hep::Handle< SensitiveDetectorObject >
oCDD4hep::Handle< TGeoArb8 >
oCDD4hep::Handle< TGeoBBox >
oCDD4hep::Handle< TGeoCompositeShape >
oCDD4hep::Handle< TGeoCone >
oCDD4hep::Handle< TGeoConeSeg >
oCDD4hep::Handle< TGeoElement >
oCDD4hep::Handle< TGeoEltu >
oCDD4hep::Handle< TGeoHalfSpace >
oCDD4hep::Handle< TGeoHype >
oCDD4hep::Handle< TGeoMedium >
oCDD4hep::Handle< TGeoNode >
oCDD4hep::Handle< TGeoParaboloid >
oCDD4hep::Handle< TGeoPcon >
oCDD4hep::Handle< TGeoPgon >
oCDD4hep::Handle< TGeoPhysicalNode >
oCDD4hep::Handle< TGeoShape >
oCDD4hep::Handle< TGeoSphere >
oCDD4hep::Handle< TGeoTorus >
oCDD4hep::Handle< TGeoTrap >
oCDD4hep::Handle< TGeoTrd2 >
oCDD4hep::Handle< TGeoVolume >
oCDD4hep::Handle< VisAttrObject >
oCDD4hep::Handle< VolumeManagerObject >
oCDD4hep::Handle< WorldObject >
oCDD4hep::XML::Handle_tClass to easily access the properties of single XmlElements
oCDD4hep::Geometry::HitCollectionDefinition of the HitCollection parameters used by the Readout
oCDD4hep::Simulation::HitCompare< HIT >Deprecated: Base class for hit comparisons
oCDD4hep::Simulation::Geant4HitWrapper::HitManipulatorGeneric type manipulation class for generic hit structures created in Geant4 sensitive detectors
oCDD4hep::Increment< T >Helper class to count call stack depths of certain functions
oCDD4hep::InstanceCountHelper to support object counting when debugging memory leaks
oCDD4hep::Simulation::Geant4HitWrapper::InvalidHitHelper class to indicate invalid hit wrappers or containers
oCDD4hep::IOVClass describing the interval of validty
oCDD4hep::IOVTypeClass describing the interval of validty type
oCDD4hep::Simulation::KernelHandleHandle to Geant4 actions with built-in creation mechanism
oCDD4hep::LayerClass to describe one layer in a layering stack
oCDD4hep::DDRec::LayeringExtensionImpl::LayerAttributesHelper class to store layer attributes
oCDD4hep::DDSegmentation::TiledLayerSegmentation::LayerDimensionsHelper class to store x and y dimensions of a layer
oCDD4hep::LayeringClass to convert a layering object from the compact notation
oCDD4hep::LayerSliceClass to describe the slice of one layer in a layering stack
oCDD4hep::LayerStackClass to describe a layering stack
oCDD4hep::Geometry::LCDDThe main interface to the DD4hep detector description package
oCDD4hep::Geometry::LCDDDataData implementation class of the LCDD interface
oCDD4hep::LCDDLoadData implementation class of the LCDD interface
oCTests::LcioTestTrackerDeprecated: Simple SensitiveAction class ..
