DD4hep::Conditions::AbstractMap | Conditions data block. Internally maps other objects to abstract data blocks |
 DD4hep::Simulation::Geant4Action::Actors< T > | Actor class to manipulate action groups |
 DD4hep::Alignments::AlignContext | |
 DD4hep::Alignments::AlignmentData | Derived condition data-object definition |
  DD4hep::Alignments::Interna::AlignmentNamedObject | |
 DD4hep::Alignments::AlignmentOperator | Base class for alignment functors |
  DD4hep::Alignments::AlignmentActor< T > | Act on selected alignment entries |
  DD4hep::Alignments::AlignmentSelector | Select alignment operations according to certain criteria |
 DD4hep::Alignments::AlignmentsKeyAssign | Helper class to assign alignments keys based on patterms |
 DD4hep::Alignments::AlignmentsLoader | The data class behind a alignments container handle |
  DD4hep::Conditions::AlignmentsLoaderImp | Concrete class to interface conditions loading from DetElements |
 DD4hep::Alignments::AlignmentStack | Alignment Stack object definition |
 DD4hep::Apply1rst< M, FCN > | Generic map Functor to act on first element (key) |
 DD4hep::Apply2nd< M, FCN > | Generic map Functor to act on second element (mapped type) |
 DD4hep::ApplyMemFunc< R, T > | Member function call-functor with no arguments |
 DD4hep::ApplyMemFunc1< R, T, A1 > | Member function call-functor with 1 argument |
 DD4hep::ApplyMemFunc2< R, T, A1, A2 > | Member function call-functor with 2 arguments |
 DD4hep::ApplyMemFuncConst< R, T > | Member function call-functor with no arguments (const version) |
 DD4hep::ApplyMemFuncConst1< R, T, A1 > | Member function call-functor with 1 argument (const version) |
 DD4hep::ApplyMemFuncConst2< R, T, A1, A2 > | Member function call-functor with 2 arguments (const version) |
 auto_ptr | |
  DD4hep::dd4hep_ptr< T > | Out version of the std auto_ptr implementation base either on auto_ptr or unique_ptr |
  DD4hep::dd4hep_ptr< ConditionsDataLoader > | |
  DD4hep::dd4hep_ptr< DD4hep::Conditions::UpdatePool > | |
  DD4hep::dd4hep_ptr< DD4hep::Simulation::DataExtension > | |
  DD4hep::dd4hep_ptr< DD4hep::Simulation::ParticleExtension > | |
  DD4hep::dd4hep_ptr< DD4hep::Simulation::VertexExtension > | |
  DD4hep::dd4hep_ptr< PrimaryExtension > | |
 DD4hep::DDRec::IDDecoder::BarrelEndcapFlag | |
 DD4hep::BasicGrammar | Base class describing string evaluation to C++ objects using boost::spirit |
  DD4hep::Grammar< TYPE > | Concrete type dependent grammar definition |
 DD4hep::DDSegmentation::BitField64 | |
 DD4hep::DDSegmentation::BitFieldValue | |
 DD4hep::Simulation::Geant4HitCollection::CollectionFlags::BitItems | |
 DD4hep::ByName< T > | Helper functor to select elements by name (using name() member method) |
 DD4hep::ByNameAttr< T > | Helper functor to select elements by name (using name member variable) |
 DD4hep::Callback | Definition of the generic callback structure for member functions |
 DD4hep::CallbackSequence | Definition of an actor on sequences of callbacks |
 DD4hep::Display::CalodataContext | |
 DD4hep::DDRec::CalorimeterExtension | |
 DDSurfaces::Vector3D::Cartesian | |
 DD4hep::Conditions::ClientData | Client data addition |
 closable_tag | |
  DD4hep::dd4hep_file< T >::category | |
  DD4hep::dd4hep_file_sink< T >::category | |
  DD4hep::dd4hep_file_source< T >::category | |
 DD4hep::Simulation::Geant4HitCollection::CollectionFlags | |
 DD4hep::Simulation::Geant4HitCollection::Compare | Generic class template to compare/select hits in Geant4HitCollection objects |
  DD4hep::Simulation::CellIDCompare< TYPE > | Specialized hit selector based on the hit's cell identifier |
  DD4hep::Simulation::PositionCompare< TYPE, POS > | Specialized hit selector based on the hit's position |
 DD4hep::ComponentCast | Class to perform dynamic casts using unknown pointers |
 DD4hep::Conditions::Cond__Oper | |
  DD4hep::Conditions::ActiveSelect< collection_type > | Helper to select active objects from a conditions pool |
  DD4hep::Conditions::CollectionSelect< collection_type > | Helper to select objects from a conditions pool |
  DD4hep::Conditions::ConditionsPoolInsert | Helper to insert objects into a conditions pool |
  DD4hep::Conditions::ConditionsPoolRemove | Helper to insert objects into a conditions pool |
  DD4hep::Conditions::HashConditionFind | Helper to select condition objects by hash key from a conditions pool |
  DD4hep::Conditions::KeyedSelect< collection_type > | Helper to select keyed objects from a conditions pool |
  DD4hep::Conditions::PoolInsert< pool_type > | Helper to insert objects into a conditions pool |
 DD4hep::Conditions::ConditionDependency | Condition dependency definition |
 DD4hep::Conditions::ConditionKey | Key definition to optimize ans simplyfy the access to conditions entities |
 DD4hep::Conditions::ConditionResolver | ConditionResolver class used by the derived conditions calculation mechanism |
  DD4hep::Conditions::ConditionsDependencyHandler | Callback handler to update condition dependencies |
 DD4hep::Conditions::ConditionsDependencyCollection | Collection of condition dependencies |
 DD4hep::Conditions::ConditionsIOVPool | Pool of conditions satisfying one IOV type (epoch, run, fill, etc) |
 DD4hep::Conditions::ConditionsKeyAssign | Helper class to assign conditions keys based on patterms |
 DD4hep::Conditions::ConditionsListener | Base class to be implemented by objects to listen on condition callbacks |
 DD4hep::Conditions::ConditionsLoader | The data class behind a conditions container handle |
  DD4hep::Conditions::ConditionsLoaderImp | Concrete class to interface conditions loading from DetElements |
 DD4hep::Conditions::ConditionsRepository | Forward declarations |
 DD4hep::Conditions::ConditionsTextRepository | Forward declarations |
 DD4hep::Conditions::ConditionUpdateCall | Callback interface |
  DD4hep::Alignments::AlignmentUpdateCall | Specialized conditions update callback for alignment condition objects |
   DD4hep::Alignments::DDAlignForwardCall | Specialized conditions forward callback for DDAlign alignments |
   DD4hep::Alignments::DDAlignUpdateCall | Specialized conditions update callback for DDAlign alignments |
 DD4hep::Conditions::ConditionUpdateContext | ConditionUpdateContext class used by the derived conditions calculation mechanism |
 DD4hep::DisplayConfiguration::Config | |
  DD4hep::DisplayConfiguration::ViewConfig | |
 DD4hep::DDRec::ConicalSupportStruct | |
 DD4hep::ConstructionFactory< T > | Template class with a generic constructor signature |
 DD4hep::ContextMenu | |
 DD4hep::Simulation::Geant4Action::ContextSwap | Functor to update the context of a Geant4Action object |
 DD4hep::Converter< T, ARG > | Basic conversion objects for handling DD4hep XML files |
 DD4hep::InstanceCount::Counter | Internal class to could object constructions and destructions |
 DDSurfaces::Vector3D::Cylindrical | |
 DD4hep::Simulation::DataExtension | Generic user-extendible data extension class |
 DD4hep::dd4hep_file< T > | DD4hep file handling extension to boost::iostreams |
  DD4hep::dd4hep_file_sink< T > | DD4hep file sink extension to boost::iostreams |
  DD4hep::dd4hep_file_source< T > | DD4hep file source extension to boost::iostreams |
 DD4hep::dd4hep_lock_t | |
 DD4hep::dd4hep_mutex_t | |
 DD4hep::DD4hepUI | ROOT interactive UI for DD4hep applications |
 DD4hep::DDEve | |
 DD4hep::DDEveHit | DDEve event classes: Basic hit |
 DD4hep::DDEveHitActor | Event data actor base class for hits. Used to extract data from concrete classes |
  DD4hep::BoxsetCreator | Fill a 3D box set from a hit collection |
   DD4hep::TowersetCreator | Fill a 3D tower set from a hit collection |
  DD4hep::EtaPhiHistogramActor | Fill EtaPhi histograms from a hit collection |
  DD4hep::PointsetCreator | Fill a 3D pointset from a hit collection |
 DD4hep::DDEveParticle | Data structure to store the MC particle information |
 DD4hep::DDEveParticleActor | Event data actor base class for particles. Used to extract data from concrete classes |
  DD4hep::MCParticleCreator | Fill eve particles from a MC particle collection |
 DD4hep::DisplayConfiguration::Defaults | |
  DD4hep::DisplayConfiguration::Calo3D | |
  DD4hep::DisplayConfiguration::Calodata | |