oCDD4hep::Geometry::LimitSmall object describing a limit structure acting on a particle type
oCDD4hep::ListBinderHelper class to bind string values to a STL list of data objects (primitive or complex)
oCDD4hep::MapBinderHelper class to bind STL map objects
oCDD4hep::Callback::mfunc_tStructure definition to store callback related data
oCDD4hep::Simulation::Geant4HitData::MonteCarloContribNot persisten. ROOT cannot handle
oCDD4hep::NamedObjectImplementation of a named object
oCDD4hep::XML::NodeListClass describing a list of XML nodes
oCDD4hep::ObjectExtensionsImplementation of an object supporting arbitrary user extensions
oCDD4hep::OpaqueDataClass describing an opaque data block
oCDD4hep::OpaqueDataBinderHelper class to bind string values to C++ data items
oCDD4hep::Conditions::OperatorsHelper class for common stuff used frequently
oCDD4hep::Simulation::Geant4OutputAction::OutputContext< T >Helper class for thread savety
oCDD4hep::Simulation::ParticleExtensionBase class to extend the basic particle class used by DDG4 with user information
oCDD4hep::Simulation::Geant4Kernel::PhaseSelectorEmbedded helper class to facilitate map access to the phases
oCDD4hep::PluginDebugHelper to debug plugin manager calls
oCDD4hep::PluginFactoryBaseFactory base class implementing some utilities
oCDD4hep::PluginRegistry< SIGNATURE >Factory template for the plugin mechanism
oCDD4hep::PluginServiceFactory template for the plugin mechanism
oCDD4hep::PopupMenuClass PopupMenu PopupMenu.h DDEve/PopupMenu.h
oCDD4hep::Simulation::PrimaryExtensionBase structure to extend primary information with user data
oCDD4hep::Primitive< T >A bit of support for printing primitives
oCDD4hep::Printer< T >Helper class template to implement ASCII object dumps
oCDD4hep::PrintMap< T >Helper class template to implement ASCII dumps of named objects maps
oCDD4hep::Simulation::Geant4PhysicsList::ProcessStructure describing a G4 process
oCDD4hep::Conditions::Container::ProcessorAbstract base for processing callbacks to container objects
oCDD4hep::Geometry::DetElement::ProcessorAbstract base for processing callbacks to DetElement objects
oCDD4hep::Alignments::Alignment::ProcessorAbstract base for processing callbacks to container objects
oCDD4hep::Alignments::Container::ProcessorAbstract base for processing callbacks to container objects
oCDD4hep::Conditions::Condition::ProcessorAbstract base for processing callbacks to conditions objects
oCDD4hep::PropertyThe property class to assign options to actions
oCDD4hep::PropertyConfigurableProperty object as base class for all objects supporting properties
oCDD4hep::PropertyConfiguratorHeler class to configure properties
oCDD4hep::PropertyGrammarClass describing the grammar representation of a given data type
oCDD4hep::PropertyManagerManager to ease the handling of groups of properties
oCDD4hep::Simulation::RefCountedSequence< T >Private helper to support sequence reference counting
oCDD4hep::Simulation::RefCountedSequence< Geant4SensDetActionSequence >
oCDD4hep::ReferenceBitMask< T >Data structure to manipulate a bitmask held by reference and represented by an integer
oCDD4hep::ReferenceObject< T >Functor to delete objects from heap and reset the pointer
oCDD4hep::ReferenceObjects< M >Functor to delete objects from heap and reset the pointer
oCDD4hep::ReleaseHandle< T >Functor to destroy handles and delete the cached object
oCDD4hep::ReleaseHandles< M >Map Functor to release handles
oCDD4hep::ReleaseObject< T >Functor to release objects from heap and reset the pointer
oCDD4hep::ReleaseObjects< M >Map Functor to release objects from heap
oCTiXmlString::RepTinyXML class. See http://www.grinninglizard.com/tinyxml
oCDD4hep::DDSegmentation::SegmentationBase class for all segmentations
oCDD4hep::DDSegmentation::SegmentationCreatorBaseBase class for the SegmentationCreator objects. Allows to use the factory without template
oCDD4hep::DDSegmentation::SegmentationFactoryFactory for creating segmentation objects by type name
oCDD4hep::Geometry::SegmentationObjectImplementation class supporting generic Segmentation of sensitive detectors
oCDD4hep::DDSegmentation::SegmentationParameterClass to hold a segmentation parameter with its description
oCDD4hep::Select1st< T >Operator to select the first element of a pair
oCDD4hep::Select2nd< T >Operator to select second element of a pair
oCDD4hep::DDRec::ZDiskPetalsStruct::SensorTypeEnum for encoding the sensor type in typeFlags
oCDD4hep::Simulation::SequenceHdl< T >Sequence handler implementing common actions to all sequences
oCDD4hep::Simulation::SequenceHdl< Geant4DetectorConstructionSequence >
oCDD4hep::Simulation::SequenceHdl< Geant4EventActionSequence >
oCDD4hep::Simulation::SequenceHdl< Geant4GeneratorActionSequence >
oCDD4hep::Simulation::SequenceHdl< Geant4RunActionSequence >
oCDD4hep::Simulation::SequenceHdl< Geant4StackingActionSequence >
oCDD4hep::Simulation::SequenceHdl< Geant4SteppingActionSequence >
oCDD4hep::Simulation::SequenceHdl< Geant4TrackingActionSequence >
oCDD4hep::Simulation::SequenceHdl< Geant4UserInitializationSequence >
oCDD4hep::SetBinderHelper class to bind string values to a STL set of data objects (primitive or complex)
oCDD4hep::Simulation::SimpleEventSimple event description structure. Used in the default I/O mechanism
oCDD4hep::Simulation::SimpleRunSimple run description structure. Used in the default I/O mechanism
oCDD4hep::DDEve::SimulationHitSimulationHit definition
oCDD4hep::Alignments::AlignmentStack::StackEntryStack entry definition
oCDD4hep::Simulation::Geant4MaterialScanner::StepInfoStructure to hold the information of one simulation step
oCDD4hep::XML::Strng_tHelper class to encapsulate a unicode string
oCTEveElementListClass of the ROOT toolkit. See http://root.cern.ch/root/htmldoc/ClassIndex.html
oCTGeoConeSegClass of the ROOT toolkit. See http://root.cern.ch/root/htmldoc/ClassIndex.html
oCTGLAnnotationClass of the ROOT toolkit. See http://root.cern.ch/root/htmldoc/ClassIndex.html
oCTGMainFrameClass of the ROOT toolkit. See http://root.cern.ch/root/htmldoc/ClassIndex.html
oCTiXmlAttributeSetTinyXML class. See http://www.grinninglizard.com/tinyxml
oCTiXmlBaseTinyXML class. See http://www.grinninglizard.com/tinyxml
oCTiXmlCursorTinyXML class. See http://www.grinninglizard.com/tinyxml
oCTiXmlHandleTinyXML class. See http://www.grinninglizard.com/tinyxml
oCTiXmlParsingDataTinyXML class. See http://www.grinninglizard.com/tinyxml
oCTiXmlStringTinyXML class. See http://www.grinninglizard.com/tinyxml
oCTiXmlVisitorTinyXML class. See http://www.grinninglizard.com/tinyxml
oCTNamedClass of the ROOT toolkit. See http://root.cern.ch/root/htmldoc/ClassIndex.html
oCTObjectClass of the ROOT toolkit. See http://root.cern.ch/root/htmldoc/ClassIndex.html
oCDD4hep::DDSegmentation::TypeName< TYPE >Helper class to extract type names
oCDD4hep::DDSegmentation::TypeName< double >Specialization for double type
oCDD4hep::DDSegmentation::TypeName< float >Specialization for float type
oCDD4hep::DDSegmentation::TypeName< int >Specialization for int type
oCDD4hep::DDSegmentation::TypeName< std::string >Specialization for string type
oCDD4hep::DDSegmentation::TypeName< std::vector< double > >Specialization for double vector type
oCDD4hep::DDSegmentation::TypeName< std::vector< float > >Specialization for float vector type
oCDD4hep::DDSegmentation::TypeName< std::vector< int > >Specialization for int vector type
oCDD4hep::DDSegmentation::TypeName< std::vector< std::string > >Specialization for string vector type
oCDD4hep::XML::UriReaderClass supporting to read data given a URI
oCDD4hep::Conditions::UserPoolInterface for conditions pool optimized to host conditions updates
oCDD4hep::ValueBinderHelper class to bind string values to C++ data objects (primitive or complex)
oCDD4hep::DDSegmentation::Vector3DSimple container for a physics vector
oCDD4hep::VectorBinderHelper class to bind string values to a STL vector of data objects (primitive or complex)
oCDD4hep::Simulation::VertexExtensionBase class to extend the basic vertex class used by DDG4 with user information
oCDD4hep::ViewClass View View.h DDEve/View.h
oCDD4hep::Geometry::VolumeManagerContextThis structure describes the cached data for one placement held by the volume manager
oCDD4hep::Callback::Wrapper< T >Wrapper around a C++ member function pointer
oCXmlUnion to ease castless object access when using XercesC
oCDD4hep::XML::XmlStringDefinition of the XmlString class
oCTGeoArb8 *
oCTGeoBBox *
oCTGeoCompositeShape *
oCTGeoCone *
oCTGeoElement *
oCTGeoEltu *
oCTGeoHalfSpace *
oCTGeoHype *
oCTGeoMedium *
oCTGeoNode *
oCTGeoParaboloid *
oCTGeoPcon *
oCTGeoPgon *
oCTGeoPhysicalNode *
oCTGeoSphere *
oCTGeoTorus *
oCTGeoTrap *
oCTGeoTrd2 *
\CTGeoVolume *