  DD4hep::DisplayConfiguration::Hits | |
  DD4hep::DisplayConfiguration::Panel | |
 DD4hep::Alignments::Delta | Class describing an condition to re-adjust an alignment |
 DD4hep::Conditions::DependencyBuilder | Condition dependency builder |
 DD4hep::DestroyFirst< M > | Map Functor to delete objects from heap |
 DD4hep::DestroyHandle< T > | Functor to destroy handles and delete the cached object |
 DD4hep::DestroyHandles< M > | Map Functor to destroy handles and delete the cached object |
 DD4hep::DestroyObject< T > | Functor to delete objects from heap and reset the pointer |
 DD4hep::DestroyObjects< M > | Map Functor to delete objects from heap |
 DD4hep::Path::detail | Helpers |
 DD4hep::Geometry::DetectorSelector | View on LCDD to select detectors according to certain criteria |
 DD4hep::DetType | |
 device_tag | |
  DD4hep::dd4hep_file_sink< T >::category | |
  DD4hep::dd4hep_file_source< T >::category | |
 DD4hep::DisplayConfiguration | DisplayConfiguration DisplayConfiguration.h DDEve/DisplayConfiguration.h |
 DD4hep::XML::Document | Class supporting the basic functionality of an XML document |
  DD4hep::XML::DocumentHolder | Class supporting the basic functionality of an XML document including ownership |
 DD4hep::XML::DocumentHandler | Class supporting to read and parse XML documents |
 DOMErrorHandler | XercesC internal class. Not described here |
  DD4hep::XML::DocumentErrorHandler | XML-DOM ERror handler class for the XercesC document parser |
 DD4hep::XML::Element | User abstraction class to manipulate XML elements within a document |
  DD4hep::XML::ChildValue | XML Handle to xml elements with predefined child access |
  DD4hep::XML::Dimension | XML Handle to xml elements with predefined attribute access |
   DD4hep::XML::Component | XML Handle class extending the XML handle Dimension |
   DD4hep::XML::DetElement | XML Handle class extending the XML handle Dimension |
  DD4hep::XML::LayeringCnv | XML converter for layering objects |
  DD4hep::XML::RefElement | User abstraction class to manipulate named XML elements (references) within a document |
 TiXmlBase::Entity | TinyXML class. See http://www.grinninglizard.com/tinyxml |
 DD4hep::Conditions::ConditionsRepository::Entry | |
 DD4hep::Conditions::ConditionsTextRepository::Entry | |
 DD4hep::DDSegmentation::MultiSegmentation::Entry | |
 DD4hep::PluginTester::Entry | Defintiion of the extension entry |
 DD4hep::ObjectExtensions::Entry | Defintiion of the extension entry |
 DD4hep::Alignments::AlignContext::Entry | |
 ErrorHandler | XercesC internal class. Not described here |
  DD4hep::XML::DocumentErrorHandler | XML-DOM ERror handler class for the XercesC document parser |
 XmlTools::Evaluator | Evaluator of arithmetic expressions with an extendable dictionary |
 DD4hep::EventConsumer | |
  DD4hep::Display | The main class of the DDEve display |
  DD4hep::EventControl | |
 DD4hep::EventHandler | Event handler base class. Interface to all DDEve I/O actions |
  DD4hep::DDG4EventHandler | |
  DD4hep::GenericEventHandler | Event handler base class. Interface to all DDEve I/O actions |
  DD4hep::LCIOEventHandler | |
 DD4hep::Simulation::HepMC::EventHeader | |
 DD4hep::Simulation::HepMC::EventStream | |
 DD4hep::EveUserContextMenu | Class EveUserContextMenu EveUserContextMenu.h DDEve/EveUserContextMenu.h |
  DD4hep::ElementListContextMenu | DDEve context menu class |
  DD4hep::EvePgonSetProjectedContextMenu | Class EvePgonSetProjectedContextMenu EvePgonSetProjectedContextMenu.h DDEve/EvePgonSetProjectedContextMenu.h |
  DD4hep::EveShapeContextMenu | Class EveShapeContextMenu EveShapeContextMenu.h DDEve/EveShapeContextMenu.h |
 exception | |
  DD4hep::OutsideGeometryException | |
 DD4hep::Simulation::Geant4Action::FindByName | Functor to access elements by name |
 FindString | Helper class to manipulate strings |
 DD4hep::DDRec::FixedPadSizeTPCStruct | |
 DD4hep::PluginService::FuncPointer< FUNCTION > | |
 DD4hep::Callback::Wrapper< T >::Functor | Union to store pointers to member functions in callback objects |
 DD4hep::Conditions::ConditionsDependencyCollection::Functor | Functor base to create views |
  DD4hep::Conditions::DependencyCollector< Data, Oper > | Collection of DetElements from the conditions dependencies |
 G4AssemblyVolume | Class of the Geant4 toolkit. See http://www-geant4.kek.jp/Reference |
  DD4hep::Simulation::Geant4AssemblyVolume | Hack! Wrapper around G4AssemblyVolume to access protected members |
 G4MagneticField | Class of the Geant4 toolkit. See http://www-geant4.kek.jp/Reference |
  DD4hep::Simulation::Geant4Field | Mediator class to allow Geant4 accessing magnetic fields defined in DD4hep |
 G4UImessenger | Class of the Geant4 toolkit. See http://www-geant4.kek.jp/Reference |
  DD4hep::Simulation::Geant4UIMessenger | Generic implementation to export properties and actions to the Geant4 command prompt |
 G4UserEventAction | Class of the Geant4 toolkit. See http://www-geant4.kek.jp/Reference |
  DD4hep::Simulation::Geant4UserEventAction | Concrete implementation of the Geant4 event action |
 G4UserRunAction | Class of the Geant4 toolkit. See http://www-geant4.kek.jp/Reference |
  DD4hep::Simulation::Geant4UserRunAction | Concrete implementation of the Geant4 run action |
 G4UserStackingAction | Class of the Geant4 toolkit. See http://www-geant4.kek.jp/Reference |
  DD4hep::Simulation::Geant4UserStackingAction | Concrete implementation of the Geant4 stacking action sequence |
 G4UserSteppingAction | Class of the Geant4 toolkit. See http://www-geant4.kek.jp/Reference |
  DD4hep::Simulation::Geant4UserSteppingAction | Concrete implementation of the Geant4 stepping action |
 G4UserTrackingAction | Class of the Geant4 toolkit. See http://www-geant4.kek.jp/Reference |
  DD4hep::Simulation::Geant4UserTrackingAction | Concrete implementation of the Geant4 tracking action |
 G4VHit | Class of the Geant4 toolkit. See http://www-geant4.kek.jp/Reference |
  DD4hep::Simulation::Geant4Hit | Deprecated: basic geant4 hit class for deprecated sensitive detectors |
   DD4hep::Simulation::Geant4CalorimeterHit | Deprecated: Geant4 calorimeter hit class for deprecated sensitive detectors |
   DD4hep::Simulation::Geant4TrackerHit | Deprecated: Geant4 tracker hit class for deprecated sensitive detectors |
  DD4hep::Simulation::Geant4HitWrapper | Generic wrapper class for hit structures created in Geant4 sensitive detectors |
 G4VHitsCollection | Class of the Geant4 toolkit. See http://www-geant4.kek.jp/Reference |
  DD4hep::Simulation::Geant4HitCollection | Generic hit container class using Geant4HitWrapper objects |
 G4VPhysicsConstructor | |
  DD4hep::Simulation::Geant4PhysicsConstructor::Constructor | Helper class to be used by cleints, by NOT overloaded! |
 G4VSDFilter | Class of the Geant4 toolkit. See http://www-geant4.kek.jp/Reference |
  DD4hep::Simulation::Geant4SensDet | Concrete implementation of the G4VSensitiveDetector calling the registered sequence object |
 G4VSensitiveDetector | Class of the Geant4 toolkit. See http://www-geant4.kek.jp/Reference |
  DD4hep::Simulation::Geant4SensDet | Concrete implementation of the G4VSensitiveDetector calling the registered sequence object |
  DD4hep::Simulation::Geant4SensitiveDetector | Deprecated: Example G4VSensitiveDetector implementation |
   DD4hep::Simulation::Geant4GenericSD< T > | Deprecated: Example G4VSensitiveDetector implementation |
 G4VUserActionInitialization | |
  DD4hep::Simulation::Geant4UserActionInitialization | Concrete implementation of the Geant4 user initialization action sequence |
 G4VUserDetectorConstruction | Class of the Geant4 toolkit. See http://www-geant4.kek.jp/Reference |
  DD4hep::Simulation::Geant4GDMLDetector | Class to read Geant4 geometry from GDML file |
  DD4hep::Simulation::Geant4UserDetectorConstruction | Concrete implementation of the Geant4 user detector construction action sequence |
 G4VUserPrimaryGeneratorAction | Class of the Geant4 toolkit. See http://www-geant4.kek.jp/Reference |
  DD4hep::Simulation::Geant4UserGeneratorAction | Concrete implementation of the Geant4 generator action |
 G4VUserTrackInformation | Class of the Geant4 toolkit. See http://www-geant4.kek.jp/Reference |
  DD4hep::Simulation::Geant4TrackInformation | Unused |
 DD4hep::Simulation::Geant4Action | Default base class for all Geant 4 actions and derivates thereof |
  DD4hep::Simulation::Geant4ActionPhase | Action phase definition. Client callback at various stage of the simulation processing |
  DD4hep::Simulation::Geant4ActionSD | Interface class to access properties of the underlying Geant4 sensitive detector structure |
   DD4hep::Simulation::Geant4SensDet | Concrete implementation of the G4VSensitiveDetector calling the registered sequence object |
  DD4hep::Simulation::Geant4DetectorConstruction | Basic implementation of the Geant4 detector construction action |
   DD4hep::Simulation::Geant4DetectorGeometryConstruction | Class to create Geant4 detector geometry from TGeo representation in memory |
   DD4hep::Simulation::Geant4DetectorSensitivesConstruction | Class to create Geant4 detector geometry from TGeo representation in memory |
   DD4hep::Simulation::Geant4FieldTrackingConstruction | Detector construction action to perform the setup of the Geant4 tracking in magnetic fields |
  DD4hep::Simulation::Geant4DetectorConstructionSequence | Concrete basic implementation of the Geant4 detector construction sequencer |
  DD4hep::Simulation::Geant4DummyTruthHandler | Void implementation of the Monte-Carlo thruth handler doing nothing at all |
  DD4hep::Simulation::Geant4EventAction | Concrete basic implementation of the Geant4 event action |
   DD4hep::Simulation::Geant4OutputAction | Base class to output Geant4 event data to persistent media |
    DD4hep::Simulation::Geant4Output2LCIO | Base class to output Geant4 event data to media |
    DD4hep::Simulation::Geant4Output2ROOT | Class to output Geant4 event data to ROOT files |
   DD4hep::Simulation::Geant4ParticlePrint | Geant4Action to print MC particle information |
   DD4hep::Simulation::Geant4SharedEventAction | Implementation of the Geant4 shared event action |
   DD4hep::Simulation::Test::Geant4TestEventAction | Example event action doing nothing, but print |
  DD4hep::Simulation::Geant4EventActionSequence | Concrete implementation of the Geant4 event action sequence |
  DD4hep::Simulation::Geant4Filter | Base class to construct filters for Geant4 sensitive detectors |
   DD4hep::Simulation::EnergyDepositMinimumCut | Geant4 sensitive detector filter implementing an energy cut |
   DD4hep::Simulation::Geant4ReadoutVolumeFilter | Default base class for all geant 4 tracking actions |
   DD4hep::Simulation::ParticleFilter | Geant4 sensitive detector filter base class for particle filters |
    DD4hep::Simulation::GeantinoRejectFilter | Geant4 sensitive detector filter implementing a Geantino rejector |
    DD4hep::Simulation::ParticleRejectFilter | Geant4 sensitive detector filter implementing a particle rejector |
    DD4hep::Simulation::ParticleSelectFilter | Geant4 sensitive detector filter implementing a particle selector |
  DD4hep::Simulation::Geant4GeneratorAction | Concrete implementation of the Geant4 generator action base class |
   DD4hep::Simulation::Geant4GeneratorActionInit | Initialize the Geant4Event objects to host generator and MC truth related information |
   DD4hep::Simulation::Geant4GeneratorWrapper | Geant4Action to merge several independent interaction to one |
   DD4hep::Simulation::Geant4InputAction | Generic input action capable of using the Geant4EventReader class |
   DD4hep::Simulation::Geant4InteractionMerger | Geant4Action to merge several independent interaction to one |
   DD4hep::Simulation::Geant4InteractionVertexBoost | Action class to boost the primary vertex (and all outgoing particles) of a single interaction |
   DD4hep::Simulation::Geant4InteractionVertexSmear | Action class to smear the primary vertex (and all outgoing particles) of a single interaction |
   DD4hep::Simulation::Geant4ParticleGenerator | Generate particles isotrop in space around origine (0,0,0) |
    DD4hep::Simulation::Geant4IsotropeGenerator | Generate particles isotrop in space around origine (0,0,0) |
     DD4hep::Simulation::Geant4ParticleGun | Implementation of a particle gun using Geant4Particles |
   DD4hep::Simulation::Geant4ParticleHandler | Geant4Action to collect the MC particle information |
   DD4hep::Simulation::Geant4PrimaryHandler | Geant4Action to convert the particle information to Geant4 |
   DD4hep::Simulation::Geant4SharedGeneratorAction | Implementation of the Geant4 shared generator action |
   DD4hep::Simulation::Test::Geant4TestGeneratorAction | Example generator action doing nothing, but print |
  DD4hep::Simulation::Geant4GeneratorActionSequence | Concrete implementation of the Geant4 generator action sequence |
  DD4hep::Simulation::Geant4PhaseAction | Generic action for Geant4 phases |
   DD4hep::Simulation::Geant4FieldTrackingSetupAction | Phase action to perform the setup of the Geant4 tracking in magnetic fields |
  DD4hep::Simulation::Geant4PhysicsList | Concrete basic implementation of a Geant4 physics list action |
   DD4hep::Simulation::Geant4DefaultRangeCut | Geant4 physics list action to set global range cuts for secondary productions |
   DD4hep::Simulation::Geant4PhysicsConstructor | Implementation base of a Geant4 physics constructor |
    DD4hep::Simulation::Geant4ExtraParticles | |
  DD4hep::Simulation::Geant4PhysicsListActionSequence | The implementation of the single Geant4 physics list action sequence |
  DD4hep::Simulation::Geant4Random | Mini interface to THE random generator of the application |
  DD4hep::Simulation::Geant4RunAction | Concrete basic implementation of the Geant4 run action base class |
   DD4hep::Simulation::Geant4EventSeed | |
   DD4hep::Simulation::Geant4SharedRunAction | Implementation of the Geant4 shared run action |
   DD4hep::Simulation::Test::Geant4TestRunAction | Example run action doing nothing, but print |
  DD4hep::Simulation::Geant4RunActionSequence | Concrete basic implementation of the Geant4 run action sequencer |
  DD4hep::Simulation::Geant4SensDetActionSequence | The sequencer to host Geant4 sensitive actions called if particles interact with sensitive elements |
  DD4hep::Simulation::Geant4Sensitive | The base class for Geant4 sensitive detector actions implemented by users |
   DD4hep::Simulation::Geant4EscapeCounter | Class to measure the energy of escaping tracks |
   DD4hep::Simulation::Geant4SensitiveAction< T > | Template class to ease the construction of sensitive detectors using particle template specialization |
   DD4hep::Simulation::Test::Geant4TestSensitive | Example sensitve detector action doing nothing, but print |
   Tests::Geant4SensitiveAction< T > | Deprecated: Simple SensitiveAction class .. |
  DD4hep::Simulation::Geant4StackingAction | Concrete implementation of the Geant4 stacking action base class |
   DD4hep::Simulation::Geant4SharedStackingAction | Implementation of the Geant4 shared stacking action |
  DD4hep::Simulation::Geant4StackingActionSequence | Concrete implementation of the Geant4 stacking action sequence |
  DD4hep::Simulation::Geant4SteppingAction | Concrete implementation of the Geant4 stepping action sequence |
   DD4hep::Simulation::Geant4MaterialScanner | Class to perform directional material scans using Geantinos |
   DD4hep::Simulation::Geant4SharedSteppingAction | Implementation of the Geant4 shared stepping action |
   DD4hep::Simulation::Test::Geant4TestStepAction | Example stepping action doing nothing, but print |
  DD4hep::Simulation::Geant4SteppingActionSequence | Concrete implementation of the Geant4 stepping action sequence |
  DD4hep::Simulation::Geant4TrackingAction | Default base class for all geant 4 tracking actions used in DDG4 |
   DD4hep::Simulation::Geant4SharedTrackingAction | Implementation of the Geant4 shared track action |
   DD4hep::Simulation::Geant4TrackingPostAction | Default base class for all geant 4 tracking actions |
   DD4hep::Simulation::Geant4TrackingPreAction | Default base class for all geant 4 tracking actions |
   DD4hep::Simulation::Test::Geant4TestTrackAction | Example tracking action doing nothing, but print |
  DD4hep::Simulation::Geant4TrackingActionSequence | Concrete implementation of the Geant4 tracking action sequence |
  DD4hep::Simulation::Geant4UIManager | Standard UI interface implementation with configuration using property options |
  DD4hep::Simulation::Geant4UserInitialization | Base class to initialize a multi-threaded or single threaded Geant4 application |
   DD4hep::Simulation::Geant4UserInitializationSequence | Class to orchestrate a modular initializion of a multi- or single threaded Geant4 application |
  DD4hep::Simulation::Geant4UserParticleHandler | Geant4ParticleHandler user extension action called by the particle handler |
   DD4hep::Simulation::Geant4TCUserParticleHandler | Rejects to keep particles, which are created outside a tracking cylinder |
 DD4hep::Simulation::Geant4ActionContainer | Class, which allows all Geant4Action to be stored |
  DD4hep::Simulation::Geant4Kernel | Class, which allows all Geant4Action derivatives to access the DDG4 kernel structures |
 DD4hep::Simulation::Geant4Call | Callback interface class with argument |
  DD4hep::Simulation::Geant4UIManager | Standard UI interface implementation with configuration using property options |
 DD4hep::Simulation::Geant4Calorimeter | Helper class to define structures used by the generic DDG4 calorimeter sensitive detector |
 Geant4Compatibility | |
 DD4hep::Simulation::Geant4Context | Generic context to extend user, run and event information |
 DD4hep::Simulation::Geant4ConversionHelper | Helper class for data conversion |
  DD4hep::Simulation::Geant4Conversion< OUTPUT, ARGS > | Data conversion class |
 DD4hep::Simulation::Geant4DataDump | Class to dump the records of the intrinsic Geant4 event model |
 DD4hep::Simulation::Geant4DetectorConstructionContext | Geant4 detector construction context definition |
 DD4hep::Simulation::Geant4EventReader | Basic geant4 event reader class. This interface/base-class must be implemented by concrete readers |
  DD4hep::Simulation::Geant4EventReaderHepEvt | Class to populate Geant4 primaries from StdHep files |
  DD4hep::Simulation::Geant4EventReaderHepMC | Class to populate Geant4 primaries from StdHep files |
  DD4hep::Simulation::LCIOEventReader | Base class to read lcio files |
   DD4hep::Simulation::LCIOFileReader | Base class to read lcio event files |
   DD4hep::Simulation::LCIOStdHepReader | Base class to read StdHep files with lcio |
 DD4hep::Simulation::Geant4Exec | Main executor steering the Geant4 execution |
 DD4hep::Simulation::Geant4FieldTrackingSetup | Generic Setup component to perform the magnetic field tracking in Geant4 |
  DD4hep::Simulation::Geant4FieldTrackingConstruction | Detector construction action to perform the setup of the Geant4 tracking in magnetic fields |
  DD4hep::Simulation::Geant4FieldTrackingSetupAction | Phase action to perform the setup of the Geant4 tracking in magnetic fields |
 DD4hep::Simulation::Geant4Handle< TYPE > | Handle to Geant4 actions with built-in creation mechanism |
 DD4hep::Simulation::Geant4HierarchyDump | Helper to dump Geant4 volume hierarchy |
 DD4hep::Simulation::Geant4HitData | Base class for geant4 hit structures used by the default DDG4 sensitive detector implementations |
  DD4hep::Simulation::Geant4Calorimeter::Hit | DDG4 calorimeter hit class used by the generic DDG4 calorimeter sensitive detector |
  DD4hep::Simulation::Geant4Tracker::Hit | DDG4 tracker hit class used by the generic DDG4 tracker sensitive detector |
 DD4hep::Simulation::Geant4MonteCarloTruth | Default Interface class to handle monte carlo truth records |
  DD4hep::Simulation::Geant4DummyTruthHandler | Void implementation of the Monte-Carlo thruth handler doing nothing at all |
  DD4hep::Simulation::Geant4ParticleHandler | Geant4Action to collect the MC particle information |
 DD4hep::Simulation::Geant4OpticalCalorimeter | |
 DD4hep::Simulation::Geant4Particle | Data structure to store the MC particle information |
 DD4hep::Simulation::Geant4ParticleHandle | Data structure to access derived MC particle information |
 DD4hep::Simulation::Geant4ParticleMap | Data structure to map particles produced during the generation and the simulation |
 DD4hep::Simulation::Geant4PrimaryEvent | Class modelling a complete primary event with multiple interactions |
 DD4hep::Simulation::Geant4PrimaryInteraction | Class modelling a single interaction with multiple primary vertices and particles |
 DD4hep::Simulation::Geant4PrimaryMap | Data structure to map primaries to particles |
 DD4hep::Simulation::Geant4ScintillatorCalorimeter | |
 DD4hep::Simulation::Geant4SensDetSequences | Geant4SensDetSequences: class to access groups of sensitive actions |
 DD4hep::Simulation::Geant4StepHandler | Helper class to ease the extraction of information from a G4Step object |
 DD4hep::Simulation::Test::Geant4TestBase | Common base class for test action |
  DD4hep::Simulation::Test::Geant4TestEventAction | Example event action doing nothing, but print |
  DD4hep::Simulation::Test::Geant4TestGeneratorAction | Example generator action doing nothing, but print |
  DD4hep::Simulation::Test::Geant4TestRunAction | Example run action doing nothing, but print |
  DD4hep::Simulation::Test::Geant4TestSensitive | Example sensitve detector action doing nothing, but print |
  DD4hep::Simulation::Test::Geant4TestStepAction | Example stepping action doing nothing, but print |
  DD4hep::Simulation::Test::Geant4TestTrackAction | Example tracking action doing nothing, but print |
 DD4hep::Simulation::Geant4TouchableHandler | Helper class to ease the extraction of information from a G4Touchable object |
 DD4hep::Simulation::Geant4Tracker | Helper class to define structures used by the generic DDG4 tracker sensitive detector |
 DD4hep::Simulation::Geant4TrackHandler | Helper class to ease the extraction of information from a G4Track object |
 DD4hep::Simulation::Geant4Vertex | Data structure to store the MC vertex information |
 DD4hep::GearHandle | |
 DD4hep::Geometry::GeoHandlerTypes | Defintion of the object types used by generic geometry handlers |
  DD4hep::Geometry::GeoHandler | The base class for all DD4hep geometry crawlers |
   DD4hep::Geometry::GeometryTreeDump | Geometry to screen dump action |
   DD4hep::Geometry::SimpleGDMLWriter | Simple GDML creator from TGeo geometries in memory |
   DD4hep::Simulation::Geant4Converter | Geometry converter from DD4hep to Geant 4 |
  DD4hep::Simulation::Geant4Mapping | Geometry mapping from DD4hep to Geant 4 |
   DD4hep::Simulation::Geant4Converter | Geometry converter from DD4hep to Geant 4 |
 DD4hep::Geometry::GeoHandlerTypes::GeometryInfo | Data container |
  DD4hep::Simulation::Geant4GeometryInfo | Concreate class holding the relation information between geant4 objects and dd4hep objects |
 DD4hep::Geometry::GeoScan | Geometry scanner (handle object) |
 DD4hep::Alignments::GlobalAlignmentCache | Class caching all known alignment operations for one LCDD instance |
 DD4hep::Alignments::GlobalAlignmentWriter | Write aligment data to XML data file |
 DD4hep::Handle< T > | Handle: a templated class like a shared pointer, which allows specialized access to tgeometry objects |
  DD4hep::Geometry::AlignmentEntry | Deprecated: Handle class describing an alignment entry |
  DD4hep::Geometry::Atom | Handle class describing an element in the periodic table |
  DD4hep::Geometry::CartesianGridXY | Implementation class for the grid XY segmentation |
  DD4hep::Geometry::CartesianGridXYZ | Implementation class for the grid XYZ segmentation |
  DD4hep::Geometry::CartesianGridXZ | Implementation class for the grid XZ segmentation |
  DD4hep::Geometry::CartesianGridYZ | Implementation class for the grid YZ segmentation |
  DD4hep::Geometry::Constant | Handle class describing a constant (define) object in lcdd |
  DD4hep::Geometry::DetElement | Handle class describing a detector element |
   DD4hep::DDRec::DetectorSurfaces | |
   DD4hep::DDRec::LayeredSubdetector | |
    DD4hep::DDRec::Calorimeter | |
    DD4hep::DDRec::Tracker | |
   DD4hep::DDRec::Subdetector | |
    DD4hep::DDRec::Calorimeter | |
  DD4hep::Geometry::Header | Handle class describing the basic information about geometry objects as it is defined in LCDD |
  DD4hep::Geometry::IDDescriptor | Class implementing the ID encoding of detector response |
  DD4hep::Geometry::LCDDHelper | LCDDHelper: class to shortcut certain questions to the DD4hep detector description interface |
  DD4hep::Geometry::LimitSet | Handle class describing a set of limits as they are used for simulation |
  DD4hep::Geometry::Material | Handle class describing a material |
  DD4hep::Geometry::MultiSegmentation | Implementation class for the grid XZ segmentation |
  DD4hep::Geometry::PlacedVolume | Handle class holding a placed volume (also called physical volume) |
  DD4hep::Geometry::PolarGridRPhi | Implementation class for the grid XZ segmentation |
  DD4hep::Geometry::PolarGridRPhi2 | Implementation class for the grid XZ segmentation |
  DD4hep::Geometry::Readout | Handle to the implementation of the readout structure of a subdetector |
  DD4hep::Geometry::Region | Handle class describing a region as used in simulation |
  DD4hep::Geometry::Segmentation | Handle class supporting generic Segmentation of sensitive detectors |
  DD4hep::Geometry::SensitiveDetector | Handle class to hold the information of a sensitive detector |
  DD4hep::Geometry::Solid_type< T > | Base class for Solid (shape) objects |
  DD4hep::Geometry::VisAttr | Handle class describing visualization attributes |
  DD4hep::Geometry::Volume | Handle class holding a placed volume (also called physical volume) |
   DD4hep::Geometry::Assembly | Implementation class extending the ROOT assembly volumes (TGeoVolumeAsembly) |
  DD4hep::Geometry::VolumeManager | Class to support the retrieval of detector elements and volumes given a valid identifier |
  DD4hep::Geometry::WaferGridXY | Implementation class for the grid XZ segmentation |
  DD4hep::Geometry::World | Handle class to hold the information of the top DetElement object 'world' |
  DD4hep::Simulation::Geant4VolumeManager | The Geant4VolumeManager to facilitate optimized lookups of cell IDs from touchables |
  DD4hep::Geometry::Solid_type< MyConeSeg > | |
   DD4hep::Geometry::Tube | Class describing a tube shape of a section of a tube |
  DD4hep::Geometry::Solid_type< TGeoArb8 > | |
   DD4hep::Geometry::EightPointSolid | Class describing an arbitray solid defined by 8 vertices |
  DD4hep::Geometry::Solid_type< TGeoBBox > | |
   DD4hep::Geometry::Box | Class describing a box shape |
  DD4hep::Geometry::Solid_type< TGeoCompositeShape > | |
   DD4hep::Geometry::BooleanSolid | Base class describing boolean (=union,intersection,subtraction) solids |
    DD4hep::Geometry::IntersectionSolid | Class describing boolean intersection solid |
    DD4hep::Geometry::SubtractionSolid | Class describing boolean subtraction solid |
    DD4hep::Geometry::UnionSolid | Class describing boolean union solid |
  DD4hep::Geometry::Solid_type< TGeoCone > | |
   DD4hep::Geometry::Cone | Class describing a cone shape |
  DD4hep::Geometry::Solid_type< TGeoConeSeg > | |
   DD4hep::Geometry::ConeSegment | Class describing a cone segment shape |
  DD4hep::Geometry::Solid_type< TGeoEltu > | |
   DD4hep::Geometry::EllipticalTube | Class describing a elliptical tube shape of a section of a tube |
  DD4hep::Geometry::Solid_type< TGeoHalfSpace > | |
   DD4hep::Geometry::HalfSpace | Class describing half-space |
  DD4hep::Geometry::Solid_type< TGeoHype > | |
   DD4hep::Geometry::Hyperboloid | Class describing a Hyperboloid shape |
  DD4hep::Geometry::Solid_type< TGeoParaboloid > | |
   DD4hep::Geometry::Paraboloid | Class describing a Paraboloid shape |
  DD4hep::Geometry::Solid_type< TGeoPcon > | |
   DD4hep::Geometry::Polycone | Class describing a Polycone shape |
  DD4hep::Geometry::Solid_type< TGeoPgon > | |
   DD4hep::Geometry::PolyhedraRegular | Class describing a regular polyhedron shape |
  DD4hep::Geometry::Solid_type< TGeoShape > | |
  DD4hep::Geometry::Solid_type< TGeoSphere > | |
   DD4hep::Geometry::Sphere | Class describing a sphere shape |
  DD4hep::Geometry::Solid_type< TGeoTorus > | |
   DD4hep::Geometry::Torus | Class describing a Torus shape |
  DD4hep::Geometry::Solid_type< TGeoTrap > | |
   DD4hep::Geometry::Trap | Class describing a trap shape |
  DD4hep::Geometry::Solid_type< TGeoTrd2 > | |
   DD4hep::Geometry::Trapezoid | Class describing a Trapezoid shape |
 DD4hep::Handle< AlignmentData > | |
  DD4hep::Alignments::Alignment | Main handle class to hold an alignment object |
 DD4hep::Handle< AlignmentsManagerObject > | |
  DD4hep::Alignments::AlignmentsManager | Alignment manager instance to handle alignment dependencies |
 DD4hep::Handle< ConditionsManagerObject > | |
  DD4hep::Conditions::ConditionsAccess | Manager class for condition handles |
  DD4hep::Conditions::ConditionsManager | Manager class for condition handles |
 DD4hep::Handle< ConstantObject > | |
 DD4hep::Handle< DD4hep::Conditions::ConditionsDataLoader > | |
 DD4hep::Handle< DD4hep::Geometry::DetElementObject > | |
 DD4hep::Handle< DD4hep::Geometry::SensitiveDetectorObject > | |
 DD4hep::Handle< DD4hep::NamedObject > | |
 DD4hep::Handle< DetElementObject > | |
 DD4hep::Handle< Geant4GeometryInfo > | |
 DD4hep::Handle< Geometry::DetElementObject > | |
  DD4hep::Alignments::DetAlign | Handle class describing the access to DetElement dependent alignments |
  DD4hep::Conditions::DetConditions | Handle class describing the access to DetElement dependent conditions |
 DD4hep::Handle< HeaderObject > | |
 DD4hep::Handle< IDDescriptorObject > | |
 DD4hep::Handle< Interna::AlignmentConditionObject > | |
  DD4hep::Alignments::AlignmentCondition | Main handle class to hold an alignment conditions object |
 DD4hep::Handle< Interna::AlignmentContainer > | |
  DD4hep::Alignments::Container | Container class for alignment handles aggregated by a detector element |
 DD4hep::Handle< Interna::ConditionContainer > | |
  DD4hep::Conditions::Container | Container class for condition handles aggregated by a detector element |
 DD4hep::Handle< Interna::ConditionObject > | |
  DD4hep::Conditions::Condition | Main condition object handle |
 DD4hep::Handle< LCDD > | |
 DD4hep::Handle< LimitSetObject > | |
 DD4hep::Handle< MyConeSeg > | |
 DD4hep::Handle< NamedObject > | |
 DD4hep::Handle< ReadoutObject > | |
 DD4hep::Handle< RegionObject > | |
 DD4hep::Handle< SegmentationObject > | |
 DD4hep::Handle< SensitiveDetectorObject > | |
 DD4hep::Handle< TGeoArb8 > | |
 DD4hep::Handle< TGeoBBox > | |
 DD4hep::Handle< TGeoCompositeShape > | |
 DD4hep::Handle< TGeoCone > | |
 DD4hep::Handle< TGeoConeSeg > | |
 DD4hep::Handle< TGeoElement > | |
 DD4hep::Handle< TGeoEltu > | |
 DD4hep::Handle< TGeoHalfSpace > | |
 DD4hep::Handle< TGeoHype > | |
 DD4hep::Handle< TGeoMedium > | |
 DD4hep::Handle< TGeoNode > | |
 DD4hep::Handle< TGeoParaboloid > | |
 DD4hep::Handle< TGeoPcon > | |
 DD4hep::Handle< TGeoPgon > | |
 DD4hep::Handle< TGeoPhysicalNode > | |
  DD4hep::Alignments::GlobalAlignment | Main handle class to hold a TGeo alignment object of type TGeoPhysicalNode |
 DD4hep::Handle< TGeoShape > | |
 DD4hep::Handle< TGeoSphere > | |
 DD4hep::Handle< TGeoTorus > | |
 DD4hep::Handle< TGeoTrap > | |
 DD4hep::Handle< TGeoTrd2 > | |
 DD4hep::Handle< TGeoVolume > | |
 DD4hep::Handle< VisAttrObject > | |
 DD4hep::Handle< VolumeManagerObject > | |
 DD4hep::Handle< WorldObject > | |
 DD4hep::XML::Handle_t | Class to easily access the properties of single XmlElements |
  DD4hep::XML::Collection_t | Class to support the access to collections of XmlNodes (or XmlElements) |
 HandleMap | |
  DD4hep::Geometry::LCDDData::ObjectHandleMap | Implementation of a map of named DD4hep Handles |
 DD4hep::Geometry::HitCollection | Definition of the HitCollection parameters used by the Readout |
 DD4hep::Simulation::HitCompare< HIT > | Deprecated: Base class for hit comparisons |
  DD4hep::Simulation::HitPositionCompare< HIT > | Deprecated: Seek the hits of an arbitrary collection for the same position |
 DD4hep::Simulation::Geant4HitWrapper::HitManipulator | Generic type manipulation class for generic hit structures created in Geant4 sensitive detectors |
 DD4hep::Conditions::ConditionsDependencyCollection::Holder | |
 DDSurfaces::ICone | |
  DD4hep::DDRec::ConeSurface | |
 DDSurfaces::ICylinder | |
  DD4hep::DDRec::CylinderSurface | |
   DD4hep::DDRec::ConeSurface | |
 DD4hep::DDRec::IDDecoder | |
 DDSurfaces::IMaterial | |
  DD4hep::DDRec::MaterialData | |
 DD4hep::Increment< T > | Helper class to count call stack depths of certain functions |
 input_seekable | |
  DD4hep::dd4hep_file_source< T >::category | |
 DD4hep::InstanceCount | Helper to support object counting when debugging memory leaks |
 invalid_argument | |
  DD4hep::DDRec::invalid_cell_id | |
  DD4hep::DDRec::invalid_detector_element | |
  DD4hep::DDRec::invalid_position | |
 DD4hep::Simulation::Geant4HitWrapper::InvalidHit | Helper class to indicate invalid hit wrappers or containers |
 DD4hep::IOV | Class describing the interval of validty |
 DD4hep::IOVType | Class describing the interval of validty type |
 DDSurfaces::ISurface | |
  DD4hep::DDRec::Surface | |
   DD4hep::DDRec::CylinderSurface | |
  DD4hep::DDRec::VolSurface | |
   DD4hep::DDRec::VolCone | |
   DD4hep::DDRec::VolCylinder | |
   DD4hep::DDRec::VolSurfaceHandle< T > | |
  DD4hep::DDRec::VolSurfaceBase | |
   DD4hep::DDRec::VolConeImpl | |
   DD4hep::DDRec::VolCylinderImpl | |
   DD4hep::DDRec::VolPlaneImpl | |
 DD4hep::Simulation::KernelHandle | Handle to Geant4 actions with built-in creation mechanism |
 DD4hep::DDRec::LayeredCalorimeterStruct::Layer | |
 DD4hep::Layer | Class to describe one layer in a layering stack |
 DD4hep::DDRec::LayeringExtensionImpl::LayerAttributes | Helper class to store layer attributes |
 DD4hep::DDSegmentation::TiledLayerSegmentation::LayerDimensions | Helper class to store x and y dimensions of a layer |
 DD4hep::DDRec::LayeredCalorimeterStruct | |
 DD4hep::Layering | Class to convert a layering object from the compact notation |
 DD4hep::DDRec::LayeringExtension | |
  DD4hep::DDRec::LayeredSubdetector | |
  DD4hep::DDRec::LayeringExtensionImpl | |
 DD4hep::DDRec::ZPlanarStruct::LayerLayout | |
 DD4hep::DDRec::ZDiskPetalsStruct::LayerLayout | |
 DD4hep::LayerSlice | Class to describe the slice of one layer in a layering stack |
 DD4hep::LayerStack | Class to describe a layering stack |
 DD4hep::Geometry::LCDD | The main interface to the DD4hep detector description package |
  DD4hep::Geometry::LCDDImp | Concrete implementation class of the LCDD interface |
 DD4hep::Geometry::LCDDData | Data implementation class of the LCDD interface |
  DD4hep::Geometry::LCDDImp | Concrete implementation class of the LCDD interface |
  DD4hepRootPersistency | Helper class to support ROOT persistency of LCDD objects |
 DD4hep::LCDDLoad | Data implementation class of the LCDD interface |
  DD4hep::Geometry::LCDDImp | Concrete implementation class of the LCDD interface |
 Tests::LcioTestTracker | Deprecated: Simple SensitiveAction class .. |
 DD4hep::Geometry::Limit | Small object describing a limit structure acting on a particle type |
 list | |
  DD4hep::DDRec::SurfaceList | |
  DD4hep::DDRec::VolSurfaceList | |
 DD4hep::ListBinder | Helper class to bind string values to a STL list of data objects (primitive or complex) |
 DD4hep::MapBinder | Helper class to bind STL map objects |
 DD4hep::DDRec::MaterialManager | |
 DD4hep::Callback::mfunc_t | Structure definition to store callback related data |
 DD4hep::Simulation::Geant4Hit::MonteCarloContrib | Deprecated!!! |
 DD4hep::Simulation::Geant4HitData::MonteCarloContrib | Not persisten. ROOT cannot handle |
 DD4hep::NamedObject | Implementation of a named object |
  DD4hep::Alignments::AlignmentsManagerObject | Alignment manager |
  DD4hep::Alignments::GlobalAlignmentData | |
  DD4hep::Alignments::Interna::AlignmentContainer | The data class behind an alignments container handle |
  DD4hep::Alignments::Interna::AlignmentNamedObject | |
  DD4hep::Conditions::ConditionsDataLoader | Interface for a generic conditions loader |
  DD4hep::Conditions::ConditionsManagerObject | Conditions internal namespace declaration |
  DD4hep::Conditions::ConditionsPool | Class implementing the conditions collection for a given IOV type |
   DD4hep::Conditions::UpdatePool | Interface for conditions pool optimized to host conditions updates |
  DD4hep::Conditions::Entry | The intermediate conditions data used to populate the DetElement conditions |
  DD4hep::Conditions::Interna::ConditionContainer | The data class behind a conditions container handle |
  DD4hep::Conditions::Interna::ConditionObject | The data class behind a conditions handle |
   DD4hep::Alignments::Interna::AlignmentConditionObject | The data class behind an alignments handle |
  DD4hep::Geometry::CartesianField::Object | Internal data class shared by all handles of a given type |
   DD4hep::Geometry::ConstantField | Implementation object of a field with constant strength |
   DD4hep::Geometry::DipoleField | Implementation object of a dipole magnetic field |
   DD4hep::Geometry::MultipoleField | Implementation object of a Multipole magnetic field |
   DD4hep::Geometry::SolenoidField | Implementation object of a solenoidal magnetic field |
  DD4hep::Geometry::ConstantObject | Concrete object implementation for the Constant handle |
  DD4hep::Geometry::DetElementObject | Data class with properties of a detector element |
   DD4hep::Geometry::WorldObject | Data class with properties of a detector element |
  DD4hep::Geometry::HeaderObject | Concrete object implementation for the Header handle |
  DD4hep::Geometry::IDDescriptorObject | Concrete object implementation of the IDDescriptorObject Handle |
  DD4hep::Geometry::LimitSetObject | Concrete object implementation of the LimitSet Handle |
  DD4hep::Geometry::OverlayedField::Object | Internal data class shared by all handles |
  DD4hep::Geometry::ReadoutObject | Concrete object implementation of the Readout Handle |
  DD4hep::Geometry::RegionObject | Concrete object implementation of the Region Handle |
  DD4hep::Geometry::SensitiveDetectorObject | Data class with properties of sensitive detectors |
  DD4hep::Geometry::VisAttrObject | Concrete object implementation of the VisAttr Handle |
  DD4hep::Geometry::VolumeManagerObject | This structure describes the internal data of the volume manager object |
 DD4hep::XML::NodeList | Class describing a list of XML nodes |
 DD4hep::ObjectExtensions | Implementation of an object supporting arbitrary user extensions |
  DD4hep::Conditions::ConditionsManagerObject | Conditions internal namespace declaration |
  DD4hep::Geometry::DetElementObject | Data class with properties of a detector element |
  DD4hep::Geometry::SensitiveDetectorObject | Data class with properties of sensitive detectors |
  DD4hep::Simulation::Geant4Event | User event context for DDG4 |
  DD4hep::Simulation::Geant4Run | User run context for DDG4 |
 DD4hep::OpaqueData | Class describing an opaque data block |
  DD4hep::OpaqueDataBlock | Class describing an opaque conditions data block |
 DD4hep::OpaqueDataBinder | Helper class to bind string values to C++ data items |
 DD4hep::Conditions::Operators | Helper class for common stuff used frequently |
 output_seekable | |
  DD4hep::dd4hep_file_sink< T >::category | |
 DD4hep::Simulation::Geant4OutputAction::OutputContext< T > | Helper class for thread savety |
 pair | |
  DD4hep::Simulation::TypeName | Helper class to handle strings of the format "type/name" |
 DD4hep::Simulation::ParticleExtension | Base class to extend the basic particle class used by DDG4 with user information |
 DD4hep::Alignments::AlignContext::PathOrdering | |
 DD4hep::Simulation::Geant4Kernel::PhaseSelector | Embedded helper class to facilitate map access to the phases |
 DD4hep::PluginDebug | Helper to debug plugin manager calls |
 DD4hep::PluginFactoryBase | Factory base class implementing some utilities |
  DD4hep::ApplyFactory< T > | Template class with a generic signature to apply LCDD plugins |
  DD4hep::DetElementFactory< T > | Standard factory to create Detector elements from the compact XML representation |
  DD4hep::Geant4SensitiveDetectorFactory< T > | Deprecated: Templated factory method to create sensitive detector |
  DD4hep::Geant4SetupAction< T > | Templated factory method to invoke setup action |
  DD4hep::LCDDConstructionFactory< T > | |
  DD4hep::SegmentationFactory< T > | |
  DD4hep::TranslationFactory< T > | Specialized factory to translate objects, which can be retrieved from LCDD |
  DD4hep::XMLConversionFactory< T > | Read an arbitrary XML document and analyze it's content |
  DD4hep::XMLDocumentReaderFactory< T > | Read an arbitrary XML document and analyze it's content |
  DD4hep::XMLElementFactory< T > | Create an arbitrary object from it's XML representation |
 DD4hep::PluginRegistry< SIGNATURE > | Factory template for the plugin mechanism |
 DD4hep::PluginService | Factory template for the plugin mechanism |
 DD4hep::PluginTester | |
 DD4hep::PopupMenu | Class PopupMenu PopupMenu.h DDEve/PopupMenu.h |
  DD4hep::DD4hepMenu | DD4hep Menu for the ROOT browser |
  DD4hep::ViewMenu | Class ViewMenu ViewMenu.h DDEve/ViewMenu.h |
 DD4hep::Simulation::PrimaryExtension | Base structure to extend primary information with user data |
 DD4hep::Primitive< T > | A bit of support for printing primitives |
 DD4hep::Printer< T > | Helper class template to implement ASCII object dumps |
 DD4hep::PrintMap< T > | Helper class template to implement ASCII dumps of named objects maps |
 DD4hep::Simulation::Geant4PhysicsList::Process | Structure describing a G4 process |
 DD4hep::Conditions::Container::Processor | Abstract base for processing callbacks to container objects |
  DD4hep::Conditions::ConditionsProcessor | Generic Conditions processor |
   DD4hep::Conditions::ConditionsCollector | Generic Condition object collector |
   DD4hep::Conditions::ConditionsPrinter | Generic Conditions data dumper |
 DD4hep::Geometry::DetElement::Processor | Abstract base for processing callbacks to DetElement objects |
  DD4hep::Alignments::AlignmentsProcessor | Generic Alignments processor |
   DD4hep::Alignments::AlignedVolumePrinter | Generic Alignments data dumper |
   DD4hep::Alignments::AlignmentsCollector | Generic Alignment object collector |
   DD4hep::Alignments::AlignmentsPrinter | Generic Alignments data dumper |
  DD4hep::Conditions::ConditionsProcessor | Generic Conditions processor |
 DD4hep::Alignments::Alignment::Processor | Abstract base for processing callbacks to container objects |
  DD4hep::Alignments::AlignmentsProcessor | Generic Alignments processor |
 DD4hep::Alignments::Container::Processor | Abstract base for processing callbacks to container objects |
  DD4hep::Alignments::AlignmentsProcessor | Generic Alignments processor |
 DD4hep::Conditions::Condition::Processor | Abstract base for processing callbacks to conditions objects |
  DD4hep::Conditions::ConditionsProcessor | Generic Conditions processor |
 DD4hep::Property | The property class to assign options to actions |
  DD4hep::PropertyValue< TYPE > | Concrete template instantiation of a combined property value pair |
 DD4hep::PropertyConfigurable | Property object as base class for all objects supporting properties |
  DD4hep::Conditions::ConditionsDataLoader | Interface for a generic conditions loader |
  DD4hep::Conditions::ConditionsManagerObject | Conditions internal namespace declaration |
 DD4hep::PropertyConfigurator | Heler class to configure properties |
 DD4hep::PropertyGrammar | Class describing the grammar representation of a given data type |
 DD4hep::PropertyManager | Manager to ease the handling of groups of properties |
 DD4hep::Simulation::RefCountedSequence< T > | Private helper to support sequence reference counting |
 DD4hep::Simulation::RefCountedSequence< Geant4SensDetActionSequence > | |
  DD4hep::Simulation::Geant4SensDet | Concrete implementation of the G4VSensitiveDetector calling the registered sequence object |
 DD4hep::ReferenceBitMask< T > | Data structure to manipulate a bitmask held by reference and represented by an integer |
 DD4hep::ReferenceObject< T > | Functor to delete objects from heap and reset the pointer |
 DD4hep::ReferenceObjects< M > | Functor to delete objects from heap and reset the pointer |
 DD4hep::ReleaseHandle< T > | Functor to destroy handles and delete the cached object |
 DD4hep::ReleaseHandles< M > | Map Functor to release handles |
 DD4hep::ReleaseObject< T > | Functor to release objects from heap and reset the pointer |
 DD4hep::ReleaseObjects< M > | Map Functor to release objects from heap |
 TiXmlString::Rep | TinyXML class. See http://www.grinninglizard.com/tinyxml |
 runtime_error | |
  DD4hep::Geometry::LCDDData::InvalidObjectError | Specialized exception class |
  DD4hep::invalid_handle_exception | Specialized exception to be thrown if invalid handles are accessed |
  DD4hep::unrelated_type_error | Exception class to signal operations on unrelated classes |
  DD4hep::unrelated_value_error | Exception class to signal operations on unrelated types of values |
 DD4hep::DDRec::ConicalSupportStruct::Section | |
 seekable_device_tag | |
  DD4hep::dd4hep_file< T >::category | |
 DD4hep::DDSegmentation::MegatileLayerGridXY::segInfo | |
 DD4hep::DDSegmentation::Segmentation | Base class for all segmentations |
  DD4hep::DDSegmentation::CartesianGrid | |
   DD4hep::DDSegmentation::CartesianGridXY | |
    DD4hep::DDSegmentation::CartesianGridXYZ | |
   DD4hep::DDSegmentation::CartesianGridXZ | |
   DD4hep::DDSegmentation::CartesianGridYZ | |
   DD4hep::DDSegmentation::MegatileLayerGridXY | |
   DD4hep::DDSegmentation::TiledLayerGridXY | |
   DD4hep::DDSegmentation::WaferGridXY | |
  DD4hep::DDSegmentation::CylindricalSegmentation | |
   DD4hep::DDSegmentation::ProjectiveCylinder | |
  DD4hep::DDSegmentation::MultiSegmentation | Wrapper to support multiple segmentations |
  DD4hep::DDSegmentation::PolarGrid | |
   DD4hep::DDSegmentation::PolarGridRPhi | |
   DD4hep::DDSegmentation::PolarGridRPhi2 | |
  DD4hep::DDSegmentation::TiledLayerSegmentation | |
 DD4hep::DDSegmentation::SegmentationCreatorBase | Base class for the SegmentationCreator objects. Allows to use the factory without template |
  DD4hep::DDSegmentation::SegmentationCreator< TYPE > | Concrete class to create segmentation objects. Every segmentation needs to instantiate a static instance of this |
 DD4hep::DDSegmentation::SegmentationFactory | Factory for creating segmentation objects by type name |
 DD4hep::Geometry::SegmentationObject | Implementation class supporting generic Segmentation of sensitive detectors |
  DD4hep::Geometry::SegmentationWrapper< T > | Concrete wrapper class for segmentation implementation based on DDSegmentation objects |
 DD4hep::DDSegmentation::SegmentationParameter | Class to hold a segmentation parameter with its description |
  DD4hep::DDSegmentation::TypedSegmentationParameter< TYPE > | |
  DD4hep::DDSegmentation::TypedSegmentationParameter< std::vector< TYPE > > | |
 DD4hep::Select1st< T > | Operator to select the first element of a pair |
 DD4hep::Select2nd< T > | Operator to select second element of a pair |
 DD4hep::DDRec::ZDiskPetalsStruct::SensorType | Enum for encoding the sensor type in typeFlags |
 DD4hep::Simulation::SequenceHdl< T > | Sequence handler implementing common actions to all sequences |
 DD4hep::Simulation::SequenceHdl< Geant4DetectorConstructionSequence > | |
  DD4hep::Simulation::Geant4UserDetectorConstruction | Concrete implementation of the Geant4 user detector construction action sequence |
 DD4hep::Simulation::SequenceHdl< Geant4EventActionSequence > | |
  DD4hep::Simulation::Geant4UserEventAction | Concrete implementation of the Geant4 event action |
 DD4hep::Simulation::SequenceHdl< Geant4GeneratorActionSequence > | |
  DD4hep::Simulation::Geant4UserGeneratorAction | Concrete implementation of the Geant4 generator action |
 DD4hep::Simulation::SequenceHdl< Geant4RunActionSequence > | |
  DD4hep::Simulation::Geant4UserRunAction | Concrete implementation of the Geant4 run action |
 DD4hep::Simulation::SequenceHdl< Geant4StackingActionSequence > | |
  DD4hep::Simulation::Geant4UserStackingAction | Concrete implementation of the Geant4 stacking action sequence |
 DD4hep::Simulation::SequenceHdl< Geant4SteppingActionSequence > | |
  DD4hep::Simulation::Geant4UserSteppingAction | Concrete implementation of the Geant4 stepping action |
 DD4hep::Simulation::SequenceHdl< Geant4TrackingActionSequence > | |
  DD4hep::Simulation::Geant4UserTrackingAction | Concrete implementation of the Geant4 tracking action |
 DD4hep::Simulation::SequenceHdl< Geant4UserInitializationSequence > | |
  DD4hep::Simulation::Geant4UserActionInitialization | Concrete implementation of the Geant4 user initialization action sequence |
 set | |
  DD4hep::Geometry::LimitSetObject | Concrete object implementation of the LimitSet Handle |
 DD4hep::SetBinder | Helper class to bind string values to a STL set of data objects (primitive or complex) |
 DD4hep::Simulation::SimpleEvent | Simple event description structure. Used in the default I/O mechanism |
 DD4hep::Simulation::SimpleRun | Simple run description structure. Used in the default I/O mechanism |
 DD4hep::DDEve::SimulationHit | SimulationHit definition |
 DDSurfaces::Vector3D::Spherical | |
 DD4hep::Alignments::AlignmentStack::StackEntry | Stack entry definition |
 DD4hep::Simulation::Geant4MaterialScanner::StepInfo | Structure to hold the information of one simulation step |
 string | |
  DD4hep::Path | Path handling class |
  DD4hep::Simulation::Geant4PhysicsList::ParticleConstructor | Structure describing a G4 particle constructor |
  DD4hep::Simulation::Geant4PhysicsList::PhysicsConstructor | Structure describing a G4 physics constructor |
 DD4hep::DDSegmentation::StringTokenizer | |
 DD4hep::XML::Strng_t | Helper class to encapsulate a unicode string |
  DD4hep::XML::Tag_t | Class to support both way translation between C++ and XML strings |
 DD4hep::DDRec::SubdetectorExtension | |
  DD4hep::DDRec::SubdetectorExtensionImpl | |
 DD4hep::DDRec::SurfaceHelper | |
 DD4hep::SurfaceInstaller | |
 DD4hep::DDRec::SurfaceManager | |
 DDSurfaces::SurfaceType | |
 T | |
  DD4hep::Alignments::AlignmentDecorator< T > | |
  DD4hep::DDRec::StructExtension< T > | |
 DD4hep::Conditions::Test::TestEnv | |
 TEveElementList | Class of the ROOT toolkit. See http://root.cern.ch/root/htmldoc/ClassIndex.html |
  DD4hep::ElementList | Local implementation with overrides of the TEveElementList |
 TGeoConeSeg | Class of the ROOT toolkit. See http://root.cern.ch/root/htmldoc/ClassIndex.html |
  DD4hep::Geometry::MyConeSeg | Intermediate class to overcome drawing probles with the TGeoTubeSeg |
 TGLAnnotation | Class of the ROOT toolkit. See http://root.cern.ch/root/htmldoc/ClassIndex.html |
  DD4hep::Annotation | Class to add annotations to eve viewers |
 TGMainFrame | Class of the ROOT toolkit. See http://root.cern.ch/root/htmldoc/ClassIndex.html |
  DD4hep::FrameControl | Class FrameControl FrameControl.h DDEve/FrameControl.h |
   DD4hep::EventControl | |
 TiXmlAttributeSet | TinyXML class. See http://www.grinninglizard.com/tinyxml |
 TiXmlBase | TinyXML class. See http://www.grinninglizard.com/tinyxml |
  TiXmlAttribute | TinyXML class. See http://www.grinninglizard.com/tinyxml |
  TiXmlNode | TinyXML class. See http://www.grinninglizard.com/tinyxml |
   TiXmlComment | TinyXML class. See http://www.grinninglizard.com/tinyxml |
   TiXmlDeclaration | TinyXML class. See http://www.grinninglizard.com/tinyxml |
   TiXmlDocument | TinyXML class. See http://www.grinninglizard.com/tinyxml |
   TiXmlElement | TinyXML class. See http://www.grinninglizard.com/tinyxml |
   TiXmlText | TinyXML class. See http://www.grinninglizard.com/tinyxml |
   TiXmlUnknown | TinyXML class. See http://www.grinninglizard.com/tinyxml |
 TiXmlCursor | TinyXML class. See http://www.grinninglizard.com/tinyxml |
 TiXmlHandle | TinyXML class. See http://www.grinninglizard.com/tinyxml |
 TiXmlParsingData | TinyXML class. See http://www.grinninglizard.com/tinyxml |
 TiXmlString | TinyXML class. See http://www.grinninglizard.com/tinyxml |
  TiXmlOutStream | TinyXML class. See http://www.grinninglizard.com/tinyxml |
 TiXmlVisitor | TinyXML class. See http://www.grinninglizard.com/tinyxml |
  TiXmlPrinter | TinyXML class. See http://www.grinninglizard.com/tinyxml |
 TNamed | Class of the ROOT toolkit. See http://root.cern.ch/root/htmldoc/ClassIndex.html |
  DD4hep::Simulation::Geant4GeometryInfo | Concreate class holding the relation information between geant4 objects and dd4hep objects |
  DD4hepRootPersistency | Helper class to support ROOT persistency of LCDD objects |
 TObject | Class of the ROOT toolkit. See http://root.cern.ch/root/htmldoc/ClassIndex.html |
  DD4hep::ContextMenuHandler | |
  TGeoExtension | Class of the ROOT toolkit. See http://root.cern.ch/root/htmldoc/ClassIndex.html |
   DD4hep::Geometry::PlacedVolumeExtension | Implementation class extending the ROOT placed volume |
   DD4hep::Geometry::VolumeExtension | Implementation class extending the ROOT volume (TGeoVolume) |
 DD4hep::Simulation::TrackerCombine | |
 DD4hep::DDRec::TrackerExtension | |
 DD4hep::Simulation::TrackerWeighted | |
 DD4hep::DDSegmentation::TypeName< TYPE > | Helper class to extract type names |
 DD4hep::DDSegmentation::TypeName< double > | Specialization for double type |
 DD4hep::DDSegmentation::TypeName< float > | Specialization for float type |
 DD4hep::DDSegmentation::TypeName< int > | Specialization for int type |
 DD4hep::DDSegmentation::TypeName< std::string > | Specialization for string type |
 DD4hep::DDSegmentation::TypeName< std::vector< double > > | Specialization for double vector type |
 DD4hep::DDSegmentation::TypeName< std::vector< float > > | Specialization for float vector type |
 DD4hep::DDSegmentation::TypeName< std::vector< int > > | Specialization for int vector type |
 DD4hep::DDSegmentation::TypeName< std::vector< std::string > > | Specialization for string vector type |
 DD4hep::XML::UriReader | Class supporting to read data given a URI |
  DD4hep::XML::UriContextReader | Class supporting to read data given a URI |
 DD4hep::XML::UriReader::UserContext | |
 DD4hep::Conditions::UserPool | Interface for conditions pool optimized to host conditions updates |
 DD4hep::ValueBinder | Helper class to bind string values to C++ data objects (primitive or complex) |
 DD4hep::DisplayConfiguration::Config::Values | |
 vector | |
  DD4hep::Geometry::PlacedVolumeExtension::VolIDs | Volume ID container |
 DDSurfaces::Vector2D | |
 DDSurfaces::Vector3D | |
 DD4hep::DDSegmentation::Vector3D | Simple container for a physics vector |
 DD4hep::VectorBinder | Helper class to bind string values to a STL vector of data objects (primitive or complex) |
 DD4hep::Simulation::VertexExtension | Base class to extend the basic vertex class used by DDG4 with user information |
 DD4hep::View | Class View View.h DDEve/View.h |
  DD4hep::Calo3DProjection | 3D projection for calorimeters |
  DD4hep::CaloLego | Lego plot for calorimeter energy deposits |
  DD4hep::MultiView | Class MultiView MultiView.h DDEve/MultiView.h |
  DD4hep::Projection | Class Projection Projection.h DDEve/Projection.h |
   DD4hep::Calo2DProjection | 2D projection operator for calorimeters |
   DD4hep::RhoPhiProjection | Class RhoPhiProjection RhoPhiProjection.h DDEve/RhoPhiProjection.h |
   DD4hep::RhoZProjection | Class RhoZProjection RhoZProjection.h DDEve/RhoZProjection.h |
  DD4hep::View3D | Class View3D View3D.h DDEve/View3D.h |
 DD4hep::Geometry::VolumeManagerContext | This structure describes the cached data for one placement held by the volume manager |
 DD4hep::Callback::Wrapper< T > | Wrapper around a C++ member function pointer |
 Xml | Union to ease castless object access when using XercesC |
 DD4hep::XML::XmlString | Definition of the XmlString class |
 DD4hep::DDRec::ZDiskPetalsStruct | |
 DD4hep::DDRec::ZPlanarStruct | |
 BitField64 | |
  DD4hep::Geometry::IDDescriptorObject | Concrete object implementation of the IDDescriptorObject Handle |
 DetElement | |
  DD4hep::Alignments::GlobalDetectorAlignment | GlobalDetectorAlignment. DetElement Handle supporting alignment operations |
 Ref_t | |
  DD4hep::Geometry::Author | Handle class describing an author entity |
  DD4hep::Geometry::CartesianField | Handle class describing any field with 3D cartesian vectors for the field strength |
  DD4hep::Geometry::OverlayedField | Class describing a field overlay with several sources |
 TGeoArb8 * | |
 TGeoBBox * | |
 TGeoCompositeShape * | |
 TGeoCone * | |
 TGeoElement * | |
 TGeoEltu * | |
 TGeoHalfSpace * | |
 TGeoHype * | |
 TGeoMedium * | |
 TGeoNode * | |
 TGeoParaboloid * | |
 TGeoPcon * | |
 TGeoPgon * | |
 TGeoPhysicalNode * | |
 TGeoSphere * | |
 TGeoTorus * | |
 TGeoTrap * | |
 TGeoTrd2 * | |
 TGeoVolume * | |